spring Boot MongoDB Query - java

I have the following scenario:-
Use Device_Type telemetry for searching.
Should pull any Device that has a telemetry key that start with "processor".
Database used : Mongo DB
Device_Type.Class (Field of Device_Type collection)
private String applicationId;
private AcnDeviceCategory deviceCategory;
private boolean editable = CoreConstant.DEFAULT_EDITABLE;
private List<DeviceTelemetry> telemetries = new ArrayList<>();
private Map<String, DeviceStateValueMetadata> stateMetadata = new HashMap<>();
private List<DeviceAction> actions = new ArrayList<>();
private String name;
private String description;
private TelemetryItemType type;
private String telemetryUnitId;
private Map<String, String> variables = new HashMap<>();
private String uid;
private String name;
enter code here
My code query is something like this
public static List<Device> getFilteredTelemetries(DeviceType deviceType) {
List<DeviceTelemetry> telemetriesToAdd = new ArrayList<>();
.filter(f -> f.getName().startsWith("System_Processor"))
.forEach(f -> {
return null;
can anyone please help me, how I return the device list here? Thank you for your help.

You can remove if !f.getName().startsWith("System_Processor") from the list
.removeIf(f -> !f.getName().startsWith("System_Processor"))


Convert Complex Entity to DTO With ModelMapper

i'm working in a rest API using Spring boot.
when i wanted to return my entity from an End Point i realized that the Properties are different from what i need on my response so i tried to use Model Mapper to return a DTO.
My entity is like this:
public class RuleEntity {
private String ruleId;
private String bankDecision;
private String aggregatorFunctionType;
private String limitOperatorType;
private double limitRule;
private Integer windowMinutes;
private Integer layer;
private String expressionRule;
private String status;
private List<GroupingKeyName> groupingKeyNames;
private List<RuleFilter> ruleFilters;
And the DTO that i need Must Be Like this:
public class RuleDTO {
private String ruleId;
private String bankDecision;
private String aggregatorFunctionType;
private String limitOperatorType;
private double limitRule;
private Integer windowMinutes;
private Integer layer;
private String expressionRule;
private String status;
private List<String> groupingKeyNames;
private List<String> ruleFilters;
The only change is that the last two lists are of String instead of The Object
The Objects groupingKeyNames and ruleFilters have a Name and an ID, and i only need the name on the list of DTO so it is a List of Strings
I tried using Model Mapper like this:
ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
RuleSetModel ruleSetModel = modelMapper.map(ruleSetEntity, RuleSetModel.class);
it works, with all the properties but in the Lists it is returning something like:
groupingKeyNames=[GroupingKeyName(groupingKeyId=1, name=cardHash)], ruleFilters=[RuleFilter(ruleFilterId=1, name=status)]
What could i do so i get a result like this:
groupingKeyNames=[cardHash], ruleFilters=[status]
Thanks in advance!
Create a method into your RuleEntity to do it
public RuleDTO dto() {
// config to skip
PropertyMap<RuleEntity, RuleDTO> propertyMap = new PropertyMap<RuleEntity, RuleDTO>() {
protected void configure() {
RuleDTO ruleDTO = new RuleDTO();
ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
if (!this.groupingKeyNames.isEmpty()) {
List<String> tmpGroupingKeyNames = new ArrayList<>();
this.getGroupingKeyNames().forEach(itemDTO -> {
if (!this.ruleFilters.isEmpty()) {
List<String> tmpRuleFilters = new ArrayList<>();
this.getRuleFilters().forEach(itemDTO -> {
return ruleDTO;

How work with immutable object in mongodb and lombook without #BsonDiscriminator

I tried to work with immutable objects in MongoDB and Lombok. I found a solution to my problem but it needs to write additional code from docs but I need to used Bson annotations and create a constructor where describes fields via annotations. But if I user #AllArgsConstructor catch exception: "Cannot find a public constructor for 'User'" because I can't use default constructor with final fields. I think i can customize CodecRegistry correctly and the example will work correctly but I couldn't find solution for it in docs and google and Stackoverflow.
Is there a way to solve this problem?
#Builder(builderClassName = "Builder")
public class User {
private final ObjectId id;
private final String name;
private final String pass;
private final String login;
private final Role role;
public User(#BsonProperty("id") final ObjectId id,
#BsonProperty("name") final String name,
#BsonProperty("pass") final String pass,
#BsonProperty("login") final String login,
#BsonProperty("role") final Role role) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.pass = pass;
this.login = login;
this.role = role;
public enum Role {
private String value;
public static class Builder {
Example for MongoDB where I create, save and then update users:
public class ExampleMongoDB {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create();
final MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("db");
final CodecRegistry pojoCodecRegistry = fromRegistries(MongoClientSettings.getDefaultCodecRegistry(),
final MongoCollection<User> users = database.getCollection("users", User.class).withCodecRegistry(pojoCodecRegistry);
users.insertMany(new ExampleMongoDB().getRandomUsers());
System.out.println("Before updating:");
users.find(new Document("role", "ADMIN")).iterator().forEachRemaining(
System.out.println("After updating:");
users.updateMany(eq("role", "ADMIN"), set("role", "GUEST"));
users.find(new Document("role", "GUEST")).iterator().forEachRemaining(
public List<User> getRandomUsers() {
final ArrayList<User> users = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
.login("log" + i)
.name("name" + i)
.pass("pass" + i)
(i % 2 == 0) ? User.Role.ADMIN : User.Role.USER
return users;
This should work (it worked for me):
#Builder(builderClassName = "Builder")
#AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor = #__(#BsonCreator))
public class User {
private final ObjectId _id;
private final String name;
private final String pass;
private final String login;
private final Role role;
Then in lombok.config add these (in your module/project directory):
lombok.copyableAnnotations += org.bson.codecs.pojo.annotations.BsonProperty
lombok.copyableAnnotations += org.bson.codecs.pojo.annotations.BsonId
Also piece of advice, keep _id if you are going to use automatic conversion to POJOs using PojoCodec, which will save a lot of trouble.

