I cloned the maven project to my local disk. The project has 3 modules as well as a parent project. i marked the 3 modules with the 3 colors-- the 4th, blue color is the project itself.
The project is running all fine on maven both on Eclipse and on command line.
When i do a mvn install on Eclipse, the project is built and all the tests are run successfully -- i see the good old BUILD SUCCESS report of maven on Eclipse console.
The problem is -- the modules are all messed up. (this "messed up" is the best way i can put it for now.) Eclipse doesn't recognize the dependencies between modules and gives checked errors to some of the code that use outside dependencies.
At one place-- lombok #Getter is used in one class. import lombok.Getter; is seen by the compiler-- no checked error to that. but eclipse doesn't recognize the getter declaration of lombok, say getField() for the field field. i know this because : a) in the class itself-- gives a warning that .. the private field field isn't used.
b) gives a checked error to getField() a reference from another class.
Thought this might be an interesting example to how the dependencies are "working". i'm guessing one dependency that lombok is using is intercepted somewhere along the way to give this inconsistency.
Following is the project root directory structure on disk. (the 3 colors are the 3 modules, have to hide the names for confidentiality):
the 3 modules are defined in the pom.xml as follows:
i see the following in Eclipse project explorer:
so in the Project explorer, the 2 modules/tests (green & yellow) that have java dir, i.e. src/main/java appear twice. the orange module has only src/main/resources and no src/main/java.
In the second occurrences of the modules in the project explorer (the image above), there are no dependencies of any kind, not even Java itself and hence all those red dots all around (compiler errors). The first occurrences of modules have Referenced Libraries and no Maven Dependencies:
How to fix this project so that i can code and run in Eclipse? Just to pin down-- project configuration is all fine and it runs successfully on maven. the problem is Eclipse's own settings on it.
so far i tried the following:
made the project faceted and added Java as the only one to its facets
imported as Maven project -- File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects
ran mvn eclipse:eclipse on its pom.xml
Wasn't even seeing the Build path before these.
i'd appreciate the help-- wore me out.
everyone else on the project is IntelliJ developer-- no workspace to compare with.
i've seen Importing Maven project into Eclipse and some other useful discussions.
i'm not sure whether i should post .project, .settings and some other file contents also.
will do if necessary.
Make sure to not only import the parent pom.xml, but also the Maven modules as projects into Eclipse. To do this in one go, use
File > Open Projects from File System... or
in the Git Repositories view right-click the root folder and choose Import Projects...
Make also sure Lombok has been installed into Eclipse, otherwise Eclipse's own incremental compiler would not generate e.g. getter and setter methods that are defined by Lombok annotations. See the Lombok documentation of how to install Lombok into Eclipse. If you have installed Lombok after importing the projects, it might be that you need to do a Project > Clean... or close and reopen again the projects (via the right-click menu).
I have a fundamental question, but something which bothers me a lot. We sync code from perforce in my company. and then we are taught to build the code compatible to eclipse. Then we import the code in eclipse as existing project. Then when we hit ctrl-space from an object, we get suggestions of methods.
My question is: Why do we need to build the code for suggestions of methods? . After syncing from perforce, what I have is still an existing java project (right?). So eclipse should be smart enough to be able to index and find out from source code, the methods, when I hit ctrl-space on an object?.
Why do I need to build? What purpose the build serves?
The code does not have to be built, but to be able to import a directory as project via File > Import...: General > Existing Projects into Workspace into Eclipse, at least the file .project must exist.
There are several ways to import, for example, a Maven project:
Execute mvn eclipse:eclipse on the command line and in Eclipse do File > Import...: General > Existing Projects into Workspace
File > Import...: Maven > Existing Maven Projects without a command line call uses by default the in Eclipse embedded Maven
File > Open Projects from File System... (or in Git Repositories view right-click + Import Projects...) detects not only Maven projects but also plain Java projects and automatically configures them accordingly.
In all three ways the following files are created, which are required in Eclipse for the Java content assist (Ctrl+Space) to work:
.project - says whether it is e. g. a Java, a PHP or a C/C++ project (to be more precise, the project name, builders and natures are specified here, e. g. the project folder icon of a Java Maven project will be decorated with a M and a J based on the Java and Maven project natures)
.classpath - tells Eclipse where the source and output folders are and which JARs should be added to the classpath (in Maven projects, the JARs are not listed, but it refers to the Maven dependencies which are computed from the pom.xml file)
.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs - contains Java compiler and optional formatter settings (e. g. which Java version; which problems should be ignored or shown as infos, as warnings or as errors, etc.)
With Eclipse Oomph you can automate even more: you select a project and based on a project-specific configuration, for example, a Git repository is automatically cloned and plug-ins necessary to edit the project are automatically installed and configured.
