Parse Java reflection class - java

Let's say I have a method called Object classInstance = createInstance("Page", map, factory) which creates an instance of "Page" with java reflection and does some stuff with it. For demonstration purposes I've called it "Page", but it could be any of my classes.
Now I want to add this object to a List<Page>. To call list.add(classInstance) and add it to the list I need to parse it to "Page". Is there a way to do it, given the only information I have is the string containing the class name? So instead of doing (Page) classInstance I need to do something like (Class.forName("Page")) classInstance.
I can not modify the List or the way it is added to the list.
Thank you.
Edit: here is the createInstance Method:
private static Object createInstance(String className, Map<?, ?> map, Meilenstein2Factory factory) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
try {
String createMethodName = "create" + className;
Method createMethod = factory.getClass().getMethod(createMethodName);
Object classInstance = createMethod.invoke(factory);
String methodName = "";
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) {
try {
methodName = "set" + entry.getKey().toString().substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + entry.getKey().toString().substring(1);
Method setNameMethod = classInstance.getClass().getMethod(methodName, getType(entry.getValue()));
setNameMethod.invoke(classInstance, parseEntry(entry.getValue()));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
LOGGER.log(null, "Attribute " + entry.getKey().toString() + " is not a valid attribute for this object. Is it spelled correctly?");
return classInstance;
} catch(NoSuchMethodException nm) {
LOGGER.log(null, "Folder " + className + " does not reference to a valid object. Is it spelled correctly?");
return null;
Edit 2: Screenshots of error and debugger
Do not bother about Page and PageImpl, I used Page in my question to simplify, but the factory accepts the Interface Page and returns an instance of PageImpl. As you can see in the second screenshot, the object is an instance of PageImpl, so this seems to be correct.
Edit 3:
Edit 4:
Something that works for now:
String methodName = "get" + "Page";
Method getListMethod = site.getClass().getMethod(methodName);
List<Object> list = (List<Object>) getListMethod.invoke(site);

Your method createInstance returns a Class<Page> (the class object), but your list is a List<Page> (a list of instances).
You will need to create an instance and add it to the list, still using reflection:
The above is using an empty constructor for the class Page. If for example you wanted to use a constructor taking one string and one int, you would do it as such:
list.add(classInstance.getDeclaredConstructor(String.class, Integer.class).newInstance("my string", 4));
Edit:. Since classInstance is an Object and not a class, you should be able to do this:


Dynamic String creation from property value

I have my
In my java class I am getting this particular value :
and need to create same strings as present in the property file, such as
public String calculate(RequestClass request)
List<String> params= //I am getting the values from application.prop
**(above part id done)**
My Question is below ::
now in my params list I have [something1,something4]
so I need to concatenate both the String values like below:
String finalString=request.getSomething1()+request.getSomething4();
return finalString;
My Question is how to do this dynamically and in my properties file I might receive "n" of something values.
Note : I need to make the code such that my class remains constant, if in future I am adding 10 more values in properties files, my final string should be returning like
String finalString=request.getSomething1()+request.getSomething4()+....all the values.;
Through reflection this is possible, below is one implementation.
public String calculate(RequestClass request) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
List<String> params = Arrays.asList("something1", "something4");
// Do your logic to get the method Names from params, below is an simple example - paramsUpdated
List<String> paramsUpdated = Arrays.asList("getSomething1", "getSomething4");
// Reflection to get the methods of request class
Method[] methods = request.getClass().getMethods();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String param : paramsUpdated) {
for (Method method : methods) {
if (param.equals(method.getName())) {
return sb.toString();

