Parallel requests from one client processed in series in RSocket - java

I expect that all invocations of the server will be processed in parallel, but it is not true.
Here is simple example.
RSocket version: 1.1.0
public class ServerApp {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerApp.class);
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
RSocketServer.create(SocketAcceptor.forRequestResponse(payload ->
Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
log.debug("Start of my business logic");
return DefaultPayload.create("OK");
log.debug("Server started");
private static void sleepSeconds(int sec) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public class ClientApp {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientApp.class);
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
RSocket client = RSocketConnector.create()
long start1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
client.requestResponse(DefaultPayload.create("Request 1"))
.doOnNext(r -> log.debug("finished within {}ms", System.currentTimeMillis() - start1))
long start2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
client.requestResponse(DefaultPayload.create("Request 2"))
.doOnNext(r -> log.debug("finished within {}ms", System.currentTimeMillis() - start2))
In client logs, we can see that both request was sent at the same time, and both responses was received at the same time after 10sec (each request was proceed in 5 seconds).
In server logs, we can see that requests executed sequentially and not in parallel.
Could you please help me to understand this behavior?
Why we have received the first response after 10 seconds and not 5?
How do I create the server correctly if I want all requests to be processed in parallel?
If I replace Mono.fromCallable by Mono.fromFuture(CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> myBusinessLogic(), executorService)), then it will resolve 1.
If I replace Mono.fromCallable by Mono.delay(Duration.ZERO).map(ignore -> myBusinessLogic(), then it will resolve 1. and 2.
If I replace Mono.fromCallable by Mono.create(sink -> sink.success(myBusinessLogic())), then it will not resolve my issues.
Client logs:
2021-07-16 10:39:46,880 DEBUG [reactor-tcp-nio-1] [/] - sending ->
Frame => Stream ID: 0 Type: SETUP Flags: 0b0 Length: 56
2021-07-16 10:39:46,952 DEBUG [main] [/] - sending ->
Frame => Stream ID: 1 Type: REQUEST_RESPONSE Flags: 0b0 Length: 15
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 20 31 |Request 1 |
2021-07-16 10:39:46,957 DEBUG [main] [/] - sending ->
Frame => Stream ID: 3 Type: REQUEST_RESPONSE Flags: 0b0 Length: 15
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 20 32 |Request 2 |
2021-07-16 10:39:57,043 DEBUG [reactor-tcp-nio-1] [/] - receiving ->
Frame => Stream ID: 1 Type: NEXT_COMPLETE Flags: 0b1100000 Length: 8
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 4f 4b |OK |
2021-07-16 10:39:57,046 DEBUG [reactor-tcp-nio-1] [/] - finished within 10120ms
2021-07-16 10:39:57,046 DEBUG [reactor-tcp-nio-1] [/] - receiving ->
Frame => Stream ID: 3 Type: NEXT_COMPLETE Flags: 0b1100000 Length: 8
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 4f 4b |OK |
2021-07-16 10:39:57,046 DEBUG [reactor-tcp-nio-1] [/] - finished within 10094ms
Server Logs:
2021-07-16 10:39:46,965 DEBUG [reactor-http-nio-2] [/] - receiving ->
Frame => Stream ID: 0 Type: SETUP Flags: 0b0 Length: 56
2021-07-16 10:39:47,021 DEBUG [reactor-http-nio-2] [/] - receiving ->
Frame => Stream ID: 1 Type: REQUEST_RESPONSE Flags: 0b0 Length: 15
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 20 31 |Request 1 |
2021-07-16 10:39:47,027 DEBUG [reactor-http-nio-2] [/] - Start of my business logic
2021-07-16 10:39:52,037 DEBUG [reactor-http-nio-2] [/] - sending ->
Frame => Stream ID: 1 Type: NEXT_COMPLETE Flags: 0b1100000 Length: 8
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 4f 4b |OK |
2021-07-16 10:39:52,038 DEBUG [reactor-http-nio-2] [/] - receiving ->
Frame => Stream ID: 3 Type: REQUEST_RESPONSE Flags: 0b0 Length: 15
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 20 32 |Request 2 |
2021-07-16 10:39:52,038 DEBUG [reactor-http-nio-2] [/] - Start of my business logic
2021-07-16 10:39:57,039 DEBUG [reactor-http-nio-2] [/] - sending ->
Frame => Stream ID: 3 Type: NEXT_COMPLETE Flags: 0b1100000 Length: 8
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 4f 4b |OK |

You shouldn't mix asynchronous code like Reactive Mono operations with blocking code like
private static void sleepSeconds(int sec) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
I suspect the central issue here is that a framework like rsocket-java doesn't want to run everything on new threads, at the cost of excessive context switching. So generally relies on you run long running CPU or IO operations appropriately.
