I am trying to make a scoreboard with images in processing, with images from 0 to 9, but any number greater than 9 does not make changes
It should be something like this: 10, 11, 12, ..., 99
but it only changes the number on the left, try using a counter, converting it to a String and then to a Char[] to get the first digit of two numbers; for example: 25, it would have to be 2
when passing that number to the array, it sends "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"
char[] digits;
PImage [] prueba = new PImage[10];
int contadorPrueba2 = 0;
int aa = 0;
void setup () {
size (781, 470);
tablero = loadImage("tablero.png");
flechaRight = loadImage("flechaRight.png");
flechaLeft = loadImage("flechaLeft.png");
for (int i = 0; i < prueba.length; i++) {
prueba[i] = loadImage("numero_" + i + ".jpg");
void draw () {
image(flechaRight, x, y);
image(flechaLeft, x2, y);
image(prueba[0], x3, 50);
//cambiar de numeros
image(prueba[contadorPrueba2], x4, 50);
image(prueba[aa], x3, 50);
boolean isMouseOver (int x, int y, int w, int h) {
if (mouseX>x && mouseX <x+w && mouseY>y && mouseY <y+h) {
return true;
return false;
void mousePressed () {
if (isMouseOver (x, y, w, h) == true) {
//image(uno, x3, 50);
} else if (isMouseOver (x2, y, w, h) == true) {
if (contadorPrueba2 >= prueba.length)
contadorPrueba2 = 0;
count = String.valueOf(contadorPrueba2);
digits = count.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < digits.length; i++) {
if (contadorPrueba2 >= 10) {
//aa = digits[0];
aa = digits[i];
//aa = digits[i];
//print("pp" + aa);
if (i == 0) {
print("ksk" + digits[i]);
Chars aren't exactly the best way to keep track of a score, which can make for some headache at times. I strongly suggest that you keep track of the score with an integer number unless you really have no choice on the matter.
Now, to translate an integer into a bunch of index numbers associated with images of said numbers, things can also become complicated, but I got your back! In fact, you can use MATH and solve this quite easily. Are you familiar with the modulo operator? If you're not, read about it because it's a programmer's best friend. Long story short, it's a division that returns only the leftover numbers after the division. As an example, if I write:
10 / 3 == 3.333333 // as a division this makes sense
10 % 3 == 1 // modulo only keeps what's left when the division stops being an integer
because: 10 == [3+3+3] + 1
Ok, you probably already knew this, but if you didn't, now you do. Here's how I use this knowledge to simplify your issue with a commented example:
PImage[] digits = new PImage[10];
int score = 4780; // you can change this number for whatever integer number
void setup () {
size(200, 200);
for (int i = 0; i < digits.length; i++) {
digits[i] = loadImage(i + ".png"); // these 10 images are 10x10 pixels for easier handling
void draw () {
int i=1;
int j = 160; // arbitrary number: this is where i start drawing the score (the rightest number)
// oooh! This is a good opportunity to use a do...while(); loop! I don't have that many of those.
// This is because we have to show at least ONE digit even if the score is zero, but I coded this so you can have a score higher than 99 without issue
do {
i*=10; // using multiples of 10 with the modulo operator
// as we use base 10 in real life, multiples of 10 help isolate digits of interests
image(digits[(score%i)/(i/10)], j, 90); // j is the x coordinate of the current digit, 90 is an arbitrary y coordinate
// 'digits[(score%i)/(i/10)]' deserves an explanation:
// 'score%i' removes every unit besides the current digit of interests, as an example if we're looking for the hundreds digit of 3456 it'll be 400
// '/(i/10)' removes the unwanted zero (in the 3456 example it would leave only the number 4 instead of 400)
j-=10; // updating j for the next digit
} while(i<score);
I know I didn't tell you why you get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and it's kinda on purpose: this is a very common error and although I have no trouble guessing why you get it, it's just more efficient to fix by improving the method than by meddling with the code. There are many articles on SO about why this error happens and I encourage you to read at least one, as it'll be something that you'll see again in the future. Yet, for now, you can just avoid it by switching to this method.
