in the database I have links, which are a property of an entity, saved on a string, separated only by a comma. Example: ",,".
I can see them with this code but they are not clickable links <liferay-ui:search-container-column-text name="Links" orderable="<%=false%>" value="<%=entity.getLinks() %>"/>
Can I display them to be clickable in a <liferay-ui: search-container-column-text tag?
Try somethings like that:
<liferay-ui:search-container-column-text name="Links" orderable="<%=false%>">
String[] links = StringUtils.split(entity.getLinks());
for (String link : links) {
<%= link %>
String userNmae = req.getParameter("userName");
Cookie ck = new Cookie("hello", vall);
//lets suppose, I've stored 5 different users name or integer in cookie.
Cookie [] cookies = req.getCookies();
String name;
for(Cookie cookie : cookies) {
name = cookie.getValue();
req.setAttribute("vav", name);
req.getRequestDispatcher("index.jsp").forward(req, res);
//Now I would like to retrieve all the values and display on jsp page. How would I do that..
jsp file..
Thank you all in advance..
To display cookie value into a JSP, use this code:
<%# taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<c:forEach var="cookieVal" items="${pageContext.request.cookies}" >
<td align="right">${}</td>
This piece of code was originally taken from this answer.
I hope this helps.
I look for the way to make a loop to show a list of people's in my JSP, but nothing displays when I make the code below:
My ArrayList "resultArray" consists of objects "Person":
[Person{id=1, namePerson='Tom'},
Person{id=2, namePerson='Paul'},
Person{id=3, namePerson='Mary'},
Person{id=4, namePerson='Luky'}]
Here is my code into my JSP file:
<%# page import="mypath.Person" %>
<%# page import="java.util.ArrayList" %>
ArrayList<Person> userList=(ArrayList<Person>) request.getAttribute("resultArray");
if(userList != null) {
for(Person u : userList) {
You are just calling the method and you are not writing anything to outstream.
You should consider writing it to see in the page. For example
Maybe you can use something like this:
<c:forEach items="${userList}" var="item">
I need to set Parameters in my XSL stylesheet.I am retrieving all values in a list and using it to create XML dynamically in jsp. So there is no external xml file created in this process..But now I need to set variable in XSLt stylesheet. But as there is no xml file created so I am finding it difficult to use transform Object.Here is MY code
<%# page contentType="text/xml" %>
<%#page import="java.util.ArrayList,aj.model.BriefBoardDetail,
javax.xml.transform.Transformer,javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory," %>
<% ArrayList<BriefBoardDetail> list =(ArrayList)
int countofPages =(Integer) request.getAttribute("countOfPages");
int pageNumber = (Integer) request.getAttribute("currentPageNumber");
Transformer transformer =
transformer.setParameter("currentPage" , pageNumber);
transformer.setParameter("lastPage" , countofPages);
transformer.transform(???, ???);//what parameter i need to set here?
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xslt/indexPageStyle.xsl"
version="1.0" encoding ="UTF-8" ?>
for(BriefBoardDetail bbs : list) {
<subject id = '<%=bbs.getBoardId() %>' >
<name> <%=
bbs.getBoardName() %></name>
<description> <%=
bbs.getDescription() %></description>
<%} %>
So I need to set countOfPages and pageNumber in indexPageStyle.xsl.But as xml is generated dynamically in this jsp so what I need to set as XMLSource and outputTarget in transformer.transform(XMLSource, outputTarget) if i need to display it in browser.
I made some changes in above code and it worked fine..
