Open API Schema for an array of arrays - java

I'm going to define Open Api schema for an endpoint implemented in JAVA, which returns JSON like this:
{"id": 1, "data": [[int, int]]}
Any idea how to configue the annotation #Schema?


type-preserving deserialization of GraphQL response using schema

I am trying to write deserialization code for responses of user-defined GraphQL queries. The code has access to the query response in JSON-serialized form and the underlying GraphQL schema (by querying the endpoint's schema.json or making introspection requests).
Assume the following schema:
scalar Date
type User {
name: String
birthday: Date
type Query {
allUsers: [User]
schema {
query: Query
And the following query:
query {
allUsers {
The response may look like this (only includes the data.allUsers-field from the full response for brevity):
{"name": "John Doe", "birthday": "1983-12-07"}
What I am attempting to do is deserialize the above response in a manner that preserves type information, including for any custom scalars. In the above example, I know by convention that the GraphQL scalar Date should be deserialized as LocalDate in Java, but just from the response alone I do not know that the birthday field represents the GraphQL scalar type Date, since it's serialized as a regular string in JSON.
What I can do is try to utilize the GraphQL schema for this. For the above example, the schema may look something like this (shortened for brevity):
"types": [
"kind": "OBJECT",
"name": "User",
"fields": [
"name": "name",
"type": {
"kind": "SCALAR",
"name": "String"
"name": "birthday"
"type": {
"kind": "SCALAR",
"name": "Date"
From this information I can deduce that that response's birthday field is of type Date, and deserialize it accordingly. However, things get more complicated if the query uses non-trivial GraphQL features. Take aliasing for example:
query {
allUsers {
dayOfBirth: birthday
At this point I would already need to keep track of any aliasing (which I could do since that information is available if I parse the query), and backtrack those to find the correct type. I fear it might get even more complicated if e.g. fragments are used.
Given that I use graphql-java, and it appears to already need to handle all of these cases for serialization, I wondered if there was an easier way to do this than to manually backtrack the types from the query and schema.
How about generating java classes from the schema and then using those classes to deserialize. There is one plugin which I have used before for this - graphql-java-generator
You may need to enhance the plugin a bit to support your custom scalars though
It basically generates a java client for invoking your GraphQL queries in a Java way.
I had the same problem to deserialize an LocalDate attribute, even using the graphql-java-extended-scalars library.
Researching I found that this library works well for queries but not so well for mutations.
I fixed my problem by customizing SchemaParserOptions, like this:
public SchemaParserOptions schemaParserOptions() {
return SchemaParserOptions.newOptions().objectMapperConfigurer((mapper, context) -> {
mapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
In the object i didn't use any serialization and deserialization annotations.

Rest Template is not maintaining order

I have two spring based applications.
Application 1 is the returning list based on sortOrder
Example: [{"name": "Abc", "sortOrder": 1}, {"name": "Xyz", "sortOrder": 2}]
This order is maintained while fetching, I validated through Postman rest client.
Application 2, We have restTemplate, which fetches this list from Application 1. The response type we put is List, But I am not getting a list in order manner.
I looked into convertors. But no luck.

Building a new SourceRecord from an Object

I am writing a Kafka connector in order to download some data from several sources on Github (text and yaml files) and transform them into objects of a certain class, which is automatically generated from an avsc-file:
"type": "record",
"name": "MatomoRecord",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string"},
{"name": "type", "type": "string"},
{"name": "timestamp", "type": "long"}
So far everything was successful. So now I have a Map of objects, which I want to persist in a Kafka topic. For that I'm trying to create SourceRecords:
for (Map.Entry<String, MatomoRecord> record : records.entrySet()) {
sourceRecords.add(new SourceRecord(
How can I define the value schema of type based on the avro schema? For a test I have manually created a schema using the Builder:
Schema matomoSchema = SchemaBuilder.struct()
.field("name", Schema.STRING_SCHEMA)
.field("type", Schema.STRING_SCHEMA)
.field("timestamp", Schema.INT64_SCHEMA)
The result was:
org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.DataException: Invalid type for STRUCT: class MatomoRecord
Could sombody help me to define the value schema based on the avro schema?
Best regards
You can't use record.getValue(), nor is there a direct API from Avro to Connect Schema (without internal methods of Confluent's AvroConverter)
You need to parse that object into a Struct object that matches the schema you've defined (which looks fine assuming none of your object fields can be null)
Look at the Javadoc for how you can define it
Note (not relevant here), nested structs should be built from the "bottom up", where you put child structs / arrays into parent ones.
Your connector should not necessarily depend on Avro other than to include your model objects. The Converter interfaces are responsible for converting your Struct with its Schema into other data formats (JSON, Confluent's Avro encoding, Protobuf, etc)
A KC Schema is an JSON schema that looks awfully like an Avro schema. Try org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter#asConnectSchema - you may need to massage the Avro schema to make it work.

