Excluding a specific package from a dependency in Gradle - java

I have a dependency in one of my project
implementation (group: 'com.ibm.cloud', name: 'ibmcloudsql-jdbc', version: '2.5.34')
I want to specifically exclude a package from this jar, i.e
Is there a way? I already tried this but did not work.
implementation (group: 'com.ibm.cloud', name: 'ibmcloudsql-jdbc', version: '2.5.34'){
exclude module: 'com.ibm.cloud.sdk.core.http'

You can't use dependency management to remove part of a dependency - with dependency management it's either the complete dependency or no dependency (and this is not limited to gradle - other dependency managers / build systems like maven or ivy also don't have this feature).
The exclude module can only be used to prevent inclusion of transitive dependencies (i.e. you need dependency com.xy:A and com.xy:A declares that it also needs com.xy:B - with exclude module you can prevent the inclusion com.xy:B)
It might be possible to create your own version of that dependency by manually removing the package com.ibm.cloud.sdk.core.http from the jar itself and adding that modified jar file to your project.


How to exclude library from dependencies?

I have a gradle project with several modules in it. In the main module I have id "io.spring.dependency-management" plugin. In the adapters module I have dependency on the main one implementation project(":main") with runtimeOnly 'io.r2dbc:r2dbc-postgresql in dependency block, which pulls 0.8.12.RELEASE version of the r2dc-postgresql driver.
Now I want to use 0.8.13.RELEASE verision of the driver, so I simply added runtimeOnly 'io.r2dbc:r2dbc-postgresql:0.8.13.RELEASE to the dependency declaration, but now I have two versions of this library in external libraries section (0.8.12.RELEASE and 0.8.13.RELEASE), but ./gradlew adapters:dependencies displays only 0.8.13.RELEASE version.
How to find out where 0.8.12.RELEASE is coming from now and remove it?
I tried
exlude(group = 'io.r2dbc', module = 'r2dbc-postgresql')
but it didn't work
have you had a look at e.g.:
How to exclude library from all dependencies in Kotlin DSL build.gradle?
What does this "all*.exclude" means in Gradle transitive dependency?

Gradle dependencies: package does not exist

I know this has been asked multiple times but the questions have multiple answers.
I'm trying to use a Java package that's a dependency of my dependency. Let's say I've built this gradle project called "ee_tools". And that has a dependency called "my_models", which has a package called "com.mycompany.my_models.db". So in the ee_tools project build.gradle, I've got
dependencies {
// My stuff
implementation group: "com.mycompany", name: "my_models", version: "1.0.0"
Then in my current project, I've got
dependencies {
// My stuff
implementation group: "com.mycompany", name: "ee_tools", version: "1.0.0"
Shouldn't this mean that the public classes in my_models are accessible through ee_tools to my current project? Gradle was able to find both in my artifactory instance. And the gradle dependencies command shows ee_tools under the compileClasspath, implementation, and testCompileClasspath trees, but not with its children dependencies. It also shows up in the runtimeClasspath and testRuntimeClasspath trees with its children dependencies, including my_models.
I am also able to see that package inside the jar on the left side of IntelliJ, under the "External Libraries" tree, along with some classes.
But when I try to use the my_models package in my current project, IntelliJ can't find it and it fails a gradle build with the error
error: package com.company.my_models.db does not exist
It can't find any package in that dependency. What gives? Am I declaring the dependencies incorrectly? Or is this a gap between the gradle binary in my command line vs IntellJ and gradlew?
If ee_tools depends on my_models, then your gradle file in ee_tools should be like
implementation project(path: ":path:to:my_models", configuration: 'default')
:path:to:my_models is defined in settings.gradle in project root path like this:
include ':path:to:my_models'

Excluding dependency from implementation files

I have a jar that I am including in my Android project using the following syntax
implementation files('lib/fm.liveswitch.jar')
fm.liveswitch has a dependency of org.bouncycastle that I am already including as a dependency of my project. How do I exclude bouncycastle from being included as part of the jar?
I have already tried each of the following:
implementation (files('lib/fm.liveswitch.jar')) {
exclude group: 'org.bouncycastle'
implementation (files('lib/fm.liveswitch.jar')) {
exclude module: 'org.bouncycastle'
implementation (files('lib/fm.liveswitch.jar'), {
exclude group: 'org.bouncycastle'
implementation files('lib/fm.liveswitch.jar') {
exclude group: 'org.bouncycastle'
But each time I get an error similar to the below:
Could not find method exclude() for arguments [{group=org.bouncycastle}] on object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dependencies.DefaultSelfResolvingDependency
When you add file based dependencies, they have no dependency metadata and thus no transitive dependency information.
Given this, there is no point in trying to add an exclude.
Adding implementation files('lib/fm.liveswitch.jar') will only add fm.liveswitch.jar on the classpath, nothing else.
Now if that JAR contains some bouncycastle classes inside, it is a different story. Gradle has no direct way of letting you control the visibility of the contents of a JAR.
You would then have two options:
Since it is a local JAR, you can yourself remove the offending classes from it.
You could attempt to leverage artifact transforms

Gradle dependency resolution - fetch only direct dependencies

I have a gradle project with the following dependencies declaration.
implementation 'com.github.gwtmaterialdesign:gwt-material:2.1'
implementation 'com.github.gwtmaterialdesign:gwt-material-addins:2.1'
implementation 'com.github.gwtmaterialdesign:gwt-material-themes:2.1'
implementation 'com.github.gwtmaterialdesign:gwt-material-table:2.1'
However, gwt-material-2.1 depends on gwt-user-2.8.2 and gwt-dev-2.8.2.
In turn they have numerous dependencies which are not required by my project.
I can disable transitive dependencies completely and manually add gwt-user and gwt-dev. However, I would like it to happen automatically but still fetch only 1st level dependencies.

Gradle exclude group from dependant subproject

Given a gradle project A having a dependency on project B (no common parent)
compile project('B'){
exclude group: 'org.slf4j'
how do we exclude transitive dependency group from a project we depend upon? (this piece of script will fail as there is no exclude for compile projet(..))
and more general question : is there an elegant way to exclude a particular group from all dependancies except if its a first level dependency?
for example we may have a bunch of libraries, and each may declare its logging environment, but by excluding all known groups of slf4j, its implementations and declaring specific version, we would ensure we don't have any version conflicts and would control version on module level.
Here is an example from the Gradle documentation of how to exclude a transitive dependency (I guess that is what you meant by "except if its a first level dependency") on project level:
configurations {
compile.exclude module: 'commons'
all*.exclude group: 'org.gradle.test.excludes', module: 'reports'
See 52.4.7. Excluding transitive dependencies here
You can either specify the dependency directly with the desired version or use a forced version resolution strategy
