Here are the various attributes of a person.
I want to implement a search where the results come if any of the fields: specializationField, hospitalName or fullName have the same letters.
For example if I search 'sh', this person should appear in the field, because of the similar hospital name.
This is the code I am using to search only for fullName:
FirebaseRecyclerOptions<DoctorHelperClass> options =
new FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<DoctorHelperClass>()
.setQuery(FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("Doctor").orderByChild("fullName").startAt(s.toUpperCase()).endAt(s.toLowerCase()+"\uf8ff"), DoctorHelperClass.class)
adapter = new DoctorsAdapters(options, FindDoctorActivity.this);
Please help me out
As #Puf said, you can't achieve it at Firebase Realtime Database but you can do it at client side which mean at the Android part.
First, you cannot use FirebaseUI which is you are currently using, instead you need to use
ValueEventListener postListener = new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
// You have to make for each loop
for (DataSnapshot snapshot : dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
DoctorHelperClass doc = snapshot.getValue(DoctorHelperClass.class);
//List them in an array
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
// Getting Post failed, log a message
Log.w(TAG, "loadPost:onCancelled", databaseError.toException());
Once you have added all the list of doctors. You can compare them using the arrayList.
You can do something like this.
private void searchDoc(final String inputDoc){
boolean isFound = false;
for (DoctorHelperClass doc in docList){
if (doc.getFullName() == inputDoc && doc.getHospitalName() == inputDoc){
isFound = true;
//Do something if found
I hope you get the concept of it.
There is no support for OR conditions in Firebase Realtime Database. You will either have to perform multiple queries and merge the results client-side, or create a specialized field for performing this search.
But given your question, you may be looking for text search capabilities that are well beyond what Firebase Realtime Database handles. Instead of trying to shoehorn those requirements onto Firebase, I recommend using an additional (or even other) database for meeting your text search requirements.
Also see:
Use firebase realtime database create search function
How to search anywhere in string in Firebase Database - Android
Searching in Firebase without server side code
Firebase and indexing/search
I am using the Firebase Realtime Database with Android in Java. I have the following database screenshot:
I would like to change the availability value (from 0 to 1) for the ingredient with the attribute "ingredient_name = Lime". The attribute ingredient_name is actually something like a primary key meaning that there will be no other database entry with this specific name.
I tried the following code
DatabaseReference rootRef;
rootRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance("").getReference();
String ingredientToBeUpdate = "Lime";
But I get the error "Cannot resolve method 'child' in 'Query'". Can you tell me how to do this update properly? So I would like to update the value from the database entries who attribute "ingredient_name" is equal to a certain string ingredientToBeUpdate.
Firebase doesn't support so-called update queries, where you send a condition and the new data to the database and it them writes the new data for all nodes matching the condition.
Instead you will need to execute the query in your application code, loop through the results, and update each of them in turn:
.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
for (DataSnapshot ingredientSnapshot: dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
throw databaseError.toException();
Also see:
Firebase Android, set value where x = x?
Is it possible to update a specific child's value without ID or key in firebase realtime database from android on button click?
I have two models photos and videos. To retrieve photos I call an addChildEventListener and to get videos I call another addChildEventListener added.
Code example
databaseReference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("videos");
Query queryContent= databaseReference;
queryContent.addChildEventListener(new ChildEventListener() {
public void onChildAdded(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot, String s) {
videos v= dataSnapshot.getValue(videos.class);
loading = true;
contentViewPager.setAdapter(new discover_fullscreen_adapter(getApplicationContext(), objectItems));
public void onChildChanged(#NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot, #Nullable String s) {
public void onChildRemoved(#NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
public void onChildMoved(#NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot, #Nullable String s) {
public void onCancelled(#NonNull DatabaseError databaseError) {
For photos is the same, I just change the reference, and the model
databaseReference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("photos");
photos p = dataSnapshot.getValue(photos.class);
First I add the videos and then the photos and the order is messy because I want to get videos and photos together in the order they were taken. Like a phone gallery. We have photos and videos ordered in the way they were taken (timestamp in his case). How can I achieve the same knowing that photos and videos are in different nodes and they are called by different models?
How to do it with Firebase Realtime Database
My models are based on getter and setter, I don't want to make the question bigger.
Thank you
I want to get videos and photos together in the order they were taken. Like a phone gallery.
You can perform a Firebase Realtime Database query only on a single node. You cannot get data across multiple nodes using a Query. If you want to get the "photos", as well as the "videos" in a single go, then both should exist within the same node. So you should create another node called "photosAndVideos" where you should add all the data. This practice is called denormalization and is a common practice when it comes to Firebase. For a better understanding, I recommend you see this video, Denormalization is normal with the Firebase Database.
Once you have all data under a single node, you can then perform the desired query according to a timestamp. Please see my answer from the following post:
How to save the current date/time when I add new value to Firebase Realtime Database
To see how to add a timestamp property to your object. By default Firebase orders the results ascending. However, if you need a descending order, please see my answer from the following post:
How to arrange firebase database data in ascending or descending order?
You have to check each object from the results an instance of which class is. So when you read the data, you cannot only cast the value. You'll have to read each object and request the correct class in the call to getValue().
