Let's imagine I have a lib which contains the following simple method:
private static final String CONSTANT = "Constant";
public static String concatStringWithCondition(String condition) {
return "Some phrase" + condition + CONSTANT;
What if someone wants to use my method in a loop? As I understand, that string optimisation (where + gets replaced with StringBuilder or whatever is more optimal) is not working for that case? Or this is valid for strings initialised outside of the loop?
I'm using java 11 (Dropwizard).
No, this is fine.
The only case that string concatenation can be problematic is when you're using a loop to build one single string. Your method by itself is fine. Callers of your method can, of course, mess things up, but not in a way that's related to your method.
The code as written should be as efficient as making a StringBuilder and appending these 3 constants to it. There certainly is absolutely no difference at all between a literal ("Some phrase"), and an expression that the compiler can treat as a Compile Time Constant (which CONSTANT, here, clearly is - given that CONSTANT is static, final, not null, and of a CTCable type (All primitives and strings)).
However, is that 'efficient'? I doubt it - making a stringbuilder is not particularly cheap either. It's orders of magnitude cheaper than continually making new strings, sure, but there's always a bigger fish:
It doesn't matter
Computers are fast. Really, really fast. It is highly likely that you can write this incredibly badly (performance wise) and it still won't be measurable. You won't even notice. Less than a millisecond slower.
In general, anybody that worries about performance at this level simply lacks perspective and knowledge: If you apply that level of fretting to your java code and you have the knowledge to know what could in theory be non-perfectly-performant, you'll be sweating every 3rd character you ever type. That's no way to program. So, gain that perspective (or take it from me, "just git gud" is not exactly something you can do in a week - take it on faith for now, as you learn you can start verifying) - and don't worry about it. Unless you actually run into an actual situation where the code is slower than it feels like it could be, or slower than it needs to be, and then toss profilers and microbenchmark testing frameworks at it, and THEN, armed with all that information (and not before!), consider optimizing. The reports tell you what to optimize, because literally less than 1% of the code is responsible for 99% of the performance loss, so spending any time on code that isn't in that 1% is an utter waste of time, hence why you must get those reports first, or not start at all.
... or perhaps it does
But if it does matter, and it's really that 1% of the code that is responsible for 99% of the loss, then usually you need to go a little further than just 'optimize the method'. Optimize the entire pipeline.
What is happening with this string? Take that into consideration.
For example, let's say that it, itself, is being appended to a much bigger stringbuilder. In which case, making a tiny stringbuilder here is incredibly inefficient compared to rewriting the method to:
public static void concatStringWithCondition(StringBuilder sb, String condition) {
sb.append("Some phrase").append(condition).append(CONSTANT);
Or, perhaps this data is being turned into bytes using UTF_8 and then tossed onto a web socket. In that case:
private static final byte[] PREFIX = "Some phrase".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
private static final byte[] SUFFIX = "Some Constant".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
public void concatStringWithCondition(OutputStream out, String condition) {
and check if that outputstream is buffered. If not, make it buffered, that'll help a ton and would completely dwarf the cost of not using string concatenation. If the 'condition' string can get quite large, the above is no good either, you want a CharsetEncoder that encodes straight to the OutputStream, and may even want to replace all that with some ByteBuffer based approach.
Assume performance is never relevant until it is.
IF performance truly must be tackled, strap in, it'll take ages to do it right. Doing it 'wrong' (applying dumb rules of thumb that do not work) isn't useful. Either do it right, or don't do it.
IF you're still on bard, always start with profiler reports and use JMH to gather information.
Be prepared to rewrite the pipeline - change the method signatures, in order to optimize.
That means that micro-optimizing, which usually sacrifices nice abstracted APIs, is actively bad for performance - because changing pipelines is considerably more difficult if all code is micro-optimized, given that this usually comes at the cost of abstraction.
And now the circle is complete: Point 5 shows why the worrying about performance as you are doing in this question is in fact detrimental: It is far too likely that this worry results in you 'optimizing' some code in a way that doesn't actually run faster (because the JVM is a complex beast), and even if it did, it is irrelevant because the code path this code is on is literally only 0.01% or less of the total runtime expenditure, and in the mean time you've made your APIs worse and lack abstraction which would make any actually useful optimization much harder than it needs to be.
But I really want rules of thumb!