Java Client for POSTing complex entities to a Spring Data REST / HATEOAS service

From what I can tell, there are provided means for converting a complex object to proper HAL format. This is of course leveraged in marshalling the objects in the framework itself. Resource and Link objects, etc.
For the sake of a use-case:
Company 1 is an existing Company in my system. I want to add a new Employee that works for Company 1
Below is an example Employee object that you'd receive from a Spring Data REST based service. Spring HATEOAS also provides the means to construct these objects yourself.
"id": null,
"firstName": "bZWthNFk",
"lastName": "GtTnrqka",
"loginId": "zTk5rT",
"active": true,
"_links": {
"company": {
"href": "http://localhost/companies/1";
However, this seems to not work for POSTing the object. As I understand it, that same object would have to be POSTed as:
"id": null,
"firstName": "bZWthNFk",
"lastName": "GtTnrqka",
"loginId": "zTk5rT",
"active": true,
"company": "http://localhost/companies/1"
As far as I can tell, there are no means provided by either the HATEOAS or Data REST project to produce this object for posting to a valid HAL based service, either via RestTemplate or some other means. In fact, I can't find any means of readily POSTing a complex object without some hand-marshalling. Am I wrong in assuming this?
How is one supposed to build out a valid Java SDK for service-to-service communication that leverages HATEOAS principles without this tooling to actually POST objects reliably?
Long story short, I want to post this object without having to hand serialize the URIs for associations.
public class Employee {
private Integer id;
private Company company;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
I've created the following improvement request in reference to this:
The approach you suggested should actually work, provided you use at least version 2.0 of Spring Data REST.
You should also have an association resource like You can PUT a new link to that location using the media type text/uri-list or remove the company from Employee with a DELETE.
It seems I didn't address your main concern, that was clarified by your update and comments. So let's take your Employee class that has an association with a Customer.
As you can see from the JSON response you posted, the data structure that the REST API works with doesn't contain a Customer object (or Company in that case), only a link. A client would usually work with the data structure defined by the API. So customerwould be link in the first place and there would be no need for serializing an object to a link.
If the client uses a different data structure internally, then some kind of conversion is necessary anyway. But the reason would be the different structure, not HAL or association links.

How to serialize/deserialize dynamic json types with Avro

for the past week I've been trying to use Avro to map data from a streaming api.
I'm using ReflectData to create my schema from a POJO representing the json response.
I'm then using a ReflectDatumReader to convert json to avro bytes and similarly for the reverse.
The problem I'm facing is related to the json responses I get. The reponse can change depending on what type of message is sent.
"id": 001,
"text": {
"type": "comment",
"event": "event",
"comment": {
but this can also be
"id": 001,
"text": {
"type": "status",
"event": "event",
"status": {
so, as you can see the type object reflects what the name of the json object will be later on.
I could not find a way to represent such a schema. I've used jackson in the past to represent polymorphic types like this but I can't figure out a way to do this with Avro's Java API.
I'd really appreciate any help/suggestions on this. :)
Many thanks.
You may have to use what in Avro-parlance is known as "schema projection": that is, you define a superset of the different schemas you are parsing, and Avro ignores missing schema fields as necessary. It is described here under section Schema Resolution:
That's the theory at least. In practice I have often had to drop down into the (Java-)API code and deal with nulls etc. explicitly.
