I'm currently working on my own little boardgame and came across a problem with multithreading. I have one thread that renders the board and one that supplies the data to render. The supply thread writes his data to one array and then the renderer takes this data and renders it on the screen (The render thread never writes something to the array). So I started to read about multithreading and shared objects and arrays between threads and the volatile keyword on arrays and found out that making an array volatile doesn't solves the problem. Then I read about happens-before relations and got a little bit confused. https://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/package-summary.html#MemoryVisibility says that
An unlock (synchronized block or method exit) of a monitor happens-before every subsequent lock (synchronized block or method entry) of that same monitor. And because the happens-before relation is transitive, all actions of a thread prior to unlocking happen-before all actions subsequent to any thread locking that monitor.
So if I understood this correct I would have to make the reads and writes to the array in a synchronized method, so in this code, the reader always has the data that the writer wrote to the array?
class Test {
private static String[] data = new String[10];
public synchronized String read(int index) {
return data[index];
public synchronized void write(String value, int index) {
data[index] = value;
private Thread writer = new Thread(() -> {
while(true) {
write("Test", 0);
System.out.println("Wrote " + read(0) + " to 0.");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException exc) {
//Handle exception
private Thread reader = new Thread(() -> {
while(true) {
System.out.println("Read " + read(0) + " from 0.");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException exc) {
//Handle exception
//Render the data
public static void main(String[] args){
PS. I'm not a native speaker so please excuse some grammar mistakes.
The AtomicReferenceArray will give you the semantics you are looking for. So effectively, an array with volatile elements.
In technical terms, if the read of some element in the array sees a write (of the same element), then the read will synchronize with that write. So there will be a happens-before edge between the write and the read.
You can try using CopyOnWriteArrayList, but from what you describe seems that Queue is the data structure that fits your needs the most. You have a data producer (your supplier thread) and consumer (your renderer thread). So, seems like Queue really gives you what you need. Read about the Queue interface, and choose the queue implementation you need, probably LinkedBlockingQueue
So I'm attending a course in multi threaded development and are currently learning about semaphores. In our latest assignment we are supposed to use three threads and two queues. The writer thread will write chars to the first queue, then a "encryptor" thread will read the chars from that queue, encrypt the char and then add it to the second queue. Then we have a reader thread which reads from the second queue. To handle synchronization we are supposed to use semaphore's and mutex, but I managed without any:
public class Buffer {
private Queue<Character> qPlain = new LinkedList<Character>();
private Queue<Character> qEncrypt = new LinkedList<Character>();
private final int CAPACITY = 3;
public Buffer() {
System.out.println("New Buffer!");
public synchronized void addPlain(char c) {
while (qPlain.size() == CAPACITY) {
try {
System.out.println("addPlain is waiting to add Data");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("addPlain Adding Data-" + c);
public synchronized char removePlain() {
while (qPlain.size() == 0) {
try {
System.out.println("----------removePlain is waiting to return Data.");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
char c = qPlain.remove();
System.out.println("---------------removePlain Returning Data-" + c);
return c;
public synchronized void addEncrypt(char c) {
while (qEncrypt.size() == CAPACITY) {
try {
System.out.println("addEncrypt is waiting to add Data");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("addEncrypt Adding Data-" + c);
public synchronized char removeEncrypt() {
while (qEncrypt.size() == 0) {
try {
System.out.println("----------------removeEncrypt is waiting to return Data.");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
char c = qEncrypt.remove();
System.out.println("--------------removeEncrypt Returning Data-" + c);
return c;
So this works fine, but I'm not going to pass as I haven't used any semaphore. I do understand the concept, but I just don't see the point to use any in this case. I have 2 queues and just one reader and writer for each one.
EDIT: Updated with Semaphores instead. It almost works, problem arises when the removePlain() method get's called when the queue is empty. I'm pretty sure I should block it, but I'm lost here. Could I not just use a mutex here instead?
public class Buffer {
private Semaphore encryptedSem = new Semaphore(0);
private Semaphore decryptedSem = new Semaphore(0);
private final Queue<Character> qPlain = new LinkedList<Character>();
private final Queue<Character> qEncrypt = new LinkedList<Character>();
private final int CAPACITY = 3;
private boolean startedWrite = false;
private boolean startedRead = false;
* Adds a character to the queue containing non encrypted chars.
* #param c
public void addPlain(char c) {
// Makes sure that this writer executes first.
if (!startedWrite) {
startedWrite = true;
encryptedSem = new Semaphore(1);
if (qPlain.size() < CAPACITY) {
System.out.println("addPlain has lock");
* Removes and returns the next char in the non encrypted queue.