I hope this helps. Have fun!
I'm tinkering around with a cellular automaton and my movement detection function is acting really strangely. I'm 80% sure it's my implementation but I have no idea where the issue is. Could someone take a look and enlighten me since I've spent the better part of 7H trying to get it to work and it won't:
private int[] cellularSearch(short xPos, short yPos)
// the center position is our current position; the others are potentially free positions
byte[][] positions = new byte[][]{{0,0,0},{0,1,0},{0,0,0}};
int[] result = new int[2];
byte strike=0;
int dice0=0, dice1=0;
dice0 = r.nextInt(3)-1;
result[0] = xPos + dice0;
if((result[0] >= 0)
&& (result[0] < img.getWidth()))
dice1 = r.nextInt(3)-1;
result[1] = yPos + dice1;
if((result[1] >= 0)
&& (result[1] < img.getHeight()))
if((positions[dice1+1][dice0+1] != 1)) // if this isn't our own cell and wasn't tried before
if(img.getRGB(result[0], result[1]) == Color.white.getRGB()) // if the new cell is free
return result;
positions[dice1+1][dice0+1]=1; // we need to use +1 to create a correlation between the linkage in the matrix and the actual positions around our cell
The code works and it correctly identifies when a pixel is white and returns the position for it. My problem is the distribution of the results. Given that I'm using Random both for the row and the column, I was expecting a near equal distribution over all possible locations, but what happens is that this code seems to prefer the cell right above the coordinates being fed in (it hits it ~3x as much as the other ones) and the one right below the coordinates (it hits it ~2x as much as the others).
When I start my program and all my pixels slowly move towards the top of the window on EVERY run (vs true randomness with my old lengthy code which was 3x as long), so there's gotta be an error in there somewhere. Could someone please lend a hand?
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: Thank you everyone for the effort! Sorry for the non-compiling code but I extracted the main purpose of the function while cutting out a ton of commented code (my other approaches to implementing this function). Locally the code has the return statement and it runs. I'll slowly go through all your answers in the next few hours (gonna have dinner soon).
EDIT2: I tried what #DodgyCodeException and #tevemadar suggested and made a list with all the 8 positions, then shuffle them each time I enter the function, and then iterate through them, trying each one in part. Still the position exactly above and below the current cell are selected most. I'm baffled. This is my old super-spaghetti code that I've written for this function and it worked perfectly with no errors, equal distribution, and (oddly enough) it's the most efficient implementation that I've tried out of everything mentioned here. After I'm done with lunch and filing some paperwork I'll thoroughly study it (it's been ~ 2 years since I wrote it) to see why it works so well. If anyone still has ideas, I'm fully open.
boolean allRan=false;
int lastDice=0, anteLastDice=0, dice = r.nextInt(3)+1;
//the initial dice usage is for selecting the row on which we'll operate:
//dice = 1 or 3 -> we operate above or under our current cell; dice = 2 -> we operate on the same row
if((dice==1) || (dice==3))
int i= r.nextInt(3);
if(((xPos-1+i) < img.getWidth())
&& ((xPos-1+i) >= 0))
if(((yPos-1) >= 0)
&& (img.getRGB(xPos-1+i, yPos-1) == Color.white.getRGB())
&& (dice==1))
result[0] = xPos-1+i;
result[1] = yPos-1;
endTime = (int) System.currentTimeMillis();
section4Runtime += (double) (endTime - startTime) / 1000;
return result;
else if(((yPos+1) < img.getHeight())
&& (img.getRGB(xPos-1+i, yPos+1) == Color.white.getRGB())
&& (dice==3))
result[0] = xPos-1+i;
result[1] = yPos+1;
endTime = (int) System.currentTimeMillis();
section4Runtime += (double) (endTime - startTime) / 1000;
return result;
// if this section is reached, it means that: the initial dice roll didn't find a free cell, or the position was out of bounds, or the dice rolled 2
// in this section we do a dice reroll (while remembering and avoiding our previous values) so that we cover all dice rolls
dice += r.nextInt(2)+1; // we incrmeent randomly towards 2 or 3.
