Is it possible to add a "dynamic" property from a class to before they are evaluated?
I want to achieve the following: find a free port on the system, inject it as property mockPort into the spring lifecycle, and reuse this port to override a property from using #TestPropertySource, as follows:
#TestPropertySource(properties = "web.client.url=localhost:${mockPort}/path")
public class MyWebTest {
//TODO how to write the port into ${mockPort} property?
private static final PORT = SocketUtils.findAvailableTcpPort();
public void init() {
MockWebServer mock = new MockWebServer();
public void test() {
The service under test can be any client that makes use of #Value("${web.client.url}). And as the free port is found dynamically during runtime, I have to somehow inject it into that property.
How can I achieve this?
You can use Spring Framework's #DynamicPropertySource for this purpose. It's described in this blog post.
In the case of MyWebTest, the dynamic property source would look something like this:
static void mockPortProperty(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
registry.add("mockPort", () -> PORT);
Maybe you prefer to start a single MockWebServer for all test classes, instead of starting a new server for each test method. When this class is initialized, the static block starts a server and sets a system property to the server URL. System properties override properties from the file.
public class MockWebServerConfiguration {
private static final MockWebServer mockWebServer = new MockWebServer();
static {
int port = SocketUtils.findAvailableTcpPort();
System.setProperty("web.client.url", "localhost:" + port + "/path");
To include this configuration class in your integration test, annotate your test class with:
I'm using TestContainers with Spring Boot to run unit tests for repositories like this:
#SpringBootTest(classes = RouteTestingCheapRouteDetector.class)
#ContextConfiguration(initializers = AlwaysFailingRouteRepositoryShould.Initializer.class)
#TestExecutionListeners(listeners = DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class)
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
class AlwaysFailingRouteRepositoryShould {
private static final PostgreSQLContainer database =
new PostgreSQLContainer("postgres:9.6")
But now I have 14 of these tests and every time a test is run a new instance of Postgres is spun up. Is it possible to reuse the same instance across all tests? The Singleton pattern doesn't help since every test starts a new application.
I've also tried testcontainers.reuse.enable=true in and .withReuse(true), but that didn't help.
You can't use the JUnit Jupiter annotation #Container if you want to have reusable containers. This annotation ensures to stop the container after each test.
What you need is the singleton container approach, and use e.g. #BeforeAll to start your containers. Even though you then have .start() in multiple tests, Testcontainers won't start a new container if you opted-in for reusability using both .withReuse(true) on your container definition AND the following file in your home directory:
A simple example might look like the following:
public class SomeIT {
public static GenericContainer postgreSQLContainer = new PostgreSQLContainer().
public static void beforeAll() {
public void test() {
and another integration test:
public class SecondIT {
public static GenericContainer postgreSQLContainer = new PostgreSQLContainer().
public static void beforeAll() {
public void secondTest() {
There is currently a PR that adds documentation about this
I've put together a blog post explaining how to reuse containers with Testcontainers in detail.
If you decide go forward with the singleton pattern, mind the warning in "Database containers launched via JDBC URL scheme". I took hours till I note that, even though I was using the singleton pattern, an additional container was always being created mapped on a different port.
In summary, do not use the test containers JDBC (host-less) URIs, such as jdbc:tc:postgresql:<image-tag>:///<databasename>, if you need use the singleton pattern.
Accepted answer is great but the problem is you still have to repeat the configurations(creating, starting and etc.) for each integration tests. It would be better to have simpler configuration with fewer lines of code. I think cleaner version would be using JUnit 5 extensions.
This is how I solved the problem. Below sample uses MariaDB container but the concept is applicable to all.