You should look at the various async delay operations instead
If your delay is meant to simulate a long running operation, then you should look at subscribing on a different scheduler like


Netty: Best way to create stateful, synchronous outbound pipeline?

Using Netty, I'm receiving multiple asynchronous messages from a framework on multiple threads. I need to send these messages to a network device (UDP) which uses a synchronous, stateful protocol. So, I need to use a state variable, and only allow one message to be sent at a time, which should only happen when the client is in the "idle" state.
In addition, the state-machine will need to send it's own internally generated messages - retrys - ahead of whatever is waiting in queue. For this use case I know how to inject messages into the pipeline, which would work as long as outbound messages can be held at the head of the pipeline.
Any idea how to control the output using a client state?
I've come up with a proof-of-concept / proposed solution, although, hopefully someone knows a better way. While this works as intended it introduces a number of undesirable side effects which would need to be solved for.
Run a Blocking Write Handler on its own thread.
Put the thread to sleep if the state isn't idle, and wake it when it becomes Idle.
If the State was Idle, or becomes Idle, send the message on its way.
This is the bootstrap I used
public class UDPConnector {
public Init() {
this.workerGroup = EPOLL ? new EpollEventLoopGroup() : new NioEventLoopGroup();
this.blockingExecutor = new DefaultEventExecutor();
bootstrap = new Bootstrap()
.channel(EPOLL ? EpollDatagramChannel.class : NioDatagramChannel.class)
.handler(new ChannelInitializer<DatagramChannel>() {
public void initChannel(DatagramChannel ch) throws Exception {
ch.pipeline().addLast("logging", new LoggingHandler());
ch.pipeline().addLast("encode", new RequestEncoderNetty());
ch.pipeline().addLast("decode", new ResponseDecoderNetty());
ch.pipeline().addLast("ack", new AckHandler());
ch.pipeline().addLast(blockingExecutor, "blocking", new BlockingOutboundHandler());
The Blocking Outbound Handler looks like this
public class BlockingOutboundHandler extends ChannelOutboundHandlerAdapter {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlockingOutboundHandler.class);
private final AtomicBoolean isIdle = new AtomicBoolean(true);
public void setIdle() {
synchronized (this.isIdle) {
logger.debug("setIdle() called");
public void write(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg, ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception {
synchronized (isIdle) {
if (!isIdle.get()) {
logger.debug("write(): I/O State not Idle, Waiting");
logger.debug("write(): Finished waiting on I/O State");
logger.debug("write(): {}", msg.toString());
ctx.write(msg, promise);
Finally, when the StateMachine transitions to idle the the block is released
Optional.ofNullable((BlockingOutboundHandler) ctx.pipeline().get("blocking")).ifPresent(h -> h.setIdle());
All of this results in the Outbound messages being synchronized with the synchronous, statefull responses from the device.
Of course, I'd prefer not to have to deal with additional threads and the synchronization which come with them. I'm also not sure what kind of "yet to be discovered" issues I'm going to run into doing it this way. It does have the side effect of causing the main handler to be visited by multiple threads which just creates a new problem hich needs to be solved.
Also, next up, is implementation of a timeout and retry with back-off; this thread can't stay blocked indefinitely.
