Stateless Resource Sever effiently validating Facebook tokens - java

I am writing a Resource Server backend for a mobile app front end. The app is responsible for getting a token from Facebook and passing it to the backend for authz, but as they do not use JWT bearer tokens as other providers do (eg. google, apple)... and which Spring has some very nice libraries for... I have had to write this custom bit to validate the token and collect some basic user information.
This works fairly well, but response time can be variably sluggish if I need to run this for each request to my stateless application. I am considering some form of caching for this token after it has been validated (with a ttl of course)... but am generally curious if there are any established techniques I should be using.
class FacebookDetails {
private String id;
private String name;
private String email;
class Facebook {
public AuthenticationProvider getAuthenticationProvider() {
WebClient facebookWebClient = WebClient.create("");
OpaqueTokenIntrospector introspector = = token -> {
Optional<ResponseEntity<FacebookDetails>> maybeResponse = facebookWebClient.get()
.uri("/me?fields=id,name,email&access_token=" + token)
.onErrorResume(e -> Mono.empty())
if (maybeResponse.isEmpty()) {
throw new BadOpaqueTokenException("token is invalid");
FacebookDetails details = maybeResponse.get().getBody();
return details.getPrincipal();
return new OpaqueTokenAuthenticationProvider(introspector);

One could cache the access token as long as it is valid for. To find out how long that is, you could interpret the expires_in claim in the JSON response from the Facebook token endpoint, as described here:


Springboot external api call request and response capture in database

From my backend application(springboot, java8) i will make multiple external api call's. I have a requirement to log all the requests and response data's (including headers, request and response body) into database(MongoDB).
Below is my sample code, this how i am trying to capture request and responses on each external api calls. On exception i will store status as 'FAILED'.
In my project multiple modules will be added on new 3rd party api integration, so in each module for every different external api calls i have to capture all the requests and reponses like this. I am not satisfied with below approach. Kindly suggest best approach to solve this.
Sample Service layer method
public ResponseDTOFromExternalApi externalApiCallServiceMethod(String clientId, RequestDTO requestDTO) {
ExternalApiCallRequestObj externalApiCallRequestObj = prepareExternalApiRequestObjFromRequestDTO(requestDTO);
ApiCall apiCall = ApiCall.builder()
apiCall =;
ExternalApiCallReponseObj externalApiCallReponseObj = externalApiCallService.callExternalApi1(externalApiCallRequestObj);
apiCall = apiCallRepository.findById(apiCall.getId());
return toDTO(externalApiCallReponseObj);
Sample Domain for api calls
public class ApiCall {
private String id;
private String clientId;
private String status;
private Object requestPayload;
private Object responsePayload;
Spring's WebClient already has the ability to log all request and response data by adding exchange filters.
By using it for your network requests the only thing left to do is to write this information in your mongodb.
Here is tutorial on logging requests and responses:
You may use Spring AOP to address this cross cutting concern.
Assuming ExternalApiCallService is a spring managed bean , following code will intercept all the callExternalApi1() and can log the same to database.
public class ExternalCallLoggerAspect {
ApiCallRepository apiCallRepository;
#Pointcut("execution(* *..ExternalApiCallService.callExternalApi1(..))")
public void externalApiCallService(){}
#Around("externalApiCallService() && args(request)")
public ExternalApiCallReponseObj logCalls(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp,ExternalApiCallRequestObj request){
Object result=null;
String status = "COMPLETED";
ExternalApiCallReponseObj response = null;
// Build the apiCall from request
ApiCall apiCall = ApiCall.builder()
//save the same to db
apiCall =;
// Proceed to call the external Api and get the result
try {
result = pjp.proceed();
} catch (Throwable e) {
status = "FAILED";
//Update the response
apiCall = apiCallRepository.findById(apiCall.getId());
if(result != null) {
response = (ExternalApiCallReponseObj)result;
//continue with response
return response;
1.There is a typo with the name ExternalApiCallReponseObj
2.The aspect code is verified that it works and the logic was included later on untested. Please make the required corrections
Ideally the original method should be stripped down to this
public ResponseDTOFromExternalApi externalApiCallServiceMethod(String clientId, RequestDTO requestDTO) {
return toDTO(externalApiCallService.callExternalApi1(prepareExternalApiRequestObjFromRequestDTO(requestDTO)));
More about Spring AOP here
Update : on a second thought , if all the external api calls are through a single method , say ExternalApiCallService.callExternalApi1() , this logging logic can be moved to that common point , isn't it ?

