DEPMOD File not found, how can i solve this? - java

i'm new in Android ROM compiling and i'm doing this private build and happend this error after 1h30min, i could not found anything that can help me solve this error
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/onygan/peplus/out/target/product/ysl/obj/KERNEL_OBJ'
INSTALL drivers/char/rdbg.ko
INSTALL drivers/media/platform/msm/dvb/adapter/mpq-adapter.ko
INSTALL drivers/media/platform/msm/dvb/demux/mpq-dmx-hw-plugin.ko
INSTALL drivers/video/backlight/lcd.ko
INSTALL fs/efivarfs/efivarfs.ko
INSTALL net/bridge/br_netfilter.ko
INSTALL net/ipv4/tcp_bic.ko
INSTALL net/ipv4/tcp_htcp.ko
INSTALL net/wireguard/wireguard.ko
DEPMOD 4.9.262-perf+
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/onygan/peplus/out/target/product/ysl/obj/KERNEL_OBJ'
make: Leaving directory '/home/onygan/peplus/kernel/xiaomi/ysl'
depmod: WARNING: could not open modules.order at /home/onygan/peplus/out/target/product/ysl/obj/PACKAGING/depmod_vendor_intermediates/lib/modules/0.0: No such file or directory
depmod: WARNING: could not open modules.builtin at /home/onygan/peplus/out/target/product/ysl/obj/PACKAGING/depmod_vendor_intermediates/lib/modules/0.0: No such file or directory
00:52:32 ninja failed with: exit status 1
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.


React Native Splash Screen Issue - after modifying xml files in android folder

I would like to create a splash screen in my React Native app (not Expo) using Android Studio's emulator.
I was trying to add a splash_screen.xml file into android/app/src/main/res/drawable folder. When I put a new .xml file into the android folder the React compiler shows the following error message:
iMac:newtest Dora$ react-native run-android
JS server already running.
Building and installing the app on the device (cd android && ./gradlew installDebug)...
Configure project :app
WARNING: The specified Android SDK Build Tools version (28.0.2) is ignored, as it is below the minimum supported version (28.0.3) for Android Gradle Plugin 3.2.1.
Android SDK Build Tools 28.0.3 will be used.
To suppress this warning, remove "buildToolsVersion '28.0.2'" from your build.gradle file, as each version of the Android Gradle Plugin now has a default version of the build tools.
Task :app:mergeDebugResources FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. (no error message)
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
Get more help at
9 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 8 up-to-date
Could not install the app on the device, read the error above for details.
Make sure you have an Android emulator running or a device connected and have
set up your Android development environment:
Command failed: ./gradlew installDebug
Error: Command failed: ./gradlew installDebug
at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:637:11)
at Object.execFileSync (child_process.js:655:13)
at runOnAllDevices (/Users/Dora/Documents/code/react native/newtest/node_modules/react-native/local-cli/runAndroid/runAndroid.js:299:19)
at buildAndRun (/Users/Dora/Documents/code/react native/newtest/node_modules/react-native/local-cli/runAndroid/runAndroid.js:135:12)
at isPackagerRunning.then.result (/Users/Dora/Documents/code/react native/newtest/node_modules/react-native/local-cli/runAndroid/runAndroid.js:65:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/next_tick.js:81:5)
Thank you for taking your time to help me to solve this issue!
Well, finally I have managed to solve this issue. It is for those who will encounter this problem during Android development.
So, what i did exactly:
1. cd into android folder and run this: ./gradlew installDebug
After this command finished without any errors
go back to the root directory and start the app using: react-native run-android
Conclusion, if you add or change any xml files in android folder, you have to do the above procedure.
That's all!

Getting error: Unable to parse POM

While building a Maven project in Jenkins, I am getting below error. Can you provide steps to solve this error?
Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\JenkinProject
Unpacking to C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\tools\hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation\TestMaven on Jenkins
ERROR: Failed to parse POMs Failed to rename C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\tools\hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation\TestMaven\apache-maven-3.5.3 to C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\tools\hudson.tasks.Maven_MavenInstallation\TestMaven\apache-maven-3.5.3.__rename
at hudson.FilePath$29.invoke(
Finished: FAILURE