Allright, fine. Here are 2 easy rules of thumb to follow that will lead to better performance:
When in rome...
The JVM is an optimising marvel and will run the craziest code quite quickly anyway. However, it does this primarily by being a giant pattern matching machine: It finds recognizable code snippets and rewrites these to the fastest, most carefully tuned to juuust your combination of hardware machine code it can. However, this pattern machine isn't voodoo magic: It's got limited patterns. Which patterns do JVM makers 'ship' with their JVMs? Why, the common patterns, of course. Why include a pattern for exotic code virtually nobody ever writes? Waste of space.
So, write code the way java programmers tend to write it. Which very much means: Do not write crazy code just because you think it might be faster. It'll likely be slower. Just follow the crowd.
Trivial example:
Which one is faster:
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) list.add(someRandomName());
// option 1:
String[] arr = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
// option 2:
String[] arr = list.toArray(new String[0]);
You might think, obviously, option 1, right? Option 2 'wastes' a string array, making a 0-length array just to toss it in the garbage right after. But you'd be wrong: Option 2 is in fact faster (if you want an explanation: The JVM recognizes it, and does a hacky move: It makes an new string array that does not need to be initialized with all zeroes first. Normal java code cannot do this (arrays are neccessarily initialized blank, to prevent memory corruption issues), but specifically .toArray(new X[0])? Those pattern matching machines I told you about detect this and replace it with code that just blits the refs straight into a patch of memory without wasting time writing zeroes to it first.
It's a subtle difference that is highly unlikely to matter - it just highlights: Your instincts? They will mislead you every time.
Fortunately, .toArray(new X[0]) is common java code. And easier and shorter. So just write nice, convenient code that looks like how other folks write and you'd have gotten the right answer here. Without having to know such crazy esoterics as having to reason out how the JVM needs to waste time zeroing out that array and how hotspot / pattern matching might possibly eliminate this, thus making it faster. That's just one of 5 million things you'd have to know - and nobody can do that. Thus: Just write java code in simple, common styles.
Algorithmic complexity is a thing hotspot can't fix for you
Given an O(n^3) algorithm fighting an O(log(n) * n^2) algorithm, make n large enough and the second algorithm has to win, that's what big O notation means. The JVM can do a lot of magic but it can pretty much never optimize an algorithm into a faster 'class' of algorithmic complexity. You might be surprised at the size n has to be before algorithmic complexity dominates, but it is acceptable to realize that your algorithm can be fundamentally faster and do the work on rewriting it to this more efficient algorithm even without profiler reports and benchmark harnesses and the like.
I know that converting a suitable object (e.g., a linked list) to a string using the toString() method is an O(n) operation, where 'n' is the length of the linked list. However, if you wanted to then replace something in that that string using the replace(), method, is that also an o(k) method, where 'k' is the length of the string?
For example, for the line String str = path.toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace(",", "");, does this run through the length of the linked list 1 time, and then the length of the string an additional 3 times? If so, is there a more efficient way to do what that line of code does?
Yes, it would. replace has no idea that [ and ] are only found at the start and end. In fact, it's worse - you get another loop for copying the string over (the string has an underlying array and that needs to be cloned in its entirety to lop a character out of it).
If your intent is to replace every [ in the string, then, no, there is no faster way. However, if your actual intent is to simply not have the opening brace and closing brace, then either write your own loop to toString the contents. Something like:
LinkedList<Foo> foos = ...;
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
for (Foo f : foos) out.append(out.length() == 0 ? "" : ", ").append(f);
return out.toString();
Or even:
String.join(", ", foos);
Or even:
foos.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
None of this is the same thing as .replace("[", "") - after all, if a [ symbol is part of the toString() of any Foo object, it would be stripped out as well with .replace("[", "") - though you probably didn't want that to happen.
Note that the way modern CPUs work, unless that list has over a few thousand elements in it, looping it 4 times is essentially free and takes no measurable time. The concept of O(n) 'kicks in' after a certain number of loops. On modern hardware, it tends to be a lot of loops before it matters. Often other concerns are much more important. As a simple example, linked list, in general? Horrible performance relative to something like ArrayList. Even in cases where O(k) wise it should be faster. It's due to the way linkedlists create extra objects and how these tend to be non-contiguous (not near each other in memory). Modern CPUs can't read memory at all. They can ask the memory controller to take one of the on-die cache pages and replace it with the contents of another memory page, which takes 500 to a 1000 cycles. The CPU will ask the memory controller to do that and then go to sleep for 1000 cycles. You can see how reducing the number of times it does this can have a rather marked effect on performance, and yet the O(k) business doesn't and cannot take it into account.
