Iterating list performance - java

I need a solution to improve the performance of this method. I need to insert these inputs in order using LinkedHashMap and it works perfectly. However, I don't like this solution because I have a list and each time I go through it to retrieve the input that I want to insert into this map.
Here is my code
public void prepareData(final List<Category> categories, final Map<String, Boolean> preferencesMap) {
preferencesMap.put("ACCESSORIES",checkDataFromList(categories, "ACCESSORIES"));
preferencesMap.put("WATCHES",checkDataFromList(categories, "WATCHES"));
preferencesMap.put("PHONES",checkDataFromList(categories, "PHONES"));
private Boolean checkDataFromList(final List<Category> categories, final String val){
for (Category category: categories) {
if(val.equalsIgnoreCase(category.getCode()) && category.isActive() != null){
return !category.isActive();
return Boolean.FALSE;
I need a way to retrieve these objects without iterating through this list 3 times.

I would like to share my insights, maybe it is not an answer to your question. I try to list the possibilities that seem to be helpful.
I think you cannot do much with this data structure. You have collected your data into a list, and that's why you couldn't find a list member by its property in a simpler way. So that's why you need to iterate over this list as many times as you search for an item.
Basically, you have 2 choices, keeping the base data structure, List<Category>, or changing it to another one.
Keeping the list data structure. - The first thing I can think of, is that you can modify your method slightly, and gather all the Strings you need to test and test each item with them (if you found the item, you should remove the String from the list of Strings). That's how you need to iterate over the list only once.
private Map<String, Boolean> checkDataFromList(final List<Category> categories, final List<String> val){...}
I don't recommend this solution. I believe it makes the code harder to understand and you probably won't yield much performance.
Changing the data structure - The first thing that comes to my mind, is mapping. You could map these Categories by their codes. That way you don't need to iterate over the list. Using Map<String/*code*/, Category> can maybe yield performance, but it could make your code more difficult.
+1 You can often enhance performance by making your data structure items comparable and then using a sorted structure. Besides, you could try using caches if it makes any sense.

Solution 1
One loop by categories.
public void prepareData(final List<Category> categories, final Map<String, Boolean> preferencesMap) {
List<String> predefinedCategories = Stream.of("ACCESSORIES", "WATCHES", "PHONES").collect(Collectors.toList());
predefinedCategories.forEach(predefineCategory -> preferencesMap.put(predefineCategory, Boolean.FALSE));
for(Category category: categories) { -> val.equalsIgnoreCase(category.getCode()) && category.isActive() != null)
.ifPresent(existingCategoryCode ->
preferencesMap.put(existingCategoryCode, !category.isActive());
if (predefinedCategories.isEmpty()) {
Solution 2
In case if you have ability to change categories List to Map<String, Category>
public void prepareData(final Map<String, Category> categoriesMap, final Map<String, Boolean> preferencesMap) {
Stream.of("ACCESSORIES", "WATCHES", "PHONES").forEach(predefinedCategory -> {
Category category = categoriesMap.get(predefinedCategory);
preferencesMap.put(predefinedCategory, category != null && category.isActive() != null && !category.isActive());


How to iterate over a map and return all the ones that match?