anteLastDice= lastDice;
else if(lastDice==3)
anteLastDice= lastDice;
else // dice is 3
dice -= r.nextInt(2)+1; // we decrement randomly towards 2 or 1.
anteLastDice= lastDice;
else if(lastDice==1)
anteLastDice= lastDice;
int i=0;
i += r.nextInt(2)==0?-1:1;
if(((xPos+i) < img.getWidth())
&& ((xPos+i) >= 0)
&& (img.getRGB(xPos+i, yPos) == Color.white.getRGB()))
result[0] = xPos+i;
result[1] = yPos;
endTime = (int) System.currentTimeMillis();
section4Runtime += (double) (endTime - startTime) / 1000;
return result;
// same as above: a dice reroll (with constrictions)
dice+= r.nextInt(2)==0?-1:1; // randomly chose if you decrement by 1 or increment by 1
anteLastDice= lastDice;
dice =3;
else if(lastDice==3)
anteLastDice= lastDice;
dice =1;
return result;
After much thought, I eventually figured it out. All the ideas that we all had were violating a fundamental "rule" of the first implementation that I was using: the first implementation was trying a random position on one of the 3 lines, then moving on to the next lines (without coming back to try the other positions on that line). Example: if the algo selected the line above, it would randomly try the top-left corner to see if it's free; if it wasn't then it would try the same line as the current cell and the line below (again, just with 1 of their possible positions) without coming back. All our ideas were iterating through all possibilities around the cell, which meant that it was inevitable to have the top and bottom line have more hits than the middle (since top and bottom have 3 possible points each while middle has only 2). Also, when there were holes in the field, the cells most likely to fill it up were the ones that were moving diagonally (which in the end is up or down) or those directly moving up or down, since those moving sideways only had the options left/ right. The only mystery that will remain unsolved is why (using our proposed implementations) the model would generally use the point exactly above our current cell. I have no idea why it loves going straight up most of the time with that implementation. Nevertheless, the new algorithm (which reflects the old one, but is much lighter) is:
boolean[] lines = new boolean[]{false, false, false};
byte checks =0;
while(checks < 3) // just 3 tries in total
dice = r.nextInt(3);
if(lines[dice]== false)
lines[dice] = true; // just 1 try per line
// calculated here since we reuse dice below
result[1] = yPos - 1 + dice; // will be above if dice==0; will be below if dice==2; same line if dice==1
if((dice == 0) || (dice == 2)) // top/bottom line
{dice = r.nextInt(3)-1;}
else if(dice == 1) // middle line
{dice = r.nextInt(2)==0?-1:1;} // we exclude the middle point since that's our current position
result[0] = xPos + dice; // logic is calculated above and just applied here
if((result[0] >= 0)
&& (result[0] < img.getWidth())
&& (result[1] >= 0)
&& (result[1] < img.getHeight()))
if (img.getRGB(result[0], result[1]) == Color.white.getRGB()) // if the new cell is free
return result;
result[0] = -1; // in case we get here, reset the value so it's not used
This brings the code down from 167 lines to 33 lines (and makes it MUCH more readable). I have no idea who to select as the best solution. Please suggest if you have any ideas.
First, I have to admit I can't see what your algorithm is supposed to be doing -- it's not clear to me why you roll the each die when you do, other times using the existing value.
For a clear, easy to follow algorithm, I'd suggest scoping your dice variables inside the loop, rolling both at the same time, and making them final so that you know that each iteration has exactly one two-die roll:
while(strike < 9) {
final int roll1 = r.nextInt(3) - 1;
final int roll2 = r.nextInt(3) - 1;
strike += handleRoll(roll1,roll2);
You can prove the distribution to yourself by writing a simple counter for your handleRoll(), before later substituting your real code.
int[] counts = int[6];
void handleRoll(int roll1, int roll2) {
counts[1 + roll1] ++;
counts[4 + roll2] ++;
return 1;
(Increase the required strike count to get large enough samples to reason about)
Make sure you use the same instance of Random throughout the program -- don't keep making new ones.
