I have junit tests that are using #Test(expected=) syntax.
When I run those tests the exceptions are generated and the tests pass, but the exceptions' stack trace is still logged in the console.
This is confusing because there is no indication of which test generated what message.
I have a lot of test and I don't know if those stack traces are just the expected exceptions or there is some problem in the test.
Is there a way to prevent tests that expect exceptions to be thrown from logging if the test succeeds?
Yes. Don't log them. It's not JUnit printing that stuff. It's you, in your own (non-test) code. JUnit can't magically dive in there, figure out that you wrote code that explicitly tells the VM to print the trace for no good reason, and somehow suppress that.
It's not your fault, it's.. a ton of tutorials and even here on SO, answers, as well as crazy IDE defaults that led you down this path.
So, fix it! It's not too difficult; fire up your IDE's global search tool and go hunt for e.printStackTrace(). Eliminate them all. It's hunting season.
So, how would you do this? A few steps:
First things first: Enter your IDE settings and fix the template when using the quick-fix of 'add try/catch'. The catch block should be throw new RuntimeException("uncaught", e);, not e.printStackTrace().
Any time a method's nature inherently implies that it throws a certain checked exception, make it do so. A method named openFile that does not throws IOException is just badly written. Make it throws that, then eliminate the try/catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();} which we shall henceforth name 'the dodo pattern'. That should get rid of about half of them.
Next up are places where the checked exceptions you 'fixed' with the dodo pattern are not inherently part of a method's nature. For example, let's say you wrote a game save system and your current implementation works by writing it out to a DB, and you dodo-patterned the SQLException. Save games do not inherently imply DB interactions, so writing public void saveGame() throws SQLException isn't necessarily good design. The solution in pretty much all such caes is to rewrap the exception into something else. For example, make a SaveException class. Ensure it has the constructor that takes a message and a cause. Then:
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new SaveException("Cannot save game", e);
Keep the message short, sweet, don't add superfluous info (If your message involves "Something went wrong" - you're doing it wrong. It's an exception that ended up uncaught. That something is wrong is implied, no need to say it). and definitely don't add exclamation marks.
Sometimes you don't need to make an exception and can rewrap into something more useful.
That leaves checked exceptions that you nevertheless doubt can actually ever really occur. Rewrap those too, into RuntimeException or some other simplistic thing, or use lombok's #SneakyThrows for these.
That should let you get rid of each and every one of those pesky .printStackTrace() calls. Once you've done that, your problem will go away.
Lets say your program is going to do a variety of math computations and want to know the available exceptions that are possible to capture to see if any are applicable.
Or, the program will be doing a lot of file i/o and other things and you want to capture specific exceptions instead of simply capturing Exception.
Maybe you may want to know if one application is even applicable in the scenario being coded.
What is the recommended way to go about researching what exceptions are available to be captured when generating code to do specific activity?
Using a IDE like Intellij or Eclipse will let you know most of the exceptions that the library code you are using throws, depending on it's javadoc(Like FileNotFoundException) and majority of the times, these are the exceptions that you should worry about.
Other exceptions like divide by zero, null pointer exception will certainly depend on the code you are writing. For example if you getting an object from a different class, you might want to check if it is null before doing any operations on it. Similarly if you are dividing by something, like K/X , you should have an idea whether X is ever going to be 0 or not.
The recomended way is to look into the javadoc of that method.
Hopefully the software author of that code wrote the javadoc in the recomended way, to also list the Runtime Exceptions that a method throws.
You can usually find this information in the Docs for the method you want to use. It will tell you what exceptions it can throw in what cases. There is no general purpose "find all exceptions" technique. This is probably a good things, because if you don't know how or why an exception is created, you probably don't know enough to handle it.
You can trace through the source of the code you are calling to find all the specific exceptions. The problem with this is that the time this takes esp since it could change between different versions of software is very high.
In general you can trust the Javadoc for broad checked exceptions, but this usually won't tell you about all specific exception or all RuntimeExceptions. (Including all future exceptions)
Note: you may wish to take different actions based on the message as well as the type of exception.