Oauth 2 spring RestTemplate login with refresh token

What I wanna achieve
So I have a client application in java (JavaFX + Spring-boot hybrid-application). You can have a look at it here . So till now we stored username/ password if the user wished to be kept logged in which is obviously a pretty bad idea. So now I wanna store the refreshtoken and then log the user in with that.
What it looks like now
See here
ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails details = new ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails();
details.setAccessTokenUri(apiProperties.getBaseUrl() + OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH);
OAuth2RestTemplate restTemplate = new OAuth2RestTemplate(details);
restOperations = templateBuilder
// Base URL can be changed in login window
What I found so far
I found out that restTemplate.getAccessToken().getRefreshToken() will give me the refreshtoken I want to save and later so to keep the user logged in.
What I can not figure out
I can not find a way to create a OAuth2RestTemplate with an refresh token only. Is that even possible? Can someone point me in the right direction? Maybe link me some articles to read? Is this the right place to read?
I do not think this is possible with an OAuth2RestTemplate, but you can reimplement the desired parts yourself. I'd like to share an example with your for OAuth password login to Microsofts flavour of OAuth2 (Azure Active Directory). It does miss the piece of fetching a new token from an existing refresh token yet, but I added a comment where you need to add it.
A simple way to mimic OAuthRestTemplates behavior is a custom ClientHttpRequestInterceptor which delegates the token fetching to a dedicated Spring service component, that you append to your RestTemplate:
public class OAuthTokenInterceptor implements ClientHttpRequestInterceptor {
private final TokenService tokenService;
public ClientHttpResponse intercept(HttpRequest request, byte[] body,
ClientHttpRequestExecution execution) throws IOException {
request.getHeaders().add("Authorization", "Bearer " + tokenService.getRefreshedToken().getValue());
return execution.execute(request, body);
This interceptor can be added to your primary RestTemplate:
List<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<>();
The token service used in the interceptor holds the token in a cache and on request checks for the expiry of the token and if required queries a new one.
public class TokenService {
private final TokenServiceProperties tokenServiceProperties;
private final RestTemplate simpleRestTemplate;
private OAuth2AccessToken tokenCache;
public TokenService(TokenServiceProperties tokenServiceProperties) {
this.tokenServiceProperties = tokenServiceProperties;
simpleRestTemplate = new RestTemplateBuilder().
public OAuth2AccessToken getRefreshedToken() {
if (tokenCache == null || tokenCache.isExpired()) {
log.debug("Token expired, fetching new token");
tokenCache = refreshOAuthToken();
} else {
log.debug("Token still valid for {} seconds", tokenCache.getExpiresIn());
return tokenCache;
public OAuth2AccessToken loginWithCredentials(String username, String password) {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
MultiValueMap<String, String> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
map.add("grant_type", "password");
map.add("resource", tokenServiceProperties.getAadB2bResource());
map.add("client_id", tokenServiceProperties.getAadB2bClientId());
map.add("username", username);
map.add("password", password);
HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>> request = new HttpEntity<>(map, headers);
return simpleRestTemplate.postForObject(
private OAuth2AccessToken refreshOAuthToken() {
return loginWithRefreshToken(tokenCache.getRefreshToken().getValue());
public OAuth2AccessToken loginWithRefreshToken(String refreshToken) {
// add code for fetching OAuth2 token from refresh token here
return null;
In this code example you would once login using username and password and afterwards all further logins would be using the refresh token. If you want to use the refresh token directly, you use the public method, otherwise it will be done internally.
Since the login code is specifically written for login to Microsoft AAD, you should recheck the MultiValueMap parameters.
TokenServiceProperties are straightforward:
public class TokenServiceProperties {
private String aadB2bUrl;
private String aadB2bClientId;
private String aadB2bResource;
Adapt them if needed.
The whole solution has one minor drawback: Instead of one RestTemplate that you usually fetch via depency injection, you now need a second one (a "simple" one) to fetch the OAuth token. In this example we create it in the constructor of the TokenService. However this is in general bad style as it makes it harder for unit testing etc. You could also think about using qualified beans or using a more basic http client in the TokenService.
Another important thing to note: I am using the spring-security-oauth2 package here. If you did not configure Spring Security in your project, this will trigger Spring Security auto-configuration which might not be desired - you can solve this by excluding undesired packages, e.g. in gradle:
implementation("") {
because "We only want the OAuth2AccessToken interface + implementations without activating Spring Security"
exclude group: "", module: "spring-security-web"
exclude group: "", module: "spring-security-config"
exclude group: "", module: "spring-security-core"

