I am uploading certain media files to S3 using an existing code. Due to some connectivity issue I am getting exceptions and the upload requests are getting cancelled.
I added a retry policy so in case the connectivity issue is intermittent, the retry policy will take care of the connectivity issue and continue with the upload request.
Here is my retry policy and the client config:
private static RetryPolicy getS3BaseRetryPolicy() {
return new RetryPolicy( new PredefinedRetryPolicies.SDKDefaultRetryCondition(),
new PredefinedBackoffStrategies.ExponentialBackoffStrategy(2000, 300), PredefinedRetryPolicies.DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR_RETRY,true);
AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(EncryptDecryptUtils.decrypt(s3AK), EncryptDecryptUtils.decrypt(s3SK));
ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration().withProtocol(Protocol.HTTPS).withTcpKeepAlive(true).withRetryPolicy(getS3BaseRetryPolicy());
s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(credentials, clientConfiguration);
Here is my uploading logic:
ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = new ObjectMetadata();
objectMetadata.setHeader(Constants.VIVA_REGION_HEADER, region);
if(s3client.getUrl(s3BucketName, key).toString().contains("amazon")) {
PutObjectRequest putRequest = new PutObjectRequest(s3BucketName, key, inputStream, objectMetadata);
PutObjectResult response = s3client.putObject(putRequest);
LOGGER.error("ObjectStore>uploadAudioInStream ==>> Uploaded object[" + key + "] with encryption Algorithm : [" + response.getSSEAlgorithm() + "]");
return URLDecoder.decode(s3client.getUrl(s3BucketName, key).toString(), "UTF-8");
Now the issue is, if the connection issue comes up, I am not sure if the retry mechanism is working because in the log I only see one single failure entry. It does not show whether retry has happened 3 times (my default max retry is set to 3) and failed 3 times.
Is there a way I can log each of the retry mechanism and its output so as to ensure that the retry mechanism is working.
So, imagine that I have a Scala Vert.x Web REST API that receives file uploads via HTTP multipart requests. However, it doesn't receive the incoming file data as a single InputStream. Instead, each file is received as a series of byte buffers handed over via a few callback functions.
The callbacks basically look like this:
// the callback that receives byte buffers (chunks) of the file being uploaded
// it is called multiple times until the full file has been received
upload.handler { buffer =>
// send chunk to backend
// the callback that gets called after the full file has been uploaded
// (i.e. after all chunks have been received)
upload.endHandler { _ =>
// do something after the file has been uploaded
// callback called if an exception is raised while receiving the file
upload.exceptionHandler { e =>
// do something to handle the exception
Now, I'd like to use these callbacks to save the file into a MinIO Bucket (MinIO, if you're unfamiliar, is basically self-hosted S3 and it's API is pretty much the same as the S3 Java API).
Since I don't have a file handle, I need to use putObject() to put an InputStream into MinIO.
The inefficient work-around I'm currently using with the MinIO Java API looks like this:
// this is all inside the context of handling a HTTP request
val out = new PipedOutputStream()
val in = new PipedInputStream()
var size = 0
upload.handler { buffer =>
size += buffer.length()
upload.endHandler { _ =>
.stream(in, size, 50000000)
Obviously, this isn't optimal. Since I'm using a simple java.io stream here, the entire file ends up getting loaded into memory.
I don't want to save the File to disk on the server before putting it into object storage. I'd like to put it straight into my object storage.
How could I accomplish this using the S3 API and a series of byte buffers given to me via the upload.handler callback?
I should add that I am using MinIO because I cannot use a commercially-hosted cloud solution, like S3. However, as mentioned on MinIO's website, I can use Amazon's S3 Java SDK while using MinIO as my storage solution.
I attempted to follow this guide on Amazon's website for uploading objects to S3 in chunks.