For this reason I suggest you focus on the specific exceptions which you handle differently, and have a catch all IOException or similar for unexpected exception which by their nature mean you can't know how to handle them.
There are two types of exceptions, checked and unchecked. If you don't handle checked exception you will get a build failure. You can identify checked exception if you are using any IDE. But unchecked exception are bit tricky and you may need to refer the API documentation to understand what they are, because unless it's thrown you may not know that exception can occur. Again some IDEs give you hints based on your code, for example class casting, null checking.
I doubt such a thing is possible, but without attaching a debugger to a java application, is it possible to have some collection populated with information about every exception that is generated in a java application, regardless of if it is caught or not? I know that in .NET, messages get generated by the application about exceptions which at that point are called "First Chance Exceptions", which may or may not subsequently be handled by the application. I'm wondering if there might be a similar mechanism in java I can exploit to view information about all the exceptions generated at runtime.
Just to clarify. This has nothing to do with the context in which an exception occurs. This question is not about what I do in a catch block, or unhandled exceptions. Its about knowing if the JVM provides a mechanism to see every exception generated at runtime, regardless of what generated it, or the context.
Why not, it's of course possible! But firstly.. Logging all exceptions encountered by the JVM is a waste of life. It's meaningless in every sense, there could be several excetion's thrown without any significance.
But if indeed if you have no choice, you could tweak your Java to do that.
Breaking every rule of good programming, what we live for, I give you this idea:
Copy the source code of java.lang.Exception from JDK sources to your project.
Create a method in your Exception.java like below:
private void logException() {
// Your logging routine here.
Edit java.lang.Exception to call this method logException() at the end of every constructor.
Add the new java.lang.Exception to bootstrap classpath.
Set your logging levels etc and run.
Put your heads up, present this to your weird client, use your diplomatic skills and scare them in few words 'we can do it.. but its your own risk'. Likely you will convince him not to use this.
Suppose I have the following code:
void foo() {
/* ... */
try {
} catch (MyException e) {
/* ??? */
void bar(Object param1) throws MyException {
/* ... */
try {
} catch (MyException e) {
/* ??? */
void baz(Object param2) throws MyException {
/* ... */
if (itsAllATerribleMistakeOhNo) {
/* ??? */
throw new MyException("oops, error.");
I'm wondering where and how I should be logging the error.
Where the error occurs, below, in baz(), I know exactly what operation went awry and can log that fact.
At the top I have the most general context (e.g. what's the IP of the connection during whose handling we encountered the error.)
Along the way I might have some context which isn't known either at the top or at the bottom.
Another complication is that the error at the bottom might not really be considered an error when you look at it from the top (e.g. looking up something in a database fails; maybe you weren't sure ) - so I might choose to logger.WARN() instead of logger.ERROR().
So, above I described 3 locations (bottom, top, and along the way) - but it's not just a question of where to log, but also what to throw up. At every level in the middle, you have 2x2 options:
Log/Don't log a message
Throw the original exception / wrap the exception in a new exception with the added message.
What are the best practices, or some common wisdom, regarding these complex choices?
Note: I'm not asking about error handling/exception use in general, just about the dilemmae described above.
When it comes to logging, I prefer to keep all my logging at the top at the application boundary. Usually I use an interceptor or filter to handle all logging in a general way. By this concept, I can guarantee that everything is logged once and only once.
In this case, you would log inside your foo() method or whatever the entry point to your application is (you mentioned the IP address, I suppose we are talking about a servlet container or application server).
Than, catch your own exception in the filter/interceptor and log it depending on your needs. Add a catch throwable to catch all other exceptions that you did not handle in your code and log them as an error, since obviously you missed something further down in the stack trace.
This concept requires some planning ahead. You will probably use your own ApplicationException that stores the Error Message (String) along with some severity level (probably in an Enum). You need this to choose the correct log level when you do the actual logging.
