Adding JavaFX 17.0.2 into existing Java 11 Project IntelliJ IDEA - java

As part of a uni project, I'm trying to add a GUI to an existing Java project using JavaFX. The initial project used Java 11 and the JavaFX version I have is 17.0.2 but I just keep getting a lot of different errors depending on what I do. I'm using IntelliJ IDEA
Does anyone know how to add JavaFX to existing projects?
My lecturer is no help at all

Make a new project
I suggest setting up a new JavaFX-focused project.
IntelliJ offers a project template expressly for that purpose. See this documentation page, Create a new JavaFX project.
Then move over any existing code you have. You can do so by drag-and-drop into the project window.
You will find the OpenJFX library has been included as a dependency. OpenJFX is an open-source implementation of JavaFX. OpenJFX is organized as a sub-project on the OpenJDK project, co-led by Gluon and Oracle.


Is the source for gluon's netbeans project templates (Gluon-Glisten-Afterburner, Gluon-Multiview-FXML, Gluon-Multiview) available?

Being a noob with JavaFX, and having fallen in love with Gluon's 4 Netbeans project templates, I hope to make some minor changes. However, there are no avenues for making slight modifications to the templates.
For example, all 4 of the templates generate a maven pom file with Java version 11 hardcoded. I'd like to change that to 17 as it is tedious to manually change the pom file each time I use one of the plugins.
If the source were available, I could make that change (and others), and re-install locally.
You can the source code for the templates used by the Gluon IDE plugins here:
And you can find the Gluon IDE plugins source code here:
Gluon integration with Java IDEs. The repository contains Gluon plugin source for the following IDEs:
IntelliJ IDEA
Apache Netbeans
Related docs:
You can do changes and test locally, of course, but being an open source project, issues and pull requests are welcome.

How to create a new Java EE project in Intellij 2020.2 without Gradle or Maven?

I started learning Java EE and everything was well. Today I updated my IntelliJ Ultimate version to 2020.2 and the menu to create a new project has changed.
Before, it was
And now it is
The problem is that I can't find how to create a new project like before, with the choose of Application server and the libraries "Web Application".
Is it still possible or have I to downgrade?
Thank you very much and sorry if my question is stupid
It's no longer possible. The only option is to downgrade to 2020.1 version.
The previous wizard was using obsolete technologies and frameworks with the libraries hosted on JetBrains servers always lagging updates and extremely hard to maintain. Now we moved to Gradle/Maven projects where all the dependencies can be fetched from the public servers and the project can use up-to-date Java EE and library versions.
At the moment you can get the legacy project wizards back by adding javaee.legacy.project.wizard=true in Help | Edit Custom Properties and restarting the IDE.

NetBeans IDE 8.0.2 Support for Netbeans IDE 7

I am starting a computer science class and need to download Netbeans IDE on my Mac 10.6.8. The latest Netbeans edition compatible with my Mac is NetBeans 7. However, in my class, we use NetBeans IDE 8.0.2
Am I able to transfer projects between both versions (via thumb drive) and edit them on both versions of Netbeans?
Thanks for the Help!
You can try it, but I have had trouble in the past with some custom Ant extensions Netbeans uses breaking when you try to use an older version of Netbeans than the one the project was created with. The other way seems to be less problematic. I have almost always been able to open projects created with an older version of Netbeans with a newer one.
I think there are two options:
Copy the sources but just create a new project with the older Netbeans using existing sources as needed. If you haven't customized a lot of settings this is usually fine.
Use Maven projects instead of Ant projects (which are just called Java applications in the Netbeans projects window). Just select Maven in the categories list in the new project dialog. These projects are less closely tied to the Netbeans versions, they can even be imported fairly reliably into Eclipse and Intellij.
copy the source folder(netbeansprojects[Your project]\src) and copy it to a thumb drive. Open a new project in your pc (the one in your class, 8.0.2) and go to THAT projects src, delete it, and replace it with the one from you're flash drive.

Porting a Netbeans JavaFx project to Eclipse

I'm working on a JavaFx project on NetBeans 7.3 my question is : Is it possible to port a Netbeans JavaFx project to eclipse (juno preferably) successfully, what are the issues I may face, and if it is possible what is the best way to do it
Have a look at the plugins provided by e(fx)clipse:

Migrating from VisualAge for Java to Eclipse

Currently, we are using IBM VisualAge for Java to program Swing classes for our legacy system. We plan on migrating to Eclipse, but I cannot find a simple way how to. Is there any tool to migrate the VisualAge Java classes repository (.dat file) and visual composition of Swing classes to Eclipse?
Eclipse includes the WindowBuilder tool that is pretty good at reading existing UI code and providing a nice "visual" edit mode for it. The latest Eclipse IDE for Java Developers package includes WindowBuilder; it can also be installed into any of the other packages via Help > Install New Software.
You can learn all about WindowBuilder at