* #return
public char removePlain() {
// TODO Need to fix what happens when the queue is 0. Right now it just
// returns a char that is 0. This needs to be blocked somehow.
char c = 0;
if (qPlain.size() > 0) {
System.out.println("removePlain has lock");
c = qPlain.remove();
} else {
System.out.println("REMOVEPLAIN CALLED WHEN qPlain IS EMPTY");
return c;
* Adds a character to the queue containing the encrypted chars.
* #param c
public void addEncrypt(char c) {
if (!startedRead) {
startedRead = true;
decryptedSem = new Semaphore(1);
if (qEncrypt.size() < CAPACITY) {
System.out.println("addEncrypt has lock");
* Removes and returns the next char in the encrypted queue.
* #return
public char removeEncrypt() {
char c = 0;
if (qEncrypt.size() > 0) {
System.out.println("removeEncrypt has lock");
c = qEncrypt.remove();
return c;
* Aquries lock on the given semaphore.
* #param sem
private void aquireLock(Semaphore sem) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
* Realeses lock on the given semaphore.
* #param sem
private void realeseLock(Semaphore sem) {
OK, so trying to adress your concerns, without doing your homework :-)
About your first sample
At first sight, this is a working sample. You are using a form of mutual exclusion through the synchronized keyword, which allows you to use this.wait/notify correctly. This also provides safeguards seeing every thread synchronizes on the same monitor, which provides adequate happen-before safety.
In other words, thanks to this single monitor, you are assured that anything under the synchronized methods is executed exclusively and that these methods side-effects are visible inside the other methods.
Only minor gripe is that your queues are not final, which according to safe object publication guidelines and depending on how your whole system/threads is bootstraped, might lead to visibility issues. Rule of thumb in multithreaded code (and maybe even generally) : whatever can be made final should be.
The real problem with your code is that it does not fulfill your requirements : use semaphores.
About your second sample
Unsafe boolean mutation
This one has real issues. First, your startedWrite/ startedRead booleans : you mutate them (change their true/false value) outside of any synchronization (lock, semaphores, syncrhonized, ... nothing at all). This is unsafe, under the java memory model it would be legal for a thread that has not performed the mutation to not see the mutated value. Put it another way, the first write could set startedWrite to true, and it could be that all other threads never see that true value.
Some discussions on this :
- https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/memconsist.html
- Java's happens-before and synchronization
So anything that relies on these booleans is inherently flawed in your sample. That is, your Semaphore assignments, for one thing.
Several ways to correct this :
Always mutate shared state under a synchonization tool of some sort (in your first sample, it was the synchronized keyword, and here it could be your semaphores), and make sure that the same tool is used by all threads mutating or accessing the variable
Or use a concurrently safe type, like AtomicBoolean is this case, which has concurrency guarantees that any mutation is made visible to other threads
Race conditions
Another issue with your second code sample, is that you check the sizes of your queues before taking a lock and modifiying them, that is :
if (qPlain.size() > 0) {
c = qPlain.remove();
} else {
System.out.println("REMOVEPLAIN CALLED WHEN qPlain IS EMPTY");
Two concurrent threads could perform the check at the first line at the same time, and behave wrongly. Typical scenario is :
qplain has a size of 1
Thread 1 arrives at the if, checks that qplain is not empty, the check succeeds, then thread 1 is paused by the OS scheduler right here and now
Thread 2 arrives at the same if and the same check succeeds for the same reason
Thread 1 and Thread 2 resume from there on, both think they are allowed to take 1 element out of qplain which is wrong, because qplain has a size of 1 actually.
It will fail. You should have had a mutual exclusion of some sort. You can not (rule of thumb again) perform a check and after it perform a mutation under a lock. Both the check and the mutation should happen in, broadly speaking, the same lock. (Or you are a very advanced multithreading kind of guy and you know optimistic locking and stuf like that really well).
Possible deadlock
Another rule of thumb: any time you acquire and release a lock and/or a resource at the same call site, you should have a try/finally pattern.
That is, no matter how it is done, your code should always look like
try {
// do something
} finally {
Same goes for locks, input or output streams, sockets, ... Failure to do so may lead to your semaphore being acquired but never released, especially in case of an uncaught exception. So do use try and finally around your resources.
With such serious flaws, I did not really read your code to see if the "spirit" of it works. Maybe it does, but at this point, it's not worth it to check it out further.
