Java Stream Api - complicated calculation during reduction - java

is there some me better way how to do more complicated calculation in reduction than this (check getCurrentBalance):
public Map<User, BigDecimal> getTotalExpensesForUsers(Group group) {
return group.getExpenses().stream()
Collectors.reducing(BigDecimal.ZERO, Expense::getAmount, BigDecimal::add)
public Map<User, BigDecimal> getCurrentBalance(Group group) {
final var defaultTotalWeight = BigDecimal.valueOf(group.getDefaultTotalWeight());
var totalExpensesPerUser = getTotalExpensesForUsers(group);
final var averageExpensePerUser = totalExpensesPerUser.values().stream()
.reduce(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal::add)
.forEach(e -> e.setValue(e.getValue().subtract(averageExpensePerUser)));
return totalExpensesPerUser;
I would like to somehow put it to one stream because currently I am iterating over the collection multiple times. Or is this case when I should use for loop instead?
P.S. hopefully is the meaning of the code self explaining if not, I will update the question
Because I got a lot of responses that it is not possible to do it in one iteration I am updating this question. I know it is not possible to do it in one iteration, but like this I am able to do it with two:
public Map<User, BigDecimal> getCurrentBalanceAlternative(Group group) {
var currentBalance = new HashMap<User, BigDecimal>();
final var defaultTotalWeight = BigDecimal.valueOf(group.getDefaultTotalWeight());
var totalExpense = BigDecimal.ZERO;
for(Expense expense: group.getExpenses()){
var expenseUser = expense.getUser();
var expenseAmount = expense.getAmount();
totalExpense = totalExpense.add(expenseAmount);
currentBalance.put(expenseUser, currentBalance.getOrDefault(expenseUser, BigDecimal.ZERO).add(expenseAmount));
var averageExpensePerUser = totalExpense.divide(defaultTotalWeight);
.forEach(e -> e.setValue(e.getValue().subtract(averageExpensePerUser)));
return currentBalance;
but with streams I had to calculate the totalExpense separately.


How to use Map.computeIfAbsent() in a stream?

I have a fun puzzler. Say I have a list of String values:
["A", "B", "C"]
Then I have to query another system for a Map<User, Long> of users with an attribute that corresponds to those values in the list with a count:
{name="Annie", key="A"} -> 23
{name="Paul", key="C"} -> 16
I need to return a new List<UserCount> with a count of each key. So I expect:
{key="A", count=23},
{key="B", count=0},
{key="C", count=16}
But I'm having a hard time computing when one of my User objects has no corresponding count in the map.
I know that map.computeIfAbsent() does what I need, but how can I apply it based on what's on the contents of the original list?
I think I need to stream the over the original list, then apply compute? So I have:
.map(it -> valuesMap.computeIfAbsent(it.getKey(), k-> OL))
But here's where I get stuck. Can anyone provide any insight as to how I accomplish what I need?
You can create an auxiliary Map<String, Long> which will associate each string key with the count and then generate a list of UserCount based on it.
public record User(String name, String key) {}
public record UserCount(String key, long count) {}
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> keys = List.of("A", "B", "C");
Map<User, Long> countByUser =
Map.of(new User("Annie", "A"), 23L,
new User("Paul", "C"), 16L));
Map<String, Long> countByKey = countByUser.entrySet().stream()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(entry -> entry.getKey().key(),
List<UserCount> userCounts =
.map(key -> new UserCount(key, countByKey.getOrDefault(key, 0L)))
[UserCount[key=A, count=23], UserCount[key=B, count=0], UserCount[key=C, count=16]]
Regarding the idea of utilizing computeIfAbsent() with stream - this approach is wrong and discouraged by the documentation of the Stream API.
Sure, you can use computeIfAbsent() to solve this problem, but not in conjunction with streams. It's not a good idea to create a stream that operates via side effects (at least without compelling reason).
And I guess you even don't need Java 8 computeIfAbsent(), plain and simple putIfAbsent() will be sufficient.
The following code will produce the same result:
Map<String, Long> countByKey = new HashMap<>();
countByUser.forEach((k, v) -> countByKey.merge(k.key(), v, Long::sum));
keys.forEach(k -> countByKey.putIfAbsent(k, 0L));
List<UserCount> userCounts =
.map(key -> new UserCount(key, countByKey.getOrDefault(key, 0L)))
And instead of applying forEach() on a map and list, you can create two enhanced for loops if this options looks convoluted.
Another educational and parallel friendly version would be to gather the logic in one place and build your own custom accumulator and combiner for the Collector
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<User, Long> countByUser =
Map.of(new User("Alice", "A"), 23L,
new User("Bob", "C"), 16L);
List<String> keys = List.of("A", "B", "C");
UserCountAggregator userCountAggregator =
List<UserCount> userCounts = userCountAggregator.getUserCounts(keys);
[UserCount(key=A, count=23), UserCount(key=B, count=0), UserCount(key=C, count=16)]
User and UserCount classes with Lombok's #Value
class User {
private String name;
private String key;
class UserCount {
private String key;
private long count;
And the UserCountAggregator which contains your custom accumulator and combiner
class UserCountAggregator {
private Map<String, Long> keyCounts = new HashMap<>();
public void accumulator(Map.Entry<User, Long> userLongEntry) {
keyCounts.getOrDefault(userLongEntry.getKey().getKey(), 0L)
+ userLongEntry.getValue());
public void combiner(UserCountAggregator other) {
.forEach((key, value) -> keyCounts.merge(key, value, Long::sum));
public List<UserCount> getUserCounts(List<String> keys) {
.map(key -> new UserCount(key, keyCounts.getOrDefault(key, 0L)))
final Map<User,Long> valuesMap = ...
// First, map keys to counts (assuming keys are unique for each user)
final Map<String,Long> keyToCountMap = valuesMap.entrySet().stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> e.getKey().key, e -> e.getValue()));
final List<UserCount> list =
.map(key -> new UserCount (key, keyToCountMap.getOrDefault(key, 0L)))