15:07:16.539 [DEBUG] [.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xb19e73e2] REGISTERED
15:07:16.540 [DEBUG] [.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xb19e73e2] CONNECT:
15:07:16.541 [DEBUG] [internal.connection.UDPConnectorNetty] - connect(): connect() complete
15:07:16.541 [DEBUG] [.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xb19e73e2, L:/ -] ACTIVE
15:07:16.542 [DEBUG] [c.projector.internal.ProjectorHandler] - scheduler.execute: creating test message
15:07:16.543 [DEBUG] [c.projector.internal.ProjectorHandler] - scheduler.execute: sending test message
15:07:16.544 [DEBUG] [internal.connection.UDPConnectorNetty] - sendRequest: Adding msg to queue { super={ messageType=21, channelId=test, data= } }
15:07:16.546 [DEBUG] [c.projector.internal.ProjectorHandler] - scheduler.execute: Finished
15:07:16.545 [DEBUG] [rnal.protocol.BlockingOutboundHandler] - write { super={ messageType=21, channelId=test, data= } }
15:07:16.547 [DEBUG] [internal.connection.UDPConnectorNetty] - sendRequest: Adding msg to queue { super={ messageType=3F, channelId=lamp, data= } }
15:07:16.548 [DEBUG] [rnal.protocol.BlockingOutboundHandler] - write(): I/O State not Idle, Waiting
15:07:16.548 [DEBUG] [.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xb19e73e2, L:/ -] WRITE: 6B
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 21 89 01 00 00 0a |!..... |
15:07:16.550 [DEBUG] [.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xb19e73e2, L:/ -] FLUSH
15:07:16.567 [DEBUG] [.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xb19e73e2, L:/ -] READ: DatagramPacket(/ => /, PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 6, cap: 2048)), 6B
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 06 89 01 00 00 0a |...... |
15:07:16.568 [DEBUG] [nternal.protocol.ResponseDecoderNetty] - decode DatagramPacket(/ => /, PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 6, cap: 2048))
15:07:16.569 [DEBUG] [rojector.internal.protocol.AckHandler] - channelRead0 { super={ messageType=06, channelId=test, data= } }
15:07:16.570 [DEBUG] [rnal.protocol.BlockingOutboundHandler] - setIdle called
15:07:16.571 [DEBUG] [rnal.protocol.BlockingOutboundHandler] - write(): Finished waiting on I/O State
15:07:16.571 [DEBUG] [.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xb19e73e2, L:/ -] READ COMPLETE
15:07:16.571 [DEBUG] [rnal.protocol.BlockingOutboundHandler] - write { super={ messageType=3F, channelId=lamp, data= } }
15:07:16.573 [DEBUG] [.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xb19e73e2, L:/ -] WRITE: 6B
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 3f 89 01 50 57 0a |?..PW. |
15:07:16.573 [DEBUG] [.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xb19e73e2, L:/ -] FLUSH
15:07:16.587 [DEBUG] [.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xb19e73e2, L:/ -] READ: DatagramPacket(/ => /, PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 6, cap: 2048)), 6B
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 06 89 01 50 57 0a |...PW. |
15:07:16.588 [DEBUG] [nternal.protocol.ResponseDecoderNetty] - decode DatagramPacket(/ => /, PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 6, cap: 2048))
15:07:16.589 [DEBUG] [rojector.internal.protocol.AckHandler] - channelRead0 { super={ messageType=06, channelId=lamp, data= } }
15:07:16.590 [DEBUG] [rnal.protocol.BlockingOutboundHandler] - setIdle called
15:07:16.591 [DEBUG] [.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xb19e73e2, L:/ -] READ COMPLETE
15:07:16.592 [DEBUG] [.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xb19e73e2, L:/ -] READ: DatagramPacket(/ => /, PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 7, cap: 2048)), 7B
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 40 89 01 50 57 30 0a |#..PW0. |
15:07:16.593 [DEBUG] [nternal.protocol.ResponseDecoderNetty] - decode DatagramPacket(/ => /, PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 7, cap: 2048))
15:07:16.594 [DEBUG] [] - Discarded inbound message { super={ messageType=40, channelId=lamp, data=30 } } that reached at the tail of the pipeline. Please check your pipeline configuration.
