Mockito Argument Captors and Reference Variable - java

I have the following bit of code that some long-departed developer wrote:
Document doc = new Document();
dao.load(doc, documentId);
This bit of code is very close to untestable, as I don't know how to mock out the result.
Is it possible to use an ArgumentCaptor to mock the result of the dao to provide a given value for the doc value for a given documentId? I'd prefer NOT to change the dao call at this time (if possible).
Edit: I was requested to flesh out the above example. This is a simplified version of it:
public class DocumentController {
private DocumentDAO dao;
public Document getDocument(int documentId) throws Exception {
// ensure documentId is valid
// ensure user has access to documentId
Document doc = new Document();
int rc = dao.load(doc, documentId);
// if rc is bad throw an Exception
return doc;
I understand it would make MUCH more sense to return the Document from the load() method, unfortunately the original developer was trying to do two things at once.
I'm trying to NOT introduce new methods if possible. I just need to know if I'm using Mockito to mock a DocumentDAO instance, can I adjust an input in the manner the above method does.

Not sure if I understood your question, but maybe you are looking for something of the sort:
public class DocumentControllerTest {
private DocumentDAO dao;
private DocumentController controller;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void simpleTest() {
Document inputDoc = ...
int yourid = ...
Document d = controller.getDocument(inputDoc,yourid);
//check if dao method was called with the expected input
Mockito.verify(dao, Mockito.times(1)).load(inputDoc,yourid);
// do yur asserts
Assert.assertNotNull("Doc shouldn't be null", d);
Assert.assertEquals("Doc shoud be the expected one.", inputDoc, d);


AEM JUnit java.lang.NullPointerException

I need to create a Junit test for a class in an AEM project and I'm having NullPointerException problems:
I create the ClassTestImpl
#ExtendWith({AemContextExtension.class, MockitoExtension.class})
class TestImpl {
private final AemContext ctx = new AemContext();
private Test test;
private ModelFactory modelFactory;
void setUp() throws Exception {
any(Resource.class), eq(Test.class)))
void testGetText() {
final String expected = "textTEST";
Test test = ctx.request().adaptTo(Test.class);
String actual = test.getText();
and the json structure:
"text": {
"jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
"sling:resourceType": "project/components/core/title",
"text": "textTEST"
when i Run test i give that result:
void testGetText() {
final String expected = "titleTEST";
Title title = ctx.request().adaptTo(Title.class);
-->String actual = title[NullPointerException].getText();<--
It looks like your model is a null reference. You do try to mock it with MockitoExtension but that's largely superfluous, given that you're also using AemContextExtension and it's probably the cause of the issue.
Null pointers aside, this code doesn't even test anything. Everything is mocked, even the Test class which I understand to be the subject under test.
Also, the parameter you're passing to addModelsForClasses looks like the test class (TestImpl) rather than the class of the Sling Model Test.
Instead of relying on Mockito, let the AEM Mocks library set up all the underlying objects by itself and make sure the class you're testing is the real thing, rather than a mock.
class TestImpl {
private final AemContext ctx = new AemContext();
void setUp() throws Exception {
ctx.addModelsForClasses(Test.class); // Give it the Sling Model
void testGetText() {
final String expected = "textTEST";
Test test = ctx.request().adaptTo(Test.class); // It'll use the actual class, not a mock this way
String actual = test.getText();