Do not worry about performance unless you have a real life scenario where the program appears to run slower than you think it should. Then, use a profiler to figure out which 1% of the code is eating 99% of the resources (because it's virtually always a 1% 'hot path' that is responsible) and then optimize just that 1%. It's pretty much impossible to predict what the 1% is going to be. So, don't bother trying to do so while writing code, it just leads you to writing harder to maintain, less flexible code - which ironically enough tends to lead to situations where adjusting the hot path is harder. Worrying about performance, in essence, slows down the code. Hence why it's very very important not to worry about that, and worry instead about code that is easy to read and easy to modify.
I am trying to create a class that takes in a string input containing pseudocode and computes its' worst case runtime complexity. I will be using regex to split each line and analyze the worst-case and add up the complexities (based on the big-O rules) for each line to give a final worst-case runtime. The pseudocode written will follow a few rules for declaration, initilization, operations on data structures. This is something I can control. How should I go about designing a class considering the rules of iterative and recursive analysis?
Any help in C++ or Java is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
class PseudocodeAnalyzer
string inputCode;
string performIterativeAnalysis(string line);
string performRecursiveAnalysis(string line);
string analyzeTotalComplexity(string inputCode);
An example for iterative algorithm: Check if number in a grid is Odd:
1. Array A = Array[N][N]
2. for i in 1 to N
3. for j in 1 to N
4. if A[i][j] % 2 == 0
5. return false
6. endif
7. endloop
8. endloop
Worst-case Time-Complexity: O(n*n)
The concept: "I wish to write a program that analyses pseudocode in order to print out the algorithmic complexity of the algorithm it describes" is mathematically impossible!
Let me try to explain why that is, or how you get around the inevitability that you cannot write this.
Your pseudocode has certain capabilities. You call it pseudocode, but given that you are now trying to parse it, it's still a 'real' language where terms have real meaning. This language is capable of expressing algorithms.
So, which algorithms can it express? Presumably, 'all of them'. There is this concept called a 'turing machine': You can prove that anything a computer can do, a turing machine can also do. And turing machines are very simple things. Therefore, if you have some simplistic computer and you can use that computer to emulate a turing machine, you can therefore use it to emulate a complete computer. This is how, in fundamental informatics, you can prove that a certain CPU or system is capable of computing all the stuff some other CPU or system is capable of computing: Use it to compute a turing machine, thus proving you can run it all. Any system that can be used to emulate a turing machine is called 'turing complete'.
Then we get to something very interesting: If your pseudocode can be used to express anything a real computer can do, then your pseudocode can be used to 'write'... your very pseudocode checker!
So let's say we do just that and stick the pseudocode that describes your pseudocode checker in a function we shall call pseudocodechecker. It takes as argument a string containing some pseudocode, and returns a string such as O(n^2).
You can then write this program in pseudocode:
1. if pseudocodechecker(this-very-program) == O(n^2)
2. If True runSomeAlgorithmThatIsO(1)
3. If False runSomeAlgorithmTahtIsO(n^2)
And this is self-defeating: We have 'programmed' a paradox. It's like "This statement is a lie", or "the set of all sets that do not contain themselves". If it's false it is true and if it is true it false. [Insert GIF of exploding computer here].
Thus, we have mathematically proved that what you want is impossible, unless one of the following is true:
A. Your pseudocode-based checker is incorrect. As in, it will flat out give a wrong answer sometimes, thus solving the paradox: If you feed your program a paradox, it gives a wrong answer. But how useful is such an app? An app where you know the answer it gives may be incorrect?
B. Your pseudocode-based checker is incomplete: The official definition of your pseudocode language is so incapable, you cannot even write a turing machine in it.
That last one seems like a nice solution; but it is quite drastic. It pretty much means that your algorithm can only loop over constant ranges. It cannot loop until a condition is true, for example. Another nice solution appears to be: The program is capable of realizing that an answer cannot be given, and will then report 'no answer available', but unfortunately, with some more work, you can show that you can still use such a system to develop a paradox.
