I want to take this open-source project, which is a build calculator for the online game Path of Exile, and port it to an android app. The project, called Path of Building (PoB), is written fully in Lua, and is released as a windows application. I'm not sure to what extent it's possible to simply wrap their lua code and just show it in an activity, but, since the project gets updated often (just as much as the game, which is once every three months), I'd like to touch as little of their code as possible and hopefully just have to set it up in Android. Any help or input is appreciated.
You can run Lua code on Android using a library called luaj.
Take a look at luaj site: http://www.luaj.org/luaj/3.0/README.html
I am currently working on a project. I have learned Java for ~4 years and am completely new to Android Studio.
In this project, a camera with artificial intelligence should recognize people within a certain radius.
With an Android app that I want to program using Java via Android Studio, I want to access the camera and query the information.
My question would be, with which tool or library can I program such an app and what else do i need?
I tried to use OpenCV and also Exoplayer, watched several different tutorials, but nothing really worked out for me.
My question would be, with which tool or library can I program such an app and what else do i need?
I thought using histograms might be the right apporach. I looked around and found this intersting project. https://isl.cs.technion.ac.il/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Face_Recognition_Project.pdf
Our goal was to create a fully operational mobile application which could detect,
recognize and track human faces.
In order to do that, we have decided to use the Android[3] platform combined
with the opencv library[4][5].
The development of the application was made on Qualcomm MSM8960[6] mobile device which run a 4.0.3 Android OS.
In addition to the application we have built, we also did a research about how
well we can use LDA[1] and PCA[2] in order to recognize faces and also about
the use of LDA in order to do basic pose estimation.
This is also interesting: https://towardsdatascience.com/face-recognition-how-lbph-works-90ec258c3d6b
I am working on a Unity Project that will be exported to ios and android.
I have a native objectiveC and Android Java code that consists of 2 views (basically a login flow). Both have same logic. What I need to do is the following:
When the app runs, it will run the Native views and code (objectiveC or Java depending on the platform).
Then the user will go through the flow, and once it is completed, I will need to report back to the unity code, and open a scene from it.
Any indications on how can that be achieved, without having to add them after generation of each code?
Because otherwise I would have to put my native code in, every time I generate a new project.
I did some research and came across the "extern" capability, but can it be used to open views from storyboards or android xml files? and trigger logics?
Thank you
Today I was speaking with PM. He said that the best way to solve problem "The same app working on iOS and Android" is to write object-c code for iOS and then use the same code in Android app (https://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html). That approach (in his opinion) will give us DRY effect (have one code to maintain).
I was so shocked that I almost didn't say anything to it. But after some time I think about it and found some problems:
C++ != Object-C. It is possible to add o-c code as c++ code in Android?
(Let say that #1 is possible) How can I do layouts, activities, ect. in c++ for Android?
Also when we should / should not use Android NDK?
The short answer is no it's not possible. However http://www.apportable.com
Claims to enable you to compile your iOS app for Android - thus enabling you to use all of the code in your iPhone app.
However it doesn't work with everyframe work but does have hooks in to the Android SDK so you can still access those components. Worth looking at, and having a play with. I have but only half-heartly and you'd have to build the iOS app from the outset with the plan to use http://www.apportable.com as like I said it doesn't currently support all ios sdks and you'd need to work around that.
But that should answer your question.
As of 2016 app portable is no longer an option more info it appears Google killed the dream.
Objective C code will not compile with the NDK. But check out http://www.apportable.com/ it's a library that allows you to write code for Android in Objective-C. That could be what your boss was talking about.
C++ < Objective-c. Objective-c is built on top of a C compiler ... Just name the files with *.mm and write c/c++ code. Basically what you could do is write functions that you want to share across platforms in c++ and use them in an Android project via JNI wrappers.
You can not share code which uses ios system Frameworks (UIKit, CFNetwork, ...) directly.
If you want to write code for whole apps once, you could give it a shot with apportable.com, like others have pointed out.
You can use the GNUstep Android toolchain to use model code based on Foundation and CoreFoundation in an Android app, and then write a new UI layer that interacts with the Objective C model via native NDK calls on top of that (e.g. in Android Studio).
I hope my question is suitable here. I recently started learning android - making buttons, using google maps and other basic stuff. I saw a thread recently (can't find it) about this and I got interested in it: https://github.com/jackpal/Android-Terminal-Emulator/wiki
This is an open source android terminal emulator. It also seems to have a library called EmulatorView with which people can call methods etc. What I would like to do is use this app inside my own app. Instead of just looking at the file system on the android phone etc. my app would connect to the console of a serial device like a router, usb to serial. Something I usually use minicom for on my pc. As in there could be a button in my app and if I press it it opens the console of the attached router and I could issue administrative commands.
I was wondering what the easiest way to do this would be? Would it be to try and use this library and make my own terminal, seems quite hard, or would it be to copy their source into a project and try to edit it? Seems messy to organize everything, and could be hard too? Then use some library like this to connect to the serial device? http://slickdevlabs.com/slick-usb-2-serial-library/
What would the first steps be, make a terminal like the open source app has, use their library or paste in their code? Then try and edit it to do something over serial?
I have tried to use their example for using their library (jackpal.androidterm.sample.telnet), but it crashes when I click open shell, I was wondering if this open shell button in their example was what I needed?
I decided I would learn more by writing the app myself using the library.
I'm working on a game which would work both on the web, as an applet, and on the Android phone, as an app.
Is that possible to do, and if so, what do I need to be aware of to make that work (i.e if there are any settings that I shouldn't hard code and instead determine them based on the user's device when the game is run, or any java libraries that I shouldn't use?).
Also, the game needs to accept touchscreen as input for the Android app. Is that possible to build into the same game which will also be run as an applet? May be so at run time, the applet decides whether to use Mouse or Touchscreen for the input when it is run?
Although Android apps are written in Java, the framework around the app is extremely different of the framework wrapped around an applet. You won't be able to have one .jar file that you can include as an applet and throw at an Android device because that's just not how it works.
You will however probably be able to create all the game logic and objects and have them in be shared with the applet code and android app. You can probably even get away with having them in one repository and project (although it's probably going to have to be an Android project that you then wedge in your app build scripts).
In order to tackle the different controls for your game you are probably going to have to abstract away the input, and have your game/level object have a call back like userHasPoked(int x, int y) and then have the applet call that method on click of the mouse and the android app calls it on touch (which is oddly still called onClick).
I think it'll be a long road, but much easier than rewriting the whole thing. It'll probably seem like a lot more work up front, but once you are done wedging your code into an applet and an Android app, you'll probably "never" have to touch that code again and can just keep adding to the game.
I wouldn't underestimate the task, but that sounds like a very fun programming exercise. Good luck!
What kind of game do you develop? It may be the better approach to develop an Javascript game.
That can be installed with phonegap (cordova) onto an android device.
Let me break this for you....
Model - The Business Logic and Data
View - The Display of the Output of the Model
Controller - On which the action is done.
The advantage of using this MVC architecture is that, you can keep the same model and keep changing the Views.
So keeping this idea in mind, you can have the same model for both the Web App and the Android App, and then implement each others Views to it respectively.