(You could tidy this up a bit by creating a Coordinate class and a factory that creates random ones)
I simplified your code like this:
made a series of extract-method refactorings to tidy away detail
changed your rolls to use the range 0 to 2 instead of -1 to +1 -- since you use them in two places, and in one of those you add one again!
used x and y and only create result when needed
used final for the rolls and the resulting x and y, scoping them to the inside of the loop
turned nested ifs into an && logic
changed some odd type choices. The positions grid seems made for boolean. There's seldom any value in using short in Java.
private int[] cellularSearch(int xPos, int yPos) {
boolean[][] positions =
new boolean[][] { { false, false, false },
{ false, true, false },
{ false, false, false } };
int strike = 0;
while (strike < 9) {
final int dice0 = r.nextInt(3);
final int dice1 = r.nextInt(3);
final int x = xPos + dice0 - 1;
final int y = yPos + dice1 - 1;
if (isInXrange(x) && isInYRange(y)) {
if (!alreadyTried(positions, dice1, dice0) && isWhite(x, y)) {
return new int[] { x, y };
markAsTried(positions, dice1, dice0);
return null; // or whatever you intend to happen here
private boolean isInXrange(int x) {
return (x >= 0) && (x < img.getWidth());
private boolean isInYRange(int y) {
return (y >= 0) && (y < img.getHeight());
private boolean alreadyTried(boolean[][] positions, final int dice1, final int dice0) {
return positions[dice1 + 1][dice0 + 1];
private static void markAsTried(boolean[][] positions, int dice1, int dice0) {
positions[dice1][dice0] = true;
private boolean isWhite(final int x, final int y) {
return img.getRGB(x, y) == Color.white.getRGB();
I think this is equivalent to your code, with one exception -- yours doesn't roll the second die if the first roll takes you outside the width of the image. You could re-add this as a performance improvement later if you like.
But it exposes some issues. It looks as if the intent is to try every cell (you have a 3x3 grid, and you've chosen 9 "strikes") - but it doesn't increment strike when x,y is outside the image. It does increment strike when the position has been tried before. So you can exit the loop having not tried every cell.
I don't see a specific way that this causes the weighting you've described --
but it looks like the sort of thing that could lead to unexpected results.
(Anyway - since the code you've given doesn't compile, you didn't observe it with the code you've given us)
If the intention is to check every cell, it might be better to shuffle a list of cells to try, then test them in order:
List<Coords> coordsToTry = new ArrayList<>();
for(int x=0; x<2; x++) {
for(int y=0; y<2; y++) {
coordsToTry.add(new Coords( x, y));
for(Coords coords : coordsToTry) {
if(isWhite(coords)) {
return coords;
return null; // or whatever is meant to happen when nothing found
The distribution of java.util.Random is not that uneven. You can confirm with the following code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final int N = 3;
Random r = new Random();
int[] counts = new int[N];
for (int i = 0; i <= 100_000; i++) {
As you've said, the above code produces fairly evenly distributed values. However, add the following line at the beginning of the loop:
if (i % 6 == 0)
r = new Random(0);
And then you get [16667, 33334, 50000]. One value occurs twice as frequently, and another 3 times as frequently, as the first. This sets the random number generator to a newly created one with a constant seed. It simulates your code, in which you say you create a new Random() on entry to your function (albeit without a seed argument) and then your function calls nextInt() six times - this if (i % 6 == 0) statement ensures a new RNG is also created every 6 iterations.
Check your code and make sure you are only ever creating a RNG once in your whole program.
java.util.Random is a pseudorandom number generator (definition on wikipedia) and needs to be seeded.
From the docs:
If two instances of Random are created with the same seed, and the same sequence of method calls is made for each, they will generate and return identical sequences of numbers. In order to guarantee this property, particular algorithms are specified for the class Random.