Java 8 Lambda - Grouping & Reducing Object

I have a list of Transactions whom I wanted to :
First Group by year
Then Group by type for every transaction in that year
Then convert the Transactions to Result object having sum of all transaction's value in sub groups.
My Code snippets looks like :
Map<Integer, Map<String, Result> res =
reducing((a,b)-> new Result("YEAR_TYPE", a.getAmount() + b.getAmount()))
Transaction Class :
class Transaction {
private int year;
private String type;
private int value;
Result Class :
class Result {
private String group;
private int amount;
it seems to be not working, what should I do to fix this making sure it works on parallel streams too?
In the context, Collectors.reducing would help you reduce two Transaction objects into a final object of the same type. In your existing code what you could have done to map to Result type was to use Collectors.mapping and then trying to reduce it.
But reducing without an identity provides and Optional wrapped value for a possible absence. Hence your code would have looked like ;
Map<Integer, Map<String, Optional<Result>>> res =
Collectors.mapping(t -> new Result("YEAR_TYPE", t.getValue()),
Collectors.reducing((a, b) ->
new Result(a.getGroup(), a.getAmount() + b.getAmount()))))));
to thanks to Holger, one can simplify this further
…and instead of Collectors.mapping(func, Collectors.reducing(op)) you
can use Collectors.reducing(id, func, op)
Instead of using this and a combination of Collectors.grouping and Collectors.reducing, transform the logic to use Collectors.toMap as:
Map<Integer, Map<String, Result>> result =
t -> new Result("YEAR_TYPE", t.getValue()),
(a, b) -> new Result(a.getGroup(), a.getAmount() + b.getAmount()))));
The answer would stand complete with a follow-up read over Java Streams: Replacing groupingBy and reducing by toMap.
I would use a custom collector:
Collector<Transaction, Result, Result> resultCollector =
Collector.of(Result::new, // what is the result of this collector
(a, b) -> { a.setAmount( a.getAmount() + b.getValue());
a.setGroup("YEAR_TYPE"); }, // how to accumulate a result from a transaction
(l, r) -> { l.setAmount(l.getAmount() + r.getAmount()); return l; }); // how to combine two
// result instances
// (used in parallel streams)
then you can use the collector to get the map:
Map<Integer, Map<String, Result>> collect = transactions.parallelStream().collect(
groupingBy(Transaction::getType, resultCollector) ) );

