I have a requirement for polling a hazelcast (client mode) queue with retry (10 attempts) option on exception. I was expecting that camel polling and processing would be multi threaded. but It wasn't. While retrying on exception, any new message to the queue will be piled up and will be picked up for processing only after 1st one gets completed. Is there any option for parallel processing (concurrent consume). I have added concurrentConsumer and poolSize as a query parameter. But it didn't really play well.
What I have tried is:
.log(LoggingLevel.DEBUG,":::>:Camel[${routeId}] consumes")
There are 1 parameters that couldn't be set on the endpoint. Check the uri if the parameters are spelt correctly and that they are properties of the endpoint. Unknown parameters=[{concurrentConsumers=10}]
Your help will be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.
What you try to achieve can be done thanks to a SEDA in 2 different ways:
Generic Way
You can send your messages to a SEDA endpoint and consume them concurrently as next:
.log("Processing: ${threadName} ${body}");
In the previous example, the Hazelcast Queue FOO is polled by one thread that puts the messages into the SEDA process and the SEDA process is consumed concurrently by 5 threads.
More details about concurrent consumers with the SEDA component
Specific Way
As you proposed in your deleted answer, you can also implement it directly using the specific SEDA endpoint for Hazelcast as next:
.log("Processing: ${threadName} ${body}");
In the previous example, the Hazelcast Queue FOO is consumed concurrently by 5 threads.
More details about the Hazelcat SEDA endpoint.
I am using Rabbit MQ to replicate what Jenkins does.
The only issue I am facing is, lets say, when 10 messages are in queue. And there are some duplicate messages which are in unacknowledged state.
And I need to delete those messages from queue, how do I achieve this?
My rabbitmq configuration is as follows, where each queue only has one consumer. So if I have 10 messages, all will get processed through same consumer's thread.
Queue queue = new Queue(sfdcConnectionDetails.getGitRepoId() + "_" + sfdcConnectionDetails.getBranchConnectedTo(), true);
rabbitMqSenderConfig.amqpAdmin().declareBinding(BindingBuilder.bind(queue).to(new DirectExchange(byRepositoryRepositoryId.getRepository().getRepositoryId())).withQueueName());
RabbitMqConsumer container = new RabbitMqConsumer();
container.setMessageListener(new MessageListenerAdapter(new ConsumerHandler(****, ***), new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter()));
You can use any plugin (e.g this) for deduplicating messages on the rabbit side.
Use cache on your consumer for detecting if the same message was processing recently.
As already suggested by #ekiryuhin, One of the approach you could take is assign a request_id tag it to the payload before producing message to RabbitMQ & on your consumer's end cache the request_id. Look out for the request_id if already present ignore payload and delete it.
This request_id might work as deduplication-id for your payloads.
We use Apache Camel to trigger some processes within our applications, e.g:
We then have a bunch of processors off the trigger queue to run each job, e.g:
Some of these processors will in turn write messages to JMS queues. The problem I'm trying to fix is that the processors won't commit the JMS messages to the broker until the entire process is complete. I suspect this is because there is a message in flight on the trigger queue ("jms:some-trigger-queue") and because the processors are using the same context they won't commit until the in flight message is cleared (FYI I have tried forcing new transactions to be created within the processors but had no luck).
So my question is if I only had one processor (or my didn't care about the processors running at the same time) - how could I configure camel to trigger the processor and immediately move on (i.e. to remove the trigger message from being in flight)?
If you want to call the processors and then immediately move on then you can use the Wire Tap EIP (https://camel.apache.org/manual/latest/wireTap-eip.html).
For example:
This way the direct:callProcessor route will be executed on a separate thread and jms:some-trigger-queue will continue routing without waiting for a response from direct:callProcessor.
With the configuration
Using the spring-integration-kafka extention and the following configuration:
<int-kafka:zookeeper-connect id="zookeeperConnect"
zk-connect="#{kafkaConfig['zooKeeperUrl']}" zk-connection-timeout="10000"
zk-session-timeout="10000" zk-sync-time="2000" />
<int-kafka:consumer-context id="consumerContext" consumer-timeout="5000" zookeeper-connect="zookeeperConnect">
the timeout is the time of waiting for a message or the time of waiting for a message and reading that message? is this value different from read timeout?
consumer.timeout.ms -1
from Kafka configuration
Throw a timeout exception to the consumer if no message is available
for consumption after the specified interval
from git-hub-spring-integration-kafka-repository
"In the above consumer context, you can also specify a consumer-timeout value which would be used to timeout the consumer in case of no messages to consume. This timeout would be applicable to all the streams (threads) in the consumer. The default value for this in Kafka is -1 which would make it wait indefinitely. However, Sping Integration overrides it to be 5 seconds by default in order to make sure that no threads are blocking indefinitely in the lifecycle of the application and thereby giving them a chance to free up any resources or locks that they hold. It is recommended to override this value so as to meet any specific use case requirements. By providing a reasonable consumer-timeout on the context and a fixed-delay value on the poller, this inbound adapter is capable of simulating a message driven behaviour."