Mockito failing inside internal call for mocked method

I'm trying to mock the return value for a method using the when call from mockito. However, I'm new to this and I may perhaps be misunderstanding how mockito works, since the call is failing inside the method mocked when that calls another method. I thought regardless of how that method is implemented, I should be getting the return value I'm asking for? Or do I need to mock also the internals for that method? I feel that shouldn't be it.
public boolean verifyState(HttpServletRequest request, String s) {
String stateToken = getCookieByName(request, STATE_TOKEN);
String authToken = getCookieByName(request, AUTHN);
boolean isValidState = true;
if (isValidState) {
try {, authToken));
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
ExceptionLogger.logDetailedError("CookieSessionUtils.verifyState", e);
return false;
} else {
return false;
public String getEdUserId(String stateToken, String authToken) throws Exception {
String edUserId;
Map<String, Object> jwtClaims;
jwtClaims = StateUtils.checkJWT(stateToken, this.stateSharedSecret); // Failing here not generating a proper jwt token"State Claims: " + jwtClaims);
edUserId = sifAuthorizationService.getEdUserIdFromAuthJWT(authToken);
return edUserId;
My test:
#ActiveProfiles(resolver = MyActiveProfileResolver.class)
#WebMvcTest(value = CookieSessionUtils.class, includeFilters = {
#ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, classes = {ApiOriginFilter.class, ValidationFilter.class})})
class CookieSessionUtilsTest {
private CookieSessionUtils cookieSessionUtils; // Service class
private CookieSessionUtils cookieSessionUtilsMocked; // Both the method under test and the one mocked are under the same class, so trying these two annotations together.
private HttpServletRequest request;
public void setUp() {
public void testVerifyState1() throws Exception {
//...Some mocks for getCookieName
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
when(cookieSessionUtils.getEdUserId(anyString(), anyString()).thenReturn(eq(String.valueOf(uuid))); // When this line runs it fails on verifyState method
assertTrue(cookieSessionUtils.verifyState(request, ""));
Attempt using anyString() instead of eq().
Thank you.
Your test is broken in a few places.
Setting expectations on a real object
You should call Mockito.when on mocks and spies, not on System under test. Mockito normally reports it with a clear error message, but you throw a NPE from getEdUserId, so this is reported instead. The NPE stems from the fact that both eq and anyString return null, which is passed to the real method.
Invalid use of matchers
As #StefanD explained in his answer eq("anyString()") is not matching any string. It matches only one string "anyString()"
Returning a mather instead of real object
This is illegal position for a matcher.
Mixing Mockito and Spring annotations in a WebMvcTest
This is a common error. Mockito does not inject beans to the spring context.
From the code provided it is unclear what CookieSessionUtils is (Controller? ControllerAdvice?) and what is the correct way to test it.
It seems that you are trying to replace some methods under test. A way to do it is to use a Spy.
The test written in this style:
class CookieSessionUtilsTest {
private HttpServletRequest request;
private SifAuthorizationService sifAuthorizationService;
private CookieSessionUtils cookieSessionUtils;
public void testVerifyState1() throws Exception {
Cookie cookie1 = new Cookie("stateToken", "stateToken");
Cookie cookie2 = new Cookie("Authn", "Authn");
when(request.getCookies()).thenReturn(new Cookie[]{cookie1, cookie2});
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
doReturn(String.valueOf(uuid)).when(cookieSessionUtils).getEdUserId(anyString(), anyString());
assertTrue(cookieSessionUtils.verifyState(request, ""));
An alternative way is to call the real method, but to mock all collaborators: StateUtils and sifAuthorizationService. I would probably go with this one, if you want to test public getEdUserId.
Test written when mocking collaborators:
class CookieSessionUtilsTest {
private HttpServletRequest request;
private SifAuthorizationService sifAuthorizationService;
private CookieSessionUtils cookieSessionUtils;
public void testVerifyState1() throws Exception {
Cookie cookie1 = new Cookie("stateToken", "stateToken");
Cookie cookie2 = new Cookie("Authn", "Authn");
when(request.getCookies()).thenReturn(new Cookie[]{cookie1, cookie2});
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
assertTrue(cookieSessionUtils.verifyState(request, ""));
I took the assumption that StateUtils.checkJWT does not need to be mocked
The points above are still valid and need to be resolved in either case.
As the system under test is currently a Service, I suggest to drop WebMvcTest and test it with plain mockito instead.
Should SUT be a service? It is more typical to handle auth code in filters.
note usage of doReturn when stubbing a method on a spy.
You use mocks in more places than needed. For example Cookie is trivial to construct, there is no point in using a mock
The error is here:
when(cookieSessionUtils.getEdUserId(eq("anyString()"), eq("anyString()"))).thenReturn(eq(String.valueOf(uuid)));
It should read like
when(cookieSessionUtils.getEdUserId(anyString()), anyString()).thenReturn(uuid);
Please refer to the Mockito documentation of Argument matchers.
Because the argument matchers looking for the string "anyString()" they never match the actual parameters the method call is providing and so there is never returned the uuid you expecting.

Mockito default behaviour and custom behaviour with methods with identical return types

Supossing I have the following code to test UserController by mocking UserService (where UserController has a reference to UserService):
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
public class UserControllerTest {
private final List<User> users1 = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<User> users2 = new ArrayList<>();
public void initUsers() {
User user = new User();
User user = new User();
public void testFindAlls() throws Exception {
UserService userService = mock(UserService.class); //line1
when(userService.findAll1()).thenReturn(users1); //line2
when(userService.findAll2()).thenReturn(users2); //line3
UserController userController = new UserController();
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(userController, "userService", userService);
List<User> users3 = userController.findAll1(); //line4
List<User> users4 = userController.findAll2(); //line5
I have the following doubts:
When the line1 is reached, what would be the default behaviour for userService.findAll1() and userService.findAll2()?
When the line3 is reached, as userService.findAll1() and userService.findAll2() return the same result type (List<User>). Will the line3 override the behaviour defined in line2? I mean, will userService.findAll1() return users2 instead of users1?
I mean, the when method signature is public static <T> OngoingStubbing<T> when(T methodCall) so T in the example would be an element of type List<User> with the value probably to null. So, how the when method is able to determine that different calls are passed as arguments?
When you mock something all methods - that have a return type - would just return null by default (or equivalents in case of primitives). Since the mock has no implementation on its own, a call to the method is doing nothing (basically it handles like an empty method).
Why would that be? You map different return values to different methods, there is no possibility of overriding something.
I just removed my previous try to expalin this. The content of the link is better than anything I can come up with. So it's not easy to understand.
How does mockito when() invocation work?
On another note:
You might not need to use Reflections to put the mock into your object. Check out #InjectMocks & #Mock. So wheter you can use them (or how to use them) depends on your JUnit and Mockito version.
(How to use Mockito with JUnit5)