This works well for all cases and has the advantage that all logging is happening exactly once. However, there is one case where you still need logging in your code: if you can fully deal with an error somewhere in your code (that is, an exception happens and you can do something that allows you to continue working without (re)throwing an exception). Since your are not throwing an exception, nothing would be logged otherwise.
To sum it up:
Log at the topmost position in a general way, preferably using an interceptor or filter.
Wrap exceptions inside your own ApplicationExceptions and add severity plus other things of interest for logging in your application.
Some suggestions that I tend to follow:
Link for some best practices
1) Trace the exception where it occurs. As the point where the exception occurs if the class or API knows the context in which the exception occurs then tracing and providing a proper log is better. But if the API cannot handle or comment on the exact context then API should not log the event and leave it on the caller.
2) Wrapping the exceptions : When there are lot of exceptions that can be thrown and all exceptions form a similar group (SQLException) which provides single exception and lets you to extract information if needed. Otherwise there would have been an explosion of exceptions that the caller needs to handle.
3) Re-Throwing the exceptions: If the API logs the exception and user can take some actions on that then the Exception MUST be rethrown to tell the user that some error condition occured.
4) Proper cause of exception : The exception message should not be too techy for the caller to understand, the message itself should guide the user to understand the underlying reason for the exception.
Exception Management in Java
When I throw Exceptions in my code, I do not usually log anything. The exception is information enough.
The only exception to this is, when I am at the border of my system, that is, when the exception will leave the boundary of my system, then I log as I am not sure what the other system will do with the error.
When I handle exceptions, I log them when I actively handle them, that means when I am in a catch clause which does something more then just rethrowing the exception.
Usually this is rather at the top, but this depends on the situation.
When throwing an exception at the testing stage, you should remember:
Keep the exception message as clear as possible. Stack traces can be confusing at the best of times so ensure that what you are reading, at least, makes sense to you.
Ensure that the exception is relevant to the event. If the user types in the wrong value and you throw a NullPointerException, your code is illogical and loses it's value.
Ensure that it has as much information ABOUT THE EVENT as possible. That is, keep the message relevant. If a database call has gone wrong, print the connection string to the database, and the SQL query attempted. The state of every variable currently being used isn't necessary.
Don't waffle. It's tempting to type in technical jargon to make it look like you're hacking into the matrix. It doesn't help you in a stressful situation, and it certainly doesn't help anyone else using your code. Simple english words are always preferable.
Finally, NEVER IGNORE AN EXCEPTION. Always ensure you handle the exception, and you're outputting details in some way, following the rules I've stated above.
At the company where I am right now, there are a lot of places in the code where an OurCompanyRuntimeException is thrown (where OurCompany is the actual name of the company). As far as I can tell, this exception is described as "A runtime exception thrown by code that we wrote here at this company."
I'm somewhat new to Java, but I thought exception types were supposed to reflect what went wrong, not whose code threw the exception. For example, IllegalArgumentException means someone passed an illegal argument to something. You wouldn't have a SunIllegalArgumentException if an illegal argument was passed in code written by Sun, and then a IBMIllegalArgumentException -- that would be silly and pointless, right? And if you want to know where the exception was thrown, you look at the stack trace. I understand wanting to extend RuntimeException (so that you don't have as many try/catches or "throws"es all over) but why not make subclasses that explain what happened, as opposed to what company's code it happened in?
Has anyone ever used the OurCompanyRuntimeException idea before, or have an idea of why they might have done it this way?
Sounds like the usual bespoke code nonsense that you find in in-house code bases to me. I suspect if you ask about there'll have been some decree that the OurCompanyRuntimeException was used based on some misguided logic by a senior guy that nobody dared question and has long since moved on - the story of the monkeys, bananas and hose-pipes springs to mind.
I agree with you, the name of the exception should be indicative of the error that has occurred.
Helps when reading stack traces, that's for sure. I.e. when scanning through a lot of lines of 'caused by's', it helps to see that it occurred in something thrown by you, not something internal to, say, a container.
