When I tried to run java code in visual studio code, the terminal is throwing an error
PowerShell terminated with exit code:4294901760
I have searched all queries but nothing is relatable.
You need to install java in VS-Code. To do so you can just search "java" in the extensions search bar. after that you will see an extension called "Java Extension Pack", install it and then you issue will hopefully be fixed
Thank you, I tried this, actual issue was windows power shell, unchecked run engine of powershell from windows features -->programs-->control panel. Then restarted the pc after then my powershell opened and same worked.
I have been using vmware to log into the lab machines at my uni. I just started using vscode on my pc. I installed latest jdk 16.0 and i installed the java extension pack from vscode. But it still wont let me run or compile my program
I keep getting this error, thought it was an issue about the paths after a little bit of research so i made the java:home path to where jdk folder is in my c drive and i still get this error:
c:; cd 'c:\Users\Aaron Mark\Desktop\UNI\FinalAssignment'; & 'c:\Users\Aaron Mark\.vscode\extensions\vscjava.vscode-java-debug-0.34.0\scripts\launcher.bat' 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-16.0.1\bin\java.exe' '--enable-preview' '-XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages' '-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8' '-cp' 'C:\Users\Aaron Mark\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\workspaceStorage\2bfa7b3e373492b1fc42e07c42d17320\redhat.java\jdt_ws\FinalAssignment_fe08a03d\bin' 'QuestionOnePartA
How do i fix this class not found error?
I think you point to the blue sentences displayed before the real output, actually they are not errors but execution scripts, which shows the necessary building and compiling commands to get the output:
If you don't want to see these scripts but pure output, create a launch.json and add "console": "externalTerminal", in configurations. Run without debugging(Ctrl+F5) can open a new external Terminal and no execution scripts shown:
This is not error.
IDE is printing all the program being used for compiling and running the code.
'-cp' : this is your classpath. You can add more external library using it.
My JAVA Programs used to run without any errors on both the Terminal and Visual Studio Code's Terminal .
After my Mac updated to MacOs Big Sur Version 11.0.1 , my JAVA programs show an error , even though the same code worked properly before .
There was no error before.
I checked my JDK and JRE Installations also
My Python files execute normally in the VS Code environment , so I do not think there is a problem with VS Code .
I have tried searching for an solution and have tried to clear the logs.
I would appreciate if anyone could guide me :)
Run the .java file in Terminal to check if JDK can work normally:
javac Hey.java
java Hey
If there's nothing wrong with the above command execution, turn to VS Code, uninstall Java Extension Pack and also delete the related folders under User/name/.vscode/extensions, then reinstall it again;
Set java.home and java.configuration.runtimes in User Settings.json.
Reference: Configure JDK.
Then run the project again to see if the problem goes away.
Install Java by searching for extensions in VSCode and try to run again.It will be executed. I belive it is not installed
You need to install the java plugin in VS Code.
Hi just found a solution here!
Initially guess it should be a problem with zsh.
so first open your terminal and type
open ~/.zshrc
at this point you will see text editor pops up with a zsh config file.
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home
to the last line in that file, and save the file quit.
Then just reopen the VSC and you will notice everything would back to normal as usual.
I faced a similar problem. When running the same Java program, it worked in terminal but VS Code couldn't detect java.
All it turned out to be was I forgot to add Code itself to Path after reinstallation, nothing to do with Java.
I'm new to programming in Java and just installed granny and Java dk.
If i'm compiling any file i'll always get this error:
Denniss-MacBook-Pro:~ Dennis$ /var/folders/91/09mjkvzn627b2vf7gb6tcvcr0000gn/T/geany_run_script_AJUY6X.sh ; exit;
(program exited with code: 0)
Press return to continue
I've got no ideas how to fix this problem.
Hope somebody can help me.
This ist actually not a bug or an issue on your code. MacOS is just not closing the terminal your application has been executed in.
You can go to Edit->Preferences->Terminal and activate "Execute programs in the VTE". This will cause Geany to run your tool inside the little terminal on the bottom of Geany. You can also activate "Don't use run script" so Geany will not generate the little shell script around your application to run.
I've just started using JLine for console input in my programs. In a bash shell, this works great. In the Eclipse Console view, nothing useful works - no history, no command completion.
Is there a way to get this working? (I'm on OSX in case that's relevant).
Note: I've looked at the Local Terminal plugin (https://code.google.com/p/elt/) and the TM Terminal (https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/tm-terminal) but these both seem to be about running a general terminal, rather being used as a terminal for the programs I'm running. However, I may be missing something.
I have problem with completing my code. It works fine in Flash Builder. But I used it previously in Idea and it was much faster. So I imported my FB files into new Idea project. But when I try to debug I receive error message:
Using built-in compiler shell, up to 4 parallel threads
See compiler settings at File | Settings | Compiler | Flex Compiler page
Starting Flex compiler:
/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -d32 -Dapplication.home=/Applications/Adobe/flex_sdk_4 -Xmx384m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -Djava.awt.headless=true -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=en -Xmx512m -classpath "/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 11.app/plugins/flex/lib/idea-flex-compiler-fix.jar:/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 11.app/plugins/flex/lib/flex-compiler.jar:/Applications/Adobe/flex_sdk_4/lib/flex-compiler-oem.jar" com.intellij.flex.compiler.FlexCompiler 58789
Compilation completed with 1 error and 0 warnings
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Accept timed out
I tried to restart my computer. I have clean OS installation and I don't have any program that should block it.
If it helps I develop on OS X 10.7
Thanks for your replies.
Just did a fresh install of IDEA 11.1.3 and Flex SDK 4.6 and got this error with a brand-new Flash Mobile app+module.
Here's how I fixed it:
Go to Settings > Compiler > Flex Compiler
Choose Mxmlc/compx instead of the default Built-in compiler shell
(Screenshot: http://puu.sh/10Nhg)
Compile your application
The accepted answer above did not work for me, and while the answer provided by Florian Salihovic pointed me in the right direction, I thought I would post the solution here.
This comment on the link provided by Florian Salihovic, specifically the comment I've linked to directly, contains the following solution that worked for me:
Find your hostname. You can use hostname in your shell.
Edit /etc/hosts and add <<hostname>> where <<hostname>> is the name reported by the hostname command.
I have found that this corrected my issue (on Linux) and should correct the issue on OSX as well. With this, you can use the built-in compiler shell still as well.
This is similar to an issue tracked on Jetbrain's YouTrack Error while starting Flex compiler. You might could check that one.