I'm noob in linux! I have my server and installed jenkins. I need to create bash script, which should run application(or will restart if it has already been started) after jenkins compile it. I tried to use screen util in linux, but it's not working for me. I wrote this script:
screen -X -S JavaTelegramBot quit
screen -d -m -S JavaTelegramBot
screen -X -S JavaTelegramBot java -jar "path/to/jar"
When I tip screen -ls, it's empty, so application not working
I'm trying to write a dockerfile to run a rust test suite that requires a jar to be running on a separate port. I've downloaded the jar into the project and would like to start with the openjdk docker image and download rust as well. That way I can use the java command to run the jar then cargo to run the tests.
# Start with java
FROM openjdk:latest
# Add rust
RUN <one line command to download rust>
# Install production dependencies and build a release artifact.
RUN cargo build --release
# Start chromedriver, geckodriver, and selenium standalone binary
RUN ./thirtyfour/tests/binaries_and_jars/chromedriver
RUN ./thirtyfour/tests/binaries_and_jars/geckodriver
RUN java -jar ./thirtyfour/tests/binaries_and_jars/selenium.jar standalone --port 1234
# Run the tests
RUN cargo test
I was hoping to download rust using the curl command provided on the website, passing all the options as cli arguments, but I still get the prompt. Running
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain stable --default-host x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --profile default
still produces the confirmation prompt.
I'm open to any solution here, including
A one-line command to install rust
Starting from the rust image + a one-line command to install java.
You can skip the confirmation prompt by adding the -y argument. This can be found in the help page of installer script.
The installer for rustup
rustup-init [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
-q, --quiet Disable progress output
-y Disable confirmation prompt.
--no-modify-path Don't configure the PATH environment variable
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--default-host <default-host> Choose a default host triple
--default-toolchain <default-toolchain> Choose a default toolchain to install
--default-toolchain none Do not install any toolchains
--profile [minimal|default|complete] Choose a profile
-c, --component <components>... Component name to also install
-t, --target <targets>... Target name to also install
i search a way to start a jar on a raspberry pi. In need to start the jar as root because the jar set gpios and this is only possible as root user.
The jar is a GUI fullscreen application. This i tried already:
Create a Crontab (contab -e, #reboot, don't work because the application is a gui application)
By adding a file called /etc/xdg/autostart/RPi-infoscreen.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/lxterminal -e /home/pi/keySys.sh
The command line program is at /home/pi/keySys.sh
cd /home/pi/Key
sudo java -jar keyTest.jar
Make it executable:
chmod +x /home/pi/keySys.sh
This had worked for me first. But than i had to change it because i need to see the exception from the terminal. So i changed the command line program what is at /home/pi/keySys.sh to:
cd /home/pi/Key
sudo java -jar keyTest.jar 2> errorOutput.log > output.log &
Since this time nothing worked anymore. I changed it back to sudo java -jar keyTest.jar but it don't start the application anymore. I make it executable again but nothing happened.
Have someone a idea?
Thank you very much!
I am very newbie in Jenkins, I've created Jenkins job where it will execute somekind like this jar command in Jenkins job:
ECHO **********************************
ECHO Upgrade Devices
ECHO **********************************
cd c:\JenkinsPull
java -jar DevicesUpgrade.jar PC1 %ProjectName%
When I start to build the Jenkins job it able to run the DevicesUpgrade.jar file until last part of jar process before it finish, sudddenly it just stuck there till I abort the job.
So I think there must be a bug inside the jar file, but it is weird because after that, I tried to run java -jar DevicesUpgrade.jar PC1 %ProjectName% on command prompt, it didn't stuck at all and it able to finish up the jar.
Is there anything that I need to do on Jenkins to fix this hang problem?
Here is the output I got from Jenkins:
c:\JenkinsPull>java -jar DevicesUpgrade.jar PC1 lex_l11_gms
adb -s shell f95eac91 "getprop | grep ro.build.version.incremental"
Here it keep loading the jenkins job till I need to abort the Jenkins job.
Here is the output I got when I am running the jar via Command Prompt:
c:\JenkinsPull>java -jar DevicesUpgrade.jar PC1 lex_l11_gms
adb -s shell f95eac91 "getprop | grep ro.build.version.incremental"
Upgrade Device Completed..!!
I have a task in Ansible playbook that executes a .jar file in the background, but after finishing that task, the (java) app terminates.
- name: Run Java app in the background
shell: nohup java -jar app.jar &
I need the app running for tasks further down in the playbook. Any ideas??
NOTE: When I run it in Putty ssh session it runs smoothly and the app stays in background.
The most likely reason is attached IO. Try:
- name: Run Java app in the background
shell: nohup java -jar app.jar </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
Ok So I had this issue today and my script is a tad different but essentially doing the same thing so this is what I have, running on Oracle, Centos and RHEL.
in script start_service.sh I have this, this script is executed not sourced.
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd)"
nohup java -jar ${DIR}/$1 --spring.config.location=${DIR}/application.yml --logging.config=${DIR}/logging.xml > ${DIR}/log/output.log 2>&1 &
In my playbook I have:
- name: run service
shell: "{{ service_install_location }}/application_name/start-service.sh application_name-{{ application_version }}.jar"
chdir: "{{ service_install_location }}/application_name"
executable: /bin/bash
Now, the BASH_SOURCE argument is specific to bash so if you are running plain old sh then you need $0. nohup is required so when the ssh connection terminates your background task does not get killed (turn on -vvv for ansible to see connections being made to understand how this happens on a remote machine).
I should point out we are doing this temporarily as this should really be installed as a service to be under the control of service/init.d but for now, this answers your question
I'm trying to create a new Droplet and then kick off a Docker command via a UserData bash script. I set the user data via the Java API when creating the droplet and observe that the test files and logs I made are created.
newDroplet.setUserData("#!/bin/bash\n" +
"touch /test.txt;"+
"docker login --username=myname--password=mypass > /loginlog;"+
"docker pull mybuild > /pulllog;"+
"docker run --log-opt max-size=1g --net host --name myserver -t -i mybuild > /runlog;");
loginlog and pulllog both show successful outcomes. However nothing exists in the file runlog.
I can ssh into the droplet and then run the exact same docker command and it runs as expected. Why can't it be run from a userdata script? Why is no output generated?
The problem ended up being the -t flag in the docker run command. Apparently this doesn't work because it isn't a terminal or something like that. Remove the flag and it runs fine.