Difference between Spring Kafka and Kafka - java

If I want to send messages to Kafka or consume messages from Kafka. Would you recommend using Spring Kafka library or just using Kafka Java API.
In Spring they provide a lot of annotations which seems more magics when having some runtime error.
Can someone differentiate between Spring Kafka and Kafka.


Connect to RabbitMQ in docker from a stand-alone java application

I have an application A, which is spring boot, microservices based and is dockerized.
A has an inbuilt messaging framework and supports multiple implementations such as RabbitMQ, Kafka and ActiveMQ.
The default broker for the application is RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ runs in a separate container.
Now B is a java console spring boot application.
B needs to listen to a topic on RabbitMQ to receive messages from application A
I am able to implement this in a stand-alone way. That is, I use RabbitMQ specific interfaces, create connection factory and am able to receive messages in B from A.
My question is:
Will I be able to use A's messaging framework in B to listen to messages? I have tried adding a subscriber. I'm able to connect to RabbitMQ but not able to receive messages. RabbitMQ host that I'm using is "localhost"

How shall we install kafka rest proxy for an existing kafka server or cluster

How shall we install kafka rest proxy for an existing kafka server or cluster. Also is there any apache kafka rest proxy as well with confluent kafka rest proxy ? Please let me know the steps or some clarity on how shall I go ahead to use both of them or either of them.
It is asking to download the whole confluent platform, please provide those steps as well for rest proxy.

Spring Boot with kafka with KIP-500 Kraft mode

Is the spring boot application supports kafka without zookeeper.
I am able to setup kafka in kraft mode without zookeeper. Now I need to know what I have to set up in the spring boot application to connect with kafka in kraft mode.
I have googled it, to run spring boot application with kafka in kraft mode without zookeeper, but I am not able to find any examples.
Can you one know how to integrate the kafka in kraft mode with spring boot application
Kafka clients don't need to know what mode Kafka is running in.
You configure bootstrap servers as normal.

Kafka Java API Rest proxy

I'm new to Kafka and came up with a problem. Our Kafka cluster is accessible only through the Kafka REST proxy and is not available to be accessed directly. There are numerous APIs to access Kafka from Java, but is there a Java Wrapper around Kafka REST Proxy API?
By Java Wrappers I mean Java libraries using REST Proxy API, not Kafka native protocol.

Spring Integration Kafka vs Spring Kafka

We are trying to implement a message channel between a worker spring application and a consumer spring application (there will be replicas of the same consumer on multiple JVMs)
With the Java Config there is limited documentation for the spring integration and I was able to find a documentation for the spring Kafka.I am not exactly sure how the dependency is working,
Is spring Kafka integration is based on Spring Kafka. Please give an idea on this?
Where can I find proper documentation for the new Release of Spring Integration Kafka?
Spring Integration Kafka 2.0 is built on top of Spring Kafka (Spring Integration Kafka 1.x used the 0.8.x.x scala client directly).
The documentation for Spring Integration Kafka is in Chapter 6 of the Spring Kafka Reference Manual.
At some point, it is likely that spring-integration-kafka will be pulled into the main spring integration project/documentation.