How to partial mock a method that throws exceptions using Mockito?

It's useful to test exception handling. In this specific case, I have a extractor that will do a specific task when an exception is thrown while unmarshaling a specific class.
Example Code
Below is a simplified example of the code. The production version is much more complicated.
public class Example {
public static enum EntryType {
public static class Thing {
List<String> data = new ArrayList<String>();
EnumSet<EntryType> failedConversions = EnumSet.noneOf(EntryType.class);
public static class MyHelper {
public String unmarshal(String input) throws UnmarshalException {
// pretend this does more complicated stuff
return input + " foo ";
public static class MyService {
MyHelper adapter = new MyHelper();
public Thing process() {
Thing processed = new Thing();
try {
adapter.unmarshal("Type 1");
} catch (UnmarshalException e) {
// do some stuff
try {
adapter.unmarshal("Type 2");
} catch (UnmarshalException e) {
return processed;
Things I've Tried
Here's a list of things I've tried. For brevity, I haven't filled in all the mundane details.
The following method doesn't do anything and the exception doesn't throw. I'm not sure why.
public void shouldFlagFailedConversionUsingSpy()
throws Exception {
MyHelper spied = spy(fixture.adapter);
doThrow(new UnmarshalException("foo")).when(spied).unmarshal(
Mockito.eq("Type 1"));
Thing actual = fixture.process();
assertEquals(1, actual.failedConversions.size());
assertThat(actual.failedConversions.contains(EntryType.TYPE_1), is(true));
The following didn't work because partial mocks don't seem to play well with methods that throw exceptions.
public void shouldFlagFailedConversionUsingMocks()
throws Exception {
MyHelper mockAdapter = mock(MyHelper.class);
when(mockAdapter.unmarshal(Mockito.eq("Type 2"))).thenThrow(
new UnmarshalException("foo"));
Thing actual = fixture.process();
assertEquals(1, actual.failedConversions.size());
assertThat(actual.failedConversions.contains(EntryType.TYPE_2), is(true));
This works, but I'm not sure if it's the proper way to do this:
public void shouldFlagFailedConversionUsingThenAnswer() throws Exception {
final MyHelper realAdapter = new MyHelper();
MyHelper mockAdapter = mock(MyHelper.class);
fixture.adapter = mockAdapter;
new Answer<String>() {
public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation)
throws Throwable {
Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
String input = (String) args[0];
if (input.equals("Type 1")) {
throw new UnmarshalException("foo");
return realAdapter.unmarshal(input);
Thing actual = fixture.process();
assertEquals(1, actual.failedConversions.size());
assertThat(actual.failedConversions.contains(EntryType.TYPE_1), is(true));
Although the thenAnswer method works, it doesn't seem to be the proper solution. What is the correct way to perform a partial mock for this situation?
I'm not quite sure what you were getting at with the mocking and the spying, but you only really need to mock here.
First, I ran into a few snags when trying your mocks out for whatever reason. I believe this had to do with the spy call which was messed up in some way. I did eventually overcome these, but I wanted to get something simple to pass.
Next, I did notice something off with the way you were spying (the basis of my approach):
MyHelper spied = spy(fixture.adapter);
This implies that you want an instance of MyHelper mocked out, not spied. The worst part is that even if this object were fully hydrated, it wouldn't be properly injected since you haven't reassigned it to the test object (which I presume is fixture).
My preference is to use the MockitoJUnitRunner to help with the injection of mocked instances, and from there I build up a basis of what it is I actually need to mock.
There's only one mocked instance and then the test object, and this declaration will ensure that they're both instantiated and injected:
public class ExampleTest {
private MyHelper adapter;
private MyService fixture;
The idea is that you're injecting your mock into the fixture. You don't have to use this - you could use standard setters in a #Before declaration, but I prefer this since it greatly reduces the boilerplate code you have to write to get mocking to work.
Now there's only one change to be made: remove the spy instance and replace its previous usage with the actual mock.
doThrow(new UnmarshalException("foo")).when(adapter).unmarshal(eq("Type 1"));
With all of the code hoisted, this passes:
public class ExampleTest {
private MyHelper adapter;
private MyService fixture;
public void shouldFlagFailedConversionUsingSpy()
throws Exception {
doThrow(new UnmarshalException("foo")).when(adapter).unmarshal(eq("Type 1"));
Thing actual = fixture.process();
assertEquals(1, actual.failedConversions.size());
assertThat(actual.failedConversions.contains(Example.EntryType.TYPE_1), is(true));
Not being one to want to leave the question/use case incomplete, I circled around and replaced the test with the inner classes, and it works fine too:
public class ExampleTest {
private Example.MyHelper adapter;
private Example.MyService fixture;
public void shouldFlagFailedConversionUsingSpy()
throws Exception {
doThrow(new UnmarshalException("foo")).when(adapter).unmarshal(eq("Type 1"));
Example.Thing actual = fixture.process();
assertEquals(1, actual.failedConversions.size());
assertThat(actual.failedConversions.contains(Example.EntryType.TYPE_1), is(true));