Going forward with your assignment
You are asked to use two tools : Semaphores and mutual exclusion (e.g. synchonized, or Lock I guess). Both are not exactly the same thing!
You probablye get mutual exclusions, as your first sample showed. Probably not Semaphores yet. The point of semaphores, is that they (safely) manage a number of "permits". One (a thread) can ask for a permit, and if the semaphore has one available and grants it, one can proceed with one's work. Otherwise, one is put in a "holding pattern" (a wait) untill a permit is available. At some point, one* is expected to give the permit back to the Semaphore, for others to use.
(*Please note : it is not mandatory for a semaphore to work that threads performing permit acquisition are the one to perform permit release. It is part of what make a lock and a semaphore so different, and it's a good thing).
Let's start simple : a Semaphore that only has one permit can be used as a mutual exclusion. Bonus point : it can be released by another thread than the one that acquired it. That makes it ideal for message passing between threads : they can exchange permits.
What does it remember us of ? Of wait / notify of course!
A possible path to a solution
So we have a semaphore, and it has a number of permits. What could the meaning of this number be ? A natural candidate is : have a Semaphore hold the number of elements inside the queues. At first, this could be zero.
Each time somebody puts an element in the queue, it raises the number of permits by one.
Each time somebody takes an element off the queue, it lowers the number of permits.
Then : trying to take an element off an empty queue means trying to acquire a permit from an empty semaphore, it will automatically block the caller. This seems to be what you want.
We're yet to have a definition for "putting an element on top of a full queue". That is because semaphores are not bounded in permits. One can start with an empty semaphore and call "release" a thousand times, and end up with a 1000 permits available. We wil blow our maximal capacity without any kind of bounds.
Let's say we have a workaround for that, we're still not done : we did not make sure at this point that readers and writers do not modify the queue at the same time. And this is crucial for correctneess !
So we need other ideas.
Well issue #2 is easy : we are allowed to use exclusive locks for this exercie, so we'll use them. Just make sure that any manipulation to the list itself is under a synchonized block using the same monitor.
Issue number one... Well, we have a Semaphore representing a "not empty" condition. That's one of the two pairs of wait/notify you had in your first sample. OK cool, let's make another Semaphore representing a "not full" condition, the other wait/notifyPair of your code sample !
So recap : use a semaphore for each couple of wait/notify in your original sample. Keep a mutual exclusion to actually modify the contents of the queue object. And be very carreful of the articulation of the mutual exclusion part with the semaphores, it is the crux of the matter.
And I'll stop there to let you walk down this path if you want.
Bonus point
You should not have to code the same thing twice here. In your samples, you coded twice the same logic (one for the "clear text", once for the "encrypted"), basically, wait for (at least) a spot before stacking a char, and wait for the presence of (at least) a char before popping a it.
This should be one and the same code / methods. Do it once, and you'll get it right (or wrong of course) at all times. Write it twice, you double the chance of mistakes.
Future thoughts
This is all still very complex, for something that could be done using a `BlockingQueuè but then again, homeworks do have another purpose :-).
A bit more complex, but this message passing pattern of signaling having a thread waiting for a "notEmpty" signal, while the other waits on a "notFull" signal is the exact use case of the JDK Condition object, which mimicks the use of wait/notify.
I have the following method:
void store(SomeObject o) {
The idea of this method is to store o to a permanent storage but the function should not block. I.e. I can not/must not do the actual storage in the same thread that called store.
I can not also start a thread and store the object from the other thread because store might be called a "huge" amount of times and I don't want to start spawning threads.
So I options which I don't see how they can work well:
1) Use a thread pool (Executor family)
2) In store store the object in an array list and return. When the array list reaches e.g. 1000 (random number) then start another thread to "flush" the array list to storage. But I would still possibly have the problem of too many threads (thread pool?)
So in both cases the only requirement I have is that I store persistantly the objects in exactly the same order that was passed to store. And using multiple threads mixes things up.
How can this be solved?
How can I ensure:
1) Non blocking store
2) Accurate insertion order
3) I don't care about any storage guarantees. If e.g. something crashes I don't care about losing data e.g. cached in the array list before storing them.
I would use a SingleThreadExecutor and a BlockingQueue.
SingleThreadExecutor as the name sais has one single Thread. Use it to poll from the Queue and persist objects, blocking if empty.
You can add not blocking to the queue in your store method.