15:07:16.595 [DEBUG] [] - Discarded message pipeline : [logging, encode, decode, ack, blocking, DefaultChannelPipeline$TailContext#0]. Channel : [id: 0xb19e73e2, L:/ -].
15:07:16.596 [DEBUG] [.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler] - [id: 0xb19e73e2, L:/ -] READ COMPLETE

SearchRequest in RootDSE

I have to following function to query users from an AD server:
public List<LDAPUserDTO> getUsersWithPaging(String filter)
List<LDAPUserDTO> userList = new ArrayList<>();
try(LDAPConnection connection = new LDAPConnection(config.getHost(),config.getPort(),config.getUsername(),config.getPassword()))
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest("", SearchScope.SUB,filter, null);
ASN1OctetString resumeCookie = null;
while (true)
new SimplePagedResultsControl(100, resumeCookie));
SearchResult searchResult =;
for (SearchResultEntry e : searchResult.getSearchEntries())
LDAPUserDTO tmp = new LDAPUserDTO();
tmp.distinguishedName = e.getAttributeValue("distinguishedName"); = e.getAttributeValue("name");
SimplePagedResultsControl responseControl =
if (responseControl.moreResultsToReturn())
resumeCookie = responseControl.getCookie();
return userList;
} catch (LDAPException e) {
return null;
However, this breaks when I try to search on the RootDSE.
What I've tried so far:
baseDN = null
baseDN = "";
baseDN = RootDSE.getRootDSE(connection).getDN()
baseDN = "RootDSE"
All resulting in various exceptions or empty results:
Caused by: LDAPSDKUsageException(message='A null object was provided where a non-null object is required (non-null index 0).
2020-04-01 10:42:22,902 ERROR [de.dbz.service.LDAPService] (default task-1272) LDAPException(resultCode=32 (no such object), numEntries=0, numReferences=0, diagnosticMessage='0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100213, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:
', ldapSDKVersion=4.0.12, revision=aaefc59e0e6d110bf3a8e8a029adb776f6d2ce28')
So, I really spend a lot of time with this. It is possible to kind of query the RootDSE, but it's not that straight forward as someone might think.
I mainly used WireShark to see what the guys at Softerra are doing with their LDAP Browser.
Turns out I wasn't that far away:
As you can see, the baseObject is empty here.
Also, there is one additional Control with the OID LDAP_SERVER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_OID and the ASN.1 String 308400000003020102.
So what does this 308400000003020102 more readable: 30 84 00 00 00 03 02 01 02 actually do?
First of all, we decode this into something, we can read - in this case, this would be the int 2.
In binary, this gives us: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
As we know from the documentation, we have the following notation:
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
| x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | SSFPR | SSFDS |
or we just take the int values from the documentation:
So, in my example, we have SSFPR which is defined as follows:
For AD DS, instructs the server to search all NC replicas except
application NC replicas that are subordinate to the search base, even
if the search base is not instantiated on the server. For AD LDS, the
behavior is the same except that it also includes application NC
replicas in the search. For AD DS and AD LDS, this will cause the
search to be executed over all NC replicas (except for application NCs
on AD DS DCs) held on the DC that are subordinate to the search base.
This enables search bases such as the empty string, which would cause
the server to search all of the NC replicas (except for application
NCs on AD DS DCs) that it holds.
NC stands for Naming Context and those are stored as Operational Attribute in the RootDSE with the name namingContexts.
The other value, SSFDS does the following:
Prevents continuation references from being generated when the search
results are returned. This performs the same function as the
So, someone might ask why I even do this. As it turns out, I got a customer with several sub DCs under one DC. If I tell the search to handle referrals, the execution time is pretty high and too long - therefore this wasn't really an option for me. But when I turn it off, I wasn't getting all the results when I was defining the BaseDN to be the group whose members I wanted to retrieve.
Searching via the RootDSE option in Softerra's LDAP Browser was way faster and returned the results in less then one second.
