`I'm using springdoc-openapi. I want to customize the swagger, so I copied the whole thing to my resources directory
I am also not loading the files from the jar
But I can't seem to serve any files inside swagger-ui. I tried moving it to static/swagger-ui, but I still get a 404.
When the service starts up, it shows
Patterns [/webjars/**, /**, /swagger-ui*/**] in 'resourceHandlerMapping'
So it looks like openapi is adding those resource paths.
But both http://localhost/index.html and http://localhost/swagger-ui/index.html return 404
I am able to go to http://localhost/hello.html, which is in resources/static, one of the default locations for static files. Why can't I read the index.html file that's in the swagger-ui directory, either in resources/swagger-ui or resources/static/swagger-ui
I am using spring-boot 2.5.0 and maven as dependency management tool. I have following dependencies as of now in my project.
I want to use jsp instead of thymeleaf but when I put my "index.html" file inside templates or static sub-folder of resources folder it doesn't recognize the html file and throws white label error.When I added the thymeleaf dependency it worked perfectly and recognized the html file. So, what should I do to make spring-boot detect my html file without adding thymeleaf dependency. By the way I have never used jsp before.
It seems you are missing either of the two things.
you should put below the property with the desired value in the property/yaml file
spring.mvc.view.prefix: <location of html/jsp>
spring.mvc.view.suffix: <.extension>
check at your controller whether you are sending the correct view name or not.
I need to load a JNDI resource located in a JBoss server. For this, I am using a jnp-client library:
The problem is that as soon as I include this dependency in my pom.xml, the Spring application gets stuck at the start time without any message. Not a single line of logs, like if it is trying to load something forever. The main is not even invoked. Removing this dependency the application runs but I get an expected:
ClassNotFoundException: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory
Which is normal because I have removed the dependency that includes this class.
Any clue?
I have tried all version of jnp-client or jbossall-client that also includes this NamingContextFactory
It is the mix of these two dependencies that unfortunately are inherited from required dependencies:
and spring-webmvc inside
If I run with
It works fine.
Now, if I exclude the jnp-client I cannot access the JNDI resource, but if I remove the spring-security-web I cannot access the REST endopoints this service exposes.
So I thought it could be two classes interfering with each other and I started the java process with -verbose. This is what I found.
From time to time the application prints, only in verbose, this ConfigFileApplicationListener$Loader
It seems that the problem is TimedSocketFactory inside the jnp-client. Somehow, just by having this class inside the jnp-client dependency, the Spring application is blocked and never starts. Removing this from the jnp-client allows the application to start. Of course, it fails later because the JNDI cannot connect to the server.
I have update spring boot to 1.3.4 from 1.2.8.
Then i get a FileNotFoundException for log4j.properties. Earlier it work with old spring boot version.
I have log4j.properties under same folder of resource which application.properties file resides. In application.property file i have below,
In pom file i have below,
Even i use spring-boot-starter-log4j, in eclipse dependency hierarchy it says, log4j: 1.2.17 (ommitted for conflict with 1.2.17) [compile]. But i think its not the issue.
The spring documentation suggests you to define it more precisely:
try this:
Another suggestion would be change the name of the config to `log4j-spring.properties' here is the reason:
When possible we recommend that you use the -spring variants for your
logging configuration (for example logback-spring.xml rather than
logback.xml). If you use standard configuration locations, Spring
cannot completely control log initialization.
I am learning spring web mvc project from online resources, i came across this logger slf4j, and i want to use it in my application.
I don't have any idea on how to add this. what i am thinking is i should remove commons-logging.jar from lib folder, and add another jar file to lib folder, but then i don't know which jar file i should add as there are many jar files present in slf4j.zip that i have downloaded from its official site.
I have searched and read few posts/articles about integrating slf4j but they all were related to maven, and i don't have maven, i simply started working with adding spring framework jars to dynamic web project.
Please tell me how and what files i should add in lib folder for logging purpose. or how to configure the slf4j logger.
thanx folks!!
The official source of information on logging in Spring is the Spring Reference.
If you want to use SLF4J, this document suggests using the following Maven dependencies:
In other words, you need four .jar files, and you need to make sure that the Commons Logging library is NOT on your classpath.
If you do not use Maven, you can download these .jars from the Maven Central Repository manually. Enter groupId, artifactId and version on that page, press Search, and download the .jar file (not sources.jar!). Here are direct links to these .jar files: jcl-over-slf4j, slf4j-api, slf4j-log4j12, log4j.
You will also need to create and put on your classpath the configuration file for log4j (log4j.xml or log4j.properties).
I think that by not using Maven you make your life harder, not easier. It's better to spend some time learning it, than spend a lot of time trying to avoid learning it.
I would actually argue against using pure SLF4J to begin with, because its own creators have already created a successor.
Reasons to use it instead of SLF4J are given on http://logback.qos.ch/reasonsToSwitch.html
And the "First baby steps" in the manual are at http://logback.qos.ch/manual/introduction.html
Will adding a MANIFEST.MF file with Class-Path attribute to META-INF directory inside EAR influence the order of loading of JARs located in APP-INF/lib under WebLogic 8.1?
I don't believe you can control the APP-INF/lib order via ClassPath attribute of MANIFEST.MF.
I've done this a couple different ways, depending on the client.
Add the patch jar to the system classpath for WLS. If you examine domain/bin/setDomainEnv.sh (or .cmd) there should pre, post, patch classpath environment variables. You could try to add your patch jar to the classpath here. This makes it available for all apps, which might not be what your client wants.
Patch somejar.jar & name it somejar-patched.jar. Replace the jar in APP-INF/lib with the "-patched" version.
I thought the class loader read JARs as they're required by your application.
I have two questions for you:
Why are you still using WebLogic 8.1? It's off support now, and the current version is 10.x. You're two versions behind. Is this a legacy app that hasn't migrated yet? You'll get a big boost by upgrading, because you'll be using JDK 5 or 6 with the -server option. I'd recommend it.
Why should you care about the order of loading? It should be immaterial to your app how the container loads and manages the beans.
That sounds different, almost as if you were having conflicts with server JARs. There's that prefer-web-inf-classes setting for that situation. Is that what you mean?
I agree with duffymo
You shouldn't have to worry about the order of class loading, if this is due to conflicting classes you can always exclude the conflicting classes from Jars using Maven or a similar tool.
For instance this is a very simple example of adding jersey-spring4 jar but I'm excluding its dependencies so I can use a different version of the spring framework library.