Actually, you do not even need that extra Queue - JavaDoc of newSingleThreadExecutor sais:
Creates an Executor that uses a single worker thread operating off an unbounded queue. (Note however that if this single thread terminates due to a failure during execution prior to shutdown, a new one will take its place if needed to execute subsequent tasks.) Tasks are guaranteed to execute sequentially, and no more than one task will be active at any given time. Unlike the otherwise equivalent newFixedThreadPool(1) the returned executor is guaranteed not to be reconfigurable to use additional threads.
So I think it's exactly what you need.
private final ExecutorService persistor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
public void store( final SomeObject o ){
persistor.submit( new Runnable(){
#Override public void run(){
// your persist-code here.
} );
The advantage of using a Runnable that has a quasi-endless-loop and using an extra queue would be the possibility to code some "Burst"-functionality. For example you could make it wait to persist only when 10 elements are in queue or the oldest element has been added at least 1 minute ago ...
I suggest using a Chronicle-Queue which is a library I designed.
It allows you to write in the current thread without blocking. It was originally designed for low latency trading systems. For small messages it takes around 300 ns to write a message.
You don't need to use a back ground thread, or a on heap queue and it doesn't wait for the data to be written to disk by default. It also ensures consistent order for all readers. If the program dies at any point after you call finish() the message is not lost. (Unless the OS crashes/loses power) It also supports replication to avoid data loss.
Have one separate thread that gets items from the end of a queue (blocking on an empty queue), and writes them to disk. Your main thread's store() function just adds items to the beginning of the queue.
Here's a rough idea (though I assume there will be cleaner or faster ways for doing this in production code, depending on how fast you need things to be):
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
class ObjectWriter implements Runnable {
private final Object END = new Object();
BlockingQueue<Object> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue();
public void store(Object o) throws InterruptedException {
public ObjectWriter() {
new Thread(this).start();
public void close() throws InterruptedException {
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
Object o = queue.take();
if (o == END) {
// close output file.
System.out.println(o.toString()); // serialize as appropriate
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ObjectWriter w = new ObjectWriter();
The comments in your question make it sound like you are unfamilier with multi-threading, but it's really not that difficult.
You simply need another thread responsible for writing to the storage which picks items off a queue. - your store function just adds the objects to the in-memory queue and continues on it's way.
Some psuedo-ish code:
final List<SomeObject> queue = new List<SomeObject>();
void store(SomeObject o) {
// add it to the queue - note that modifying o after this will also alter the
// instance in the queue
synchronized(queue) {
queue.notify(); // tell the storage thread there's something in the queue
void storageThread() {
SomeObject item;
while (notfinished) {
synchronized(queue) {
if (queue.length > 0) {
item = queue.get(0); // get from start to ensure same order
} else {
// wait for something
In a legacy application I have a Vector that keeps a chronological list of files to process and multiple threads ask it for the next file to process. (Note that I realize that there are likely better collections to use (feel free to suggest), but I don't have time for a change of that magnitude right now.)
At a scheduled interval, another thread checks the working directory to see if any files appear to have been orphaned because something went wrong. The method called by this thread occasionally throws a ConcurrentModificationException if the system is abnormally busy. So I know that at least two threads are trying to use the Vector at once.
Here is the code. I believe the issue is the use of the clone() on the returned Vector.
private synchronized boolean isFileInDataStore( File fileToCheck ){
boolean inFile = false;
for( File wf : (Vector<File>)m_dataStore.getFileList().clone() ){
File zipName = new File( Tools.replaceFileExtension(fileToCheck.getAbsolutePath(), ZIP_EXTENSION) );
if(wf.getAbsolutePath().equals(zipName.getAbsolutePath()) ){
inFile = true;
return inFile;
The getFileList() method is as follows:
public synchronized Vector<File> getFileList() {
return fileList;
As a quick fix, would changing the getFileList method to return a copy of the vector as follows suffice?
public synchronized Vector<File> getFileListCopy() {
return (Vector<File>)fileList.clone();
I must admit that I am generally confused by the use of synchronized in Java as it pertains to collections, as simply declaring the method as such is not enough. As a bonus question, is declaring the method as synchronized and wrapping the return call with another synchronized block just crazy coding? Looks redundant.
EDIT: Here are the other methods which touch the list.
public synchronized boolean addFile(File aFile) {
boolean added = false;
if( !fileList.contains(aFile) ){
added = fileList.add(aFile);
return added;
public synchronized void removeFile( File dirToImport, File aFile ) {
// Create a dummy list so I can synchronize it.