I am working on an app for a hotel, which enables hotel management to report and view concerns and issues. I am using Android and Firebase for this app.
Here is the database structure of a reported concern:
To minimize data download and optimize speed, I am adding "Active" and "Resolved" nodes in the database, like below:
Now, the hotel wants me to add the function to create an Excel report of concerns closed/resolved within the past month. For this, I will be attaching a Single Value Event Listener on the "resolved" node, get keys of resolved concerns, then for each key, fetch data from "allConcerns" node, store each node's data into an ArrayList of String. After which I will use this JSON to Excel API for Android to create Excel file.
I am able to access keys of resolved concerns with this code:
DatabaseReference resolvedReference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference()
final ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<>();
resolvedReference.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(#NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot) {
//Getting keys of all resolved concerns in keys arraylist here
for (DataSnapshot ds : snapshot.getChildren()){
//Storing JSON data in this arraylist
final ArrayList<String> data = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i = 0; i<keys.size() ; ++i){
String key = keys.get(i);
//Getting data of each concern here
.child(key).addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(#NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot) {
String type = snapshot.child("type").getValue().toString();
Log.i("Type", type);
if(type.equals("0")) {
SafetyConcernClass s = snapshot.getValue(SafetyConcernClass.class);
Log.i("Snapshot of key", s.toString());
GembaWalkClass g = snapshot.getValue(GembaWalkClass.class);
Log.i("Snapshot of key", g.toString());
Proof proof = snapshot.child("proof").getValue(Proof.class);
Log.i("Proof", proof.toString());
public void onCancelled(#NonNull DatabaseError error) {
//Issue I am facing is here
Log.i("Data size", String.valueOf(data.size()));
public void onCancelled(#NonNull DatabaseError error) {
The real issue here is while logging data.size(). Since Firebase is asynchronous, FOR loop ends before data is fetched and entered into the data ArrayList, hence it gives me a size of 0. And since no data is fetched, I can't create an Excel file.
My question is, how can I make sure I am proceeding to log data.size() ONLY after data of respective resolved concerns is stored in the ArrayList?
The typical approach is to keep a counter or a countdown latch to track how many of the concern snapshots you've already downloaded. Once the counter reaches keys.size() you know that you're done.
Also see Setting Singleton property value in Firebase Listener
You should write your method
using AsyncTask or Kotlin coroutines
and in onPostExecute() of AsyncTask, you can proceed to further action.
I'm trying to query my database for an android application, if a username is in the 'fave' array field of my database and if so then change the background of an image. My database is set up like this...
I don't know if i'm doing it right but currently i think i may be checking the whole collection rather than a specific document and it's not even returning anything. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
You wanted this?
FirebaseFirestore.getInstance().collection("Trainers").document("Air Force 1 Low").get().addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<DocumentSnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
List<String> list = (List<String>)documentSnapshot.get("fave");
for (String name : list){
if (name.equals("Admin")){
//do if user is admin
//do if user is not admin
I am building a chatroom application and am trying to query all messages then separate them accordingly based on the message sender.
This is what my Firestore architecture looks like:
And my code so far:
CollectionReference chatRoomMsgs = db.collection("chatrooms").document(chatRoomID).collection("Messages");
.addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(QuerySnapshot queryDocumentSnapshots) {
for(QueryDocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot: queryDocumentSnapshots){
if(documentSnapshot.get("sentby") == firebaseUser.getUid()){
.addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
public void onFailure(#NonNull Exception e) {
What I am (currently) trying to do is pull ALL chatroom messages first, and then separate them out in onSuccess.
I am trying to say "ok if the message was sent by this user, grab the image field value of that same document and add it to an array so the image can be accessed later, and if the message was not sent by the same user, also grab the image url but add it to a different array"
How can I do this? Thanks!
I tried adding the while loop below to get some sort of output, wasn't triggering
ArrayList<String> sentPics = new ArrayList<String>();
while(documentSnapshot.get("sentby") == firebaseUser.getUid()){
Log.d("PICLIST", sentPics.toString());
If you want to get all the messages sent by a specific user, then you should use the following query:
CollectionReference chatRoomMsgs = db.collection("chatrooms").document(chatRoomID).collection("Messages");
Query sendByQuery = chatRoomMsgs.whereEqualTo("sentby", firebaseUser.getUid());
sendByQuery.addOnSuccessListener(/* ... */);
Using this solution you'll significantly reduce the number of read operations as you get as a result only the messages that correspond to the logged-in user.
Your solution is very expensive because you are getting all messages that exist in the Messages collection and you filter them on the client. If you have a total of 100 messages in the collection but only 10 correspond to the logged-in user, you'll be charged with 100 reads. In my solution, you'll only be charged with 10, as the query only 10 messages returns.
If want to see another approach, here you can find a tutorial on how to create a complete and functional Firestore Chat App.
What you need to do is make a POJO named Message that maps to your Messages collection with member variables image and sentby and convert the documentSnapshot to a Message object using:
Message message = documentSnapshot.toObject(Message.class)
From there on, you can just use the getters to achieve what you want.
Hope it helps!