How to update an MDB file from other machines remotely over the HTTP?
I have 2 machines that are connected by the internet, on the first, I have an MDB file and on the other, I have a java web application, I want to send an SQL query from the java web application to update the MDB file on the other machine over the HTTP.
I tried to use FTP, but it is transferring the whole file b
A file such as word, or power-point or Access?
Well, a horse is a horse is a horse.
A file is a file is a file.
You don't connect to a word file to update it. You don't connect to a Excel file, or a power-point file. And you don't connect to a Access file. You OPEN a file, and THEN modify it. You can't open nor modify files over FTP, nor can you modify them over HTTP either. And you can't even do that with a plane jane text file. These are files - you have to open them to modify them. Or pull a whole copy to one side. Update that file, and then send it back.
So, you don't want to confuse the concept of a simple file, or file based system like say a text file, excel file, or Access file. These are NOT servers or say a service that you connect to. You never open a MySQL file - you connect to a server + service via tc/ip (a socket conneciton) and then send commands back and forth. You NEVER open or touch that MySQL data file. The server updates that file - not you, and not your code.
So, Access is not a server based, or socket connection based service. It is a file based system - not un-like a text file. You don't connect to a text file, you HAVE to open that file - modify it and then save it. You can't do that over http. In fact you can't even do that with FTP either. You can pull the whole file, modify and then send it back to where you got that file from.
Now, you could however setup + create some web service calls or entry points on the one site. You could send that web site some commands, and then code behind on that web site can open up that text file, word file, or in this case the Access file and make changes . But once again, just like MYSQL or say the web server? You not opening the remote file direct - are you? You are (and can) thus setup some code or web methods (even REST ones) that accept commands, and those (even sql update commands) could then be run by that remote server/service and thus update the file on that target system. In the case of Access data files?
If you look VERY close, even a ODBC connection string ALWAYS ALWAYS resolves to a valid windows path name (and a full legal qualified windows path name at that).
so, while there is a ODBC driver, the software driver still in fact uses a standard windows OS file open command against that plane jane file sitting in the hard disk. So to update that Access file, you need the driver - since it knows how to open that file, and how to update the delicate data file structures inside. So, even via ODBC? Well, it not a socket connection and you not connecting to a server on the other end - but in fact opening a simple windows file. In fact this means that you not only require DIRECT file rights to that access data file - but you actually need the windows file system!
However, sqLite is the SAME thing. There are thus some jdbc drivers. This JDBC concept is VERY similar to ODBC, but is for web based systems. You install a library on one end (where sqlite resides), and then that web service can take your sql commands (updates or query pulls), and thus the web site code now opens that local file, executes sql against it, or does a query pull , and then returns the results of your query - and the web query calls are done via that web service (rest calls) on that server. So, you can in theory shuffle commands between two web servers - and there are some types of "drivers" such as jDBC standards that in theory do wind up giving you a similar experience to ODBC.
I'm currently developing a Tracking System with JavaFX and MySQL as database that is kept in a server. My application is used within a network and allows users to upload and download pictures and several types of document.
My question: What is the best way to send and retrieve files to a server within a network? And should I store those files in MySQL or just their paths in MySQL? If only files' paths, do I need FTP or other techniques? I need detail answer because it is my first time to develop such application.
Edit: I want to store data in a server. I build this application for client machines so that clients can keep documents in the server and they can access their files from any machines... I have no idea for how to transfer files from client machines to server. Please help me!
You should use socket programming like what is at following link:
.But if you are using Java7, Files is the best one instead of BufferedInputStream or FileInputStream (No extra library require):
/* You can get Path from file also: file.toPath() */
Files.copy(InputStream in, Path target)
Files.copy(Path source, OutputStream out)
I have an android application, which wants the user to login each time he runs the app. So, the login procedure is simple, using the sqlite dabase file i'm using. I've copied the file in assets folder and doing the necessary modifications. But, the database file is of no use unless it is on the server. I don't have any server so i'm thinkin of keeping the database file on dropbox, google drive etc and then read or update that file as per user commands. The question is how to do that? I was searching the web for it, and found that the only way is downloading the db file modifying it and the uploading it back. Can anyone give me an example??