How to convert List<Entity> to a string?

Here is the code :
I have a entity named ClassA which consists of following attribute
private Boolean rowDeleted;
private List<Start> start = null;
private List<End> end = null;
private List<Row> rows = null;
And Row is another entity which consists of attributes:
private List<Cell> cells = null;
private String clusteringKey;
private Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
And Cell is another entity:
private Boolean deleted;
private String name;
private String value;
private Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
I am getting an object of ClassA and want to convert it into another entity which is ClassB contains fields:
private String end;
private String key;
private String keyspacename;
private String partitiondeleted;
private String rowdeleted;
private String rows;
private String start;
private String tablename;
private String triggerdate;
private String triggertime;
So basically i want to convert List rows of ClassA to String rows of ClassB.
Can anyone please suggest a way to do this.
Thanks in advance
suppose you have a list of class A.
List<A> list= . . . ;
List<B> newList=list
.map(obj-> new B()
.setKeyspacename(//set which field of class A will be saved)
// set more fields
and then serialize this newlist into String by using jakson.
I wanted a string which could represent json format so modified my toString() as per my requirement and it solved my purpose.

findAll UUID MongoRepository

I'm trying to achive a findAllByUUID using mongo-spring-boot, but with no luck.
What I have:
public interface CarMatchRepository extends MongoRepository<CarMatchEntity, String> {
List<CarMatchEntity> findAllByCarID(Iterable<UUID> ids);
CarMatchEntity findByCarID(UUID carID);
Function call:
public void addCarsToCollection(String id, List<UUID> carId) {
List<CarMatchEntity> entities = carMatchRepository.findAllByCarID(carId); <--- empty
If I call findByCarID() it retrieves correctly a single object (if exists) but using Iterable the query does not fail, but it never returns any object. Am I doing something wrong here or am I taking the wrong road for this problem?
#Document(collection = "car_index")
public class CarMatchEntity implements Serializable {
private String id;
private UUID carID;
//partner data
private UUID partnerID;
private String partnerThumbURL;
private String partnerName;
private Date partnerMembershipSince;
// car location
private List<Double> location;
private String district;
private String city;
// car data
private CarType carType;
private String carBrand;
private String carModel;
private String carPlate;
private List<CarFeature> carFeatures;
private String carAddress;
private String description;
private BigDecimal hourFare;
private BigDecimal dayFare;
private BigDecimal weekFare;
private BigDecimal dailyPrice;
private BigDecimal suggestedHourlyPrice;
private BigDecimal suggestedDailyPrice;
private BigDecimal suggestedWeeklyPrice;
private String carThumbURL;
private Map<String, CarPhotos> carPhotosURL;
private CarAvailability availability;
private CarStatus carStatus;
private String carYear;
private FuelType fuelType;
private DayOfWeek prohibitedDay;
private String carYearModel;
private double partnerRating = 5.0;
private CarTransmission carTransmission;
private CarColor carColor;
private String odometer;
private Integer manufactureYear;
private String fipeCode;
private String renavam;
private String chassi;
private InsuranceCompany insuranceCompany;
private List<CarSpecialFeature> carSpecialFeatures;
private BigDecimal deductible;
private Boolean superCar;
public CarMatchEntity() {
Try using JSON based queries with SpEL expressions
#Query("{carID: { $in: ?0 } })")
List<CarMatchEntity> findAllByCarIds(List<UUID> ids);
List<CarMatchEntity> findAllByCarIDIn(Iterable<UUID> ids);
instead of
List<CarMatchEntity> findAllByCarID(Iterable<UUID> ids);
Did you try to explicitly declare JPQL query instead of relying on Spring Data query generation mechanism?
#Query("select e from CarMatchEntity e where e.carID in (:ids)")
List<CarMatchEntity> findAllByCarID(#Param("ids") Iterable<UUID> ids);
Another solution I would try is to declare argument ids in findAllByCarIDIn method as Collection<UUID> instead of Iterable<UUID>.

How to Query MongoDB With HashMaps value Using Morphia?

This is a part of my code :
public class Message implements Serializable {
private ObjectId id;
private long time;
#Reference(lazy = true)
private Payload payload;
private String serviceName;
private Map<String, String> headerMap;
private MessageStatus messageStatus = MessageStatus.ESB;
private MessageType messageType;
i need to find a document which
its headerMap contains "requestID".
the value of headerMap.get("requestID") equals "DUMDUMID".
Thank you