The answer by #rzwitserloot and the ones given in the link are correct. Let me just add that it is possible to compute an approximation both to the halting problem as well as to finding the time complexity of a piece of code (written in a Turing-complete language!). (Compare that to the existence of automated theorem provers for arithmetic and other second order logics, which are undecidable!) A tool that under-approximated the complexity problem would output the correct time complexity for some inputs, and "don't know" for other inputs.
Indeed, the whole wide field of code analyzers, often built into the IDEs that we use every day, more often than not under-approximate decision problems that are uncomputable, e.g. reachability, nullability or value analyses.
If you really want to write such a tool: the basic idea is to identify heuristics, i.e., common patterns for which a solution is known, such as various patterns of nested for-loops with only very basic arithmetic operations manipulating the indices, or simple recursive functions where the recurrence relation can be spotted straight-away. It would actually be not too hard (though definitely not easy!) to write a tool that could solve most of the toy problems (such as the one you posted) that are given as homework to students, and that are often posted as questions here on SO, since they follow a rather small number of patterns.
If you wish to go beyond simple heuristics, the main theoretical concept underlying more powerful code analyzers is abstract interpretation. Applied to your use case, this would mean developing a mapping between code constructs in your language to code constructs in a different language (or simpler code constructs in the same language) for which it is easier to compute the time complexity. This mapping would have to conform to some constraints, in particular, the mapped constructs have have the same or worse time complexity as the original code. Actually, mapping a piece of code to a recurrence relation would be an example of abstract interpretation. So is replacing a line of code with something like "O(1)". So, the task is just to formalize some of the things that we do in our heads anyway when we are analyzing the time complexity of code.
I'm writing a routine that takes a string and formats it as quoted printable. And it's got to be as fast as possible. My first attempt copied characters from one stringbuffer to another encoding and line wrapping along the way. Then I thought it might be quicker to just modify the original stringbuffer rather than copy all that data which is mostly identical. Turns out the inserts are far worse than copying, the second version (with the stringbuffer inserts) was 8 times slower, which makes sense, as it must be moving a lot of memory.
What I was hoping for was some kind of gap buffer data structure so the inserts wouldn't involve physically moving all the characters in the rest of the stringbuffer.
So any suggestions about the fastest way to rip through a string inserting characters every once in a while?
Suggestions to use the standard mimeutils library are not helpful because I'm also dot escaping the string so it can be dumped out to an smtp server in one shot.
At the end, your gap data structure would have to be transformed into a String, which would need assembling all the chunks in a single array by appending them to a StringBuilder.
So using a StringBuilder directly will be faster. I don't think you'll find a faster technique than that. Make sure to initialize the StringBuilder with a large enough size to avoid copies of the whole buffer once the capacity is exhausted.
So taking the advice of some of the other answers here I've been writing many versions of this function, seeing what goes quickest and for future reference if anybody can gain from what I found:
1) The slowest: stringbuffer.append() but we knew that.
2) Almost twice as fast: stringbuilder.append(). locks are very expensive it seems.
3) another 20% faster is.... copying from one char[] to another.
4) and finally, coming in three times faster than even that... a JNI call to the exact same code compiled in C that copies from one char array to another.
You may consider #4 cheating, but cheaters win. It is by far the fastest way to go.
There is a risk of the GetCharArrayElements call causing the java char array to be copied so it can be handed to the C program, but I can't tell if that's happening, and it's still wicked fast compared to any java implementation.
I think a good balance between speed and coding grace would be using Matcher.appendReplacement. Formulate a regex that will catch all insertion points. In a loop you use find, analyze Matcher.group() to see what exactly has matched, and use your program logic to decide what to give to appendReplacement.
In any case, it is important not to copy the text over char by char. You must copy in the largest chunks possible.
The Matcher API is quite unfortunately bound to the StringBuffer, but, as you find, that only steels the final 5% from you.
In my Android project, there are many constances to represent bundle extra keys, Handler's message arguments, dialog ids ant etc.
Someone in my team uses some normal number to do this, like:
handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_OK, 1, 0));
handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_OK, 2, 0));
handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_OK, 3, 0));
in handler:
switch (msg.arg1) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
he said too many static final constances cost a lot of memory. but i think his solution makes the code hard to read and refactor.