Doing that isn't possible unless you have a server.
Because, if you are using dropbox, first you'll have to make your file public in order to download it (Not recommended at all. Compromises security). Then you can use the url to download the file. But you won't be able to upload it back (Unless you are able to login to dropbox through your Android code).
Instead if you a web server with MySQL n PHP, you can easily send POST requests to your server.
I have developed a website, one of its operation is to read and write data to text files stored at my local machine such as D://test.txt or C://file.txt, but now I am going to host my website at the external server, i mean over the internet use, i wonder where to keep these files that are associated with read and writing operations. At present I am getting an exception file not found if i am using my local machine location. For your information, I am using GlassFish server.
You will want to create a system property on Glassfish, which represents the file path and name. Then upload the file to that location of your choosing on the server where your website application is deployed.
Depending upon your needs, you may find it easier to deploy the file out with your application. Make sure the file is on the classpath, and you can load it using any number of ways.
In my webapp users can download the files among themselves. If a user A has shared a file F , then user B after connecting to A can download the file F from A. Till now each user makes a simple HTTP connection like with another user. The file resides on the local hard disk of each user. So that a user can download a file there were two options in my mind.
As the user shares a file,copy that file into the web-app directory of the server,so that the download link becomes as simple as Click to download.
Run a separate FTP server on each node.
I don't know which one of these is a better option but the first one seems very simple to me. What are the ways each client can share the files,without having to copy the stuff somewhere in the webapp directory. How in this case I can use a P2P protocol ?
NOTE : I am using Tomcat 7.
Real P2P is impossible without opening a listening socket on the client machine (that imposes you have to install something on client machine).
If you don't want to STORE the files on the server, I would rather recommend a "connection server", which serves as a gateway between the two users. User A will upload, user B will download at the same time, all you need is to make the bytebuffer in memory. The downloaded bytes can be dropped.
You can write a small client-side program in any language for updating the available files, and receiving the upload request from the server side (also execute the upload)
I would recommend using TCP sockets for upload to the server side, this way you have direct control over the uploaded bytes (streams).
There are some interesting technical issues here (blocking streams, metadata (filename, length, createdate, ...), data consistency, error handling, etc.) that should be taken into consideration. Nice task.
I don't recommend FTP because you cannot control the authentication and authorisation (who can see the files).
I have created an applet that communicates with a MS Access database (or at least, it should). It works fine when I run it through Dr Java or NetBeans, but when I embed the .class file in an html page and open the html page, it seems to run but none of the changes it is supposed to make to the database actually happen and it cannot retrieve data from the database either. What do I need to do?
Note: the html file, the class file, and the java source file are all on my computer, and in the same folder. The html file is not published or anything, I just created it myself to test the applet.
If you want the database on a server, you need to have it on the same server as the applet is on. E.g. Use Jetty and write a Servlet that communicates with the database via JDBC. The applet then has to communicate with your Servlet, maybe as a web service.
applets run in a sandbox environment . if applet requires access to user system resources it needs to be signed.
package your ".class" files in a jar . have an html file outside the jar that references your jar inside applet tag. then sign your applet jar. see
There are two ways of connecting to a database on the server side.
1- The hard way. Untrusted applets cannot touch the hard disk of a computer. Thus, your applet cannot use native or other local files (such as JDBC database drivers) on your hard drive. The first alternative solution is to create a digitally signed applet which may use locally installed JDBC drivers, able to connect directly to the database on the server side.
2- The easy way. Untrusted applets may only open a network connection to the server from which they were downloaded. Thus, you must place a database listener (either the database itself, or a middleware server) on the server node from which the applet was downloaded. The applet would open a socket connection to the middleware server, located on the same computer node as the webserver from which the applet was downloaded. The middleware server is used as a mediator, connecting to and extract data from the database
(Comment by OP on the other thread.)
Could you please explain how the applet can "phone home" to its own server?
I suspect the basic problem with your current approach is that the JRE is getting confused as to whether the DB and applet are on the same 'server'. The first thing to do is stop thinking about folders or directories (or their associated URLs), and do everything, including access the applet, via. your local server. So the URL to the applet should be something like..
Then make sure all calls to the DB are done through the server as well.