Rabbit MQ + Spring Boot: delay between resend broken messages - java

I'm creating application using Spring Boot with RabbitMQ.
I've created configuration for Rabbit like this:
public class RabbitConfiguration {
public static final String RESEND_DISPOSAL_QUEUE = "RESEND_DISPOSAL";
public Queue resendDisposalQueue() {
return new Queue(RESEND_DISPOSAL_QUEUE, true);
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory rabbitListenerContainerFactory (ConnectionFactory connectionFactoryr) {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
return factory;
public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory){
return new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory);
Also I've created listener for Rabbit messages like this:
#RabbitListener(queues = RESEND_DISPOSAL_QUEUE)
public void getResendDisposalPayload(String messageBody){
LOGGER.info("[getResendDisposalPayload] message = {}", messageBody);
// And there is some business logic
All works pretty good, but there is one problem.
When I got exception in method getResendDisposalPayload which listens RESEND_DISPOSAL_QUEUE queue (for example temporary problem with database) Rabbit starts resend last not processed message without any delay. It produces a big amount of log and for some reason uncomfortable for my system.
As I've read in this article https://www.baeldung.com/spring-amqp-exponential-backoff "While using a Dead Letter Queue is a standard way to deal with failed messages".
In order to use this pattern I've to create RetryOperationsInterceptor which defines count attempt to deliver message and delay between attempts.
For example:
public RetryOperationsInterceptor retryInterceptor() {
return RetryInterceptorBuilder.stateless()
.backOffOptions(1000, 3.0, 10000)
It sounds very good but only one problem: I can't define infinity attempt amount in options maxAttempts.
After maxAttempts I have to save somewhere broken message and deal with it in the future. It demands some extra code.
The question is: Is there any way to configure Rabbit to infinity resend broken messages with some delay, say with one second delay?

Rabbit starts resend last not processed message without any delay
That's how redelivery works: it re-push the same message again and again, until you ack it manually or drop altogether. There is no delay in between redeliveries just because an new message is not pulled from the queue until something is done with this one.
I can't define infinity attempt amount in options maxAttempts
Have you tried an Integer.MAX_VALUE? Pretty decent number of attempts.
The other way is to use a Delayed Exchange: https://docs.spring.io/spring-amqp/docs/current/reference/html/#delayed-message-exchange.
You can configure that retry with a RepublishMessageRecoverer to publish into a your original queue back after some attempts are exhausted: https://docs.spring.io/spring-amqp/docs/current/reference/html/#async-listeners


RabbitMQ + Spring RabbitTemplate: timeout for "convertAndSend"

I've got a fairly simple code that uses Spring's RabbitTemplate to send messages to RabbitMQ. The code is not interested in receiving messages, it is a simple fire and forget scenario.
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(exchange, routingKey, payload);
The template is created like this (please note that I'm using a transacted channel):
public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate() {
val rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory());
return rabbitTemplate;
I've faced an issue when the RabbitMQ server was overloaded and this call hanged for a long time and never timed out. The connection itself did not die, but RabbitMQ server had nearly full RAM and 100% CPU usage, so it wasn't responsive.
Is there a way to configure either Spring's RabbitTemplate or the underlying AmqpTemplate to time out on a simple send if it blocks for too long?

Amount parallel processing Simple Queue Service (SQS)

I am using Spring Cloud to consume Simple Queue Service (SQS). I have the following configurations for parallel processing:
public SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor simpleAsyncTaskExecutor() {
SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor simpleAsyncTaskExecutor = new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor();
return simpleAsyncTaskExecutor;
public SimpleMessageListenerContainerFactory simpleMessageListenerContainerFactory(
SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor simpleAsyncTaskExecutor) {
SimpleMessageListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleMessageListenerContainerFactory();
return factory;
I need to process 50 messages in 50 threads (configuration in the bean SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor), but is processing only 10 messages in parallel (maxNumberOfMessages returned from SQS)
How can I process 50 messages instead 10?
I found the solution.
It's necessary to annotate the method with #Async, change deletionPolicy to NEVER, and delete the message when finalizing execution.
In this way, the queue consume will respect the configured number of threads. For example, if you have 50 threads, will make 5 requests in the SQS queue (10 messages per request), thus processing a total of 50 messages in parallel.
The code looks like this:
#SqsListener(value = "sqsName", deletionPolicy = SqsMessageDeletionPolicy.NEVER)
public void consume(String message, Acknowledgment acknowledgment) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
//your code
acknowledgment.acknowledge().get(); //To delete message from queue
I wouldn't be into specific numbers (like 50 messages for 50 threads) too much. Try performance testing it instead (build something to push the expected number of messages in peak-hours to the queue, and let your service handle them, to see if it bottlenecks).
As per your actual question, you can't. AWS SQS simply doesnt support fetching more than 10 messages pr. request. see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/APIReference/API_ReceiveMessage.html for reference. (it's in the 1st paragraph).