Eclipse uses relfection for the suggestion, it can be possible only if the .class file generated
I know that there is a Git plugin for Eclipse ("Egit"), but I like to do Git stuff on the command line, and I like to code in Eclipse, so I want to keep them separate.
I cloned a Git repo (I don't think its important, but for good measure, it was https://github.com/spinscale/dropwizard-jobs.git). I then opened up Eclipse (Juno) and created a new Java project, and selected the root of the cloned repo as the base path to my project. Eclipse asked me if I wanted to associate the project with the Java facet, and I clicked 'OK'.
This project has a large dependency tree (if you like, check out its 4 POM files). I don't use Maven to build (I use Gradle) so I just ran a script that resolves the dependencies of these POMs into a directory, and then I created a lib directory in this Eclipse project and copied all the JARs into it. I then added all these JARs to the project's classpath.
I am now seeing 10 errors in the Problems view in Eclipse, and they're all similar errors:
The type ApplicationStartTestJob is already defined ApplicationStartTestJob.java /dropwizard-jobs/dropwizard-jobs-core/src/test/java/de/spinscale/dropwizard/jobs line 10 Java Problem
The type ApplicationStartTestJob is already defined ApplicationStartTestJob.java /dropwizard-jobs/dropwizard-jobs-guice/src/test/java/de/spinscale/dropwizard/jobs line 10 Java Problem
8 more all like this, etc.
Sure enough, when I expand the entire project, I see it has the following structure:
So it seems that the maintainers of this project like to rename their unit tests with the exact same package/class names, and for some reason, Eclipse sees them as all belonging inside the same package. To test this I renamed dropwizard-jobs-core/src/main/java/de.spinscale.dropwizard.jobs.ApplicationStartTest to something else, and did the same for dropwizard-jobs-guice/src/main/java/de.spinscale.dropwizard.jobs.ApplicationStartTest and sure enough, all the errors associated with ApplicationStartTest being already defined went away.
So my suspicion is confirmed: The intention of these subfolders (dropwizard-jobs-core, dropwizard-jobs-guice and dropwizard-jobs-spring) is that they are sub-projects with separate classpaths. Eclipse thinks all of these source folders are part of the same project, and so it is lumping all of their classes into the same classpath. Since each subproject uses the same unit test naming conventions (same package/class names for each subproject), Eclipse see multiple classes in the same package as having the same name.
OK, good! I figured out the problem. But what's the solution? Ideally I would be able to keep all of these inside the same project, but perhaps modify the .classpath file or do something similar that instruct Eclipse to keep the subprojects separated from a classpath perspective. Any ideas?
SImply download eclipse m2e plugin, then import the project(considering you have already checked-out at your workstation), and do spend sometime learning MAVEN commands. here you can find an pverview of maven parent project and modules. Maven parent pom vs modules pom
One possible solution would be to introduce maven, which allows to naturally define a parent project and sub-projects in a multi-module maven project.
You can actually test that configuration outside of Eclipse, and then use M2Eclipse in order to import parent and its dependencies, at the same time (as commented in this answer) in your Eclipse.
Actually, the M2Eclipse project itself has guice test project, which you can use as model for your own guive subproject, in the repo sonatype/m2eclipse-guice, with an adequate pom.xml.
I am currently working on a larger scale Maven-based project in IntelliJIdea 12.1.6 Ultimate. I have been working with IntelliJIdea since about 5 months.
An included module has dependencies on another module. The dependent module's source was also part of my project until recently. Since I removed the dependent module from my project, I get compile errors whenever I am trying to compile the source without maven.
The pom.xml of removed modules in Intellij seem to be placed onto the Settings->Maven->Ignored Files. I cant seem to remove it from there, only check or uncheck it. It's not possible to include the module again since IntelliJ will say its still under Ignored Files.
2 ways allow me to compile again: Uncheck the pom from Ignored files, which will include the module again in my project. Or delete the source of the dependent module, so my project will load the dependent module from the maven repository. But whenever I update my project from svn, the source of the dependent module is restored (I don't know why this even happens since its not part my project) and the cycle begins anew.
I googled this for a while since it gets really annoying. It became a problem with several excluded modules. I could rebuild the intellij-project from scratch but since a lot of IntelliJ settings were made (not related to the problem) I would rather solve this.
Any help is appreciated, I guess I must be missing something
A collegue who has more in-depth knowledge of maven told me the answer:
The trick is not to remove the source module from the intellij project but to remove it from maven (in the maven projects tab in intellij). Intellij will ask then to remove the source module also from the intellij project and its finally gone.
Right click on the maven project -> remove projects
Would not have guessed this makes such a difference.