I have a Java client which monitors RabbitMQ queue. I am able to get the count of messages currently in queue with this code
RabbitAdmin rabbitAdmin;
DeclareOk declareOk = rabbitAdmin.getRabbitTemplate().execute(new ChannelCallback<DeclareOk>() {
public DeclareOk doInRabbit(Channel channel) throws Exception {
return channel.queueDeclarePassive("test.pending");
return declareOk.getMessageCount();
I want to get some more additional details like -
Message body of currently enqueued items.
Total number of messages that was enqueued in the queue since the queue was created.
Is there any way to retrieve these data in Java client?
With AMQP protocol (including RabbitMQ implementation) you can't get such info with 100% guarantee.
The closest number to messages count is messages count returned with queue.declare-ok (AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk in java AMQP client library).
Whilst messages count you receive with queue.declare-ok may match exact messages number enqueues, you can't rely on it as it doesn't count messages which waiting acknowledges or published to queue during transaction but not committed yet.
It really depends what kind of precission do you need.
As to enqueued messages body, you may want to manually extract all messages in queue, view their body and put them back to queue. This is the only way to do what you want.
You can get some information about messages count with Management Plugin, RabbitMQ Management HTTP API and rabbitmqctl util (see list_queues, list_channels).
You can't get total published messages count since queue was created and I think nobody implement such stats while it useless (FYI, with messages flow in average 10k per second you will not even reach uint64 in a few thousand years).
AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk dok = channel.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, true, false, false, queueArgs);
To access queue details via http api,
To access queue details via command from localhost cli promt,
curl -i -u guest_uname:guest_password http://localhost:15672/api/queues/%2f/queue_name
%2f is default vhost "/"
I have a publisher that is pushing messages to a topic. I have multiple subscribers each doing a different task once they consume the message from the topic.
Now I want my system to scale to multiple instances of the same process running on different hosts/same host. e.g. I want to run multiple copies of my application A on different hosts so that if one instance of A is slow, then the other instances can pull in subsequent messages and make forward progress..
I found out that this is possible using virtual destinations. I followed the steps here -
But how do i setup my multiple subscribers to the same topic with the same client id? when i try to do that, i get errors. when i try some other way, it doesn't work. can someone help?
Normally, I start a subscriber by doing the below steps -
ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(ActiveMQConnection.DEFAULT_USER, ActiveMQConnection.DEFAULT_PASSWORD, ActiveMQConnection.DEFAULT_BROKER_URL;);
activeMQConnection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
activeMQSession = activeMQConnection.createSession(false, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
activeMQTopic = activeMQSession.createTopic("myTopic");
activeConsumer = activeMQSession.createDurableSubscriber(activeMQTopic, "myTopic");
when i try to create a 2nd subscriber and pass the topic name as "VirtualTopic.myTopic", nothing happens.
The virtual topics feature is very simple and quite powerful once you understand it.
When using virtual topics - there is no need for durable consumers. That is because for each client you will get an instance of regular queue created. If you have 5 clients (application A, B, C, D, E) you will get 5 queues created and populated with the copy of the messages every time message is sent to the virtual topic.
Actually it is a limitation of durable consumer - that only ONE connection is allowed per clientId. Being a regular queue, you can create as many consumers as you like and queue will guarantee that 1 message will be received only by 1 consumer. So if you have application A that takes 1 minute to process a message, you can create 5 instances of it listening to the same queue. When you will post 5 messages within 1 second, each of your application will receive its own message to process.
There are not well documented requirements which are not intuitive. To make virtual topic work you need
Use VirtualTopic. in your topic name, for example VirtualTopic.Orders (this prefix can be configured)
Use Consumer. in the name of the queue you. Like Consumer.ApplicationA.VirtualTopic.Orders where ApplicationA is actually your client id
Use regular subscribers not durable ones for the queue above.
string activeMqConsumerTopic = "Consumer.AmqTestConsumer.VirtualTopic.Orders";
IQueue queue = SessionUtil.GetQueue(session, activeMqConsumerTopic);
IMessageConsumer consumer = session.CreateConsumer(queue);
Queue is created for automatically whenever the first instance of consumer is subscribed to it. Since that moment all messages that are sent to topic are duplicated/copied into all associated queues.
Hope this helps.
Virtual Topics is the answer for you. However you have to define a naming standard for all virtual topic queues. Here is the answer for this:
Virtual Topics helps with following prospective:
1. Load Balancing of messages
2. Fast Failover of Subscriber
3. Re-using same connection Factory for different Producers and Consumers. (Durable Subscribers needs a Unique JMS Client Id and same cannot be reused for any other Producer or consumer)
here is the way to do it, below example creates prefix VTCON.*. So every queue with this prefix and Topic Name at the end will consumer the message.
<virtualTopic name="TEST.TP01" prefix="VTCON.*." selectorAware="false"/>