Spring Data Redis: How do I know that MessageListener is ready?

According to the documentation for RedisMessageListnerContainer -
public void addMessageListener(MessageListener listener,
Topic topic):
Adds a message listener to the (potentially running) container. If the container is running, the listener starts receiving (matching) messages as soon as possible.
The quote above seems to indicate that there is no real way of knowing when the listener is ready - or whether the subscription at all succeeds.
So, given that I publish and subscribe to a channel - how long should I wait until I can start publishing? In my tests, simply executing
container.addMessageListener(listener, topic);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
template.publish(topic, content);
means that I don't receive the first 3-5 messages that I myself have published.
How do I get around this without resorting to Thread.sleep()?
Is it possible to get notified about connection failure/success etc?
The problem I had that messages was lost when subscribing to a topic and then immediately publishing to it disappeared when I set up the MessageListener bean to listen to a dummy topic during bean initialization:
ChannelTopic channelTopic() {
return new ChannelTopic(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
RedisMessageListenerContainer redisContainer(JedisConnectionFactory jedisConnectionFactory) {
final RedisMessageListenerContainer redisContainer = new MessageListenerContainerAdapter();
redisContainer.addMessageListener(messageListenerAdapter(messageReceiveQueue()), channelTopic());
return redisContainer;
I can now subscribe to a new topic and publish to it immediately.

How to return an error message on socket timeout with Spring-Integration

I'm using Spring (Integration) to offer a socket tcp connection. I'm having a specific timeout for this socket.
When the timeout is exceeded, I not only like to shut down the connection (which already works), but also return custom error message (or not closing the connection, but just return the error message). Is that possible?
public TcpConnectionFactoryFactoryBean tcpFactory(Converter converter) {
TcpConnectionFactoryFactoryBean factory = new TcpConnectionFactoryFactoryBean();
factory.setSoTimeout(10000); //10s; how to return error message?
return factory;
public ApplicationListener<TcpConnectionEvent> tcpErrorListener() {
TcpConnectionEventListeningMessageProducer producer = new TcpConnectionEventListeningMessageProducer();
producer.setEventTypes(new Class[] {TcpConnectionCloseEvent.class});
producer.setOutputChannel(tcpErrorChannel()); //what to do here?
return producer;
Actually any closed connection emits TcpConnectionCloseEvent and you can get deal with it using:
<int-event:inbound-channel-adapter channel="connectionClosedChannel"
Having that you not only close connection, but can do any desired logic with that event-flow.
To use it from JavaConfig:
public SmartApplicationListener tcpErrorListener() {
ApplicationEventListeningMessageProducer producer = new ApplicationEventListeningMessageProducer();
return producer;
public MessageChannel tcpErrorChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
The requirement is a little unusual - what will the client do when it gets the custom error message?
There is currently no easy way to intercept the timeout; you could do it, but you'd have to subclass the connection factory and the connection objects it creates, and override the handleReadException() method.
It would likely be much easier to just handle the sockets directly in your own component and send messages to your flow using a Messaging Gateway. Or, simply make your component a subclass of MessagingGatewaySupport.
Alternatively you could use something in your downstream flow (and don't set a timeout). When a message is received, schedule a task to send the error message in 10 seconds. When the next message arrives, cancel the scheduled task and schedule a new one.

How can I handle multiple messages concurrently from a JMS topic (not queue) with java and spring 3.0?

