Gradle: jar task - override from - java

I need to customize my jar task so it would:
process all classes as usual;
include only particular resources and put them into custom folder inside the jar.
I've already made custom jar task, which does what I want:
task customJar(type: Jar) {
dependsOn classes
group = 'build'
// everything except resources process as usual
from sourceSets.main.output - sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir
// and process resources to custom place
from(sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir) {
include 'docs/**'
include 'messages*.properties'
into 'custom-folder'
But I still need to replace built-in jar with a new one.
Replacing it with create
tasks.create(name: "jar", type: Jar, overwrite: true) {
// ... custom jar spec
Replacing an existing task that may have already been used by other plugins is not supported
and simple configuration of the jar task doesn't work, because it is already configured in JavaPlugin:
jar {
// jar is already configured
// with `from sourceSets.main.output`
// so it will include everything
// AND create a custom folder
// does nothing
from sourceSets.main.output - sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir
// adds processed resources into 'custom-folder'
// in addition to all resources processed by default behaviour
from(sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir) {
include 'docs/**'
include 'messages*.properties'
into 'custom-folder'
So, what I need is to rewrite (override) default from configuration of jar. Is it possible?

you were there almost ..
tasks.create(name: "myJar", type: Jar) {
// ... custom jar spec
jar.enabled = false //if you want to disable the default
build.dependsOn myJar //ensure this always runs


gradle javaexec error "'apiElements' directly is not allowed"- Gradle 5.4.1

I am new to Gradle and trying to migrate an existing system build from ant to Gradle.
As part of this I need to run a java program on every file in a directory. Directory contains xml files and the java code will parse and convert .xml to .java files (and these Java files would be build to generate class and package in final jar) after performing some business specific transformation.
below is a function I wrote in Gradle
private runJavaFile(String dirPath) {
FileTree tree = fileTree(dir: dirPath, include: '**/*.xml')
tree.each {
def xmlfile = it.path
def javaFile = it.path.replaceFirst(".xml", ".java")
javaexec { //// getting error on this line
classpath configurations.all
main = 'XmlToJavaParser'
args = ["$xmlfile", "$javaFile", 'Java']
I am calling this function from a Gradle task by passing the dir path which contains the xml files to be parsed.
While running the task, I am getting below error:
> Resolving configuration 'apiElements' directly is not allowed
Any help would be appreciated.
Let me know if any more information is needed.
In Gradle, a configuration represents a group of artifacts and their dependencies. You typically have several configurations depending on what you want to do. For instance, you could have one where you declare which dependencies are needed for compilation, which are only needed at runtime, or which are needed for running a particular Java application.
In your case, you are saying that the classpath to the XmlToJavaParser class is "all configurations combined" and that doesn't really make sense. You are also not allowed to do that as some configurations from the Java plugin are not resolvable like this, which is why you get an error.
So to fix it, you should declare your own configuration for XmlToJavaParser. You can then declare dependencies for it like you normally do. Example (using the Groovy DSL):
configurations {
xmlJavaParser {
canBeResolved = true
canBeConsumed = false
dependencies {
xmlJavaParser "org.example:xml-java-parser:1.0" // or whatever you need
private runJavaFile(String dirPath) {
// ...
javaexec {
classpath = configurations.xmlJavaParser // The configuration is referenced here
main = 'XmlToJavaParser'
args = ["$xmlfile", "$javaFile", 'Java']
There are also other ways to go about it. But the main point is to not use configurations.all as a classpath.

Get value from `build.gradle` to code

We have a build.gradle where the version is defined in it. I need to implement a version endpoint ( like /version) to get the version of the project. This version property in build.gradle has been there for a long time, I can't move it to the file. How can I access this version's values from my Java code?
There are many ways with which you can "plant" information into your code
First you can use the manifest file, and read from it
jar {
manifest {
"lib-version": version
With conjunction to Reading my own Jar's Manifest
The other option is to add that info the your property files before the jar task
task('addVersion') {
doLast {
//append the version here, see example
One of our project needs not only the version information but also build time etc. We use a copy task with template substitution.
task updateVersions(type: Copy) {
Properties props = new Properties()
props.load(new FileInputStream(file('')))
props.put("buildtime", new Date().format("dd MMM yyyy hh:mm aa"))
props.put("version", "${version}")
from project(':main').file('Version.tmpl')
into file('src/main/java').path
rename('Version.tmpl', '')

Create makefile-like wildcard targets in Gradle

Use case: I have a bunch of images that have to be processed by a script before I build my app. In makefile I can simply define:
processed/%.png: original/%.png
script/ $< $#
How do I implement this in Gradle? Specifically, I want it to work like in Makefile, that is only the modified original images will be processed again.
You can implement this behaviour as an incremental task, using IncrementalTaskInputs as its input parameter. This API docs contain an example how to use it and here is an example in another the documentation. Both of them do almost exactly what you need.
An incremental task action is one that accepts a single
IncrementalTaskInputs parameter. The task can then provide an action
to execute for all input files that are out of date with respect to
the previous execution of the task, and a separate action for all
input files that have been removed since the previous execution.
In the case where Gradle is unable to determine which input files need
to be reprocessed, then all of the input files will be reported as
Inside your task, call the script using an exec task. Your Gradle script could then look like this:
task processRawFiles(type: ProcessRawFiles)
class ProcessRawFiles extends DefaultTask {
File inputDir = project.file('src/raw')
File outputDir = project.file('build/processed')
void execute(IncrementalTaskInputs inputs) {
if (!inputs.incremental)
inputs.outOfDate { InputFileDetails change ->
File saveTo = new File(outputDir,
project.exec {
commandLine 'script/', change.file.absolutePath, saveTo.absolutePath
inputs.removed { InputFileDetails change ->
File toDelete = new File(outputDir,
if (toDelete.exists())
This task looks for the images in src/raw. It will removed files from build directory and call your script on any files that are out of date or newly added.
Your specific case might be more complicated if you have the images scattered across multiple directories. In that case you will have to use #InputFiles instead of #InputDirectory. But the incremental task should still work.