If you want to be sure to get good random numbers, use SecureRandom, which is guaranteed to produce non-deterministic output
Since you are interested in the combined distribution of the two 'dices', on top of #DodgyCodeException's suggestion, you can check statistics like
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random r=new Random();
int stat[]=new int[9];
for(int i=0;i<9000;i++)
for (int i : stat)
However it is pretty even too.
There is a minor difference between generating random numbers from a power-of-two-range and otherwise, so if you really want to do some magic, you can use the fact that you are actually picking a position out of 8 possibilities (since the middle one is ruled out at the beginning).
Something like
final int xhelper[]=new int[]{-1, 0, 1,-1, 1,-1, 0, 1};
final int yhelper[]=new int[]{-1,-1,-1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1};
int dir=r.nextInt(8);
int dice0=xhelper[dir];
int dice1=yhelper[dir];
But in fact I do not think it makes a difference.
Problem Statement:
Find the minimum number of steps required to reach a target number x from 0 (zero), using only two operations: +1 (add 1 to the number) or *2 (multiply 2 with the number).
So here's the Logic that I came up with:
The best way is to work backwards. Start from the number you need:
Subtract 1 if the number is odd.
Divide by 2 if the number if even.
Stop when you get to zero.
For example, for 29, you get 28, 14, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1, 0.
And, here's what I have tried doing (Java 7):
kValues is an array that has the x values for which the steps are needed to be computed and stored in an array called result.
static int[] countOperationsToK(long[] kValues) {
int size = kValues.length,x,i,steps;
int result[] = new int[size];
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
steps = 0;
for (x = (int)kValues[i]; x != 0 ; ++steps)
if((x % 2) == 0)
x /= 2;
else x--;
result[i] = steps;
return result;
My Problem:
This is a Hackerrank question and I am supposed to write an efficient code. I was successful with 7/11 test cases and others were timed out. Since, it is a Hackerrank question, I can't change the function definition or the return type. That is the reason why I am converting from long to int in my for loop, in order to use % (modulus). I would like to know where I am going wrong. Is my algorithm taking too long to compute (for the number of values close to a million)? Which is obviously the case, but how do I alter my algorithm in order to pass all the test cases?
Thank you in advance :)
for (x = (int)kValues[i]; x != 0 ; ++steps)
The fact that you are casting a long to an int is very suspicious. You might get a negative number when you do that.
Say x == -2: you divide it by 2 to give -1, then subtract 1 to give -2. You'll keep doing that indefinitely.
Just define x to be a long, and remove the cast.
So, here's the working code. I had forgotten to append L while using the modulo. Silly mistake led to so much of typing. LOL!!
static int[] countOperationsToK(long[] kValues) {
int size = kValues.length,i,steps;
int result[] = new int[size];
long x;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
steps = 0;
for (x = kValues[i]; x != 0 ; ++steps)
if((x % 2L) == 0)
x /= 2L;
else x -= 1L;
result[i] = steps;
return result;
Here is a very short version, using bit-analysis:
static int[] countOperationsToK(long... input) {
int result[] = new int[input.length];
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++)
if (input[i] > 0)
result[i] = Long.bitCount(input[i]) + 63 - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(input[i]);
return result;
The idea here is to look at the binary number, e.g. for 29 that is 11101. There are 4 bits set, so we'd need to do +1 four times, and the highest bit position is 4, so we need to left-shift (i.e. *2) four times, for a total of 8 operations: +1, *2, +1, *2, +1, *2, *2, +1.
numberOfBits = Long.bitCount(x)
highBitNumber = floor(log2(x)) = 63 - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(x)
The highBitNumber part doesn't work if value is zero, hence the if statement.
For input number x,
Minimum no. of Ops = (int)log2(x) + Long.BitCount(x)
I am working on a code where I am simulating a dog walking in a city - trying to escape the city. The dog makes random choices of which way to go to at each intersection with equal probability.If stuck at a dead end the dog will come directly back to the middle of a big city and start all over again. The dog will do this again and again until it gets out of the city or until it gets tired after T number of trials. But by the time the the dog starts again from the middle(N/2,N/2) on each try, it will have forgotten all the intersections it had visited in the previous attempt.