Converting array iteration to lambda function using Java8

I am trying to convert to Lambda function
So far I am able to convert the above code to lambda function like as shown below
Stream.of(acceptedDetails, rejectedDetails)
.filter(list -> !isNull(list) && list.length > 0)
.forEach(new Consumer<Object>() {
public void accept(Object acceptedOrRejected) {
String id;
if(acceptedOrRejected instanceof EmployeeValidationAccepted) {
id = ((EmployeeValidationAccepted) acceptedOrRejected).getId();
} else {
id = ((EmployeeValidationRejected) acceptedOrRejected).getAd().getId();
if(acceptedOrRejected instanceof EmployeeValidationAccepted) {
dates1.add(new Integer(id.split("something")[1]));
Integer empId = Integer.valueOf(id.split("something")[2]);
} else {
dates2.add(new Integer(id.split("something")[1]));
Integer empId = Integer.valueOf(id.split("something")[2]);
But still my goal was to avoid repeating the same logic and also to convert to Lambda function, still in my converted lambda function I feel its not clean and efficient.
This is just for my learning aspect I am doing this stuff by taking one existing code snippet.
Can anyone please tell me how can I improvise the converted Lambda function
Generally, when you try to refactor code, you should only focus on the necessary changes.
Just because you’re going to use the Stream API, there is no reason to clutter the code with checks for null or empty arrays which weren’t in the loop based code. Neither should you change BigInteger to Integer.
Then, you have two different inputs and want to get distinct results from each of them, in other words, you have two entirely different operations. While it is reasonable to consider sharing common code between them, once you identified identical code, there is no sense in trying to express two entirely different operations as a single operation.
First, let’s see how we would do this for a traditional loop:
static void addToLists(String id, List<Integer> empIdList, List<BigInteger> dateList) {
String[] array = id.split("-");
dateList.add(new BigInteger(array[1]));
List<Integer> empIdAccepted = new ArrayList<>();
List<BigInteger> dateAccepted = new ArrayList<>();
for(EmployeeValidationAccepted acceptedDetail : acceptedDetails) {
addToLists(acceptedDetail.getId(), empIdAccepted, dateAccepted);
List<Integer> empIdRejected = new ArrayList<>();
List<BigInteger> dateRejected = new ArrayList<>();
for(EmployeeValidationRejected rejectedDetail : rejectedDetails) {
addToLists(rejectedDetail.getAd().getId(), empIdRejected, dateRejected);
If we want to express the same as Stream operations, there’s the obstacle of having two results per operation. It truly took until JDK 12 to get a built-in solution:
static Collector<String,?,Map.Entry<List<Integer>,List<BigInteger>>> idAndDate() {
return Collectors.mapping(s -> s.split("-"),
Collectors.mapping(a -> Integer.valueOf(a[2]), Collectors.toList()),
Collectors.mapping(a -> new BigInteger(a[1]), Collectors.toList()),
Map.Entry<List<Integer>, List<BigInteger>> e;
e =
List<Integer> empIdAccepted = e.getKey();
List<BigInteger> dateAccepted = e.getValue();
e =
.map(r -> r.getAd().getId())
List<Integer> empIdRejected = e.getKey();
List<BigInteger> dateRejected = e.getValue();
Since a method can’t return two values, this uses a Map.Entry to hold them.