Invoke method by reflection with dynamic parameters

I'm invoking some method of Class's instance using the method.invoke(instance, args...) way but for each method inside the instance, as the invoke Javadoc rightly points out, each argument must be manually specified.
Thinking about Spring... how it could valorize parameters in controller's method behind the hood during HTTP calls? (but surely it does in a completely different way I think...)
I wonder if there's any way in Java to dynamically pass parameters in reflection (or not even reflection) without specifying each of them singularly.
The instance class declaration is something like:
public class Something {
public void doSth(String par1, String par2, Integer par3) {
public void doSthElse(String par1, Boolean par2) {
public void doSthElseMore(Integer par1) {
How I'm invoking each method:
for (Method method : instance.getDeclaredMethods()) {
Object[] array = //BL: build array of values to pass to the invoke method.
//1. doSth may be new Object[] {"abc", "def", 123}
//2. doSthElse iteration may be new Object[] {"abc", false}
//3. doSthElseMore iteration may be new Object[] {123}
return method.invoke(instance, array);
As shown above, each method inside Something class (instance) have a different number of parameters.
On each iteration, the array have a different number of values to pass to the invoke.
Actually as #Boris says all I had to do to complete my job was to convert each parameters to the correct type. In this way Java managed to invoke the correct method of the Something class with the correct parameters types.
My project is a Vert.x application using Vavr and jodd but the last return statement shows how I managed to solve.
public Object invokeMethod(Object service, Method method, RoutingContext routingContext) throws Exception {
MultiMap queryParams = routingContext.queryParams();
Map<String, String> pathParams = routingContext.pathParams();
Buffer body = routingContext.getBody();
// 1. type, 2. name, 3. value
List<Tuple3<Class<?>, String, Object>> list = List.empty();
for (Parameter par : method.getParameters()) {
ParamQuery paramQuery = par.getAnnotation(ParamQuery.class);
if (paramQuery != null) {
list = list.push(new Tuple3<Class<?>, String, Object>(par.getType(), paramQuery.value(),
// TypeConverterManager used to "covnert" each object (String) from the HTTP call to the correct data type
return method.invoke(service, list.reverse()
.map(mapper -> TypeConverterManager.lookup(mapper._1()).convert(mapper._3())).toJavaArray());
However, this project can be found on GitHub
Since I notice you are using an Integer instead of a int (so no primitives parameters in your examples), you can send null to all your methods without any problems.
So you can create an array of the correct length and this will work in your case.
public static Object[] getParametersArray(Parameter[] param){
Object[] array = new Object[param.length];
// create default primitive values based on param[#].getType()
return array;
Then, all you have to do is to iterate the method:
Labo l = new Labo();
for(Method m : Labo.class.getDeclaredMethods()){
if((m.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) > 0){
System.out.println("SKIP " + m.getName());
try {
m.invoke(l, getParametersArray(m.getParameters()));
} catch (Exception e) {
Notice the skipped static method, mostly because if you run this in the method containing the main method, you will have a recursive call.
This was tested with :
public void test(String s){
System.out.println("test String " + s);
public void test2(String s1, String s2){
System.out.println("test String " + s1 + " | String " + s2);
public void test(Integer s){
System.out.println("test Integer " + s);
SKIP main
test String null
test Integer null
SKIP getParametersArray
test String null | String null
Note : If you need to manage some primitive values, you will need to get the type of the parameter to provide a default value instead of null

Access Views with Reflected Class [duplicate]

I have a method:
public void extractStringFromField(Class<?> classToInspect) {
Field[] allFields = classToInspect.getDeclaredFields();
for(Field field : allFields) {
if(field.getType().isAssignableFrom(String.class)) {
System.out.println("Field name: " + field.getName());
// How to get the actual value of the string?!?!
// String strValue = ???
When this runs I get output like:
Field name: java.lang.String
Now how do I extract the actual string value into strValue, using reflection?
It looks like you need a reference to an instance of the class. You would want to call get and pass in the reference, casting the return to a String.
You can use get as follows:
String strValue = (String) field.get (objectReference);
In ideal situations,Class does not hold data. It merely holds the information about the structure and behavior of its instances and Instances of the Classes hold your data to use. So your extractStringFromField method can not extract values unless you pass any instances (from where it will actually extract values).
If the name of the parameter of the reference, you are passing to extract value is instance, then you can easily get what you want like bellow:
String strValue = (String)field.get(instance);
Just usefull example code for reflection fields:
Field[] fields = InsanceName.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) { //array for fields names
System.out.println("Fields: " + Modifier.toString(field.getModifiers())); // modyfiers
System.out.println("Fields: " + field.getType().getName()); //type var name
System.out.println("Fields: " + field.getName()); //real var name
field.setAccessible(true); //var readable
System.out.println("Fields: " + field.get(InsanceName)); //get var values
System.out.println("Fields: " + field.toString()); //get "String" values
System.out.println(""); //some space for readable code
Just had the same issue. This Thread somewhat helped. Just for reference if somebody else stumbles upon this thread. I used the StringBuilder class to convert so basically:
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
Which has multiple advantages. One that you do not explicitly cast (which btw. causes problems with primitive types int vs. Integer) but also of being more efficient if you have multiple string operations sequentialy. In time critical code parts.
String strValue = field.getName().toString();
Full code looks like this:
public static void extractStringFromField(Class<?> Login) {
Field[] allFields = Login.getDeclaredFields();
for(Field field : allFields) {
String strValue = field.getName().toString();
// if(field.getType().isAssignableFrom(String.class)) {
System.out.println("Field name: " + strValue);