Create the container config holding class:
public class AppMariaDBContainer extends MariaDBContainer<AppMariaDBContainer> {
private static final String IMAGE_VERSION = "mariadb:10.5";
private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "my-db";
private static final String USERNAME = "user";
private static final String PASSWORD = "strong-password";
public static AppMariaDBContainer container = new AppMariaDBContainer()
public AppMariaDBContainer() {
Create an extension class that starts the container and sets the DataSource properties. And run migrations if needed:
public class DatabaseSetupExtension implements BeforeAllCallback {
public void beforeAll(ExtensionContext context) {
//migration logic here (if needed)
private void updateDataSourceProps(AppMariaDBContainer container) {
System.setProperty("spring.datasource.url", container.getJdbcUrl());
System.setProperty("spring.datasource.username", container.getUsername());
System.setProperty("spring.datasource.password", container.getPassword());
Add #ExtendWith to your test class
class ApplicationIntegrationTests {
void someTest() {
Another test
class AnotherIntegrationTests {
void anotherTest() {
Using either singleton containers or reusable containers are possible solutions but because they don't scope the life-cycle of the container to that of the application context both are less then ideal.
It is however possible to scope the container to the application contexts lifecycle by using a ContextCustomizerFactory and I've written about this in more detail in a blog post.
In a test use:
class DemoApplicationTest {
void contextLoads() {"Hello world");
Then enable the annotation in META-INF/spring.factories:
Which can be implemented as:
public class EnablePostgresTestContainerContextCustomizerFactory implements ContextCustomizerFactory {
public #interface EnabledPostgresTestContainer {
public ContextCustomizer createContextCustomizer(Class<?> testClass,
List<ContextConfigurationAttributes> configAttributes) {
if (!(AnnotatedElementUtils.hasAnnotation(testClass, EnabledPostgresTestContainer.class))) {
return null;
return new PostgresTestContainerContextCustomizer();
#EqualsAndHashCode // See ContextCustomizer java doc
private static class PostgresTestContainerContextCustomizer implements ContextCustomizer {
private static final DockerImageName image = DockerImageName
public void customizeContext(ConfigurableApplicationContext context, MergedContextConfiguration mergedConfig) {
var postgresContainer = new PostgreSQLContainer<>(image);
var properties = Map.<String, Object>of(
"spring.datasource.url", postgresContainer.getJdbcUrl(),
"spring.datasource.username", postgresContainer.getUsername(),
"spring.datasource.password", postgresContainer.getPassword(),
// Prevent any in memory db from replacing the data source
// See #AutoConfigureTestDatabase
"spring.test.database.replace", "NONE"
var propertySource = new MapPropertySource("PostgresContainer Test Properties", properties);
I'm not sure how #Testcontainers works, but I suspect it might work per class.
Just make your singleton static as described in Singleton pattern
and get it in every test from your signleton holder, don't define it in every test class.
Similar to Springboot unit test set #Configuration Properties dynamically but the context is different.
In my case I have a TestContainer running a custom MySQL database that is prepopulated with a lot of data (not using the SQL batch loading approach because the data is an anonymized copy of production and doing it through SQLs makes the boot up time of the container 20 minutes vs 2 minutes).
So far my test looks like this
classes = {
public class ITFakeDB {
public static final GenericContainer DB = new GenericContainer("devdb")
private DataSource dataSource;
private Users users;
public void testDatabaseIsUp() {
assertTrue(DB.getMappedPort(3306) != 0);
public void testUser() {
Optional<User> user = users.findByLoginName("mimi");
What I want to do is somehow set the spring.datasource.url (or in my case datasources.schema1.url because I did the routing datasource) to the one used by DB
You can manually override the property from within your Spring-boot test by using ContextConfiguration and ApplicationContextInitializer.
Override the property - define a static inner class:
static class Initializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext configurableApplicationContext) {
String url = "jdbc:mysql://" + DB.getContainerIpAddress() + ":" + DB.getMappedPort(3306) + "/my_db";
.of("datasources.schema1.url=" + url)
Note: I have assumed that the url is derived from the ip address, port and db name. You may change that part as needed but the core idea remains.
ApplicationContextInitializer can be used for programmatically initializing a Spring context before context refresh. Now, wire up the context initializer class by annotating at test class level with ContextConfiguration:
#ContextConfiguration(initializers = Initializer.class)
While the previous answer should work, Spring Framework 5.2.5 (that is included into Spring Boot 2.2.6) has introduced a new #DynamicPropertySource annotation exactly for that case:
static void initializeDatasource(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
String ip = DB.getContainerIpAddress();
Integer port = DB.getMappedPort(3306);
String url = String.format("jdbc:mysql://%s:%d/my_db", ip, port);
registry.add("datasources.schema1.url", url);
See for details:
Blog: #DynamicPropertySource in Spring Framework 5.2.5 and Spring Boot 2.2.6
Documentation: Context Configuration with Dynamic Property Sources
I am trying to test my Spring configuration class which is annotated with ConditionalOnCloudPlatform.