List<File> zipFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
// Populate with actual list
zipFiles = (List<File>)diodeTable.get(dirToImport);
// Repopulate list if the number falls below the number of importer threads.
if( zipFiles.size()<importerThreadCount ){
diodeTable.put(dirToImport, getFileList( dirToImport ));
Basically, there are two separate issues here: sycnhronization and ConcurrentModificationException. Vector in contrast to e.g. ArrayList is synchronized internally so basic operation like add() or get() do not need synchronization. But you can get ConcurrentModificationException even from a single thread if you are iterating over a Vector and modify it in the meantime, e.g. by inserting an element. So, if you performed a modifying operation inside your for loop, you could break the Vector even with a single thread. Now, if you return your Vector outside of your class, you don't prevent anyone from modifyuing it without proper synchronization in their code. Synchronization on fileList in the original version of getFileList() is pointless. Returning a copy instead of original could help, as could using a collection which allows modification while iterating, like CopyOnWriteArrayList (but do note the additional cost of modifications, it may be a showstopper in some cases).
"I am generally confused by the use of synchronized in Java as it
pertains to collections, as simply declaring the method as such is not
Correct. synchronized on a method means that only one thread at a time may enter the method. But if the same collection is visible from multiple methods, then this doesn't help much.
To prevent two threads accessing the same collection at the same time, they need to synchronize on the same object - e.g. the collection itself. You have done this in some of your methods, but isFileInDataStore appears to access a collection returned by getFileList without synchronizing on it.
Note that obtaining the collection in a synchronized manner, as you have done in getFileList, isn't enough - it's the accessing that needs synchronizing. Cloning the collection would (probably) fix the issue if you only need read-access.
As well as looking at synchronizing, I suggest you track down which threads are involved - e.g. print out the call stack of the exception and/or use a debugger. It's better to really understand what's going on than to just synchronize and clone until the errors go away!
Where does the m_dataStore get updated? That's a likely culprit if it's not synchronized.
First, you should move your logic to whatever class is m_dataStore if you haven't.
Once you've done that, make your list final, and synchronize on it ONLY if you are modifying its elements. Threads that only need to read it, don't need synchronized access. They may end up polling an outdated list, but I suppose that is not a problem. This gets you increased performance.
As far as I can tell, you would only need to synchronize when adding and removing, and only need to lock your list.
package answer;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args)
Example c = new Example();
public void runit()
new Thread("Thread-2")
public void run() {
// Force a scenario where Thread-1 allows Thread-2 to acquire the lock
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Example.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// At this point, Thread-2 has acquired the lock, but it has entered its wait() method, releasing the lock
public synchronized void test1(boolean wait)
System.out.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : Starting...");
try {
if (wait)
// Apparently the current thread is supposed to wait for some other thread to do something...
} else {
// The current thread is supposed to keep running with the lock
System.out.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : Our work is done. About to wake up the other thread(s) in 2s...");
// Tell Thread-2 that it we have done our work and that they don't have to spare the CPU anymore.
// This essentially tells it "hey don't wait anymore, start checking if you can get the lock"
// Try commenting this line and you will see that Thread-2 never wakes up...
// This should show you that Thread-1 will still have the lock at this point (even after calling notifyAll).
//Thread-2 will not print "after wait/notify" for as long as Thread-1 is running this method. The lock is still owned by Thread-1.
System.out.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : after wait/notify");
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Example.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
private void doSomeWorkThatRequiresALockLikeRemoveOrAdd()
// Do some work that requires a lock like remove or add
I am trying to understand Java multi-threading constructs, and I am trying to write a simple implementation of blocking queue. Here is the code I have written:
class BlockingBoundedQueue<E>
BlockingBoundedQueue(int size)
fSize = size;
fArray = (E[]) new Object[size];
// fBlockingQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<E>(size);
BlockingQueue<E> fBlockingQueue;
public synchronized void put(E elem)
// Should I be waiting/locking on the shared array instead ? how ?
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Waiting thread was interrupted during put with msg:",e);
//How to notify threads waiting during take()
public synchronized E take()
// Should I be waiting/locking on the shared array instead ? how ?
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Waiting thread was interrupted during take with msg:",e);
return fArray[fCnt--];
//How to notify threads waiting during put()
private int fCnt;
private int fSize;
private E[] fArray;
I want to notify threads waiting in Take() from put() and vice versa. Can someone please help me with the correct way of doing this.
I checked the java.utils implementation and it uses Condition and ReentrantLocks which are a little complex for me at this stage. I am okay of not being completely robust[but correct] for the sake of simplicity for now.