How to make Gradle fail the build if a file dependency is not found?

I have a Gradle build that has some dependencies of the form
compile files('path/to/local/lib.jar')
(the build is being migrated - eventually these will be replaced)
The build failed because one of these paths was incorrectly specified. But it failed due to a compile error - it looked like Gradle silently ignored the missing dependency.
Is there a simple option or switch that will force Gradle to fail the build if any dependency (particularly local file dependencies) cannot be resolved (eg., file missing)?
Edit: to clarify further:
If a dependency cannot be found in the configured repositories, Gradle will fail the build when attempting to resolve them, as expected.
BUT - if a dependency is defined as "compile files ....", and the file specified does not exist at build time, Gradle will IGNORE that error, and attempt compilation anyway. That seems spectacularly wrong-headed and inconsistent default behaviour.
My question is - is there a Gradle option or switch or environment variable or system property that I can set to force Gradle to verify that file dependencies exist? (E.g,, behave in a sane and rational way?)
This is a bit of an old thread, but given that none of the currently proposed solutions actually works, and the solution appears to be trivial (collating two of them), I am leaving it here for future reference.
The point here is that we simply want to ensure that the files do exist, so we can just use the exists() method of the File class:
task ensureDepsExist() {
doLast {
Set<File> impFiles = configurations.implementation.resolve()
impFiles.forEach { f ->
if (!f.exists()) { "${f} could not be found"
compileJava.dependsOn ensureDepsExist
The canBeResolved() call is required, or Gradle will complain that configurations dependencies cannot be resolved.
Here's how you can check transitive dependencies using Gradle 7.3 (example: Fail if the project depends on log4j directly or transitively).
Kotlin DSL
configurations {
all {
relsolutionStrategy {
eachDependency {
if ( == "log4j") {
throw RuntimeException("Project depends on log4j")
Groovy DSL
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
if ( == 'log4j') {
throw new RuntimeException("Project depends on log4j")
You could do something as shown below. It is not a built-in Gradle function but does not require code to check each dependency specifically (it checks all in the compile configuration):
apply plugin: 'java'
dependencies {
compile files('lib/abc.jar')
compile files('lib/def.jar')
task checkDependencies() {
doLast {
configurations.compile.each { file ->
assert file.exists()
compileJava.dependsOn checkDependencies
To fail the build you can:'message why it failed')
Then you can craft a condition then fail the build with nice message ;)
I would suggest to create a task that will bring the file to the project first with a condition to check if the file is available etc if not then throw a Gradle exception and fail the build with a message, and execute the task first in the execution phase.
I have no chance to test it now but it could be something like this, correct me if any syntax is wrong - but you should get the idea.
def yourDep = $/\path\to\your\depdendency/$
task bringDeps << {
if (yourDep.exists()){
copy {
from yourDep
into $projectDir/depsOrSmthg
} else{'message why it failed')
task ensureDependenciesExist() {
doLast {
DependencySet deps = configurations.implementation.getDependencies()
Set<File> impFiles = configurations.implementation.resolve()
deps.each { d ->
boolean depWasResolved = impFiles.any { impFile ->".*${}.*${d.version}") }
if (!depWasResolved) {
println "${d} was not resolved"
assert depWasResolved
compileJava.dependsOn ensureDependenciesExist

Is it possible to specify multiple main classes using gradle 'application' plugin

I would like to use the Gradle "application" plugin to create startScripts for a second mainClass. Is this possible? Even if the application plugin doesn't have this functionality built in, is it possible to leverage the startScripts task to create a second pair of scripts for a different mainClass?
Add something like this to your root build.gradle:
// Creates scripts for entry points
// Subproject must apply application plugin to be able to call this method.
def createScript(project, mainClass, name) {
project.tasks.create(name: name, type: CreateStartScripts) {
outputDir = new File(project.buildDir, 'scripts')
mainClassName = mainClass
applicationName = name
classpath = project.tasks[JavaPlugin.JAR_TASK_NAME].outputs.files + project.configurations.runtimeClasspath
project.applicationDistribution.with {
into("bin") {
fileMode = 0755
Then call it as follows either from the root or from subprojects:
// The next two lines disable the tasks for the primary main which by default
// generates a script with a name matching the project name.
// You can leave them enabled but if so you'll need to define mainClassName
// And you'll be creating your application scripts two different ways which
// could lead to confusion
startScripts.enabled = false
run.enabled = false
// Call this for each Main class you want to expose with an app script
createScript(project, '', 'driver')
I combined parts of both of these answers to arrive at the relatively simple solution:
task otherStartScripts(type: CreateStartScripts) {
description "Creates OS specific scripts to call the 'other' entry point"
classpath = startScripts.classpath
outputDir = startScripts.outputDir
mainClassName = ''
applicationName = 'other'
distZip {
baseName = archivesBaseName
classifier = 'app'
//include our extra start script
//this is a bit weird, I'm open to suggestions on how to do this better
into("${baseName}-${version}-${classifier}/bin") {
from otherStartScripts
fileMode = 0755
startScripts is created when the application plugin is applied.
You can create multiple tasks of type CreateStartScripts and in each task you configure a different mainClassName. for convenience, you can do this in a loop.