The idea is to mimic a code given in our textbook and come up with the solution. We were given input N, T - where N is the number of north-south and east-west streets in the city and T is the number of times the dog will try to get out of the city before it gives up. We have to draw it out, using StdDraw. We have been given how to make random movements - generate a number between 0 and 4 - up: 0 right: 1 down: 2 left: 3
My Approach
import java.util.Random;
public class RandomWalk {
private static final Random RNG = new Random (Long.getLong ("seed",
public static void main(String[] args) {
int N = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); // lattice size
int T = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); // number of trials
int deadEnds = 0; // trials resulting in a dead end
// simulate T self-avoiding walks
for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {
for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
StdDraw.line(i, 0, i, N);
StdDraw.line(0, i, N, i);
boolean[][] a = new boolean[N][N]; // intersections visited
int x = N/2, y = N/2; // current position
// repeatedly take a random step, unless you've already escaped
while (x > 0 && x < N-1 && y > 0 && y < N-1) {
int t_x = x;
int t_y=y;
// dead-end, so break out of loop
if (a[x-1][y] && a[x+1][y] && a[x][y-1] && a[x][y+1]) {
// mark (x, y) as visited
a[x][y] = true;
// take a random step to unvisited neighbor
int r = RNG.nextInt(4);
if (r ==3) {
//move left
if (!a[x-1][y])
else if (r == 1 ) {
//move right
if (!a[x+1][y])
else if (r == 2) {
//move down
if (!a[x][y-1])
else if (r == 0) {
//move up
if (!a[x][y+1])
StdDraw.line(t_x, t_y, x, y);
x = t_x;
y = t_y;
System.out.println("T: "+t);
System.out.println(100*deadEnds/T + "% dead ends");
Given N - 15, T - 10, -Dseed=5463786 we should get an output like - http://postimg.org/image/s5iekbkpf/
I am getting - see http://postimg.org/image/nxipit0pp/
I don't know where I am going wrong. I know this is very specific in nature, but I am really confused so as to what I am doing wrong. I tried all 24 permutations of 0,1,2,3 but none of them gave the output desired. So, I conclude that the issue in in my code.
check your StdDraw.java with:
your code should be fine, I got the expected result
A drunkard in a grid of streets randomly picks one of four directions and stumbles to the next intersection, then again randomly picks one of four directions, and so on. You might think that on average the drunkard doesn't move very far because the choices cancel each other out, but that is not the case. Represent locations as integer pairs (x,y). Implement the drunkard's walk over 100 intersections, starting at (0,0) and print the ending location
Can anyone help? I'm completely lost with using random generators and loops in the same program
Below is what I have. It complies fine but doesn't print anything and I'm not sure if I got the random 100 intersection thing right
import java.util.*;
class Drunkard {
int x, y;
Drunkard(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
void moveNorth() {
this.y -= 1;
void moveEast() {
this.x += 1;
void report() {
System.out.println("Hiccup: " + x + ", " + y);
class Four {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random generator = new Random();
Drunkard drunkard = new Drunkard(100, 100);
int direction;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
direction = Math.abs(generator.nextInt()) % 4;
if (direction == 0) { // N
} else if (direction == 1) { // E
} else if (direction == 2) { // S
System.out.println("Should move South.");
} else if (direction == 3) { // W
System.out.println("Should move West.");
} else {
your program will be:
loop: for 1 to 100, do:
i = random()
if i<=0.25 : go north
if i>0.25 and i<=0.5 : go south
if i>0.5 and i<= 0.75 : go east
if i>0.75 and i<= 1 : go west
end loop
show final point.
I see a variety of problems:
You are initializing your Drunkard's position to 100,100. The assignment said to initialize to 0,0.
System.out.drunkard.report() absolutely does not compile. Just call drunkard.report().
The instructions say to print the final location, so you need to move the call to drunkard.report() down one line, so that it is outside of the for loop.
