I've deployed firebase deploy in cmd console.
but error has occured several times.
I already tried these things:
Changing %RESOURCE_DIR% in firebase.json file
Tried --fix code in console
Below is error code. plz help me T,T
Oops! Something went wrong! :(
ESLint: 8.13.0
SyntaxError: Unexpected token '{'
at new Script (node:vm:100:7)
at NativeCompileCache._moduleCompile (D:\momenting\momenting\gameChat\functions\node_modules\v8-compile-cache\v8-compile-cache.js:240:18)
at Module._compile (D:\momenting\momenting\gameChat\functions\node_modules\v8-compile-cache\v8-compile-cache.js:184:36)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1157:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:32)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12)
at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19)
at Object.module.exports [as default] (D:\momenting\momenting\gameChat\functions\node_modules\import-fresh\index.js:32:59)
at loadJSConfigFile (D:\momenting\momenting\gameChat\functions\node_modules\#eslint\eslintrc\dist\eslintrc.cjs:2559:47)
at loadConfigFile (D:\momenting\momenting\gameChat\functions\node_modules\#eslint\eslintrc\dist\eslintrc.cjs:2643:20)
Error: functions predeploy error: Command terminated with non-zero exit code2
We are currently using scripted pipeline and I want to continue to further stages even if the build fails in particular stage.
My current script
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'gitlogin', passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'GIT_USERNAME')]) {
//sh("git tag -a some_tag -m 'Jenkins'")
sh('git push --tags origin $BRANCH_NAME')
if ("${BRANCH_NAME}"=="develop" || ("${BRANCH_NAME}".startsWith("release")))
sshagent (credentials: ['GitSSHLOGIN']) {
// sh("git tag -d PSTEST ")
sh("git tag -a PBCS_${BRANCH_NAME}_${ReleaseNumber}_${BUILD_NUMBER} -m 'Tag the build PBCS_${BRANCH_NAME}_${ReleaseNumber}_${BUILD_NUMBER}'")
sh('git push --tags origin $BRANCH_NAME')
I am trying below line
catchError(buildResult: 'SUCCESS', stageResult: 'FAILURE')
But jenkins is throwing error
Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
General error during class generation: Method code too large!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Method code too large!
I request if someone can help me to restructure this code to fix the issue.
I have been having an issue compiling the following line of code on IntelliJ using Maven:
PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo packet = new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo();
PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.PlayerInfoData data = packet.new PlayerInfoData(gameprofile, 1, EnumGamemode.NOT_SET, CraftChatMessage.fromString(ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + "[NPC] " + this.gameprofile.getId().toString().substring(0, 8))[0]);
I get this error when compiling:
cannot access net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.PlayerInfoData
[ERROR] bad class file: C:\Users\nokoa\.m2\repository\org\spigot\spigot\1.11.2\spigot-1.11.2.jar(net/minecraft/server/v1_11_R1/PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo$PlayerInfoData.class)
[ERROR] bad RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations attribute: PlayerInfoData(com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile,int,net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.EnumGamemode,net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.IChatBaseComponent)
I tried using Spigot and Paper, also tried changing the compiler from javac to eclipse, but there is no change. I have been stuck with this for over five months, if anyone can please help me.
Assertion error: true
Assertion failure: false
Assertion failure message: org.apache.jorphan.util.JMeterException: Error invoking bsh method: source Sourced file: ../../InputFiles/Scripts/minimal-json.bsh
This error is occurring when I am executing my BeanShell program.
I checked jmeter.log file and it is giving similar error.
2016/11/15 16:11:40 ERROR - jmeter.util.BeanShellInterpreter: Error invoking bsh method: source Sourced file: ../../InputFiles/Scripts/minimal-json.bsh
2016/11/15 16:11:40 WARN - jmeter.assertions.BeanShellAssertion: org.apache.jorphan.util.JMeterException: Error invoking bsh method: source Sourced file: ../../InputFiles/Scripts/minimal-json.bsh
By using try and catch, I got the exception and store it in log.info(e). But it was also giving the same error.
How to get exact error line & description of the error(like variable is not defined or No such method,etc.,).
log.info(e) contains the error itself as String is expected and you pass Exception there. I would suggest using another method, to wit: Logger.error(String message, Throwable throwable) like:
try {
int i = 1 / 0;
catch (Throwable ex) {
log.error("Error in Beanshell: ", ex);
throw ex;
It will work like:
Another troubleshooting techique is adding debug() directive to the beginning of your Beanshell script - this way you will get exhaustive information on your script executin in stdout
See How to Debug your Apache JMeter Script article for more details.
I am using the below piece of code to copy and filter the properties from the properties file and it is working fine.There are one variable which is not static and I need to pass as a paramter so it could work on correct file.I am using -Penv=test or -Penv=at but I am getting the error.
task createLocalProp(type:Copy) << {
from "templates/local.properties.template"
into ("$buildDir/properties")
def myProps = new Properties()
filter(org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens, tokens: myProps)
C:\GRADLE_WORK\XXXX-GRADLE>gradle -b build_localprop.gradle createLocalProp -Pen
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file 'C:\GRADLE_WORK\XXX-GRADLE\build_localprop.gradle' line: 37
* What went wrong:
Could not compile build file 'C:\GRADLE_WORK\XXXX-GRADLE\build_localprop.gradle'
> startup failed:
build file 'C:\GRADLE_WORK\XXX-GRADLE\build_localprop.gradle': 37: expecting
EOF, found '<<' # line 37, column 33.
task createLocalProp(type:Copy) << {
1 error
I'm not sure right now why the compiler error happens, but you should not configure the task in execution phase, but in configuration phase. << syntax is a shortcut for doLast and thus even if it would compile it would probably not work as expected. Remove the << and probably everything is ok.
I ran into a similar error reporting the bottom of my gradle file had an error. In reality it was a missing closing bracket in the middle of the file that I missed when doing a diff merge conflict.
I added the support library for API level 4 and up as is given in this link : http://developer.android.com/tools/extras/support-library.html
My code was working. But all of a sudden, it has started showing the following error :
"Could not read jar file contents from \FooBar\libs\android-support-v4.jar"
What could be the reason?
EDIT: It shows the following error too :
"Unable to update index for central|http://repo1.maven.org/maven2"
And a few more warnings like this ->
"While loading class "com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.resources.manager.GlobalProjectMonitor$IResourceEventListener", thread "Thread[main,6,main]" timed out waiting (5003ms) for thread "Thread[org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.JavaReconciler,1,main]" to finish starting bundle "com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_20.0.3.v201208082019-427395 [351]". To avoid deadlock, thread "Thread[main,6,main]" is proceeding but "com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.resources.manager.GlobalProjectMonitor$IResourceEventListener" may not be fully initialized."
UPDATE : I thought I fixed it but the problem keeps recurring.