Java Reflection - get method without specific parameters type

I am trying to get the method by java reflection, but i don't want to be specific about the parameters classes in getMethod().
public Object prepareFilter(String filter, String sort) {
Class filterClass = this.filterClass;
try {
Method createCriteriaMethod = filterClass.getMethod(CREATE_CRITERIA_METHOD);
Method orderByClauseMethod = filterClass.getMethod(ORDER_BY_CLAUSE_METHOD, String.class);
Class criteriaClass = createCriteriaMethod.getReturnType();
Object filterObject = filterClass.newInstance();
Object criteriaObject = createCriteriaMethod.invoke(filterObject);
for (ExtFilterRequest extFilter : ExtFilterRequest.decodeJson(filter)) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
Method criteriaConditionMethod = criteriaClass.getMethod(sb.toString(), ????); // earlier extFilter.getTransformedValue().getClass()
criteriaConditionMethod.invoke(criteriaObject, extFilter.getTransformedValue());
String orderByClause = ExtSortRequest.getOrderByString(sort);
if (orderByClause != null)
orderByClauseMethod.invoke(filterObject, orderByClause);
return filterObject;
} catch (Exception e) {
// later
return null;
I have the methods generated by MyBatis and I want to call them by reflection with the decoded json that comes from extjs client. It looks like: operator, value and property. Following code is working with string values but i dont know what to put in the place of question marks when I call for example method which get a Date value (decoded value is always a string).
Is it possible to call getMethod with some hmm.. generic type and get the specific method? Or should I do it in another way?
Summarizing - if I have method like this:
public Criteria andSomeReferenceIsEqualTo(String value) {
addCriterion("some_ref =", value, "someRef");
return (Criteria) this;
and this
public Criteria andPrimDateEqualTo(Date value) {
addCriterionForJDBCDate("prim_date =", value, "primDate");
return (Criteria) this;
I want to call them in the same way by method I specify earlier - even if its boolean, list of values, string or integer.

Java reflection nested methods not modifying underlying object

I am taking in an array of methods and I want to chain them together to modify an object that I am working in.
For example I start with
I split it into an array called methods, and clean up the parameters inside each method and I try to modify this.
Object res = this;
String[] methods = targetString.split("\\.(?=\\D)");
for (String m : methods){
List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();
List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (String p : m.split("\\(|,|\\)")) {
try {
if (p.indexOf(".") != -1){
double tempD = Double.parseDouble(p);
} else {
int tempP = Integer.parseInt(p);
} catch (Exception ex) { //not a number
switch (params.size()) {
case 1:
res = res.getClass().getMethod(
case 2:
res = res.getClass().getMethod(
).invoke(res, params.get(1));
case 3:
res = res.getClass().getMethod(
).invoke(res, params.get(1), params.get(2));
in the end I notice that res has been modified the way that I expect. All the getters and setters are called correctly. But of course the underlying object "this" refers to has not been changed!
I guess I'm just calling the getters and setters of the copy I made in the first line!
now I can't just use
because I need to call the same getMethod on the object returned by this call.
To clarify:
Object res = this;
creates a "pointer" to this. So that when I call
this will also be modified.
but it seem that when I call
res = res.getStuff();
res = res.setStuff();
like I do in my loop,
this does not modify the underlying object this refers to?
Edit: Included more code as per request.
Edit2: added anther example, to clarify my problem.
Edit3: tried to add more code, its a bit hard to add a working program without including every class
Your general approach should be fine (although your approach to parameter conversion is somewhat ugly) - it's the specifics that are presumably causing you problems. Here's a short but complete program demonstrating calling methods and then seeing the difference afterwards:
import java.lang.reflect.*;
class Person {
private String name = "default";
public String getName() {
return name;
// Obviously this would normally take a parameter
public void setName() {
name = "name has been set";
class Test {
private Person person = new Person();
public Person getPerson() {
return person;
// Note that we're only declaring throws Exception for convenience
// here - diagnostic code only, *not* production code!
public void callMethods(String... methodNames) throws Exception {
Object res = this;
for (String methodName : methodNames) {
Method method = res.getClass().getMethod(methodName);
res = method.invoke(res);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Test test = new Test();
test.callMethods("getPerson", "setName");
The output is "name has been set" just as I'd expect. So see if you can simplify your code bit by bit, removing extra dependencies etc until you've got something similarly short but complete, but which doesn't work. I suspect you'll actually find the problem as you go.
Object does not change reference, its VALUE changes. So if you will call this.get("some key"), you will get value that the same value that you put using reflection.