You haven't written methods for moveSouth or moveWest. Write them and add calls to them in the appropriate place.
The class Four needs to be public in order to run it directly.
Good Java programming practices say that every class should be in its own file, but this probably goes against what your instructor asked you to do.
But, I don't think that's your problem. I think there's a problem with how/where you're trying to run the program. You say it compiles fine but doesn't print any output. You know that after it compiles there is another step to run the program, right?
To be clear, here's what you should be doing. At a command line, make sure you are in the directory where your .java file lives. I'm going to assume it's called Four.java. Type the following, hitting enter after each line. (Don't type the $ prompt)
$ javac *.java
$ java Four
I copied the code you posted above, fixed the problems I highlighted, and followed my own instructions above; it works perfectly.
You can use
int direction = (new Random()).nextInt(4);
And use this direction variable to determine where he walks to. I would use recursion in this case instead of a loop.
This starts at 0,0. Generates a random number to determine location and updates the location.
Not sure about the way you are generating the random number, this seems to work well for me.
Point currentLocation = new Point();
currentLocation.setLocation(0, 0);
Point newLocation = new Point(0,0);
Random random = new Random();
//make 100 moves
for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
int k = random.nextInt(4);
if(k == 0)
//use your drunkard method here
newLocation.setLocation(currentLocation.getX(), currentLocation.getY() + 5);
else if (k == 1)
//go south
newLocation.setLocation(currentLocation.getX(), currentLocation.getY() - 5);
else if (k == 2)
//go east
newLocation.setLocation(currentLocation.getX() + 5, currentLocation.getY());
else if(k == 3)
//go west
newLocation.setLocation(currentLocation.getX() - 5, currentLocation.getY());
You're not implementing your random generator to its full extent.
Random generator = new Random();
int direction = generator.nextInt(4); // This will return a random int
// between 0 and 3
Some other useful tricks when using Random() are as follows:
int i = generator.nextInt(4)+2; // This will return a random int
// between 2 and 5
I highly recommend you check out this if you'd really like to learn all of the neat tricks that you can do using the Random Class.
All i did for this is create a loop that generated a random number between -1 and 1, and summed the values 100 times. Do that for x and for y.
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
//intial = (0,0)
//North = (0, 1)
//South = (0, -1)
//East = (1, 0)
//West = (-1, 0)
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
x += (int) (Math.random() * 3) + (-1);
y += (int) (Math.random() * 3) + (-1);
System.out.printf("The Drunkard is now located at: (%d, %d)", x, y);
This is the question I've been assigned:
A so-called “star number”, s, is a number defined by the formula:
s = 6n(n-1) + 1
where n is the index of the star number.
Thus the first six (i.e. for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) star numbers are: 1, 13, 37,
73, 121, 181
In contrast a so-called “triangle number”, t, is the sum of the numbers from 1 to n: t = 1 + 2 + … + (n-1) + n.
Thus the first six (i.e. for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) triangle numbers are: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21
Write a Java application that produces a list of all the values of type int that are both star number and triangle numbers.
When solving this problem you MUST write and use at least one function (such as isTriangeNumber() or isStarNumber()
or determineTriangeNumber() or determineStarNumber()). Also you MUST only use the formulas provided here to solve the problem.
tl;dr: Need to output values that are both Star Numbers and Triangle Numbers.
Unfortunately, I can only get the result to output the value '1' in an endless loop, even though I am incrementing by 1 in the while loop.
public class TriangularStars {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n=1;
int starNumber = starNumber(n);
int triangleNumber = triangleNumber(n);
while ((starNumber<Integer.MAX_VALUE)&&(n<=Integer.MAX_VALUE))
if ((starNumber==triangleNumber)&& (starNumber<Integer.MAX_VALUE))
public static int starNumber( int n)
int starNumber;
starNumber= (((6*n)*(n-1))+1);
return starNumber;
public static int triangleNumber( int n)
int triangleNumber;
triangleNumber =+ n;
return triangleNumber;
Here's a skeleton. Finish the rest yourself:
Questions to ask yourself:
How do I make a Triangle number?
