Example of DataStore Android in Java - java

Need to implement DataStore to my android project in java.
I'm following this document:
but is not working.
I can only find examples in Kotlin.
Can someone show me a simple example of using DataStore Preferences in java?

As I saw there no example present in java for dataStore so what you can do just go through this codelab which is in kotlin mean to follow the step but use java instead of kotlin, I hope this will help you.
DataStore Example: https://developer.android.com/codelabs/android-preferences-datastore#7
Use above link to learn dataStore and use below to convert kotlin code of data Store in java by using RxJava
java link: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/datastore?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwp86EBhD7ARIsAFkgakg-4Xc0UsX_xgNZmeSeNdZfTuoMoZ4JPUuZUyJq7dUOAV_JSY029GoaAgCHEALw_wcB#preferences-create


How to get all AccountSubTypeEnums for a given AccountTypeEnum?

I am integrating Quickbooks Java API in my project. I am trying to get the AccountSubTypeEnums for a given AccountType. Is there an API to handle this?
There is no API for this.
However, Intuit does publish .XSDs for the schema, which contain all of the constants used, and are available here:

azure cosmos changefeed estimator in java

I'm trying to implement changefeed estimator in java. But having a hard time finding api for that. Wondering if anyone has a sample of it. Here is the link to the .net implementation of what I'm looking for https://learn.microsoft.com/bs-latn-ba/azure/cosmos-db/how-to-use-change-feed-estimator
There is the source code Azure/azure-cosmos-dotnet-v3/Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Samples/Usage/ChangeFeed/Program.cs of sample code of the offical docuemnt Use the change feed estimator.
And there is the sample code for ChangeFeedProcess in Java Azure/azure-cosmosdb-java/.../examples/ChangeFeed/SampleChangeFeedProcessor.java.
The difference is that there is not a function GetChangeFeedEstimatorBuilder of class Container in Azure Cosmos Java SDK, but it seems that the C# implementation for GetChangeFeedEstimatorBuilder also to generate a ChangeFeedProcess instance, so I think you can refer to the C# code to write your Java one.
Here is the related C# source code as references for you.

how to code in java for bigquery API

I'm trying to learn to use bigquery API to get data from google database and import it to another sql database. I'm using eclipse java what application project should I set up? what plugin should I install?anyone has experience with this?
I'm more of a C# person,I used windows app form before, dont know how to do that in java. can anyone give some advise? Thanks!
To be more specific,I simply want to create an ETL to get bigquery data to our datawarehosue,it doesn't have to be a UI,i just need it to run on the backend. I install google plugin4.3
Which project is the easiest for me to use? Any successful code to get data from bigquery servlet to somewhere else?
I don't know how to plug the code in from:
Any instruction will be appreciated, thanks!
It sounds like you're looking for more of a general Eclipse tutorial than something BigQuery specific. You'd nominally create a "Java Project" to run simple Java code, but you'll need to set up the project to include your dependencies and so forth.
You may want to check these tutorials out : http://eclipsetutorial.sourceforge.net/totalbeginner.html
Alternately, you could Google for "eclipse tutorial" or "eclipse quickstart".

Find weather using Java

I was wondering if there is a way to find the weather of specific town/city using Java. I have heard of Google Weather API but that has not yielded any results. I also have heard about using an .xml feed for finding the weather but where can I find that? Therefore, I have two questions, Is there a way to find the weather to find using Java and am I correct about the .xml?
The Google Weather API appears to be no more:
But you can use others such as
Once you have your XML (or JSON) you can parse it as described here:
Using Java to extract data from google Weather API
you can use openweathermap api for this.
Go to this link and download api and you can also see some examples to use it

Guide for http://www.ch-werner.de/javasqlite java wrapper library for SQlite?

I'm working on a large computer science school project using java and SQlite.
After finding out that the zentus.org wrapper errors on databases with ON DELETE and ON UPDATE clauses set, I have changed to the other wrapper found at http://www.ch-werner.de/javasqlite.
However, I find the documentation lacking somewhat when trying to get an overview on how it works and how to use it, and the function descriptions are very very short, and you have to scan through every function and somewhat guess how they work and what they do. I wasn't able to find any guides on google on how to use it.
My question: Does anyone know a link for a guide or tutorial for the ch-werner.de/javasqlite wrapper, or else can give me a basic code example, or give a quick overview of querying the database and the most used functions, and how to use them?
I would look at the JDBC Tutorial
