ContextUpdateHandler interface does not work for a specific context - java

I tried to catch a specific context/named graph by implementing following function of the ContextUpdateHandler interface:
public Resource[] getUpdateContexts() {
Resource[] res = new Resource[2];
res[0] = () -> "";
res[1] = () -> "";
return res;
When I make an insert or delete to the default graph, it works perfectly and it gets me into the handleContextUpdate() method where I can further process the update request. However, when I do any insert or delete on a specific context, say, it does not get recognized. Do you know what might be the problem?
I also tried to write it like this: <> and it didnt work
These are my queries:
# Does not work.
delete data {
graph <> {
<> }
# Works perfectly fine.
delete data {

Did you try res[1] = new SimpleIRI("");?

Or check the backend code for route differentials
And try adding / to path


Using ElasticSearch's script_upsert to create a document

According to the official documentation Update API - Upserts one can use scripted_upsert in order to handle update (for existing document) or insert (for new document) form within the script. The thing is they never show how the script should look to do that. The Java - Update API Doesn't have any information on the ScriptUpsert uses.
This is the code I'm using:
//My function to build and use the upsert
public void scriptedUpsert(String key, String parent, String scriptSource, Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters) {
Script script = new Script(scriptSource, ScriptType.INLINE, null, parameters);
UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest(index, type, key);
if (parent != null) {
//A test call to validate the function
String scriptSource = "if (!ctx._source.hasProperty(\"numbers\")) {ctx._source.numbers=[]}";
Map<String, List<Integer>> parameters = new HashMap<>();
List<Integer> numbers = new LinkedList<>();
parameters.put("numbers", numbers);
bulk.scriptedUpsert("testUser", null, scriptSource, parameters);
And I'm getting the following exception when "testUser" documents doesn't exists:
DocumentMissingException[[user][testUser]: document missing
How can I make the scriptUpsert work from the Java code?
This is how a scripted_upsert command should look like (and its script):
POST /sessions/session/1/_update
"scripted_upsert": true,
"script": {
"inline": "if (ctx.op == \"create\") ctx._source.numbers = newNumbers; else ctx._source.numbers += updatedNumbers",
"params": {
"newNumbers": [1,2,3],
"updatedNumbers": [55]
"upsert": {}
If you call the above command and the index doesn't exist, it will create it, together with the newNumbers values in the new documents. If you call again the exact same command the numbers values will become 1,2,3,55.
And in your case you are missing "upsert": {} part.
As Andrei suggested I was missing the upsert part, changing the function to:
public void scriptedUpsert(String key, String parent, String scriptSource, Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters) {
Script script = new Script(scriptSource, ScriptType.INLINE, null, parameters);
UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest(index, type, key);
request.upsert("{}"); // <--- The change
if (parent != null) {
Fix it.

Calling a method from inside StreamingMarkupBuilder

I'm using Groovy's StreamingMarkupBuilder to generate XML dynamically based on the results of a few SQL queries. I'd like to call a method from inside of the closure but the markup builder tries to create an XML node using the method name.
Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
Map generateMapFromRow(GroovyRowResult row) {
def map = [:]
def meta = row.getMetaData()
// Dynamically generate the keys and values
(1..meta.getColumnCount()).each { column -> map[meta.getColumnName(column)] = row[column-1] }
return map
def sql = Sql.newInstance(db.url, db.user, db.password, db.driver)
def builder = new StreamingMarkupBuilder()
def studentsImport = {
students {
sql.eachRow('select first_name, middle_name, last_name from students') { row ->
def map = generateMapFromRow(row) // Here is the problem line
println builder.bind(studentsImport).toString()
This will generate XML similar to the following:
[first_name:Ima, middle_name:Good, last_name:Student]
[first_name:Ima, middle_name:Bad, last_name:Student]
I've tried moving the method out to a class and calling to statically on the class, which doesn't work also.
Due to the nature of how StreamingMarkupBuilder works, I'm afraid that it isn't actually possible to do this, but I'm hoping that it is.
I may loose smth during example simplification, but such code will work.
In your example students is a closure call, so it may mess smth inside.
def builder = new groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder()
def generateMapFromRow = { ["$it": it] }
builder.bind {
10.times {
def map = generateMapFromRow(it) // Now closure is escaped, there is local variable with such name.
As said here:
Things to be careful about when using markup builders is not to overlap variables you currently have in scope. The following is a good example
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
def book = "MyBook"
def writer = new StringWriter()
def xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
xml.shelf() {
book(name:"Fight Club") { // Will produce error.
println writer.toString()
Builder's work similar to MethodMissing captors, ans if there is local variable in scope, no node will be produced.

Java Neo4j Deletion and Internal 500 Errors

When I delete my neo4j database after my tests like this
public static final DatabaseOperation clearDatabaseOperation = new DatabaseOperation() {
#Override public void performOperation(GraphDatabaseService db) {
//This is deprecated on the GraphDatabaseService interface,
// but the alternative is not supported by implementation (RestGraphDatabase)
for (Node node : db.getAllNodes()) {
for (Relationship relationship : node.getRelationships()) {
boolean notTheRootNode = node.getId() != 0;
if (notTheRootNode) {
When querying the database through an ajax search (i.e searching on an empty database it returns an internal 500 error)
localhost:9000/search-results?keywords=t 500 Internal Server Error
However if I delete the database manually like this
start r=relationship(*) delete r;
start n=node(*) delete n;
No exception is thrown
Its most likely an issue with my code at a lower level in the call and return.
Just wandering why the error only works on one of the scenarios above and not both
Use cypher,
you should probably state more obviously that you use the rest-graph-database.
Are you querying after the deletion or during it?
Please check your logs in data/graph.db/messages.log and data/log/console.log to find the error cause.
Perhaps you can also look at the response body of the http-500 request
As per your error I guess your data is getting corrupted after deletion.
I have used same code like yours and deleted the nodes, except I put the Iterator in transaction and shut down the database after opetation.
Transaction _tx = _db.beginTx();
try {
for ( your conditions){
Your code
} catch (Exception e) {
Hope it will work for you.