I have made various methods for someone to add a key which then includes various values from another created object.
I need to then allow a user to search using a method name which will then return all the people that match their search.
public Set findPerson(String aTrade)
Set<String> suitablePeople = new HashSet<>();
for (String test :
if (contractors.containsValue(aTrade))
return suitablePeople;
I know this code is wrong but I'm just not sure how I can simply go through and find a value and return all the people that have this value within a range of values. For instance, their age, job, location.
Some assumptions, because your question is rather unclear:
contractors is a Map<String, ContractorData> field. Possibly ContractorData is some collection type (such as MyList<Contractor>), or named differently. The String represents a username.
aTrade is a string, and you want to search for it within the various ContractorData objects stored in your map. Then you want to return a collection of all username strings that are mapped to a ContractorData object that contains a trade that matches aTrade.
Whatever ContractorData might be, it has method containsValue(String) which returns true if the contractordata is considered a match. (If that was pseudocode and it's actually a List<String>, just .contains() would do the job. If it's something else you're going to have to elaborate in your question.
Then, there is no fast search available; maps allow you to do quick searches on their key (and not any particular property of their key, and not on their value or any particular property of their value). Thus, any search inherently implies you go through all the key/value mappings and check for each, individually, if it matches or not. If this is not an acceptable performance cost, you'd have to make another map, one that maps this property to something. This may have to be a multimap, and is considerably more complicated.
The performance cost is not important
Okay, then, just.. loop, but note that the .entrySet() gives you both key (which you'll need in case it's a match) and value (which you need to check if it matches), so that's considerably simpler.
var out = new ArrayList<String>();
for (var e : contracts.entrySet()) {
if (e.getValue().containsValue(aTrade)) out.add(e.getKey());
return out;
or if you prefer stream syntax:
return contracts.entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> e.getValue().containsValue(aTrade))
The performance cost is important
Then it gets complicated. You'd need a single object that 'wraps' around at least two maps, and you need this because you want these maps to never go 'out of sync'. You need one map for each thing you want to have a find method for.
Thus, if you want a getTradesForUser(String username) as well as a findAllUsersWithTrade(String aTrade), you need two maps; one that maps users to trades, one that maps trades to users. In addition, you need the concept of a multimap: A map that maps one key to (potentially) more than one value.
You can use guava's MultiMaps (guava is a third party library with some useful stuff, such as multimaps), or, you roll your own, which is trivial:
class ContractData {
private List<String> trades;
public boolean containsValue(String trade) {
return trades.contains(trade);
public List<String> getTrades() {
return trades;
class TradesStore {
Map<String, ContractData> usersToTrades = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, List<String>> tradesToUsers = new HashMap<>();
public void put(String username, ContractData contract) {
usersToTrades.put(username, contract);
for (String trade : contract.getTrades()) {
tradesToUsers.computeIfAbsent(username, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(username);
public Collection<String> getUsersForTrade(String trade) {
return tradesToUsers.getOrDefault(trade, List.of());
The getOrDefault method lets you specify a default value in case the trade isn't in the map. Thus, if you ask for 'get me all users which have trade [SOME_VALUE_NOBODY_IS_TRADING]', this returns an empty list (List.of() gives you an empty list), which is the right answer (null would be wrong - there IS an answer, and it is: Nobody. null is means: Unknown / irrelevant, and is therefore incorrect here).
The computeIfAbsent method just gets you the value associated with a key, but, if there is no such key/value mapping yet, you also give it the code required to make it. Here, we pass a function (k -> new ArrayList<>()) which says: just.. make a new arraylist first if I ask for a key that isn't yet in there, put it in the map, and then return that (k is the key, which we don't need to make the initial value).
Thus, computeIfAbsent and getOrDefault in combination make the concept of a multimap easy to write.
Assuming that your Map's values are instances of Contractor and the Contractor class has a Set<String> of trades (implied by the contains method call) and a getTrades() method that returns the list you could do it like this. Not certain what value the Map key would play in this.
get the values from the map and stream them.
filter only those Contractors that have the appropriate trade.
aggregate to a set of able contractors.
Set<Contractor> suitablePeople =
Note that a possible improvement would be to have a map like the following.
Map<String, Set<Contractors>> // where the key is the desired trade.
Then you could just get the Contractors with a single lookup up for each desired trade.
Set<Contractors> plumbers = mapByTrade.get("plumbers"); // all done.
Here is how you would set it up. The Contractor class is at the end. It takes a name and a variable array of trades.
Set<Contractor> contractors = Set.of(
new Contractor("Acme", "plumbing", "electrical", "masonry", "roofing", "carpet"),
new Contractor("Joe's plumbing", "plumbing"),
new Contractor("Smith", "HVAC", "electrical"),
new Contractor("Ace", "electrical"));
Then, iterate over the list of contractors to create the map. Then those are grouped by trade, and each contractor that matches is put in the associated set for that trade.
Map<String,Set<Contractor>> mapByTrade = new HashMap<>();
for (Contractor c : contractors) {
for (String trade : c.getTrades()) {
mapByTrade.computeIfAbsent(trade, v->new HashSet<>()).add(c);
And here it is in action.
Set<Contractor> plumbers = mapByTrade.get("plumbing");
[Acme, Joe's plumbing]
[Ace, Acme, Smith]
And here is the Contractor class.
class Contractor {
private Set<String> trades;
private String name;
public int hashCode() {
return name.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object ob) {
if (ob == name) {
return true;
if (ob == null) {
return false;
if (ob instanceof Contractor) {
return ((Contractor)ob).name.equals(;
return false;
public Contractor(String name, String...trades) { = name;
this.trades = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(trades));
public Set<String> getTrades() {
return trades;
public String toString() {
return name;