To use this solution with Java versions before JDK 12, you can use the implementation posted at the end of this answer. You’d also have to replace Map::entry with AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry::new then.
Or you use a custom collector written for this specific operation:
static Collector<String,?,Map.Entry<List<Integer>,List<BigInteger>>> idAndDate() {
return Collector.of(
() -> new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>()),
(e,id) -> {
String[] array = id.split("-");
e.getValue().add(new BigInteger(array[1]));
(e1, e2) -> {
return e1;
In other words, using the Stream API does not always make the code simpler.
As a final note, we don’t need to use the Stream API to utilize lambda expressions. We can also use them to move the loop into the common code.
static <T> void addToLists(T[] elements, Function<T,String> tToId,
List<Integer> empIdList, List<BigInteger> dateList) {
for(T t: elements) {
String[] array = tToId.apply(t).split("-");
dateList.add(new BigInteger(array[1]));
List<Integer> empIdAccepted = new ArrayList<>();
List<BigInteger> dateAccepted = new ArrayList<>();
addToLists(acceptedDetails, EmployeeValidationAccepted::getId, empIdAccepted, dateAccepted);
List<Integer> empIdRejected = new ArrayList<>();
List<BigInteger> dateRejected = new ArrayList<>();
addToLists(rejectedDetails, r -> r.getAd().getId(), empIdRejected, dateRejected);
A similar approach as #roookeee already posted with but maybe slightly more concise would be to store the mappings using mapping functions declared as :
Function<String, Integer> extractEmployeeId = empId -> Integer.valueOf(empId.split("-")[2]);
Function<String, BigInteger> extractDate = empId -> new BigInteger(empId.split("-")[1]);
then proceed with mapping as:
Map<Integer, BigInteger> acceptedDetailMapping =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(a -> extractEmployeeId.apply(a.getId()),
a -> extractDate.apply(a.getId())));
Map<Integer, BigInteger> rejectedDetailMapping =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(a -> extractEmployeeId.apply(a.getAd().getId()),
a -> extractDate.apply(a.getAd().getId())));
Hereafter you can also access the date of acceptance or rejection corresponding to the employeeId of the employee as well.
How about this:
class EmployeeValidationResult {
//constructor + getters omitted for brevity
private final BigInteger date;
private final Integer employeeId;
List<EmployeeValidationResult> accepted = Stream.of(acceptedDetails)
List<EmployeeValidationResult> rejected = Stream.of(rejectedDetails)
EmployeeValidationResult extractValidationResult(EmployeeValidationAccepted accepted) {
return extractValidationResult(accepted.getId());
EmployeeValidationResult extractValidationResult(EmployeeValidationRejected rejected) {
return extractValidationResult(rejected.getAd().getId());
EmployeeValidationResult extractValidationResult(String id) {
String[] empIdList = id.split("-");
BigInteger date = extractDate(empIdList[1])
Integer empId = extractId(empIdList[2]);
return new EmployeeValidationResult(date, employeeId);
Repeating the filter or map operations is good style and explicit about what is happening. Merging the two lists of objects into one and using instanceof clutters the implementation and makes it less readable / maintainable.