I personally don't have any clue why this is way faster - but the ActiveDirectory without any interface of tool from Microsoft is kind of black magic for me anyway. But to be frank, that's not really my area of expertise.
In the end, I ended up with the following Java code:
SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest("", SearchScope.SUB, filter, null);
Control globalSearch = new Control("1.2.840.113556.1.4.1340", true, new ASN1OctetString(Hex.decode("308400000003020102")));
searchRequest.setControls(new SimplePagedResultsControl(100, resumeCookie, true),globalSearch);
The used Hex.decode() is the following: org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex.
A huge thanks to the guys at Softerra which more or less put my journey into the abyss of the AD to an end.
You can't query users from the RootDSE.
Use either a domain or if you need to query users from across domains in a forest use the global catalog (running on different ports, not the default 389 / 636 for LDAP(s).
RootDSE only contains metadata. Probably this question should be asked elsewhere for more information but first read up on the documentation from Microsoft, e.g.:
E.g.: namingContexts attribute can be read to find which other contexts you may want to query for actual users.
Maybe start with this nice article as introduction:

Apache Camel quartz2 timer starting multiple exchanges

I have an application that creates routes to connect to a REST endpoint and process the responses for several vendors. Each route is triggered with a quartz2 timer. Recently when the timer fires it creates multiple exchanges instead of just one and I cannot determine what is causing it.
The method that creates the routes is here:
public String generateRoute(String vendorId) {
routeBuilders.add(new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
System.out.println("Building REST input route for vendor " + vendorId);
String vendorCron = vendorProps.getProperty(vendorId + ".rest.cron");
String vendorEndpoint = vendorProps.getProperty(vendorId + ".rest.endpoint");
String vendorAuth = vendorProps.getProperty(vendorId + ".rest.auth");
int vendorTimer = Integer.valueOf(vendorId) * 10000;
GsonDataFormat format = new GsonDataFormat(RestResponse.class);
from("quartz2://timer" + vendorId + "?cron=" + vendorCron)
.routeId("Rte-vendor" + vendorId)
.log("Starting route " + vendorId)
.to("rest:get:" + vendorEndpoint)
return "direct:myRoute." + vendorId;
and a sample 'vendorCron' string is
When the quartz route fires I see this type of output in the log
15:39| INFO | 159 | Starting route 4
15:39| INFO | 159 | Starting route 4
15:39| INFO | 159 | Starting route 4
15:39| INFO | 159 | Starting route 4
15:39| INFO | 159 | Starting route 4
15:39| INFO | 159 | Starting route 4
15:39| INFO | 159 | Starting route 4
15:39| INFO | 159 | Starting route 4
15:39| INFO | 159 | Starting route 4
15:39| INFO | 159 | Starting route 4
When I should ( and used to) only see one of these.
Any ideas what would cause this?
This is because of your vendorCron
If Cron trigger is every 5secs then you see this log in every 5 secs..
If Cron trigger is every 5mins/hours you see these login in 5 mins/hours.
I was staring so hard I missed the obvious. I need a 0 in the seconds place of the cron expression.
Thank you for the time.

Implement a java UDF and call it from pyspark

I need to create a UDF to be used in pyspark python which uses a java object for its internal calculations.
If it were a simple python I would do something like:
def f(x):
return 7
fudf = pyspark.sql.functions.udf(f,pyspark.sql.types.IntegerType())
and call it using:
df = sqlContext.range(0,5)
df2 = df.withColumn("a",fudf(
However, the implementation of the function I need is in java and not in python. I need to wrap it somehow so I can call it in a similar way from python.
My first try was to do implement the java object, then wrap it in python in pyspark and convert that to UDF. That failed with serialization error.