I have read this question and googled a lot and failed to find an answer.
java: is using a final static int = 1 better than just a normal 1?
I hope someone could show me the memory cost of static finals.
Sorry for my poor English.
You shouldn't bother to change it to literals, it will make your code less readable and less maintainable.
In the long run you will benefit from this "lose of memory"
Technically, he is right - static int fields do cost some additional memory.
However, the cost is negligible. It's an int, plus the associated metadata for the reflection support. The benefits of using meaningfull names that make your code more readable, and ensure that the semantic of that number is well known and consistent evewhere it is used, clearly outweight that cost.
You can do a simple test. Write a small application that calls handler.sendMessage 1000 times with different number literal, build it and note down the size of the .dex file. Then replace the 1000 literals with 1000 static int consts, and do the same. Compare the two sizes and you will get an idea of the order of magnitude of additional memory your app will need. (And just for completeness, post the numbers here as comment :-))
It saves a very small amount of memory - basically just the extra metadata required to record the extra constant in the relevant class and refer to it from other classes.
It is NOT worth worrying about this, unless you are extremely memory constrained.
Using well-named static final constants rather than mysterious magic numbers is much better for your code maintainability and sanity in the long run.
I'm using the following code to discard unsupported physical interfaces / subinterfaces from routers that connects to a big ISP network (by big I mean tens of thousands of routers):
private final static Pattern INTERFACES_TO_FILTER =
Pattern.compile("unrouted VLAN|GigabitEthernet.+-mpls layer|FastEthernet.+-802\\.1Q vLAN subif");
// Simplification
List<String> interfaces;
// lots of irrelevant code to query the routers
for (String intf : interfaces) {
if (INTERFACES_TO_FILTER.matcher(intf).find()) {
// code to prevent the interface from being used
The idea is discarding entries such as:
unrouted VLAN 2000 for GigabitEthernet2/11.2000
GigabitEthernet1/2-mpls layer
FastEthernet6/0/3.2000-802.1Q vLAN subif
This code is hit often enough (several times per minute) over huge sets of interfaces (some routers have 50k+ subintefaces), cache doesn't really help much either because new subinterfaces are being configured / discarded very often. The plan is to optimize the regex so that the procedure completes a tad faster (every nanosecond counts). Can you guys enlighten me?
Note: mpls layer and 802.1Q are supported for other kinds of interfaces, unrouted VLANs isn't.
There are some string search algorithms that allow you to try to search in a string of length n for k strings at once cheaper than the obvious O(n*k) cost.
They usually compare a rolling hash against a list of existing hashes of your words. A prime example of this would be the Rabin-Karp algorithm. The wiki page even has a section about this. There are more advanced versions of the principle out there as well, but it's easy to understand the principle.
No idea if there already are libraries in Java that do this (I'd think so), but that's what I'd try - although 5 strings is rather small here (and different size makes it more complex too). So better check whether a good KMP string search isn't faster - I'd think that'd be by far the best solution really (the default java api uses a naive string search, so use a lib)
About your regexes: backtracking regex implementation for performance critical search code? I doubt that's a good idea.
PS: If you'd post a testset and a test harness for your problem, chances are good people would see how much they could beat the favorite - has worked before.. human nature is so easy to trick :)
I'm answering my own question for further reference, although the credits goes to #piotrekkr since he was the one that pointed the way. Also my Kudos to #JB and #ratchet. I ended up using matches(), and the logic using indexOf and several contains was almost as fast (that's news to me, I always assumed that a single regex would be faster than several calls to contains).
Here's a solution that is several times faster (according to the profiler, about 7 times less time is spent at Matcher class methods):
^(?:unrouted VLAN.++|GigabitEthernet.+?-mpls layer|FastEthernet.+?-802\\.1Q vLAN subif)$
If your problem is that you have a number of long string constants you're searching for, i would recommend using a Java analog of the standard C tool "lex".
A quick googling took me to JFlex. I haven't used this particular tool and there may be others available, but that is an example of the kind of tool i would look for.
If you must use regex for this try changing to this one:
^(?:unrouted VLAN)|(?:GigabitEthernet.+?-mpls layer)|(?:FastEthernet.+?-802\.1Q vLAN subif)
^ make engine match from begining of string, not anywhere in string
.+? makes + ungreedy
(?:...) makes () non-capturing group