Mocking a service that throws an exception?

I want to test a JSF Backing-Bean method "isInProgress" that delegates to a service method "isInProgress". When the service method throws an exception, the bean should put an event on a specific event logger and return false.
When I debug the following test, I get into the catch-block. The mocked service does not throw the exception, but returns a "default answer" which is false for th boolean. What am I doing wrong?
I also wonder if the try-catch around the "when" call can be avoided somehow, as the actual exception is swallowed by the bean under test. In fact I think "declaratively" passing the name of the method to the "when" should suffice. Is there a way to get that cleaner ?
public void testIsInProgressExeption() {
//prepare object and inputs
MyBean bean = new MyBean();
MyService service = mock(MyAdapterService.class);
try {
when(bean.getService().isInProgress()).thenThrow(new Exception());
} catch (Exception e) {
//prepare expected object and result
MyBean expectedBean = new MyBean();
boolean expected = false;
//execute method under test
boolean actual = bean.isInProgress();
//check return values and exceptions
assertEquals(expected, actual);
//check that bean did not change unexpectedly
//check sideeffects on event log
For reference here is the updated Test:
public void testIsInProgressExeption() throws Exception {
//prepare object and inputs
MyBean bean = new MyBean();
MyService service = mock(MyAdapterService.class);
when(bean.getService().isInProgress()).thenThrow(new Exception());
//prepare expected object and result
MyBean expectedBean = new MyBean();
boolean expected = false;
//execute method under test
boolean actual = bean.isInProgress();
//check return values and exceptions
assertEquals(expected, actual);
//check that bean did not change unexpectedly
//check sideeffects on event log
Move the when clause out of the try block and change it to:
when(service.isInProgress()).thenThrow(new Exception());
Now it should throw an exception when called.
For the records, I was doing state-base testing. Interestingly, Fowler posted in a very nice article that goes quite the same route but then differentiates it from mocking and interaction-based testing.
You are doing it wrong. First you should lay out your test with the BDD or AAA keywords, with BDD :
#Test public void testIsInProgressExeption() {
// given
// when
// then
In the given part you will write your fixture, i.e. the setup of your test scenario. In the when part you will call the production code i.e. the tested subject. Lastly in the when part you will write your verifications and or assertions.
Stubs go in the fixture, so this line is misplaced, it doesn't belong here, it' just a definition of the behavior.
when(bean.getService().isInProgress()).thenThrow(new Exception());
However you should directly the service reference instead of the bean.getService(), this is akward.
I don't really understand why you are creating a new instance of the bean in the catch clause, this is weird. But here's how I wold write the test. Note by the way I explain in the unit test name what behavior the test is actully testing, writing this in camel case is way to painful to read, so I use the underscored convention, it's ok in tests.
#Test public void when_service_throw_Exception_InProgress_then_returns_false() throws Exception {
// given
MyBean bean = new MyBean();
MyService service = mock(MyAdapterService.class);
when(service.isInProgress()).thenThrow(new Exception());
// when
boolean result = bean.isInProgress();
// then
Also I would split the assertion on the event, this a different behavior :
#Test public void when_service_throw_Exception_InProgress_then_log_event_MDI09() throws Exception {
// given
MyBean bean = new MyBean();
MyService service = mock(MyAdapterService.class);
// somehow set up the logEvents collaborator
when(service.isInProgress()).thenThrow(new Exception());
// when
// then
You can even go further to simplify the fixture, if you use JUnit, you write this code :
public class MyBeanTest {
#Mock MyService service;
#Mock LogEvents logEvents;
#InjectMocks MyBean bean;
#Test public void when_service_throw_Exception_InProgress_then_log_event_MDI09() throws Exception {
// given
// when
// then
In the example above I also extrapolated on the log event stuff, but it is just to give the idea of what's possible.