Here is a very simplified example of the configuration class (I can't post my actual code):
public class CloudConfigurationExample {
public MyBean myBean(MyProperties properties) {
return new MyBean(properties.getParam);
To test I was hoping to do this:
public class CloudConfigurationExampleTest {
private CloudConfigurationExample cloudConfigurationExample;
private MyProperties myProperties;
public void setUp() {
myProperties = new MyProperies();
cloudConfigurationExample = new CloudConfigurationExample(myProperties);
public void test() {
MyBean myBean = cloudConfigurationExample.myBean();
// do asserts etc.
The issue I have is that ConditionalOnCloudPlatform is activated and expects a valid cloud connector to be present. As a result I get No suitable cloud connector found.
Does anyone know the correct way so get Junit to ignore this annotation? I tried setting an environment variable with VCAP_SERVICES, which is what this annotation expects, but it didn't work.
ConditionalOnCloudPlatform gets activated if environment contains properties VCAP_APPLICATION and VCAP_SERVICES
There are different ways to overcome this issue,
Firstly, ensure no properties containing above prefixes are passed.
Secondly, check for cloud profile #Profile("cloud") or ignore this class during test #Profile("!test") and many more ways.
code snippet:
public boolean isActive(Environment environment) {
return environment.containsProperty("VCAP_APPLICATION")
|| environment.containsProperty("VCAP_SERVICES");
Summary: Adding the #ComponentScan (or #SpringBootApplication) annotation to my application class changes the behaviour of and breaks my integration test.
I am using a cut-down version of the Spring Boot sample:
I have removed everything except what is required for the "echo" example (and I'm using Spring Boot 1.3.3).
I am left with the following SampleJettyWebSocketsApplication code:
//#ComponentScan // --- If I uncomment this the test breaks ---
public class SampleJettyWebSocketsApplication
implements WebSocketConfigurer {
public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) {
registry.addHandler(echoWebSocketHandler(), "/echo").withSockJS();
public EchoService echoService() {
return new DefaultEchoService("Did you say \"%s\"?");
public WebSocketHandler echoWebSocketHandler() {
return new EchoWebSocketHandler(echoService());
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
And the following test class (code straight from the Spring Boot samples):
public class SampleWebSocketsApplicationTests {
private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(SampleWebSocketsApplicationTests.class);
private int port = 1234;
public void echoEndpoint() throws Exception {"Running the echoEndpoint test. Port: " + port + ". Path: /echo/websocket");
ConfigurableApplicationContext context = new SpringApplicationBuilder(
ClientConfiguration.class, PropertyPlaceholderAutoConfiguration.class)
.properties("websocket.uri:ws://localhost:" + this.port
+ "/echo/websocket")
long count = context.getBean(ClientConfiguration.class).latch.getCount();
AtomicReference<String> messagePayloadReference = context
.isEqualTo("Did you say \"Hello world!\"?");
static class ClientConfiguration implements CommandLineRunner {
private String webSocketUri;
private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
private final AtomicReference<String> messagePayload = new AtomicReference<String>();
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {"Waiting for response: latch=" + this.latch.getCount());
if (this.latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {"Got response: " + this.messagePayload.get());
else {"Response not received: latch=" + this.latch.getCount());
public WebSocketConnectionManager wsConnectionManager() {"Setting up SimpleClientWebSocketHandler...");
WebSocketConnectionManager manager = new WebSocketConnectionManager(client(),
handler(), this.webSocketUri);
return manager;
public StandardWebSocketClient client() {
return new StandardWebSocketClient();
public SimpleClientWebSocketHandler handler() {"Creating new SimpleClientWebSocketHandler using SimpleGreetingService...");
return new SimpleClientWebSocketHandler(greetingService(), this.latch,
public GreetingService greetingService() {
return new SimpleGreetingService();
Running the Application and the unit test as above all is fine but if I uncomment the #ComponentScan annotation on the application class the application still runs OK but the test breaks with the error:
Could not resolve placeholder 'websocket.uri' in string value "${websocket.uri}".