<%#page contentType ="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
<%#page import ="java.util.ArrayList,aj.model.BriefBoardDetail" %>
<%# taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%# taglib uri="" prefix="x" %>
<% ArrayList<BriefBoardDetail> list =(ArrayList) request.getAttribute("boardList");
Integer countofPages =(Integer) request.getAttribute("countOfPages");
Integer pageNumber = (Integer) request.getAttribute("currentPageNumber");
<c:set var="xmldata">
for(BriefBoardDetail bbs : list) {
<subject id = '<%=bbs.getBoardId()%>'>
<name> <%=
bbs.getBoardName() %></name>
<description> <%=
bbs.getDescription() %></description>
<c:import url="/xslt/indexPageStyle.xsl" var="xslt"/>
<x:transform xml="${xmldata}" xslt="${xslt}">
<x:param name ="currentPage" value="${param:pageNumber}"/>
<x:param name ="lastPage" value="${param:countofPages}"/>
Its all working fine.
But now i want to pass both countofPages and pagenumber to my XSL stylesheet.But I am not able to pass it.I google and all i got was everyone passed String inside value tag.I am so confused ..Please tell me hoe to pass a value
I tried to send a list from my servlet to a jsp page. This is the servlet code:
Query q = new Query("post").addSort("time", SortDirection.DESCENDING);
PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(q);
QueryResultList<Entity> results = pq.asQueryResultList(fetchOptions);
for (Entity entity : results) {
System.out.println(entity.getProperty ("content"));
System.out.println(entity.getProperty ("time"));
req.getRequestDispatcher("/tublr.jsp").forward(req, resp);
The jsp code:
QueryResultList<Entity> result = request.getAttribute("postList");
for (Entity entity : results) {
<b> IT WORRRKKKK !!! </b> <br>
But I get an error
EDIT : I added
<%#page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%# page import="java.util.List,,*" %>
And now i get a new error
An error occurred at line: 37 in the jsp file: /tublr.jsp Type
mismatch: cannot convert from Object to QueryResultList .....
Caused by:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:
I m do it for the school and we have to di it like this now , we have to use java in the jsp page.
1) You need to add import statements at top of the JSP.
<%# page import="java.util.List" %>
2) It is NOT good practice to have Java code directly embedded in JSP
Read more here on SO Wiki
Don't do any coding on JSP page. There is a JSTL library for this kind of stuff, and to iterate and display stuff you should use forEach tag:
<%# taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%# taglib prefix="x" uri="" %>
and for loop
<x:forEach select="${postList}" var="item">
... code
You forgot <% %> for the html code
QueryResultList<Entity> result = request.getAttribute("postList");
for (Entity entity : results) {
%> <b> IT WORRRKKKK !!! </b> <br><%
Have you imported QueryResultList in your jsp?
You need to cast list obtained from request.getAttribute("postList") to QueryResultList.
QueryResultList<Entity> result =(QueryResultList)request.getAttribute("postList");
for (Entity entity : result) {
// Your code goes here You can use <%= %> to print values.
// <b> IT WORRRKKKK !!! </b> <br>
For more about expression
I have following two array in my code
List<Double> centralityList = (List<Double>) request
List<String> labelList = (List<String>) request
Now I have six string values and corresponding 6 double values of the string in these two array. My question is how to display them in tabular format in my JSP?Is this possible
For Example:
label list contains [a,b,c,d,e]
centrality list contains- [4,6,8,9,0]
So now I want to display output like:
label list centrality list
a 4
b 6
c 8.
. .
Yes of course you can. You can use scriplets but they are not recommended. Instead use JSTL.
Try this out:
Have this at top of your JSP:
<%# taglib uri="" prefix="fn" %>
<%# taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
And code for displaying data
<c:forEach begin="0" end="${fn:length(centralityList) - 1}" var="index">
<td><c:out value="${centralityList[index]}"/></td>
<td><c:out value="${labelList[index]}"/></td>
try this code
List<Double> centralityList = (List<Double>) request
List<String> labelList = (List<String>) request
String myString="";
for(int i = 0; i < labelList.size(); i++)
for(int i = 0; i < centralityList.size(); i++)
You can achieve this eaisly by using JSTL which is even more easy and far better way but as in your code I didn't find any evidence of using JSTL , so this is the way for now
You can use JSTL tags and iterate through this-
<c:forEach var="Array" items="userNames">
// do something with the element
Use this in your jsp page
<%# taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>