Do any of these two points work for you:
NEW there might be dependency in one of your sub-modules pointing to the removed artifact. To make sure it's the situation, you may want to rename your $HOME/.m2 and rebuild the project. If this is indeed the case, just search for the dependency in your poms and delete it from sub-modules
right click on the parent pom.xml -> Maven -> Reimport
copy the project into a separate dir. File -> Import Project -> Choose newly created dir -> Choose Maven?
PS. Idea is excellent in maintaining the project structure in accordance with Maven project. Once you make a change to your pom, you need to reload the project. Idea can also automatically detect changes made to your pom.xml and apply them to project. To enable this, press Ctrl+Shift+A, type 'maven auto', choose "Importing", checkbox "Import Maven project automatically";
This may not relate directly to the OP, but...
Using IntelliJ 2016.5, to remove a Maven module and it's underlying source code and remove it as a sub-module from the parent, go to the Project Files tab, find the unwanted module and use the triangle symbol to open it, then delete the entry that represents it on disk.
Hitting Delete on the module itself will only mark it as hidden within the IDE.
I am trying to add java code from a Maven project (called docx4java) which I checked out from svn to an existing Eclipse project (called DocumentManager). I have tried the normal way, that I thought would work, i.e.:
Right Click on eclipse project>Properties>Java Build Paths> Projects > Add (here I add the Maven project) and >Libraries (here I specify Native Library location e.g. docx4/trunk/docx4/src/) but I still can't get the 'Maven' classes to be recognised in eclipse. I get the message
import docx4j.src.main.java.org.docx4j.convert.out.flatOpcXml.FlatOpcXmlCreator cannot be resolved
I have tried adding a test project that was compiled in Eclipse and that works fine, Eclipse seems to recognise it i.e. import org.me.TestProject works fine.
How can I get the code from the Maven project docx4java to work in the Eclipse compiled project DocumentManager?
You can generate eclipse poject files (which you can just import into your Workspace) using the maven eclipse plugin
Take a look at these ecplise plugins for a more direct integration of maven into eclipse
You should create a eclipse project for docx4java as #Attila has commented. Once that is done, you should have two projects on your workspace: docx4java and DocumentManager. At this point, what you are doing now (adding a project reference to the Java Build Paths) should work.
It seems that the source path is not configured correctly, this is why the compiler cannot find your "Maven classes".
Maven has a different directory structure and you have to tell Eclipse where to find your sources.
For a "vanilla" eclipse project, remove the standard eclipse build path src and add the maven source path src/main/java (or whereever you added the code), the compiler should correctly pick up your sources.
Note that you still have to add all jars mentioned in the dependencies section of the maven pom.xml file. Otherwise it won't compile, even if it finds your added java classes.
(Addendum: I would recommend to use maven in your existing project as well.)
I have a "master project" that uses several "modules". The modules are in the pom.xml, but I also have the code for the modules as projects in Eclipse. I defined the modules as project dependencies both in "Properties|Project References" and in "Properties|Java Build Path". I also made sure all of the Eclipse projects are at the top of "Order and Export" in Java Build Path.
The master project is not recognizing changes to the modules within eclipse. When I press F3 to see the code, it opens java source from my .m2 directory. It's obviously ignoring my Eclipse projects. Am I missing some setting? What should I do?
You don't need to add the dependent projects into the Project references (at least when using m2eclipse-plugin), just add them as dependencies on your masters' pom.xml. I haven't had the need to touch the Build path since I've started using Maven in Eclipse.
Make sure you have enabled the Workspace resolution of the plugin by right clicking on project root -> Maven -> Enable Workspace Resolution. If it says "Disable Workspace Resolution", it is already enabled. You may also need to run "Update project configuration" under the same menu.
This way when you run your master-project from within Eclipse, any changes made to the other projects will be "visible" to the master (and you can actually use hot swap during runtime even on the other projects).
If you're using Maven, you pretty much want to commit to Maven. Even if you do configure Eclipse with Eclipse-specific dependencies, anytime you update your project configuration using Maven, it will do a complete rewrite of your configuration.
I strongly recommend converting any of your other project build dependencies into Maven-enabled projects that can be used as Maven dependencies.
In your specific case (through using the Maven modules), this means ensuring that each of your modules are imported into Eclipse as m2e-enabled projects. m2e will then automatically wire in the dependencies between modules and other dependent projects.
Im scratching my head as to why you would need your modules defined as dependencies on your top level project. Are you trying to avoid having to define the (cross) dependencies at a module level? In any case, as per other suggestions, first of all put your dependencies in the correct places in your POM, then either run
mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse
to update your Eclipse settings, or better still, make sure m2eclipse is installed and import your maven projects directly into the IDE.