Remake list with some condition

There are two entities:
class GiftCertificate {
Long id;
List<Tag> tags;
class Tag {
Long id;
String name;
There is a list
which contains, for example, the following data:
<1, [1, "Tag1"]>, <2, null>, <1, [2, "Tag2"]>. (It does not contain a set of tags, but only one tag or does not have it at all).
I need to do so that in the result it was this:
<1, {[1," Tag1 "], [2," Tag2 "]}>, <2, null>. I mean, add to the set of the first object a tag from the third GiftCertificate and at the same time delete the 3rd one. I would like to get at least some ideas on how to do this. it would be nice to use stream.
Probably not the most effective way, but it might help
private List<GiftCertificate> joinCertificates(List<GiftCertificate> giftCertificates) {
.map(entry -> new GiftCertificate(entry.getKey(), joinTags(entry.getValue()))).collect(Collectors.toList());
private List<Tag> joinTags(List<GiftCertificate> giftCertificates) {
.flatMap(giftCertificate -> Optional.ofNullable(giftCertificate.getTags()).stream().flatMap(Collection::stream))
You can do what you want with streams and with the help of a dedicated custom constructor and a couple of helper methods in GiftCertificate. Here's the constructor:
public GiftCertificate(GiftCertificate another) { =;
this.tags = new ArrayList<>(another.tags);
This just works as a copy constructor. We're creating a new list of tags, so that if the list of tags of either one of the GiftCertificate instances is modified, the other one won't. (This is just basic OO concepts: encapsulation).
Then, in order to add another GiftCertificate's tags to this GiftCertificate's list of tags, you could add the following method to GiftCertificate:
public GiftCertificate addTagsFrom(GiftCertificate another) {
return this;
And also, a helper method that returns whether the list of tags is empty or not will come in very handy:
public boolean hasTags() {
return tags != null && !tags.isEmpty();
Finally, with these three simple methods in place, we're ready to use all the power of streams to solve the problem in an elegant way:
Collection<GiftCertificate> result =
.filter(GiftCertificate::hasTags) // keep only gift certificates with tags
GiftCertificate::getId, // group by id
GiftCertificate::new, // use our dedicated constructor
GiftCertificate::addTagsFrom)) // merge the tags here
This uses Collectors.toMap to create a map that groups gift certificates by id, merging the tags. Then, we keep the values of the map.
Here's the equivalent solution, without streams:
Map<Long, GiftCertificate> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // preserves insertion order
certificates.forEach(cert -> {
if (cert.hasTags()) {
new GiftCertificate(cert),
Collection<GiftCertificate> result = map.values();
And here's a variant with a slight performance improvement:
Map<Long, GiftCertificate> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // preserves insertion order
certificates.forEach(cert -> {
if (cert.hasTags()) {
k -> new GiftCertificate(k)) // or GitCertificate::new
Collection<GiftCertificate> result = map.values();
This solution requires the following constructor:
public GiftCertificate(Long id) { = id;
this.tags = new ArrayList<>();
The advantage of this approach is that new GiftCertificate instances will be created only if there's no other entry in the map with the same id.
Java 9 introduced flatMapping collector that is particularly well-suited for problems like this. Break the task into two steps. First, build a map of gift certificate IDs to list of tags and then assemble a new list of GiftCertificate objects:
import static;
import static;
import static;
Map<Long, List<Tag>> gcIdToTags =
gc -> gc.getTags() == null ? Stream.empty() : gc.getTags().stream(),
List<GiftCertificate> r = gcIdToTags.entrySet().stream()
.map(e -> new GiftCertificate(e.getKey(), e.getValue()))
This assumes that GiftCertificate has a constructor that accepts Long id and List<Tag> tags
Note that this code deviates from your requirements by creating an empty list instead of null in case there are no tags for a gift certificate id. Using null instead of an empty list is just a very lousy design and forces you to pollute your code with null checks everywhere.
The first argument to flatMapping can also be written as gc -> Stream.ofNullable(gc.getTags()).flatMap(List::stream) if you find that more readable.