EWS API to access Office365 with oAuth2

We have a Daemon application that uses the EWS API to access office365/Exchange server with basic authentication. I am trying to implement the Oauth2. There are a lot of documents. However, they are often out of date and caused more confusion. I followed this document, which seems up-to-date. I did the following steps:
Register App
- Registered a secret with application password in Azure AD, i.e. certificate is used. The generated secret is recorded.
- selected the “Accounts in this organizational directory only”.
- Requested API Permission for Application permissions for Exchange full_access_as_app and Mail.Read. Admin consent is granted.
Get Token
I prototyped to use Protocol to get token
POST /{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
I got token with
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"ext_expires_in": 3599,
"access_token": "……thetoken…"
Call EWS API in my App
My App works with the Basic Authentication. I modified it by adding the Authorization header ("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken); Basially the prepareWebRequest() function is overriden by adding the Authorization header. Compared with a Basic Authentication case, the request has the additional Authorization header with the Bearer token.
For the same EWS API call that the Basic Authorization had worked, the response is 401 with
2000003;reason="The audience claim value is invalid for current resource. Audience claim is '', request url is '' and resource type is 'Exchange'.";error_category="invalid_resource"
Researched in stackoverflow, people suggested to use the following as scope value to get token in step 2:
I tried and both returned “invalid_scope” error. It seems both worked before but not anymore. Following the working scope value format, I tried to use as scope value. I was able to get a token! However, when I use this token in EWS API to access the mailbox, I got 500 error instead of the 401.
What are the right things to do to make it work? What is the right Scope to access an office365 mail box?
More Code Snippets
This is a new class added for oauth2
import java.util.Map;
public final class BearerTokenCredentials extends ExchangeCredentials {
private static final String BEARER_TOKEN_FORMAT_REGEX = "^[-._~+/A-Za-z0-9]+=*$";
private static final String AUTHORIZATION = "Authorization";
private static final String BEARER_AUTH_PREAMBLE = "Bearer ";
private String token;
public String getToken() {
return token;
public BearerTokenCredentials(String bearerToken) {
if (bearerToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bearer token can not be null");
this.token = bearerToken;
protected void validateToken(String bearerToken) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (!bearerToken.matches(BEARER_TOKEN_FORMAT_REGEX)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bearer token format is invalid.");
public void prepareWebRequest(HttpWebRequest request) {
Map<String, String> headersMap = request.getHeaders();
String bearerValue = BEARER_AUTH_PREAMBLE + token;
headersMap.put(AUTHORIZATION, bearerValue);
Use the token to acceess EWS/Exchange ews-java-api 2.0-patched
ExchangeService service = new
ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP2); //version is
BearerTokenCredentials credentials = new BearerTokenCredentials("thetoken");
Folder.bind(service, WellKnownFolderName.Inbox);
}catch(Exception e)
//The remote server returned an error: (500)Internal Server Error
The code you use to connect to the Office365 Mailbox still needs to use EWS Impersonation eg
service.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, mailboxName);
Where MailboxName is the Mailbox you want to connect to.

How to properly handle a JWT refresh?

I have an android app. It connects with a REST API developed with Jersey. My REST End points are secured with Tokens. Below is how I generate them.
Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(secret);
String token = JWT.create()
Below is how I validate the token
public boolean validateTokenHMAC256(String token, String secret) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, JWTVerificationException
Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(secret);
JWTVerifier verifier = JWT.require(algorithm)
.build(); //Reusable verifier instance
DecodedJWT jwt = verifier.verify(token);
Claim usernameClaim = jwt.getClaim("username");
String username = usernameClaim.asString();
return true;
In my REST API I have a filter and that filter checks every request to see whether the token is as it is. Below is the code.
public class AuthenticationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter{
//private static String authorizationSecret = "ZXW24xGr9Dqf9sq5Dp8ZAn5nSnuZwux2QxdvcH3wQGqYteJ5yMTw5T8DBUJPbySR";
public AuthenticationFilter()
System.out.println("test printing");
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext crc) throws IOException
String headerString = crc.getHeaderString("Bearer");
System.out.println("bluh: "+headerString);
System.out.println("test printing");
boolean validateToken = validateToken(headerString, AuthKey.authorizationSecret);
catch(Exception e)
private boolean validateToken(String strToken, String secret) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, JWTVerificationException
Token token = new Token();
return token.validateTokenHMAC256(strToken,secret);
The above code will be called when the user login to the application. However the token will be expired in 60 minutes. I know that after the token is expired either I have to take the user back to sign in screen or refresh the token. I went through the advices in here and here
But I do not understand the following.
How can I figure out whether the token has to be renewed? I thought I should do that after it is expired, but seems that is not the case. If I ask it to refresh in now<exp it will refresh in every request.
How can I assign and send this token back to the user? Currently when the user login on, he will get the token and he will save it in a variable. For the refreshed token to work, do I have to call the login method again (So the token will be sent to the user) or JWT it self will handle the case?
How do I actually refersh using java-jwt ?
How can I figure out whether the token has to be renewed? I thought I should do that after it is expired, but seems that is not the case. If I ask it to refresh in now
You need to refresh the token before it is expired. Decide your policy:
issue a fresh token in every request
issue a fresh token when the current one is close to expire. e.g. 10 min
let client app request a new token when it needs it using a "refresh service" of your api. For example
public String refresh(){
//Build a returns a fresh JWT to client
How can I assign and send this token back to the user?
If you issue a fresh token during a request, you can return it in a special header that client will read during processing of the response. If you publish a "refresh" service as described above, then the client will call it independently when the current JWT is close to expire
Redirect to login method is not a good alternative because you will lose the current request
How do I actually refresh using java-jwt
Just issue a new token

