I am new in java, a self learner. I came accross the following issue and was stuck. In fact I am trying to sanitize this code against command injection but failed to understand how. I know how to sanitize user input but this specific has to do with command executed in the OS and I am not sure how anyone help please. here is the code:
public class CommandProcessor {
public CommandProcessor() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public int invokeCommand(String command) throws IOException{
int exitCode =0;
if(command !=null && !command.isEmpty()) {
Process process = null;
try {
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
exitCode = process.exitValue();
}catch(InterruptedException e) {
return exitCode;
The correct answer is to read the documentation as your current code is not safe.
The "command to execute" should be a constant.
How can I make my Java run again from the start (main) when it encounters an exception without closing and running it again manually?
My program basically writes on a file. When it cannot find the file I will throw the FileNotFoundException then write the file (say for example hello.txt). After it writes, the program closes (in NetBeans cause I am still developing it) and start showing this at the buttom:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: null
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:542)
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:615)
at app4pics1word.App4pics1word.cache(App4pics1word.java:127)
at app4pics1word.App4pics1word.<init>(App4pics1word.java:18)
at app4pics1word.App4pics1word.main(App4pics1word.java:146)
Java Result: 1
you can try this
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
//something wrong happens here
}catch(Throwable e) {
You should use exception handling instead of restarting the program. If you restart the program, the error will still be there and thus your program will keep on trying to run for eternity, always failing with the same exception.
You would like to catch your exception and make sure that the input is valid:
boolean okInput = false;
int x = -1;
String someData = "rr";
do {
try {
x = Integer.parseInt(someData); // try to parse
okInput = true;
} catch(NumberFormatException n) {
// Error, try again
okInput = false
someData = "2";
} while(!okInput); // Keep trying while input is not valid
// Here x is a valid number
This tutorial provides you good code in general of how exceptions work.
is this what you are looking for ?
public static void main(String [] args) {
boolean done = false;
do {
try {
done = true;
catch (Exception ex)
System.out.println("Exception trapped "+ex)
} while (!done);
You can make it a loop that is broken only when the try block succeeds without an Exception:
public static void main(String[] args) {
while(true) {
try {
break; //at the end of try block
catch (SomeException e) {
//print error message here, or do whatever
//program continues here once try block gets through w/o exceptions
However, instead of having this in your main I recommend hiding this rather ugly structure inside a method.
am developing a java application in which I am using swings to develop GUI screens. i am supposed to run some application files. which I did by connecting to command prompt by using Runtime.exec() method. if my application failes to execute properly then a GUI frame will come up asking weather to run that file again or to skip.
here my problem is when I say run that file again the control should return to the point where the frame is called using ui.setvisible(true);
if not the swing frame what can i use to make my code work
public static boolean runFormat(String format,String buildNumber) throws Exception
ProcessExecutor process = new ProcessExecutor();
process.executeCommand(format+"\\Scripts"+File.separator+"Step1.bat"+""+"02_00"+" "+format);
File file = new File(format+File.separator+"Results1.log");
BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader (new FileReader(file));
String line;
if(line.contains("Successful exit."))
return true;
return false;
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("EXCEPTION OCCURED..................");
System.out.println("JTag has failed for "+format);
return true;
void run(Set<String> formats)
for(String ar : formats)
boolean b =runFormat(ar,"001");
ExampleUi ui = new ExampleUi();
catch(Exception e)
Thanks in advance
The short answer is no.
The long answer would involve using a SwingWorker and making the decisions about what to do within it's done method
Take a look at Worker Threads and SwingWorker for more details...
public class ProcessWorker extends SwingWorker<Boolean, Void> {
public Boolean doInBackground() throws Exception {
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(...);
Process p = pb.start();
// Read the input stream in separate thread...
return p.waitFor() == 0;
public void done() {
try {
boolean okay = get();
if (!okay) {
// Re-run....?
} catch (Exception exp) {
// Show error message, maybe in a JOptionPane
Alright, i'm trying to Xbootclasspath a jar from within my project. Currently I have to load my application through command-line with the follow command:
java -Xbootclasspath/p:canvas.jar -jar application.jar
This works perfectly fine but I want to do this without having to enter command line, is there I way I can Xbootclasspath from within the jar?
The most clear solution is to have two main classes.