Also lets you perform custom actions as part of the throwable - e.g. write to a special log somewhere, etc.
Yes I encountered that, too, but it didn't make sense to me either. My guess was, that the companies wrote this exceptions very early after the adoption of Java without getting the correct idea of how exception throwing and handling really works (like Nick already said... by the senior programmer nobody dared to question).
If the company feels the need to create its own exception class (e.g. for company specific logging porpuses) this exception should never be thrown directly (making it abstract). I would derive concrete Problem describing Exceptions instead or just follow the Spring Framework's idea for Exception handling/throw.
This is a bad concept. Exceptions should be specific for a use case.
Okay, if the company does produce a lot of faulty code/products, they may use that type of exception as advertisement ;)
Your company might be adding code to an already existing project, like an open source code base, and could have just added very little code to it. So in order to trace errors that happen by the company's developers, they thought that they would have their own exception class to distinguish the errors that were there before, from the ones caused by the extension. This way, they can focus only on the ones that are caused by company's developers, and perhaps ask the original source code maintainers to fix the other ones.
With time, when you people have developed a sufficiently large code base through in-house development, you may add more exceptions and remove the CompanynameRuntimeException altogother. Also, they might get more at ease with the level of expertise of the developers, to allow them to treat all errors like one, and not to view the ones caused by company developers more suspiciously.
It would make very good sense to have this as a baseclass for specific exceptions. You thrown a specific exception and catch the base class.
Also it may allow to carry a cause (the REAL exception) plus additional information around. That can be very handy for creating diagnostic output for logging.
Seems pretty silly, logging output or a stack trace will show you who the offending class is, so that explanation doesn't wash. Also seems dangerous, as if people are encouraged to throw the OurCompanyRuntimeException they're throwing RuntimeExceptions, which don't force the caller to handle them and can take down your application.
I agree with you that exceptions should reflect the reason behind them. I've seen a custom exception as the root of a hierarchy, although it probably ought to be abstract, so that you need to create a specific extension to use one, and it definitely shouldn't be a RuntimeException.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to have a generic company wide exception class like you describe that more specific exception cases inherit from. One answer already mentioned the ability specifically catch internal code exceptions and ignore / pass through the ones from core java or third party library code. The key point here is that more specific exceptions should inherit from this one. Throwing a generic company-named exception would be rarely required, and almost never recommended.
I know Googling I can find an appropriate answer, but I prefer listening to your personal (and maybe technical) opinions.
What is the main reason of the difference between Java and C# in throwing exceptions?
In Java the signature of a method that throws an exception has to use the "throws" keyword, while in C# you don't know in compilation time if an exception could be thrown.
In the article The Trouble with Checked Exceptions and in Anders Hejlsberg's (designer of the C# language) own voice, there are three main reasons for C# not supporting checked exceptions as they are found and verified in Java:
Neutral on Checked Exceptions
“C# is basically silent on the checked
exceptions issue. Once a better
solution is known—and trust me we
continue to think about it—we can go
back and actually put something in
Versioning with Checked Exceptions
“Adding a new exception to a throws
clause in a new version breaks client
code. It's like adding a method to an
interface. After you publish an
interface, it is for all practical
purposes immutable, …”
“It is funny how people think that the
important thing about exceptions is
handling them. That is not the
important thing about exceptions. In a
well-written application there's a
ratio of ten to one, in my opinion, of
try finally to try catch. Or in C#,
using statements, which are
like try finally.”
Scalability of Checked Exceptions
“In the small, checked exceptions are
very enticing…The trouble
begins when you start building big
systems where you're talking to four
or five different subsystems. Each
subsystem throws four to ten
exceptions. Now, each time you walk up
the ladder of aggregation, you have
this exponential hierarchy below you
of exceptions you have to deal with.
You end up having to declare 40
exceptions that you might throw.…
It just balloons out of control.”