Adding two lists of own type

I have a simple User class with a String and an int property.
I would like to add two Lists of users this way:
if the String equals then the numbers should be added and that would be its new value.
The new list should include all users with proper values.
Like this:
List1: { [a:2], [b:3] }
List2: { [b:4], [c:5] }
ResultList: {[a:2], [b:7], [c:5]}
User definition:
public class User {
private String name;
private int comments;
My method:
public List<User> addTwoList(List<User> first, List<User> sec) {
List<User> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i=0; i<first.size(); i++) {
Boolean bsin = false;
Boolean isin = false;
for (int j=0; j<sec.size(); j++) {
isin = false;
if (first.get(i).getName().equals(sec.get(j).getName())) {
int value= first.get(i).getComments() + sec.get(j).getComments();
result.add(new User(first.get(i).getName(), value));
isin = true;
bsin = true;
if (!isin) {result.add(sec.get(j));}
if (!bsin) {result.add(first.get(i));}
return result;
But it adds a whole lot of things to the list.
This is better done via the toMap collector:
Collection<User> result = Stream
u -> new User(u.getName(), u.getComments()),
(l, r) -> {
l.setComments(l.getComments() + r.getComments());
return l;
First, concatenate both the lists into a single Stream<User> via Stream.concat.
Second, we use the toMap collector to merge users that happen to have the same Name and get back a result of Collection<User>.
if you strictly want a List<User> then pass the result into the ArrayList constructor i.e. List<User> resultSet = new ArrayList<>(result);
Kudos to #davidxxx, you could collect to a list directly from the pipeline and avoid an intermediate variable creation with:
List<User> result = Stream
u -> new User(u.getName(), u.getComments()),
(l, r) -> {
l.setComments(l.getComments() + r.getComments());
return l;
You have to use an intermediate map to merge users from both lists by summing their ages.
One way is with streams, as shown in Aomine's answer. Here's another way, without streams:
Map<String, Integer> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
list1.forEach(u -> map.merge(u.getName(), u.getComments(), Integer::sum));
list2.forEach(u -> map.merge(u.getName(), u.getComments(), Integer::sum));
Now, you can create a list of users, as follows:
List<User> result = new ArrayList<>();
map.forEach((name, comments) -> result.add(new User(name, comments)));
This assumes User has a constructor that accepts name and comments.
EDIT: As suggested by #davidxxx, we could improve the code by factoring out the first part:
BiConsumer<List<User>, Map<String, Integer>> action = (list, map) ->
list.forEach(u -> map.merge(u.getName(), u.getComments(), Integer::sum));
Map<String, Integer> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
action.accept(list1, map);
action.accept(list2, map);
This refactor would avoid DRY.
There is a pretty direct way using Collectors.groupingBy and Collectors.reducing which doesnt require setters, which is the biggest advantage since you can keep the User immutable:
Collection<Optional<User>> d = Stream
.of(first, second) // start with Stream<List<User>>
.flatMap(List::stream) // flatting to the Stream<User>
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy( // Collecting to Map<String, List<User>>
User::getName, // by name (the key)
// and reducing the list into a single User
Collectors.reducing((l, r) -> new User(l.getName(), l.getComments() + r.getComments()))))
.values(); // return values from Map<String, List<User>>
Unfortunately, the result is Collection<Optional<User>> since the reducing pipeline returns Optional since the result might not be present after all. You can stream the values and use the map() to get rid of the Optional or use Collectors.collectAndThen*:
Collection<User> d = Stream
.of(first, second) // start with Stream<List<User>>
.flatMap(List::stream) // flatting to the Stream<User>
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy( // Collecting to Map<String, List<User>>
User::getName, // by name (the key)
Collectors.collectingAndThen( // reduce the list into a single User
Collectors.reducing((l, r) -> new User(l.getName(), l.getComments() + r.getComments())),
Optional::get))) // and extract from the Optional
* Thanks to #Aomine
As alternative fairly straight and efficient :
stream the elements
collect them into a Map<String, Integer> to associate each name to the sum of comments (int)
stream the entries of the collected map to create the List of User.
Alternatively for the third step you could apply a finishing transformation to the Map collector with collectingAndThen(groupingBy()..., m -> ...
but I don't find it always very readable and here we could do without.
It would give :
List<User> users =
.collect(groupingBy(User::getName, summingInt(User::getComments)))
.map(e -> new User(e.getKey(), e.getValue()))

What is the best way to implement the python count function in java?

I am learning how to use streams in java and I would like to know the most efficient way to copy the python count functionality into java.
For those unfamiliar with python count, see here.
I've already done a naive implementation but I doubt this would ever get added to a production level environment:
private List<String> countMessages(List<String> messages) {
Map<String, Integer> messageOccurrences = new HashMap<>();
List<String> stackedMessages = new LinkedList<String>(); -> (messageOccurrences.containsKey(message))).forEachOrdered((message) -> {
int new_occ = messageOccurrences.get(message) + 1;
messageOccurrences.put(message, new_occ);
messageOccurrences.keySet().forEach((key) -> {
stackedMessages.add(key + "(" + messageOccurrences.get(key) + "times)" );
return stackedMessages;
Any improvements or pointers would be appreciated.
To answer the question "what is the best way to implement the python count function in java?".
Java already has Collections.frequency which will do exactly that.
However, if you want to do it with the streams API then I believe a generic solution would be:
public static <T> long count(Collection<T> source, T element) {
return -> Objects.equals(e, element)).count();
then the use case would be:
long countHellp = count(myStringList, "hello");
long countJohn = count(peopleList, new Person("John"));
long count101 = count(integerList, 101);
or you can even pass a predicate if you wanted:
public static <T> long count(Collection<T> source, Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
Then the use case would be for example:
long stringsGreaterThanTen = count(myStringList, s -> s.length() > 10);
long malesCount = count(peopleList, Person::isMale);
long evens = count(integerList, i -> i % 2 == 0);
Given your comment on the post, it seems like you want to "group" then and get the count of each group.
public Map<String, Long> countMessages(List<String> messages) {
.collect(groupingBy(Function.identity(), counting()));
This creates a stream from the messages list and then groups them, passing a counting() as the downstream collector meaning we will retrieve a Map<String, Long> where the keys are the elements and the values are the occurrences of that specific string.
Ensure you have the import:
import static*;
for the latter solution.