Java code:
package com.test1.test2;
public class TestClass1 {
Integer internalVal;
public TestClass1(Integer val1) {
internalVal = val1;
public Integer do_something(Integer val) {
return internalVal;
pyspark code:
from py4j.java_gateway import java_import
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType
java_import(sc._gateway.jvm, "com.test1.test2.TestClass1")
a =
audf = udf(a,IntegerType())
Py4JError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-9756772ab14f> in <module>()
4 java_import(sc._gateway.jvm, "com.test1.test2.TestClass1")
5 a =
----> 6 audf = udf(a,IntegerType())
/usr/local/spark/python/pyspark/sql/ in udf(f, returnType)
1595 [Row(slen=5), Row(slen=3)]
1596 """
-> 1597 return UserDefinedFunction(f, returnType)
1599 blacklist = ['map', 'since', 'ignore_unicode_prefix']
/usr/local/spark/python/pyspark/sql/ in __init__(self, func, returnType, name)
1556 self.returnType = returnType
1557 self._broadcast = None
-> 1558 self._judf = self._create_judf(name)
1560 def _create_judf(self, name):
/usr/local/spark/python/pyspark/sql/ in _create_judf(self, name)
1565 command = (func, None, ser, ser)
1566 sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
-> 1567 pickled_command, broadcast_vars, env, includes = _prepare_for_python_RDD(sc, command, self)
1568 ctx = SQLContext.getOrCreate(sc)
1569 jdt = ctx._ssql_ctx.parseDataType(self.returnType.json())
/usr/local/spark/python/pyspark/ in _prepare_for_python_RDD(sc, command, obj)
2297 # the serialized command will be compressed by broadcast
2298 ser = CloudPickleSerializer()
-> 2299 pickled_command = ser.dumps(command)
2300 if len(pickled_command) > (1 << 20): # 1M
2301 # The broadcast will have same life cycle as created PythonRDD
/usr/local/spark/python/pyspark/ in dumps(self, obj)
427 def dumps(self, obj):
--> 428 return cloudpickle.dumps(obj, 2)
/usr/local/spark/python/pyspark/ in dumps(obj, protocol)
645 cp = CloudPickler(file,protocol)
--> 646 cp.dump(obj)
648 return file.getvalue()
/usr/local/spark/python/pyspark/ in dump(self, obj)
105 self.inject_addons()
106 try:
--> 107 return Pickler.dump(self, obj)
108 except RuntimeError as e:
109 if 'recursion' in e.args[0]:
/home/mendea3/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in dump(self, obj)
222 if self.proto >= 2:
223 self.write(PROTO + chr(self.proto))
--> 224
225 self.write(STOP)
/home/mendea3/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in save(self, obj)
284 f = self.dispatch.get(t)
285 if f:
--> 286 f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
287 return
/home/mendea3/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in save_tuple(self, obj)
566 write(MARK)
567 for element in obj:
--> 568 save(element)
570 if id(obj) in memo:
/home/mendea3/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in save(self, obj)
284 f = self.dispatch.get(t)
285 if f:
--> 286 f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
287 return
/usr/local/spark/python/pyspark/ in save_function(self, obj, name)
191 if islambda(obj) or obj.__code__.co_filename == '<stdin>' or themodule is None:
192 #print("save global", islambda(obj), obj.__code__.co_filename, modname, themodule)
--> 193 self.save_function_tuple(obj)
194 return
195 else:
/usr/local/spark/python/pyspark/ in save_function_tuple(self, func)
234 # create a skeleton function object and memoize it
235 save(_make_skel_func)
--> 236 save((code, closure, base_globals))
237 write(pickle.REDUCE)
238 self.memoize(func)
/home/mendea3/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in save(self, obj)
284 f = self.dispatch.get(t)
285 if f:
--> 286 f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
287 return
/home/mendea3/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in save_tuple(self, obj)
552 if n <= 3 and proto >= 2:
553 for element in obj:
--> 554 save(element)
555 # Subtle. Same as in the big comment below.