In his article, “Why doesn't C# have exception specifications?”, Anson Horton (Visual C# Program Manager) also lists the following reasons (see the article for details on each point):
Productivity and code quality
Impracticality of having class author differentiate between
checked and unchecked exceptions
Difficulty of determining the correct exceptions for interfaces.
It is interesting to note that C# does, nonetheless, support documentation of exceptions thrown by a given method via the <exception> tag and the compiler even takes the trouble to verify that the referenced exception type does indeed exist. There is, however, no check made at the call sites or usage of the method.
You may also want to look into the Exception Hunter, which is a commerical tool by Red Gate Software, that uses static analysis to determine and report exceptions thrown by a method and which may potentially go uncaught:
Exception Hunter is a new analysis
tool that finds and reports the set of
possible exceptions your functions
might throw – before you even ship.
With it, you can locate unhandled
exceptions easily and quickly, down to
the line of code that is throwing the
exceptions. Once you have the results,
you can decide which exceptions need
to be handled (with some exception
handling code) before you release your
application into the wild.
Finally, Bruce Eckel, author of Thinking in Java, has an article called, “Does Java need Checked Exceptions?”, that may be worth reading up as well because the question of why checked exceptions are not there in C# usually takes root in comparisons to Java.
Because the response to checked exceptions is almost always:
try {
// exception throwing code
} catch(Exception e) {
// either
log.error("Error fooing bar",e);
// OR
throw new RuntimeException(e);
If you actually know that there is something you can do if a particular exception is thrown, then you can catch it and then handle it, but otherwise it's just incantations to appease the compiler.
The basic design philosophy of C# is that actually catching exceptions is rarely useful, whereas cleaning up resources in exceptional situations is quite important. I think it's fair to say that using (the IDisposable pattern) is their answer to checked exceptions. See [1] for more.
By the time .NET was designed, Java had checked exceptions for quite some time and this feature was viewed by Java developers at best as controversial controversial. Thus .NET designers chose not to include it in C# language.
Fundamentally, whether an exception should be handled or not is a property of the caller, rather than of the function.
For example, in some programs there is no value in handling an IOException (consider ad hoc command-line utilities to perform data crunching; they're never going to be used by a "user", they're specialist tools used by specialist people). In some programs, there is value in handling an IOException at a point "near" to the call (perhaps if you get a FNFE for your config file you'll drop back to some defaults, or look in another location, or something of that nature). In other programs, you want it to bubble up a long way before it's handled (for example you might want it to abort until it reaches the UI, at which point it should alert the user that something has gone wrong.
Each of these cases is dependent on the application, and not the library. And yet, with checked exceptions, it is the library that makes the decision. The Java IO library makes the decision that it will use checked exceptions (which strongly encourage handling that's local to the call) when in some programs a better strategy may be non-local handling, or no handling at all.
This shows the real flaw with checked exceptions in practice, and it's far more fundamental than the superficial (although also important) flaw that too many people will write stupid exception handlers just to make the compiler shut up. The problem I describe is an issue even when experienced, conscientious developers are writing the program.
Interestingly, the guys at Microsoft Research have added checked exceptions to Spec#, their superset of C#.
Anders himself answers that question in this episode of the Software engineering radio podcast
I went from Java to C# because of a job change. At first, I was a little concerned about the difference, but in practice, it hasn't made a difference.
Maybe, it's because I come from C++, which has the exception declaration, but it's not commonly used. I write every single line of code as if it could throw -- always use using around Disposable and think about cleanup I should do in finally.
In retrospect the propagation of the throws declaration in Java didn't really get me anything.
I would like a way to say that a function definitely never throws -- I think that would be more useful.
Additionally to the responses that were written already, not having checked exceptions helps you in many situations a lot. Checked exceptions make generics harder to implement and if you have read the closure proposals you will notice that every single closure proposal has to work around checked exceptions in a rather ugly way.
I sometimes miss checked exceptions in C#/.NET.
I suppose besides Java no other notable platform has them. Maybe the .NET guys just went with the flow...