is it available save the user session on web server?

This code is only for a user.
I'm looking for the way to make this for multiple user.
Please, give me some tips.
To run the batch job, I know that some variables (is_authorized, requestToken and accessToken) should be removed. I tried to use spring-social-tumblr(on github)but it was not easy to use ConnectionRepository. so I tried to use signpost.
After signing with signpost, how could I set the user access token for multi-user?
Is it right to use OAuthConsumer class?
public class TumblrProfileController {
private OAuthService service;
private Token requestToken; //should be removed for multiuser
private Token accessToken; // same above
private static final String PROTECTED_RESOURCE_URL = "";
private JobLauncher jobLauncher;
private Job job;
private ConnectionRepository connectionRepository;
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private boolean is_authorized = false;
#RequestMapping(value = "/tumblr/webrequest", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String home(OAuthConsumer user, Model model) {
service = new ServiceBuilder().provider(TumblrApi.class).apiKey("clientKey") .apiSecret("secretKey").callback("http://localhost:8080/pen/tumblr/login").build();"Fetching the Request Token...");
// Obtain the Request Token
requestToken = service.getRequestToken();"Now go and authorize Scribe here:");
String redirectUrl = service.getAuthorizationUrl(requestToken);;
return "redirect:" + redirectUrl;
#RequestMapping(value = "/tumblr/login", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String login(#RequestParam(required = false) final String oauth_verifier) {
Verifier verifier = new Verifier(oauth_verifier);
// Trade the Request Token and Verfier for the Access Token"Trading the Request Token for an Access Token...");
accessToken = service.getAccessToken(requestToken, verifier);"Got the Access Token!");"(if your curious it looks like this: " + accessToken + " )");
// Now let's go and ask for a protected resource!"Now we're going to access a protected resource...");
OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.GET, PROTECTED_RESOURCE_URL);
service.signRequest(accessToken, request);
Response response = request.send();"Got it! Lets see what we found...");;"Thats it man! Go and build something awesome with Scribe! :)");
is_authorized = true;
return "tumblr/feed";
public void run() {
try {
if(! is_authorized ) return;
OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.GET, PROTECTED_RESOURCE_URL);
service.signRequest(accessToken, request);
Response response = request.send();"[2nd Call ]Got it! Lets see what we found...");;
} catch (Exception e) {
Although I've not used Spring Social Tumblr (it's a community-led project), the process shouldn't be much (or any) different than using Spring Social with Facebook or Twitter.
Note that in this code, you're doing too much work. You're going to the trouble of redirecting to Tumblr for authorization and then handling the redirect to exchange the request token and verifier for an access token. Certainly, those things must be done, but with Spring Social there's absolutely no reason why you have to do those things. That's what ConnectController is for. ConnectController handles all of that, creates and persists the connection, and (generally speaking) you never have to muck about with OAuth directly. And, it has no problem working with multiple users.
May I recommend that you look at the Spring Social Showcase example at to see how it's done? That example connects with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, but there's really no reason why it couldn't connect to Tumblr in the same fashion. For a much simpler approach that leverages Spring Boot and automatic configuration, you might also have a look at (Note, however, that Spring Boot doesn't have autoconfig for Tumblr, so there'd still be some manual config required.)