Separate a list of items into new, present and present-and-needs-stuff-done-to-it

I have a list of items which I want in my database. Some of the items are new and have to be saved, others are already in the database, but have to be updated and some of those that need an update might be eligible for a special treatment.
Now I just run through them and put them in other lists according to their properties and then hand the lists to the respective database (or special) methods that deal with it.
I just don't think it's pretty, it does a bit much and it has nested ifs.
But can't really come up with a nicer way of doing this.
Here is the (slightly simplified) code
List<Item> newItemList = new ArrayList<>();
List<Item> existingItemList = new ArrayList<>();
List<Item> specialItemList = new ArrayList<>();
for(Item item : items)
Your current code does exactly what is required. Your requirement calls for three different lists, and you iterate items once to create them. It is the most efficient approach. You could write the code in three lines - see below - (the helper method is for clarity) - but then you iterate items three times (but don't require 3 lists). I believe any attempt to make 'nicer' code loses some optimization.
itemHandler.saveItems(createList(items, i -> i.isNew()));
specialManager.specialStuff(createList(items, i -> !i.isNew() && i.isSpecial()));
itemHandler.updateItems(createList(items, i -> !i.isNew()));
Helper method:
public List<Item> createList(List<Item> allItems, Predicate<Item> p) {
With Java 8, you could simplify by grouping the Lists by State (new or existing).
An enum could represent the state : enum State {NEW, EXISTING} and the Item class should declare a State getState() method.
Map<ItemState, List<Item>> itemListByState =
You could of course introduce intermediary variables for the Lists but I don't think that it is really required and it reduces potential side effects between them.
Try creating another method like:
boolean add(List<Item> items, Item item, boolean doAdd) {
if (doAdd) {
And call it like:
add (newItemList, item, item.isNew());
add (specialItemList, item, item.isSpecial() & !item.isNew());
add (existingItemList, item, !item.isNew());

Get the same element values on multiple arrays

Ive been searching SO about this question and most only have the problem with two arrays comparing by have a nested loop. My problem is quite the same but on a bigger scale. Suppose I have a 100 or thousand user on my app, and each user has the list of item it wants.
Something like this
User1 = {apple,orange,guava,melon,durian}
User2 = {apple, melon,banana,lemon,mango}
User3 = {orange,carrots,guava,melon,tomato}
User4 = {mango,carrots,tomato,apple,durian}
Nuser = ...
I wanted to see how many apples or oranges was listed from all the users array. So I am basically comparing but on a bigger scale. The data isn't static as well, A user can input an unknown fruit from the developers knowledge but on the users knowledge they can put it there so there can be multiple users that can put this unknown fruit and yet the system can still figure out how many is this unknown item was listed. Keep in mind this is a dynamic one. User can reach for example a 100 users depending how popular an app would be. I can't afford to do nested loop here.
PS this is not the exact problem but it is the simplest scenario I can think of to explain my problem.
PS: just to clarify, I dont intend to use 3rd party lib as well like guava. I am having a problem on proguard with it.
Just read that Original poster cannot use Java 8, which is a pity, because this would realy make it very easy!
Java 7 solution
final Map<String, Integer> occurencesByFruit = new HashMap<>();
for (User user : users) {
String[] fruits = user.getFruits();
for (String fruit : fruits) {
final Integer currentCount = occurencesByFruit.get(fruit);
if (currentCount == null) {
occurencesByFruit.put(fruit, 1);
} else {
occurencesByFruit.put(fruit, currentCount + 1);
Java 8 solution
I'd stream the users, flatMap() to the actual fruit elements, and then use Collectors.groupingBy() with a downstream collector Collectors.counting().
This will give you a Map where the keys are the fruits, and the values are the occurrences of each fruit throughout all your users.
List<User> users = Arrays.asList(/* ... */);
final Map<String, Long> occurencesByFruit =
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(f -> f, Collectors.counting()));
Seems it is a good possibility to use HashMap<Item, Integer> fruits. You could iterate over all Users (you would need to store all Users in some kind of list, such as ArrayList<User> users) and check the list of items chosen by each User (I suppose User should have a field ArrayList<Item> items in its body to store items). You could achieve it with something like that:
for (User user : users) { // for each User from users list
for (Item item : user.items) { // check each item chosen by this user
if (fruits.containsKey(item) { // if the fruit is already present in the items HashMap increment the amount of items
int previousNumberOfItems = fruits.get(item);
fruits.put(item, ++previousNumberOfItems);
else { // otherwise put the first occurrency of this item
fruits.put(item, 1);
I would either create an ArrayList containing a HashMap with strings and ints or use two ArrayLists (one of type String and one of type Integer). Then you can iterate over every entry in each of the user arrays (this is only a simple nested loop). For every entry in the current user array you check if there is already the same entry in the ArrayList you created additionally. If so, you increment the respective int. If not, you add a string and an int. In the end, you have the number of occurrences of all the fruit strings in the added ArrayLists, which is, if I understood you correctly, just what you wanted.