The javapackager is unable to generate a dmg on macOS

I am trying to generate a dmg from a jar using the javapackager.
Here is what I put into terminal:
cd "/Users/name/Documents/JarToApplication"
jdk=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)
$jdk/bin/javapackager -deploy -native dmg -BappVersion=8 -name DMSLauncher -srcdir . -srcfiles DMSLauncher.jar -appclass com.blockhead7360.dms.launcher.DMSLauncher -Bicon=package/macosx/DMSLauncher.icns -outdir deploy -outfile DMSLauncher -v
And it runs until here:
Running [osascript, /var/folders/z5/n802xjnx49l4535kq63992280000gn/T/fxbundler8419176091447096668/macosx/DMSLauncher-dmg-setup.scpt]
/var/folders/z5/n802xjnx49l4535kq63992280000gn/T/fxbundler8419176091447096668/macosx/DMSLauncher-dmg-setup.scpt:635:742: execution error: Finder got an error: The operation can’t be completed because there is already an item with that name. (-48) Exec failed with code 1 command [[osascript, /var/folders/z5/n802xjnx49l4535kq63992280000gn/T/fxbundler8419176091447096668/macosx/DMSLauncher-dmg-setup.scpt] in unspecified directory
Config files are saved to /var/folders/z5/n802xjnx49l4535kq63992280000gn/T/fxbundler8419176091447096668/macosx. Use them to customize package.
Exception in thread "main" Error: Bundler "DMG Installer" (dmg) failed to produce a bundle.
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
I went to the file that it said it was having a problem with (DMSLauncher-dmg-setup.scpt) and when I ran the script manually this is what it said:
Can anyone assist me in fixing this problem? Thank you.
In case someone still sees the problem, what I did to resolve it was to check /Volumes folder and eject the volume. Here the volume would be 'DMSLauncher'.

React-Native build release apk Failed to execute aapt

App works in debug mode just fine by running react-native run-android
But, when I try to build in relase mode by running cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease
it gives me this error:
android\app\build\intermediates\res\merged\release\drawable-hdpi\node_modules_reactnavigation_src_views_assets_backicon.png: error: uncompiled PNG file passed as argument. Must be compiled first into .flat file..
error: failed parsing overlays.
Failed to execute aapt Failed to execute aapt
I tried workarounds like putting android.enableAapt2=false and org.gradle.configureondemand=true in android/
They both helped me create signed apk but app was crashing on start,
I tried to debug that crash by adb logcat and error is:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to load script from assets ''. Make sure your bundle is packaged correctly or you're running a packager server.
Please help me out, I cant seem to figure out how to solve this.
if anyone wonders, we ended up downgrading gradle to
classpath ''
and it worked.

Can't build CSipSimple

I'm trying to build CSipSimple
I get such error:
# External sources fetched out from external repos/zip
/Users/Nikita.Leshchev/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle/build/core/ *** Android NDK: Aborting . Stop.
/Users/Nikita.Leshchev/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle/build/core/ *** Android NDK: Aborting . Stop.
Isources/modules/audio_processing/aecm/include -Isources/modules/audio_processing/aecm/../utility -Isources/modules/audio_processing/aecm/../../.. -Isources/modules/audio_processing/aecm/../../../common_audio/signal_processing/include -Isources/modules/audio_processing/aecm/../../../system_wrappers/interface -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp -flax-vector-conversions -S -o sources/modules/audio_processing/aecm/aecm_core_neon_offsets.S sources/modules/audio_processing/aecm/aecm_core_neon_offsets.c
make[1]: Isources/modules/audio_processing/aecm/include: No such file or directory
make[1]: [sources/modules/audio_processing/aecm/aecm_core_neon_offsets.S] Error 1 (ignored)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "sources/build/", line 46, in <module>
File "sources/build/", line 30, in main
infile = open(argv[0])
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'sources/modules/audio_processing/aecm/aecm_core_neon_offsets.S'
make[1]: *** [sources/modules/audio_processing/aecm/aecm_core_neon_offsets.h] Error 1
make: *** [webrtc-preprocess] Error 2
Here suggests to check variables and installed soft. But my variables is ok
echo $PATH output:
Variables ANDROID_NDK and ANDROID_SDK defined. All required soft installed
which ndk-build output:
I did everything like in documentation, but i have this error. Can anybody help?
NDK Version 13.11.3345770
SDK Version 25.2.2
OSX 10.11.6
UPD I coudn't build it, but i found this repository I could download and build it without any problems
I solved my problem, not on 100% for a while, but this error i have resolved.
This and some other files i found in this repository
