Java Mail Application - java

I am just trying to create a simple Mail Application in Java.
And have found out how to code it, but I seem to have some problems with my imports.
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import javax.activation.*;
IntelliJ recommends adding Jave EE 6 JARs to module dependencies. But it just did not help! Maybe you know what to do.

The Answer by Mustafa seems correct but is outdated.
Jakarta EE
JavaEE was owned by Oracle Corporation. JavaMail was part of JavaEE, one of the few dozen technologies housed there.
Years ago, Oracle transferred ownership to the Eclipse Foundation.
The name changed from JavaEE to Jakarta EE.
JavaMail changed its name to Jakarta Mail.
In the latest versions, the package names have changed from javax.* to jakarta.*.
Jakarta Mail
Find the Jakarta Mail specifications list. The current version is Jakarta Mail 2.0.
At least one implementation exists: Eclipse Jakarta Mail.
Others are free to write implementations as well. I do not know if anyone has or not.
I have not used Jakarta Mail myself, but your Question made me curious. So I put this dependency:
<!-- -->
… into this Maven POM:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns = ""
xmlns:xsi = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = "">
<!-- FIXME change it to the project's website -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
<!-- clean lifecycle, see -->
<!-- default lifecycle, jar packaging: see -->
<!-- site lifecycle, see -->
… to create a little project. I added the Registry class from here, a link provided here.
Minor note: I fixed a typo to change the class name from registry to Registry per Java naming conventions.
Notice the imports on that file use jakarta.* package naming.
import java.util.*;
import jakarta.mail.*;
import jakarta.mail.internet.*;
That Registry class compiles, but I did not run it.
If you are writing a standalone app, you need to include a JAR containing an implementation. You would ship that JAR as part of your app, provided you can abide by its license.
If you are writing a web app or web service to be deployed on a Jakarta EE service, then you would change your Maven POM to use the Jakarta Mail APIs alone without an implementation. The implementation would be provided at runtime by the Jakarta EE compliant server product you chose for deployment.

Download JavaMail Release
In addition, the JavaMail jar files are published to the Maven
repository. The main JavaMail jar file, which is all most applications
will need, can be included using this Maven dependency:
If you use Maven,
You can find all of the JavaMail jar files in both the Maven
repository, and in Maven Central.
Otherwise download the javax.mail jar and add it to your libs/classpath:


Java get version of maven dependency at runtime

Is it possible to retrieve the version of a specific maven dependency at runtime?
E.g. for the pom.xml:
I would like to retrieve the version 1.0 of a specific dependency with artifact ID foobar.
The most problematic part here is to find a JAR by its name. Unfortunately, there is no 100% reliable way for this in Java. To get a JAR by name, you need to scan classpath of the running application which may not always be present (e.g. because custom class loaders are used or module path is used instead of classpath).
But let's assume you are not using any fancy features like custom class loaders and you got your classpath which contains all your Maven dependencies. What do you need to do now? I'll try to describe a rough algorithm:
Retrieve paths of all JAR files from your classpath.
Scan each JAR file and find the file It's located in META-INF/maven/{groupId}/{artifactId}.
Find the value of the version property in
Again, this solution will not be completely reliable. You have to decide: do you really need the version information and for what purposes?
Are you looking at jars you created yourself? Or third-party libaries? I have published a lightweight solution for the former. So if the packaging of the jars you are looking for at runtime is in your own hands, go ahead and give it a try ;-). It may be a little more elegant than having to read XML or properties from jar files.
The idea
use a Java service loader approach to be able to add as many components/artifacts later, which can contribute their own versions at runtime. Create a very lightweight library with just a few lines of code to read, find, filter and sort all of the artifact versions on the classpath.
Create a maven source code generator plugin that generates the service implementation for each of the modules at compile time, package a very simple service in each of the jars.
The solution
Part one of the solution is the artifact-version-service library, which can be found on github and MavenCentral now. It covers the service definition and a few ways to get the artifact versions at runtime.
Part two is the artifact-version-maven-plugin, which can also be found on github and MavenCentral. It is used to have a hassle-free generator implementing the service definition for each of the artifacts.
Fetching all modules with coordinates
No more reading jar manifests, just a simple method call:
// iterate list of artifact dependencies
for (Artifact artifact : ArtifactVersionCollector.collectArtifacts()) {
// print simple artifact string example
System.out.println("artifact = " + artifact);
A sorted set of artifacts is returned. To modify the sorting order, provide a custom comparator:
new ArtifactVersionCollector(Comparator.comparing(Artifact::getVersion)).collect();
This way the list of artifacts is returned sorted by version numbers.
Find a specific artifact
ArtifactVersionCollector.findArtifact("", "foobar");
Fetches the version details for a specific artifact.
Find artifacts with matching groupId(s)
Find all artifacts with groupId (exact match):
ArtifactVersionCollector.findArtifactsByGroupId("", true);
Find all artifacts where groupId starts with
ArtifactVersionCollector.findArtifactsByGroupId("", false);
Sort result by version number:
new ArtifactVersionCollector(Comparator.comparing(Artifact::getVersion)).artifactsByGroupId("foo.", false);
Implement custom actions on list of artifacts
By supplying a lambda, the very first example could be implemented like this:
ArtifactVersionCollector.iterateArtifacts(a -> {
return false;
Add these two tags to all pom.xml files, or maybe to a company master pom somewhere:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- -->
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
<!-- clean lifecycle, see -->
<!-- default lifecycle, jar packaging: see -->
<!-- site lifecycle, see -->
Although what you want is to search for a specific dependency, the below code retrieves all the details of the dependencies available in pom file.
You just need to create a wrapper method to retrieve details of specific dependencies.
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
class SampleMavenDependencyReader {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException {
MavenXpp3Reader reader = new MavenXpp3Reader();
Model model = FileReader("/Users/nonadmin/bins/projects/IdeaProjects/WDProject/pom.xml"));
for (int i = 0; i < model.getDependencies().size(); i++) {
Dependency {groupId=junit, artifactId=junit, version=4.11, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=io.github.bonigarcia, artifactId=webdrivermanager, version=${webdrivermanager.version}, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=org.seleniumhq.selenium, artifactId=selenium-api, version=${selenium.version}, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=org.seleniumhq.selenium, artifactId=selenium-server, version=${selenium.version}, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=org.seleniumhq.selenium, artifactId=selenium-remote-driver, version=${selenium.version}, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=org.seleniumhq.selenium, artifactId=selenium-java, version=${selenium.version}, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=net.lingala.zip4j, artifactId=zip4j, version=2.2.4, type=jar}
Dependency {groupId=org.apache.maven, artifactId=maven-model, version=3.3.9, type=jar}~~~

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:compile (default-compile)

I know this is a duplicate question but the answers on other topics didn't help me.
I'm using Eclipse Photon, Java Version :10, I've set jdk/jre versions on 10 in eclipse and pom.xml file. I've changed eclipse.ini file :
-Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=10 (it was set to 1.8)
and also I've added plugin in my pom.xml :
Nothing helped. This is my pom.xml :
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Spring Security -->
<!-- Spring Security WEB -->
<!-- Spring Security taglibs -->
<!-- Spring MVC support -->
<!-- Servlet, JSP and JSTL support -->
<!-- TO DO: Add support for Maven WAR Plugin -->
<!-- Add Maven coordinates forL maven-war-plugin -->
The dependencies aren't being read in class files and also I've tried deleting .m2 repository and starting Eclipse and doing the : Maven->Clean, Maven->install, and than Maven->update project. Nothing helped. I'm really stuck here for about 2-3 hours now.
Note: in Windows->Preferences->installed JRE's the jre10 was marked with the tick. I changed it to mark the jdk10. but still error :
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:compile (default-compile) on project spring-security-demo-06-user-roles: Compilation failure
Everything was working fine until I added the dependency of : spring-security-taglibs.
Deleting the dependency doesn't do anything aswell.
Check properly settings with version of your project in eclipse and version of your runner for maven.
I have reproduced the same issue with maven-compiler plugin, but using version 3.8.1:
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) on project testName: Fatal error compiling
My POM was:
To clarify:
in project I'm using Java 11 and IntelijIDEA (but logic I think the same for eclipse). So I'm using maven lifecycle phases fine only if my version of project (check properly Project Structure -> Project Settings) corresponds to version of maven runner.
E.g. if version of runner is for java 8, but project settings are for Java 11 then I'm getting this error. If I have the same for both then I don't have any problems.
And I highly recommend to check all settings for maven and the whole project. It helps to avoid the issues in the future. Deleting folder for maven is as alternative solution, but it must be last thing that you need to do.
It started working Automagically . FIX : delete .m2 repository.
I did that yesterday but it didn't help, today somehow, deleting the .m2 repository and updating the project helped !
Confirm, delete your entire local repository pointed to by .m2/settings.xml, usually this is .m2/repository
I updated my Java SDK to 11.9 and reloaded the project. With this I solved my problem.
I had the same issue, it was because the Spring Boot project was using Java 11 but my %JAVA_HOME% variable was pointing to Java 8 home directory. I resolved the issue by changing the path to %JAVA_HOME% variable.
You just need to go to preference(eclipse in this case) and change the right version of JDK like below in pic:

NoClassDefFoundError when running plugin in new Eclipse application

I am trying to solve this for about a week now so I'll be very grateful for any help.
I am developing an Eclipse plugin. I need to read the pom.xml file in my code. To do this I need three maven dependencies.
The project was created as plugin project and then converted to Maven project using m2eclipse. This is my POM:
Now when I run new Eclipse app to test the plugin. It throws an exception: ava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/maven/model/io/xpp3/MavenXpp3Reader
Same goes with Apache HttpClient as a Maven dependency. For this I was able to solve it by importing bunch of org.apache.http packages.
I also tried this which didnt help.
This really bugs me because in all the articles and tutorials is written it should work.(that m2eclipse manages maven dependencies automatically).
I am not familiar with Maven, but as an Eclipse plug-in (osgi bundle) in order to access the class at run-time you will need to add a dependency to the package or bundle that provides those classes.
This is done in the plugin/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file with an Import-Package or Require-Bundle manifest header. I don't know if maven/tycho does this automatically for you or not.
Also, the plug-in/bundle that provides those classes needs to specify an Export-Package in their manifest.

Maven dependency on project in workspace works only when project is closed in Eclipse

I'm using Eclipse Kepler with M2E plugin for Maven.
I want to create web-app Maven project using my "Util" Maven project - this is not a multi-module project. Just want this simple .jar in project, with possibility to edit "Util" project with enhancements and fixes during work with main project.
I have added only the maven dependency in webb app (no settings like build path, deployment assembly etc.) and Eclipse figured out automatically that this is project from workspace (simply: not seen as .jar with version number but with folder icon)
Now, when I install "Util" in maven repo and close project, everything works fine and Eclipse is deploying my util-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to web-inf/lib as working .jar file.
The problem is: when util project is opened, eclipse just creates "util.jar" in deployment (not util-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar) and deploy it as "jar-like-war" with classes put in WEB-INF/classes/ instead of root of jar, so I end up with something like:
...\wtpwebapps\BigProject\WEB-INF\lib\util.jar\WEB-INF\classes\ which results with simple ClassNotFoundException, because "Util" projet is not a web project - only .jar with simple classes.
How to add Maven dependency on simple util project in web app, still having an option to edit util project any time in workspace?
Have the same setup like you and it works OK. When I work on small project and do mvn install JAR is not deployed at target as projName-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar though. Do both projects have same <groupID>?.
Had some time and also had something ready so I did some tests. I am sorry for the long post but this is what works for me. I am working with the WildFly server.
1/<groupID> doesn't have to be the same after all
2a/Here is the pom.xml of the utils jar
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- =========================================================== -->
<!-- Basics -->
<!-- =========================================================== -->
<name>WebApp Common files</name>
<description>WebApp Common files</description>
<!-- =========================================================== -->
<!-- Properties -->
<!-- =========================================================== -->
<!-- other plugin versions -->
<!-- maven-compiler-plugin -->
<!-- Maven will append the version to the finalName -->
2b/ And the class file
package utils.commons;
public class PrintUtilities
public static String addArrowPrint(String toPrint)
return "--->"+toPrint+"<----";
3a/Here is the pom.xml of the webApp
<project xmlns=""
<description>Main WebApp project</description>
<!-- Explicitly declaring the source encoding eliminates the following
message: -->
<!-- [WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered
resources, i.e. build is platform dependent! -->
<!-- JBoss dependency versions -->
<!-- Define the version of the JBoss BOMs we want to import to specify
tested stacks. -->
<!-- other plugin versions -->
<!-- maven-compiler-plugin -->
<!-- JBoss distributes a complete set of Java EE 6 APIs including a Bill
of Materials (BOM). A BOM specifies the versions of a "stack" (or a collection)
of artifacts. We use this here so that we always get the correct versions
of artifacts. Here we use the jboss-javaee-6.0-with-tools stack (you can
read this as the JBoss stack of the Java EE 6 APIs, with some extras tools
for your project, such as Arquillian for testing) and the jboss-javaee-6.0-with-hibernate
stack you can read this as the JBoss stack of the Java EE 6 APIs, with extras
from the Hibernate family of projects) -->
<!-- First declare the APIs we depend on and need for compilation. All
of them are provided by JBoss AS 7 -->
<!-- Import the Common Annotations API (JSR-250), we use provided scope
as the API is included in JBoss AS 7 -->
<!-- Import the JAX-RS API, we use provided scope as the API is included
in JBoss AS 7 -->
<!-- Import the EJB API, we use provided scope as the API is included in
JBoss AS 7 -->
<!-- Import the JSF API, we use provided scope as the API is included in
JBoss AS 7 -->
<!-- Now we declare any tools needed -->
<!-- Maven will append the version to the finalName (which is the name
given to the generated war, and hence the context root) -->
<!-- Java EE 6 doesn't require web.xml, Maven needs to catch up! -->
<!-- The JBoss AS plugin deploys your war to a local JBoss AS container -->
<!-- To use, run: mvn package jboss-as:deploy -->
<!-- The default profile skips all tests, though you can tune it to run
just unit tests based on a custom pattern -->
<!-- Seperate profiles are provided for running all tests, including Arquillian
tests that execute in the specified container -->
3b/ and here are the class files:
package webapp;
public class RESTActivator extends Application {
package webapp;
import javax.ejb.LocalBean;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import utils.commons.PrintUtilities;
public class RestMethods {
public String welcomeMessage()
StringBuffer welcomeText = new StringBuffer();
welcomeText.append(" Called Rest Methods \n");
welcomeText.append(" ==================== \n");
welcomeText.append(PrintUtilities.addArrowPrint("Called Rest Methods") + "\n");
return welcomeText.toString();
4/ I first do a mvn clean install for the utils project. After it is installed in my local maven repo. Then do a update project with eclipse on my web app project and then clean package wildfly:deploy (server must be already started).
Then point your browser to http://localhost:8080/webapp/root/methods
Hope this helps.

