get fields in join path with criteria - java

I wanna know is there a way to do something like this in hibernate using criteriaBuilder
select users.first_name,orders.payable,order_item.product_title
from "order" orders
join users on orders.user_id_fk = users.id_pk
join order_item on orders.id_pk = order_id_fk
I need this specially if I have to use group by. I search and google and also read this article but have no clue how can I do this in hibernate:
Query Selection Other Than Entities
also I code this for selecting field in first layer and it worked perfectly for selecting first layer but it need some change to work with join and select field from other table than root:
<R> List<R> reportEntityGroupBy(List<String> groupBy, List<String> selects, Class<T> root, Class<R> output) {
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<R> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(output);
Root<T> rootQuery = criteriaQuery.from(root);
if (selects == null || selects.isEmpty()) {
selects = groupBy;
I use Hibernate 5.4.22.Final and use entityGraph for my join.

I don't know how your selects look like, but I suppose you are using paths i.e. attributes separated by .. In that case, you have to split the paths and call Path#get for each attribute name.
List<Path> paths =
.map(select -> {
Path<?> path = rootQuery;
for (String part : select.split("\\.")) {
path = path.get(part);
return path;


How to know the missing items from Spring Data JPA's findAllById method in an efficient way?

Consider this code snippet below:
List<String> usersList = Arrays.asList("john", "jack", "jill", "xxxx", "yyyy");
List<User> userEntities = userRepo.findAllById(usersList);
User class is a simple Entity object annotated with #Entity and has an #Id field which is of String datatype.
Assume that in db I have rows corresponding to "john", "jack" and "jill". Even though I passed 5 items in usersList(along with "xxxx" and "yyyy"), findAllById method would only return 3 items/entities corresponding to "john","jack",and "jill".
Now after the call to findAllById method, what's the best, easy and efficient(better than O(n^2) perhaps) way to find out the missing items which findAllById method did not return?(In this case, it would be "xxxx" and "yyyy").
Using Java Sets
You could use a set as the source of filtering:
Set<String> usersSet = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("john", "jack", "jill", "xxxx", "yyyy"));
And now you could create a predicate to filter those not present:
Set<String> foundIds = userRepo.findAllById(usersSet)
I assume the filter should be O(n) to go over the entire results.
Or you could change your repository to return a set of users ideally using a form of distinct clause:
Set<String> foundIds = userRepo.findDistinctById(usersSet)
And then you can just apply a set operator:
And now usersSet contains the users not found in your result.
And a set has a O(1) complexity to find an item. So, I assume this should be O(sizeOf(userSet)) to remove them all.
Alternatively, you could iterate over the foundIds and gradually remove items from the userSet. Then you could short-circuit the loop algorithm in the event you realize that there are no more userSet items to remove (i.e. the set is empty).
Filtering Directly from Database
Now to avoid all this, you can probably define a native query and run it in your JPA repository to retrieve only users from your list which didn't exist in the database. The query would be somewhat as follows that I did in PostgreSQL:
WITH my_users AS(
SELECT id FROM my_users mu
Spring Data: JDBC Example
Since the query is dynamic (i.e. the filtering set could be of different sizes every time), we need to build the query dynamically. And I don't believe JPA has a way to do this, but a native query might do the trick.
You could either pack a JdbcTemplate query directly into your repository or use JPA native queries manually.
public class UserRepository {
private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public UserRepository(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;}
public Set<String> getUserIdNotFound(Set<String> userIds) {
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
for(String userId : userIds) {
if(sql.length() > 0) {
sql.append(" UNION ");
sql.append("SELECT ? AS id");
String query = String.format("WITH my_users AS (%sql)", sql) +
List<String> myUsers = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(query, userIds.toArray(), String.class);
return new HashSet<>(myUsers);
Then we just do:
Set<String> usersIds = Set.of("john", "jack", "jill", "xxxx", "yyyy");
Set<String> notFoundIds = userRepo.getUserIdNotFound(usersIds);
There is probably a way to do it with JPA native queries. Let me see if I can do one of those and put it in the answer later on.
You can write your own algorithm that finds missing users. For example:
List<String> missing = new ArrayList<>(usersList);
for (User user : userEntities){
String userId = user.getId();
In the result you will have a list of user-ids that are missing:
"xxxx" and "yyyy"
You can just add a method to your repo:
findByIdNotIn(Collection<String> ids) and Spring will make the query:
See here:
Note (from the docs):
In and NotIn also take any subclass of Collection as aparameter as well as arrays or varargs.