java get sub list from a list of objects

there is a dependent list
Dependents contains
String emp_Id, name etc,
List<Dependent> dependentList;
dependentList contains all the dependent information of an employee.
how to get the list of dependents by providing the emp_Id ?
for example an employee will have 2 or 3 dependents.
ok i dont want to loop over it.
i tried binary search on list using comparator but it does not return the desired data.
already i will loop over the employee list... subsequently i should get the depends of the particular employee...
what will be the best & efficient solution ?
Binary search works only if the list is sorted according to the comparator. For lists that are not sorted or sorted according to other criteria, you have to filter them.
Either loop though the list and do whatever you want to do in the loop body
Or use a filter functionality from a library
If you want to filter, then I recommend Google Collections (or Google Guava, which is a superset of Google collections):
Collection<Dependent> filtered = Collections2.filter(dependentList, new Predicate<Dependent>() {
public boolean apply(Dependent from) {
return from != null && from.getId().equals(id_so_search_for);
Of course, you are not restricted to .equals(), but can match according to any operation required (e.g. by regular expression).
If searches for one kind of data heavily outweight searches for any other kind of data, then storing them in a Map<kind-of-id, Dependent> may be a good choice as well. You still can retrieve a collection of all stored objects using Map.values().
If one key maps to several items, then either use a Map<kind-of-id, Collection<Dependent>> or (better) consider using existing Multimap functionality: or org.apache.commons.collections.MultiMap (note that Apache Commons does not have a genericized version of this).
You want to model relationships. I guess, you have the basic dependencies:
Supervisor is-a Employee
Supervisor has-many Employees (Dependants in your case)
So a very basic implementatin could go like this:
public class Employee {
int emp_id;
// more fields, more methods
public class Supervisor extends Employee {
private List<Employee> dependants = new ArrayList<Employee>();
// more fields, more methods
public List<Employee> getDependants() {
return dependants;
public class StaffDirectory {
private Map<Integer, Employee> staff = new HashMap<Integer, Employee>();
public static List<Employee> getAllDependantsOf(int employeeId) {
Employee employee = staff.get(employeeId);
if (employee instanceof Supervisor) {
return ((Supervisor) employee).getDependants());
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
What have you tried so far? Do you have anything written?
Here is a general guess:
int employeeToFind = 10;//the id to search for
for(Dependant dep : dependentList ) {
if(dep.getEmployeeId() == employeeToFind) {
//do something
You could also store dependents in a Hashtable<Integer employeeId,List<Dependent>>(); keyed by EmployeeId for an easy lookup.
As alzoid mentioned, a HashMap or HashTable is the perfect data structure for this task. If you have any chance to load your instances of Dependent into such an object, do so.
Still, have this delicious code:
String emp_Id //IDs are usually integer, but I'll go with your example
List<Dependent> dependentList; //assume this is populated
List<Dependent> desiredSublist = new ArrayList<Dependent>();
for(Dependent dep:dependentList){
//make sure to compare with equals in case of Id being String or Integer
//desiredSublist now contains all instances of Dependent that belong to emp_Id.