Note that I'd like multiple message listeners to handle successive messages from the topic concurrently. In addition I'd like each message listener to operate transactionally so that a processing failure in a given message listener would result in that listener's message remaining on the topic.
The spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer seems to support concurrency for JMS queues only.
Do I need to instantiate multiple DefaultMessageListenerContainers?
If time flows down the vertical axis:
ListenerA reads msg 1 ListenerB reads msg 2 ListenerC reads msg 3
ListenerA reads msg 4 ListenerB reads msg 5 ListenerC reads msg 6
ListenerA reads msg 7 ListenerB reads msg 8 ListenerC reads msg 9
ListenerA reads msg 10 ListenerB reads msg 11 ListenerC reads msg 12
Thanks for your feedback #T.Rob and #skaffman.
What I ended up doing is creating multiple DefaultMessageListenerContainers with concurrency=1 and then putting logic in the message listener so that only one thread would process a given message id.
You don't want multiple DefaultMessageListenerContainer instances, no, but you do need to configure the DefaultMessageListenerContainer to be concurrent, using the concurrentConsumers property:
Specify the number of concurrent
consumers to create. Default is 1.
Specifying a higher value for this
setting will increase the standard
level of scheduled concurrent
consumers at runtime: This is
effectively the minimum number of
concurrent consumers which will be
scheduled at any given time. This is a
static setting; for dynamic scaling,
consider specifying the
"maxConcurrentConsumers" setting
Raising the number of concurrent
consumers is recommendable in order to
scale the consumption of messages
coming in from a queue. However, note
that any ordering guarantees are lost
once multiple consumers are
registered. In general, stick with 1
consumer for low-volume queues.
However, there's big warning at the bottom:
Do not raise the number of concurrent consumers for a topic.
This would lead to concurrent
consumption of the same message, which
is hardly ever desirable.
This is interesting, and makes sense when you think about it. The same would occur if you had multiple DefaultMessageListenerContainer instances.
I think perhaps you need to rethink your design, although I'm not sure what I'd suggest. Concurrent consumption of pub/sub messages seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to do, but how to avoid getting the same message delivered to all of your consumers at the same time?
At least in ActiveMQ what you want is totally supported, his name is VirtualTopic
The concept is:
You create a VirtualTopic (Simply creating a Topic using the prefix VirtualTopic. ) eg. VirtualTopic.Color
Create a consumer subscribing to this VirtualTopic matching this pattern Consumer.<clientName>.VirtualTopic.<topicName> eg. Consumer.client1.VirtualTopic.Color, doing it, Activemq will create a queue with that name and that queue will subscribe to VirtualTopic.Color then every message published to this Virtual Topic will be delivered to client1 queue, note that it works like rabbitmq exchanges.
You are done, now you can consume client1 queue like every queue, with many consumers, DLQ, customized redelivery policy, etc.
At this point I think you understood that you can create client2, client3 and how many subscribers you want, all of them will receive a copy of the message published to VirtualTopic.Color
Here the code
public class ColorReceiver {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MailReceiver.class);
private JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;
// simply generating data to the topic
long id=0;
#Scheduled(fixedDelay = 500)
public void postMail() throws JMSException, IOException {
final Color colorName = new Color[]{Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.WHITE}[new Random().nextInt(3)];
final Color color = new Color(++id, colorName.getName());
final ActiveMQObjectMessage message = new ActiveMQObjectMessage();
message.setProperty("color", color.getName());
LOGGER.info("status=color-post, color={}", color);
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(new ActiveMQTopic("VirtualTopic.color"), message);
* Listen all colors messages
destination = "Consumer.client1.VirtualTopic.color", containerFactory = "colorContainer"
selector = "color <> 'RED'"
public void genericReceiveMessage(Color color) throws InterruptedException {
LOGGER.info("status=GEN-color-receiver, color={}", color);
* Listen only red colors messages
* the destination ClientId have not necessary exists (it means that his name can be a fancy name), the unique requirement is that
* the containers clientId need to be different between each other
// destination = "Consumer.redColorContainer.VirtualTopic.color",
destination = "Consumer.client1.VirtualTopic.color",
containerFactory = "redColorContainer", selector = "color='RED'"
public void receiveMessage(ObjectMessage message) throws InterruptedException, JMSException {
LOGGER.info("status=RED-color-receiver, color={}", message.getObject());
* Listen all colors messages
destination = "Consumer.client2.VirtualTopic.color", containerFactory = "colorContainer"