I have read at setting-the-run-time-properties-on-springapplicationbuilder that:
The properties you configure on SpringApplicationBuilder are made available in your application's Environment, not as system properties.
And in the #ComponentScan javadoc that:
If specific packages are not defined, scanning will occur from the package of the class that declares this annotation.
But I don't understand why the behaviour changes when the #ComponentScan annotation is added.
How can I set the System Property websocket.uri in the test when the application class is annotated with #ComponentScan (or #SpringBootApplication)?
(I aim to use #SpringBootApplication, which incorporates #ComponentScan, but I can't until I get this working.)
There are several ways to add a system properties.
Solution 1:
Add arguments for Test in format of -Dabc=xyz, that will add property abc to system properties.
Solution 2:
Just like floor 0.
Solution 3:
Just let spring-boot load the properties, such as classpath:bootstrap.yml, and you can specify whatever properties in there.
The annotation #ComponentScan will enable auto scanning based on current package or ComponentScan#basePackages. Which means SampleWebSocketsApplicationTests.ClientConfiguration will be scanned cause they have same base package samples.websocket.jetty.
However, SampleWebSocketsApplicationTests.ClientConfiguration should not be parsed by SpringJUnit4ClassRunner cause we need parse it in SampleWebSocketsApplicationTests#echoEndpoint manually. It's should only be parsed by ApplicationContext created in echoEndpoint().
What's more, #SpringBootApplication equals to use #Configuration and #EnableAutoConfiguration and #ComponentScan together, so comment out #ComponentScan or #SpringBootApplication will have same effect.
My suggestion is move class SampleWebSocketsApplicationTests into package samples.websocket.jettytest(different from samples.websocket.jetty) and enable #ComponentScan or #SpringBootApplication on SampleJettyWebSocketsApplication and try again. It should work.
Adding my thoughts on this (from whatever i could gather from your code):
-Try adding the property websocket.uri in you application properties or if your project contains src/test/resources/ then add it into your file.#ComponentScan should pick it up.
-Else,you could just say :
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.setProperty("websocket.uri","<your uri>");, args);
Hope it helps.
I am looking for the way to add embedded elasticsearch to my spring boot integration test.
I looked at elastic search integration test but it does not work together with spring boot as both should uses different test runner.
I have a class test as below unfortunately it does not work with error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No context information for thread:
Thread[id=1, name=main, state=RUNNABLE, group=main]. Is this thread
running under a class
com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.RandomizedRunner runner context?
Add #RunWith(class
com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.RandomizedRunner.class) to your
test class. Make sure your code accesses random contexts within
#BeforeClass and #AfterClass boundary (for example, static test class
initializers are not permitted to access random contexts).
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = App.class)
public class TestExample extends ElasticsearchIntegrationTest {
TestRestTemplate testRestTemplate = new TestRestTemplate();
int port;
public void testOne(){
ResponseEntity<String> results = testRestTemplate.getForEntity(String.format("http://localhost:%d/client/1", port), String.class);
Does anybody has some ideas how to make them run or what is alternatives ??
You can actually do what you need without any additional elasticsearch testing dependencies. The idea is basically to create an embedded node and then use the NodeClient to communicate with it.
For that, I created my own EmbeddedElasticsearchServer class which looks (more or less) like this:
public class EmbeddedElasticsearchServer implements InitializingBean {
public EmbeddedElasticsearchServer() {
ImmutableSettings.Builder elasticsearchSettings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder()
.put("http.enabled", "false")
.put("", "target/elasticsearch-data");
node = nodeBuilder()
client = node.client();
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
// Initialization stuff:
// - create required indices
// - define mappings
// - populate with test data
public Client getClient() {
return client;
Then, in spring configuration (let's call it integration-test-context.xml) I did this:
<bean id="embeddedElasticsearchServer"
class="com.example.EmbeddedElasticsearchServer" />
<bean id="elasticsearchClient"
factory-method="getClient" />
Then you can just autowire the client in your test like this:
public abstract class AbstractElasticsearchIntegrationTest {
private Client elasticsearchClient;
// Your rests go here...