556 if id(obj) in memo:
/home/mendea3/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in save(self, obj)
284 f = self.dispatch.get(t)
285 if f:
--> 286 f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self
287 return
/home/mendea3/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in save_list(self, obj)
605 self.memoize(obj)
--> 606 self._batch_appends(iter(obj))
608 dispatch[ListType] = save_list
/home/mendea3/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in _batch_appends(self, items)
637 write(MARK)
638 for x in tmp:
--> 639 save(x)
640 write(APPENDS)
641 elif n:
/home/mendea3/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in save(self, obj)
304 reduce = getattr(obj, "__reduce_ex__", None)
305 if reduce:
--> 306 rv = reduce(self.proto)
307 else:
308 reduce = getattr(obj, "__reduce__", None)
/usr/local/spark/python/lib/ in __call__(self, *args)
811 answer = self.gateway_client.send_command(command)
812 return_value = get_return_value(
--> 813 answer, self.gateway_client, self.target_id,
815 for temp_arg in temp_args:
/usr/local/spark/python/pyspark/sql/ in deco(*a, **kw)
43 def deco(*a, **kw):
44 try:
---> 45 return f(*a, **kw)
46 except py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError as e:
47 s = e.java_exception.toString()
/usr/local/spark/python/lib/ in get_return_value(answer, gateway_client, target_id, name)
310 raise Py4JError(
311 "An error occurred while calling {0}{1}{2}. Trace:\n{3}\n".
--> 312 format(target_id, ".", name, value))
313 else:
314 raise Py4JError(
Py4JError: An error occurred while calling o18.__getnewargs__. Trace:
py4j.Py4JException: Method __getnewargs__([]) does not exist
at py4j.reflection.ReflectionEngine.getMethod(
at py4j.reflection.ReflectionEngine.getMethod(
at py4j.Gateway.invoke(
at py4j.commands.AbstractCommand.invokeMethod(
at py4j.commands.CallCommand.execute(
EDIT: I also tried to make the java class serializable but to no avail.
My second attempt was to define the UDF in java to begin with but that failed as I am not sure how to correctly wrap it:
java code:
package com.test1.test2;
public class TestClassUdf implements UDF1<Integer, Integer> {
Integer retval;
public TestClassUdf(Integer val) {
retval = val;
public Integer call(Integer arg0) throws Exception {
return retval;
but how would I use it?
I tried:
from py4j.java_gateway import java_import
java_import(sc._gateway.jvm, "com.test1.test2.TestClassUdf")
a =
dfint = sqlContext.range(0,15)
df = dfint.withColumn("a",a(
but I get:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-514811090b5f> in <module>()
3 a =
4 dfint = sqlContext.range(0,15)
----> 5 df = dfint.withColumn("a",a(
TypeError: 'JavaObject' object is not callable
and I tried to use instead of a:
df = dfint.withColumn("a",
but got:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
3 a =
4 dfint = sqlContext.range(0,15)
----> 5 df = dfint.withColumn("a",
/usr/local/spark/python/lib/ in __call__(self, *args)
796 def __call__(self, *args):
797 if self.converters is not None and len(self.converters) > 0:
--> 798 (new_args, temp_args) = self._get_args(args)
799 else:
800 new_args = args
/usr/local/spark/python/lib/ in _get_args(self, args)
783 for converter in self.gateway_client.converters:
784 if converter.can_convert(arg):
--> 785 temp_arg = converter.convert(arg, self.gateway_client)
786 temp_args.append(temp_arg)
787 new_args.append(temp_arg)
/usr/local/spark/python/lib/ in convert(self, object, gateway_client)
510 HashMap = JavaClass("java.util.HashMap", gateway_client)
511 java_map = HashMap()
--> 512 for key in object.keys():
513 java_map[key] = object[key]
514 return java_map
TypeError: 'Column' object is not callable
Any help would be appriciated.
I got this working with the help of another question (and answer) of your own about UDAFs.