public void genericReceiveMessage2(Color color) throws InterruptedException {
LOGGER.info("status=GEN-color-receiver-2, color={}", color);
public class Config {
* Each #JmsListener declaration need a different containerFactory because ActiveMQ requires different
* clientIds per consumer pool (as two #JmsListener above, or two application instances)
public JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> colorContainer(ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
final DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
// container.setClientId("aId..."); lets spring generate a random ID
return factory;
public JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> redColorContainer(ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
// necessary when post serializable objects (you can set it at application.properties)
final DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
return factory;
public class Color implements Serializable {
public static final Color WHITE = new Color("WHITE");
public static final Color BLUE = new Color("BLUE");
public static final Color RED = new Color("RED");
private String name;
private long id;
Multiple Consumers Allowed on the Same Topic Subscription in JMS 2.0, while this was not the case with JMS 1.1. Please refer:
This is one of those occasions where the differences in transport providers bubble up through the abstraction of JMS. JMS wants to provide a copy of the message for each subscriber on a topic. But the behavior that you want is really that of a queue. I suspect that there are other requirements driving this to a pub/sub solution which were not described - for example other things need to subscribe to the same topic independent of your app.
If I were to do this in WebSphere MQ the solution would be to create an administrative subscription which would result in a single copy of each message on the given topic to be placed onto a queue. Then your multiple subscribers could compete for messages on that queue. This way your app could have multiple threads among which the messages are distributed, and at the same time other subscribers independent of this application could dynamically (un)subscribe to the same topic.
Unfortunately, there's no generic JMS-portable way of doing this. You are dependent on the transport provider's implementation to a great degree. The only one of these I can speak to is WebSphere MQ but I'm sure other transports support this in one way or another and to varying degrees if you are creative.
Here's a possibility:
1) create only one DMLC configured with the bean and method to handle the incoming message. Set its concurrency to 1.
2) Configure a task executor with its #threads equal to the concurrency you desire. Create an object pool for objects which are actually supposed to process a message. Give a reference of task executor and object pool to the bean you configured in #1. Object pool is useful if the actual message processing bean is not thread-safe.
3) For an incoming message, the bean in DMLC creates a custom Runnable, points it to the message and the object pool, and gives it to task executor.
4) The run method of Runnable gets a bean from the object pool and calls its 'process' method with the message given.
#4 can be managed with a proxy and the object pool to make it easier.
I haven't tried this solution yet, but it seems to fit the bill. Note that this solution is not as robust as EJB MDB. Spring e.g. will not discard an object from the pool if it throws a RuntimeException.
Creating a custom task executor seemingly solved the issue for me, w/o duplicate processing:
class BeanConfig {
#Bean(destroyMethod = "shutdown")
public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor topicExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return executor;
JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> topicListenerFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer, #Qualifier("topicExecutor") Executor topicExecutor) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory();
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
return factory;
class MyBean {
#JmsListener(destination = "MYTOPIC", containerFactory = "topicListenerFactory", concurrency = "1")
public void receiveTopicMessage(SomeTopicMessage message) {}
I've run into the same problem. I'm currently investigating RabbitMQ, which seems to offer a perfect solution in a design pattern they call "work queues." More info here: http://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-two-java.html
If you're not totally tied to JMS you might look into this. There might also be a JMS to AMQP bridge, but that might start to look hacky.
I'm having some fun (read: difficulties) getting RabbitMQ installed and running on my Mac but think I'm close to having it working, I will post back if I'm able to solve this.
on server.xml configs:
so , in maxSessions you can identify the number of sessions you want.
Came across this question. My configuration is :
Create a bean with id="DefaultListenerContainer", add property name="concurrentConsumers" value="10" and property name="maxConcurrentConsumers" value ="50".
Works fine, so far. I printed the thread id and verified that multiple threads do get created and also reused.