mvn generate-sources fails, why isn't xml beans on classpath?

I'm trying to generate java classes for OGC KML 2.2 as part of the maven generate-sources process using the org.codehaus.mojo xmlbeans-maven-plugin. The java code appears to be generated correctly, but I get tons of errors during compilation complaining that 'package org.apache.xmlbeans'. XMLBeans is clearly a dependency, it exists in my ~/.m2 repository, and I've been peek in the jar to make sure the classes are there. It looks like XMLBeans is successfully generating java files in target/generated-sources, but somehow its absent from the classpath during compilation.
I've tried changing the scope of the org.apache.xmlbeans dependency, but to no avail.
Here's the pom.xml
The project consists of a single src/main/xsd folder containing the two xsds from The entire folder structure is at
I can compile the classes by hand if I put the xmlbeans jar from my ~/.m2 repo on the classpath, e.g.
xmlbeans$ javac -classpath ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/xmlbeans/xmlbeans/2.4.0/xmlbeans-2.4.0.jar org/w3/x2005/atom/*.java org/w3/x2005/atom/impl/*.java net/opengis/kml/x22/*.java x0/oasisNamesTcCiqXsdschemaXAL2/*.java x0/oasisNamesTcCiqXsdschemaXAL2/impl/*.java net/opengis/kml/x22/*.java net/opengis/kml/x22/impl/*.java
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
I've looked through a number of examples and it seems like I'm doing this right. I haven't seen anyone else complain of this issue. Any maven mavens have suggestions?
(A curious side note is that although i've tried both 2.4.0 and 2.6.0 of the xmlbeans dependency, maven hasn't ever seemed to download the 2.6.0 version into my repository)
From the POM file that you've included in your question you have only defined the xmlbeans dependency in the dependencyManagement section. You also need to define it in your dependencies section of your POM before it will be included in the classpath at build time.
So for example your POM would be:
One Additional issue that may look similar,
Check your java install jdk and ext folders for older beans jar.
The plugin puts the project dependencies at the end of the classpath.