Spark provides a udf() method for wrapping Scala FunctionN, so we can wrap the Java function in Scala and use that. Your Java method needs to be static or on a class that implements Serializable.
package com.example
import org.apache.spark.sql.UserDefinedFunction
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
class MyUdf extends Serializable {
def getUdf: UserDefinedFunction = udf(() => MyJavaClass.MyJavaMethod())
Usage in PySpark:
def my_udf():
from pyspark.sql.column import Column, _to_java_column, _to_seq
pcls = "com.example.MyUdf"
jc = \
return Column(jc(_to_seq(sc, [], _to_java_column)))
rdd1 = sc.parallelize([{'c1': 'a'}, {'c1': 'b'}, {'c1': 'c'}])
df1 = rdd1.toDF()
df2 = df1.withColumn('mycol', my_udf())
As with the UDAF in your other question and answer, we can pass columns into it with return Column(jc(_to_seq(sc, ["col1", "col2"], _to_java_column)))
In lines with you could define UDF1 with in Java using
public class AddNumber implements UDF1<Long, Long> {
public Long call(Long num) throws Exception {
return (num + 5);
And then after adding the jar to your pyspark with --package <your-jar>
you can use it in pyspark as:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import LongType
>>> df = spark.createDataFrame([float(i) for i in range(100)], FloatType()).toDF("a")
>>> spark.udf.registerJavaFunction("addNumber", "com.example.spark.AddNumber", LongType())
>>> df.withColumn("b", F.expr("addNumber(a)")).show(5)
| a| b|
|0.0| 5|
|1.0| 6|
|2.0| 7|
|3.0| 8|
|4.0| 8|
only showing top 5 rows

Netty 4.0: Spawning off, maintaining and communicating with many clients/peers (TCP)

I have an unknown number of peers that I will need to make TCP connections to. I'm running into a few problems and not certain whether my overall approach is correct. My current set up on the client side consists of a Peer Manager that shares its EventLoopGroup and creates clients as needed:
public class PeerManagement
public PeerManagement()
// this group is shared across all clients
_eventLoopGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
_peers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public void send(String s, String host)
// ensure that the peer exists
// look up the peer
Peer requestedPeer = _peers.get(host);
// send the request directly to the peer
private synchronized void setPeer(String host)
if (!_peers.containsKey(host))
// create the Peer using the EventLoopGroup & connect
Peer peer = new Peer();
peer.connect(_eventLoopGroup, host);
// add the peer to the Peer list
_peers.put(host, peer);
The Peer class:
public class Peer
private static final int PORT = 6010;
private Bootstrap _bootstrap;
private ChannelFuture _channelFuture;
public boolean connect(EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup, String host)
_bootstrap = new Bootstrap();
.option(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true)
.handler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>()
public void initChannel(SocketChannel socketChannel) throws Exception
socketChannel.pipeline().addLast(new LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder( 1024,0,4,0,4));
socketChannel.pipeline().addLast(new LengthFieldPrepender(4));
socketChannel.pipeline().addLast("customHandler", new CustomPeerHandler());
} );
// hold this for communicating with client
_channelFuture = _bootstrap.connect(host, PORT);
return _channelFuture.syncUninterruptibly().isSuccess();
public boolean send(String s)
if (
// not the best method but String will be replaced by byte[]
ByteBuf buffer =;
// NEVER returns true but the message is sent
return false;
If I send the following string "this is a test" then writeAndFlush.isSuccess() is always false but sends the message and then I get the following on the server side:
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 7f |.......... |
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 00 00 00 0e 74 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61 20 74 65 |....this is a te|
|00000010| 73 74 |st |
io.netty.handler.codec.TooLongFrameException: Adjusted frame length exceeds 1024: 4278190084 - discarded
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 7f |.......... |
io.netty.handler.codec.TooLongFrameException: Adjusted frame length exceeds 1024: 4278190084 - discarded
The reason that writeAndFlush().isSuccess() returns false is that, like all outbound commands, writeAndFlush() is asynchronous. The actual write is done in the channel's event loop thread, and this just hasn't happened yet when you call isSuccess() in the main thread. If you want to block and wait for the write to complete you could use:
The error you see on the server side is because of this frame that arrives before your "this is a test" message:
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 7f |.......... |
The LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder tries to decode the first 4 bytes ff 00 00 00 as the length, which is obviously too large. Do you know what is sending this frame? Could it be your CustomPeerHandler?