Dynamic query by using criteria builder in Spring Data [duplicate]

Spring-data, Oliver Gierke's excellent library, has something called a Specification ( With it you can generate several predicates to narrow your criteria for searching.
Can someone provide an example of using a Subquery from within a Specification?
I have an object graph and the search criteria can get pretty hairy. I would like to use a Specification to help with the narrowing of the search, but I need to use a Subquery to see if some of the sub-elements (within a collection) in the object graph meet the needs of my search.
Thanks in advance.
String projectName = "project1";
List<Employee> result = employeeRepository.findAll(
new Specification<Employee>() {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Employee> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) {
Subquery<Employee> sq = query.subquery(Employee.class);
Root<Project> project = sq.from(Project.class);
Join<Project, Employee> sqEmp = project.join("employees");"name"),
cb.parameter(String.class, projectName)));
is the equivalent of the following jpql query:
SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e IN (
SELECT emp FROM Project p JOIN p.employees emp WHERE = :projectName

How to do a .filter() in hibernate

In the django orm I can do something like the following:
people = Person.objects.filter(first_name='david')
for person in people:
print person.last_name
How would I do the equivalent in Java Hibernate's orm? So far, I've been able to do a single get, but not a filter clause:
Person p = session.get(Person.class, "david");
What would be the correct way to do this though?
you can use native SQL
Person p = getSingleResult(session.createNativeQuery("SELECT * FROM People where name = 'david'",Person.class));
and the function getSingleResult would be somthing like this :
public static <T> T getSingleResult(TypedQuery<T> query) {
List<T> list = query.getResultList();
if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return list.get(0);
you can get a list like this :
List<Person> list = session
.createNativeQuery("SELECT * FROM People", Person.class)
There are several approaches to do this so here goes:
Lazy way - possibly bad if you have a tons of data is to just load up
the whole list of persons, stream it and apply a filter to it to
filter out objects not matching the given first name.
Use a HQL query (Hibernate Query Language) to create a select query
Use Hibernate's Criteria API to achieve the above
Alternatively you can even use a native SQL query to do the above.

Criteria Api: Order/Select by implicit related table

I try to build a CriteriaQuery which provides the following functionality:
I have three tables with the following fields:
id, name_a
id, name_b
id_a, id_b
Now I want to get all elements out of table_a ordered by the name_b field of the corresponding element in table_b.
The Result should be a Specification for usage in a JpaRepository. I tried using joins, but i stuck at the point, how to combine the joins:
Specification<TableA> specification = (root, query, cb) -> {
CriteriaQuery<TableAb> abQuery = cb.createQuery(TableAb.class);
CriteriaQuery<TableB> bQuery = cb.createQuery(TableB.class);
Root<TableAb> abRoot = abQuery.from(TableAb.class);
Join<TableAb, TableA> aJoin = abRoot.join("tableA");
Join<TableAb, TableB> bJoin = abRoot.join("tableB");
//combine joins
query.orderBy(cb.asc(/* Expression to order by */));
return cb.conjunction();
In my opinion the main problem is that there is no "path" from table_a to table_b, but I explicitly do not want to have any reference inside of table_a to table_b.
Since you're using Spring Data JPA , you can just make an interface with a method on it that look like this:
public interface TableABRepository extends Repository<TableAB, Long> {
public List<TableAB> findAllByOrderByTableB();
Assuming your TableAB class is something like this:
class TableAB {
TableA tableA;
TableB tableB;
Thak method will return all elements from table_ab ordered by the name_b field.
After that you just get the TableA elements from the TableAB returned list.

eclipselink jpa criteria reference unmapped column

when writing jpql queries I can reference not mapped columns with COLUMN() (I know it is eclipselink specific).
Is there any way I can reference unmapped column when building criteria using javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder, javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate, etc?
The problem I am facing: I have postgresql table with full text search column. I do not want it to be mapped to entity objects but I qould like to use is in queries (and I need also queries using CriteriaBuilder).
Edit: code example
I have a table: X (id integer, name varchar, fts tsvector)
"fts" column is full text search index data.
I need entity class without "fts" attribute, like:
#Entity class X {
#Id Integer id;
#Column String name;
so that fts data is never fetched (for performance), but I need to be able to query that column. I can do this with jpql:
but how can I reference such column when building criteria like:
Specification<Fts> spec = new Specification<Fts>() {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Fts> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder) {
return builder.notNull(root.<String>get("fts"));
other choice:
How to add attribute in entity class that reference table column but is never fetched? I tried adding #Basic(fetchType = FetchType.LAZY) but it does not work and value is fetched upon query...
Ok. I managed to solve it this way:
Specification<Fts> spec = new Specification<Fts>() {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Fts> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder) {
JpaCriteriaBuilder cb = (JpaCriteriaBuilder) builder;
List<String> args = new ArrayList();
args.add("FTS query");
javax.persistence.criteria.Expression<Boolean> expr = cb.fromExpression(
cb.function("", Boolean.class, cb.fromExpression(((RootImpl) root).getCurrentNode().getField("fts")))
.sql("? ## to_tsquery(?)", args)
// getField() allows to reference column not mapped to Entity
return null; // or return cb.isTrue(expr); and then not need to set query.where()