Getting info from PsiMethod in Intellij IDEA plugin

I'm writing Intellij IDEA plugin for my project, and I've faced a problem - I cannot get some ingo about method (PsiMethod) from my code.
First, I want to know is this method public.
And second, I want to get fully-qualified names of the parameter classes. Currently I'm doing it like this:
But it doesn't provide full name (with package name) for the standard JVM classes like String and List.
UPDATE First problem solved with the following code:
PsiUtil.getAccessLevel(method.getModifierList()) == PsiUtil.ACCESS_LEVEL_PUBLIC
But I still cannot get fully qualified class name
UPDATE 2 Here is the full listing of my code:
Project currentProject = DataKeys.PROJECT.getData(e.getDataContext());
PsiClass abstractComponentClass = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(currentProject).findClass("com.mjolnirr.lib.component.AbstractComponent", GlobalSearchScope.allScope(currentProject));
TreeClassChooser result = TreeClassChooserFactory
.createInheritanceClassChooser("Choose the class to generate manifest",
PsiClass classToGenerate = result.getSelected();
List<ManifestMethod> methods = new ArrayList<ManifestMethod>();
for (PsiMethod method : classToGenerate.getAllMethods()) {
// If this method is inherited from the Object class we don't need it
if (isComponentInitialize(method)) {
List<ManifestParameter> parameters = new ArrayList<ManifestParameter>();
for (PsiParameter param : method.getParameterList().getParameters()) {
parameters.add(new ManifestParameter(param.getType().getCanonicalText().replaceAll("\\<.*?\\>", "")));
if (method.getReturnType() != null) {
ManifestMethod manifestMethod = new ManifestMethod(method.getName(),
method.getReturnTypeNoResolve().getInternalCanonicalText().replaceAll("\\<.*?\\>", ""),
if (!methods.contains(manifestMethod) && isPublic(method)) {
System.out.println("->" + method.getReturnType().getCanonicalText());
Solved - my test IDEA instance has wrong Java SDK connected.

Android rename SQLite Database

Is it possible to rename a database already created in android?
On my apps update I would like to rename the old database and install a new then compare some values and finally delete the old.
I am doing the creation from an sqlite file in the assets folder. This is why I cannot rename all the tables and insert the new ones.
The old database will contain only one table that I need to compare values from against the new (from the update) database.
Both databases have been copied over from an sqlite file in the assets folder.
Once I have compared a values from the old database to new I will delete the old and use the new in its place with the values I compared.
What i was thinking of doing was rename the old create the new in its place and do everything above.
Just rename the File. Make sure the database is closed first!
Call this in your activity class:
private void renameDatabase()
File databaseFile = getDatabasePath("yourdb.whatever");
File oldDatabaseFile = new File(databaseFile.getParentFile(), "yourdb_old.whatever");
Response to clarification. Rename the old db (as above), copy the new one from the assets folder, open both databases and do your compare. Then delete the old file.
Lord Flash is right, you should delete the old db and copy the new oneā€¦
Assuming you use a SQLiteOpenHelper, you could use a createDatabaseIfRequired(); method in getReadableDatabase() and getWritableDatabase()
private boolean checkOldDatabase() {
Log.d(Constants.LOGTAG, "OperationDbHelper.checkDatabase");
File f = new File(DB_PATH + OLD_DB_NAME);
return f.exists();
public void createDatabaseIfRequired() throws IOException, SQLiteException {
if (!checkOldDatabase()) {
// do db comparison / delete old db / copy new db
It's not possible to rename a sql table directly.
But you may copy it creating a new and deleting the old one.
Thanks to Kevin Galligan's answer, I was able to create a function in my Kotlin Android app that I can use whenever it might ever be necessary, to rename the database files.
If you're using Java, you'll need to change the syntax a bit but the code should hopefully be somewhat self-explanatory.
val x: String = "Hello"
//in Kotlin would be
String x = "Hello";
//in Java, for example.
Anyway, here's my code, feel free to ask questions if you have any:
private fun checkAndRenameDatabase(oldName: String, newName: String) {
val oldDatabaseFile: File = getDatabasePath(oldName)
val oldDatabaseJournal: File = getDatabasePath("${oldName}-journal")
// Can use this to check files beforehand, using breakpoints
//val files = oldDatabaseFile.parentFile.listFiles()
if(oldDatabaseFile.exists() || oldDatabaseJournal.exists()) {
db.close() // Ensure existing database is closed
val newDatabaseFile: File = getDatabasePath(newName)
val newDatabaseJournal: File = getDatabasePath("${newName}-journal")
if(oldDatabaseFile.exists()) {
if(newDatabaseFile.exists()) {
if(oldDatabaseJournal.exists()) {
if(newDatabaseJournal.exists()) {
// Use with breakpoints to ensure files are now in order
//val newFiles = oldDatabaseFile.parentFile.listFiles()
// Re-open database with new name
db = SQLiteDBHelper(applicationContext, newName)