Your first class, named Boot or similar, will be the outside entry point into the application, as set in the jar's manifest. This class will form the necessary runtime command to start your actual main class (named Application or similar), with the Xboot parameter.
public class Boot {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String location = Boot.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();
location = URLDecoder.decode(location, "UTF-8").replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
String app = Application.class.getCanonicalName();
String flags = "-Xbootclasspath/p:canvas.jar";
boolean windows = System.getProperty("os.name").contains("Win");
StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(64);
if (windows) {
} else {
command.append(' ').append(flags).append(' ');
// append any necessary external libraries here
for (String arg : args) {
command.append(' ').append('"').append(arg).append('"');
Process application = null;
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
if (windows) {
application = runtime.exec(command.toString());
} else {
application = runtime.exec(new String[]{ "/bin/sh", "-c", command.toString() });
// wire command line output to Boot to output it correctly
BufferedReader strerr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(application.getErrorStream()));
BufferedReader strin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(application.getInputStream()));
while (isRunning(application)) {
String err = null;
while ((err = strerr.readLine()) != null) {
String in = null;
while ((in = strin.readLine()) != null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
private static boolean isRunning(Process process) {
try {
} catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {
return true;
return false;
And your Application class runs your actual program:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// display user-interface, etc
Feels yucky, but could you do a Runtime.exec that calls to java with the provided options and a new parameter (along with some conditional code that looks for that) to prevent a recursive loop of spawning new processes?
How do I know if a software is done writing a file if I am executing that software from java?For example, I am executing geniatagger.exe with an input file RawText that will produce an output file TAGGEDTEXT.txt. When geniatagger.exe is finished writing the TAGGEDTEXT.txt file, I can do some other staffs with this file. The problem is- how can I know that geniatagger is finished writing the text file?
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process p = rt.exec("geniatagger.exe -i "+ RawText+ " -o TAGGEDTEXT.txt");
You can't, or at least not reliably.
In this particular case your best bet is to watch the Process complete.
You get the process' return code as a bonus, this could tell you if an error occurred.
If you are actually talking about this GENIA tagger, below is a practical example which demonstrates various topics (see explanation about numbered comments beneath the code). The code was tested with v1.0 for Linux and demonstrates how to safely run a process which expects both input and output stream piping to work correctly.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
public class GeniaTagger {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
tagFile(new File("inputText.txt"), new File("outputText.txt"));
public static void tagFile(File input, File output) {
FileInputStream ifs = null;
FileOutputStream ofs = null;
try {
ifs = new FileInputStream(input);
ofs = new FileOutputStream(output);
final FileInputStream ifsRef = ifs;
final FileOutputStream ofsRef = ofs;
// {1}
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("geniatagger.exe");
final Process pr = pb.start();
// {2}
runInThread(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
IOUtils.copy(ifsRef, pr.getOutputStream());
IOUtils.closeQuietly(pr.getOutputStream()); // {3}
return null;
runInThread(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
IOUtils.copy(pr.getInputStream(), ofsRef); // {4}
return null;
runInThread(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
IOUtils.copy(pr.getErrorStream(), System.err);
return null;
// {5}
// output file is written at this point.
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
// {6}
public static void runInThread(final Callable<?> c) {
new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
Use a ProcessBuilder to start your process, it has a better interface than plain-old Runtime.getRuntime().exec(...).
Set up stream piping in different threads, otherwhise the waitFor() call in ({5}) might never complete.
Note that I piped a FileInputStream to the process. According to the afore-mentioned GENIA page, this command expects actual input instead of a -i parameter. The OutputStream which connects to the process must be closed, otherwhise the program will keep running!
Copy the result of the process to a FileOutputStream, the result file your are waiting for.
Let the main thread wait until the process completes.
Clean up all streams.
If the program exits after generating the output file then you can call Process.waitFor() to let it run to completion then you can process the file. Note that you will likely have to drain both the standard output and error streams (at least on Windows) for the process to finish.
Here is an example, untested and likely fraught with problems:
// ...
Process p = rt.exec("geniatagger.exe -i "+ RawText+ " -o TAGGEDTEXT.txt");
int exitCode = p.waitFor();
// Now you should be able to process the output file.
private static void drain(InputStream in) throws IOException {
while (in.read() != -1);
I'm using Eclipse's external tools functionality to launch my test server (I can't use the normal servers view for it since it's not supported).
That works fine, but it's a bit sad that I can't click the stacktraces to automatically jump to that line in the code (as you could normally do). I always thought eclipse's console automatically recognized lines of code.
Is there any way to make it do that for external tools?
You can copy the stack trace to a Java Stack Trace console. In the Console, switch to a new Java Stack Trace console, paste the stack trace and it will be immediately clickable.
Also, check out the LogViewer plugin, as far as I can recall, it can do that with less effort
As a workaround, I created a simple Java wrapper program which executes the command given as arguments. This allows an Eclipse Java run configuration to be used instead of an external tool.
public class Exec {
private final Process process;
private boolean error;
public Exec(Process process) {
this.process = process;
public static void main(String[] command) throws Exception {
new Exec(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command)).run();
public void run() throws Exception {
Thread thread = new Thread(() -> copy(process.getInputStream(), System.out));
copy(process.getErrorStream(), System.err);
int status = process.waitFor();
System.exit(status != 0 ? status : error ? 1 : 0);
private void copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out) {
try {
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
for (int count; (count = in.read(buffer)) > 0;) {
out.write(buffer, 0, count);
} catch (IOException e) {
error = true;