Thanks !
The short answer is, call notifyAll() where you have the comments //How to notify threads waiting during take()
Now for the more complete answer...
The reference to read is : Java Concurrency in Practice. The answer to your question is in there.
However, to briefly answer your question: in Java, threads synchronize by locking on the same object and using wait() and notify() to safely change state. The typical simplified flow is:
Thread A obtains a lock by entering a synchronized block on a lock object
Thread A checks some condition in a loop, if not "OK to go" call thread.wait(), which is a blocking call that "releases" the lock so other code synchronized on the same lock object can proceed
Thread B obtains the same lock and may do something that changes the condition thread A is waiting for. When it calls notifyAll(), thread A will wake up and recheck the condition and (may) proceed
Some things to remember about synchronization are:
it is about keeping state of objects consistent by making changes to state atomic. "Atomic" means the entire change (e.g. to multiple fields) is guaranteed to complete (no partial, and therefore inconsistent, changes)
it is cooperative - code synchronized on a given lock object has in common the state that is being changed and the conditions that allow that state change - you wait and notify about the same "subject". Each part of state should be guarded by its own lock object - usually a private field, e.g. private Object lock = new Object(); would be fine
methods that are synchronized use this as the lock object - doing this is easy but potentially expensive, because you are locking for every call, instead of just when you need to
static methods that are synchronized use the Class object as the lock object
Is there anything wrong with the thread safety of this java code? Threads 1-10 add numbers via sample.add(), and Threads 11-20 call removeAndDouble() and print the results to stdout. I recall from the back of my mind that someone said that assigning item in same way as I've got in removeAndDouble() using it outside of the synchronized block may not be thread safe. That the compiler may optimize the instructions away so they occur out of sequence. Is that the case here? Is my removeAndDouble() method unsafe?
Is there anything else wrong from a concurrency perspective with this code? I am trying to get a better understanding of concurrency and the memory model with java (1.6 upwards).
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
public class Sample {
private final List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
public void add(Integer o) {
synchronized (list) {
public void waitUntilEmpty() {
synchronized (list) {
while (!list.isEmpty()) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) { }
public void waitUntilNotEmpty() {
synchronized (list) {
while (list.isEmpty()) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) { }
public Integer removeAndDouble() {
// item declared outside synchronized block
Integer item;
synchronized (list) {
item = list.remove(0);
// Would this ever be anything but that from list.remove(0)?
return Integer.valueOf(item.intValue() * 2);
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Sample sample = new Sample();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
while (true) {
System.out.println(getName()+" Found: " + sample.removeAndDouble());
final ExecutorService producers = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
final int j = i * 10000;
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
for (int c = 0; c < 1000; c++) {
sample.add(j + c);
try {
producers.awaitTermination(600, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
It looks thread safe to me. Here is my reasoning.
Everytime you access list you do it synchronized. This is great. Even though you pull out a part of the list in item, that item is not accessed by multiple threads.
As long as you only access list while synchronized, you should be good (in your current design.)
Your synchronization is fine, and will not result in any out-of-order execution problems.
However, I do notice a few issues.
First, your waitUntilEmpty method would be much more timely if you add a list.notifyAll() after the list.remove(0) in removeAndDouble. This will eliminate an up-to 10 second delay in your wait(10000).
Second, your list.notify in add(Integer) should be a notifyAll, because notify only wakes one thread, and it may wake a thread that is waiting inside waitUntilEmpty instead of waitUntilNotEmpty.
Third, none of the above is terminal to your application's liveness, because you used bounded waits, but if you make the two above changes, your application will have better threaded performance (waitUntilEmpty) and the bounded waits become unnecessary and can become plain old no-arg waits.
Your code as-is is in fact thread safe. The reasoning behind this is two part.
The first is mutual exclusion. Your synchronization correctly ensures that only one thread at a time will modify the collections.
The second has to do with your concern about compiler reordering. Youre worried that the compile can in fact re order the assigning in which it wouldnt be thread safe. You dont have to worry about it in this case. Synchronizing on the list creates a happens-before relationship. All removes from the list happens-before the write to Integer item. This tells the compiler that it cannot re order the write to item in that method.
Your code is thread-safe, but not concurrent (as in parallel). As everything is accessed under a single mutual exclusion lock, you are serialising all access, in effect access to the structure is single-threaded.
If you require the functionality as described in your production code, the java.util.concurrent package already provides a BlockingQueue with (fixed size) array and (growable) linked list based implementations. These are very interesting to study for implementation ideas at the very least.