How do I know if something is a Star number?
Why do I only need to proceed until triangle is negative? How can triangle ever be negative?
Good luck!
public class TriangularStars {
private static final double ERROR = 1e-7;
public static void main(String args[]) {
int triangle = 0;
for (int i = 0; triangle >= 0; i++) {
triangle = determineTriangleNumber(i, triangle);
if (isStarNumber(triangle)) {
public static boolean isStarNumber(int possibleStar) {
double test = (possibleStar - 1) / 6.;
int reduce = (int) (test + ERROR);
if (Math.abs(test - reduce) > ERROR)
return false;
int sqrt = (int) (Math.sqrt(reduce) + ERROR);
return reduce == sqrt * (sqrt + 1);
public static int determineTriangleNumber(int i, int previous) {
return previous + i;
You need to add new calls to starNumber() and triangleNumber() inside the loop. You get the initial values but never re-call them with the updated n values.
As a first cut, I would put those calls immediatly following the n++, so
starNumber = starNumber(n);
triangleNumber = triangleNumber(n);
The question here is that "N" neednt be the same for both star and triangle numbers. So you can increase "n" when computing both star and triangle numbers, rather keep on increasing the triangle number as long as its less the current star number. Essentially you need to maintain two variable "n" and "m".
The first problem is that you only call the starNumber() method once, outside the loop. (And the same with triangleNumber().)
A secondary problem is that unless Integer.MAX_VALUE is a star number, your loop will run forever. The reason being that Java numerical operations overflow silently, so if your next star number would be bigger than Integer.MAX_VALUE, the result would just wrap around. You need to use longs to detect if a number is bigger than Integer.MAX_VALUE.
The third problem is that even if you put all the calls into the loop, it would only display star number/triangle number pairs that share the same n value. You need to have two indices in parallel, one for star number and another for triangle numbers and increment one or the other depending on which function returns the smaller number. So something along these lines:
while( starNumber and triangleNumber are both less than or equal to Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
while( starNumber < triangleNumber ) {
generate next starnumber;
while( triangleNumber < starNumber ) {
generate next triangle number;
if( starNumber == triangleNumber ) {
we've found a matching pair
And the fourth problem is that your triangleNumber() method is wrong, I wonder how it even compiles.
I think your methodology is flawed. You won't be able to directly make a method of isStarNumber(n) without, inside that method, testing every possible star number. I would take a slightly different approach: pre-computation.
first, find all the triangle numbers:
List<Integer> tris = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i = 2, t = 1; t > 0; i++) { // loop ends after integer overflow
t += i; // compute the next triangle value
we can do the same for star numbers:
consider the following -
star(n) = 6*n*(n-1) + 1 = 6n^2 - 6n + 1
therefore, by extension
star(n + 1) = 6*(n+1)*n + 1 = 6n^2 + 6n +1
and, star(n + 1) - star(n - 1), with some algebra, is 12n
star(n+1) = star(n) + 12* n
This leads us to the following formula
List<Integer> stars = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i = 1, s = 1; s > 0; i++) {
s += (12 * i);
The real question is... do we really need to search every number? The answer is no! We only need to search numbers that are actually one or the other. So we could easily use the numbers in the stars (18k of them) and find the ones of those that are also tris!
for(Integer star : stars) {
System.out.println("Awesome! " + star + " is both star and tri!");
I hope this makes sense to you. For your own sake, don't blindly move these snippets into your code. Instead, learn why it does what it does, ask questions where you're not sure. (Hopefully this isn't due in two hours!)
And good luck with this assignment.
Here's something awesome that will return the first 4 but not the last one. I don't know why the last won't come out. Have fun with this :
class StarAndTri2 {
public static void main(String...args) {
final double q2 = Math.sqrt(2);
int a = 1;
for(int i = 1; a > 0; i++) {
a += (12 * i);
static int x(int q) { return (q*(q+1))/2; }
static void out(int i) {System.out.println("found: " + i);}