That solution I attempted looks like this:
context.request.uploadHandler { upload =>
println(s"Filename: ${upload.filename()}")
val partETags = new util.ArrayList[PartETag]
val initRequest = new InitiateMultipartUploadRequest("docs", "my-filekey")
val initResponse = s3Client.initiateMultipartUpload(initRequest)
upload.handler { buffer =>
println("uploading part", buffer.length())
try {
val request = new UploadPartRequest()
.withInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer.getBytes()))
val uploadResult = s3Client.uploadPart(request)
} catch {
case e: Exception => println("Exception raised: ", e)
// this gets called for EACH uploaded file sequentially
upload.endHandler { _ =>
// upload successful
println("done uploading")
try {
val compRequest = new CompleteMultipartUploadRequest("docs", "my-filekey", initResponse.getUploadId, partETags)
} catch {
case e: Exception => println("Exception raised: ", e)
upload.exceptionHandler { e =>
// handle the exception
println("exception thrown", e)
This works for files that are small (my test small file was 11 bytes), but not for large files.
In the case of large files, the processes inside the upload.handler get progressively slower as the file continues to upload. Also, upload.endHandler is never called, and the file somehow continues uploading after 100% of the file has been uploaded.
However, as soon as I comment out the s3Client.uploadPart(request) portion inside upload.handler and the s3Client.completeMultipartUpload parts inside upload.endHandler (basically throwing away the file instead of saving it to object storage), the file upload progresses as normal and terminates correctly.
I figured out what I was doing wrong (when using the S3 client). I was not accumulating bytes inside my upload.handler. I need to accumulate bytes until the buffer size is big enough to upload a part, rather than upload each time I receive a few bytes.
Since neither Amazon's S3 client nor the MinIO client did what I want, I decided to dig into how putObject() was actually implemented and make my own. This is what I came up with.
This implementation is specific to Vert.X, however it can easily be generalized to work with built-in java.io InputStreams via a while loop and using a pair of Piped- streams.
This implementation is also specific to MinIO, but it can easily be adapted to use the S3 client since, for the most part, the two APIs are the same.
In this example, Buffer is basically a container around a ByteArray and I'm not really doing anything special here. I replaced it with a byte array to ensure that it would still work, and it did.
package server
import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap
import io.minio.MinioClient
import io.minio.messages.Part
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer
import io.vertx.core.streams.ReadStream
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
class CustomMinioClient(client: MinioClient) extends MinioClient(client) {
def putReadStream(bucket: String = "my-bucket",
objectName: String,
region: String = "us-east-1",
data: ReadStream[Buffer],
objectSize: Long,
contentType: String = "application/octet-stream"
) = {
val headers: HashMultimap[String, String] = HashMultimap.create()
headers.put("Content-Type", contentType)
var uploadId: String = null
try {
val parts = new ListBuffer[Part]()
val createResponse = createMultipartUpload(bucket, region, objectName, headers, null)
uploadId = createResponse.result.uploadId()
var partNumber = 1
var uploadedSize = 0
// an array to use to accumulate bytes from the incoming stream until we have enough to make a `uploadPart` request
var partBuffer = Buffer.buffer()
// S3's minimum part size is 5mb, excepting the last part
// you should probably implement your own logic for determining how big
// to make each part based off the total object size to avoid unnecessary calls to S3 to upload small parts.
val minPartSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024
data.handler { buffer =>
val availableSize = objectSize - uploadedSize - partBuffer.length
val isMinPartSize = partBuffer.length >= minPartSize
val isLastPart = uploadedSize + partBuffer.length == objectSize
if (isMinPartSize || isLastPart) {
val partResponse = uploadPart(
parts.addOne(new Part(partNumber, partResponse.etag))
uploadedSize += partBuffer.length
partNumber += 1
// empty the part buffer since we have already uploaded it
partBuffer = Buffer.buffer()
data.endHandler { _ =>
completeMultipartUpload(bucket, region, objectName, uploadId, parts.toArray, null, null)
data.exceptionHandler { exception =>
// should also probably abort the upload here
println("Handler caught exception in custom putObject: " + exception)
} catch {
// and abort it here as well...
case e: Exception =>
println("Exception thrown in custom `putObject`: " + e)
This can all be used pretty easily.
First, set up the client:
private val _minioClient = MinioClient.builder()
.credentials("my-username", "my-password")
private val myClient = new CustomMinioClient(_minioClient)
Then, where you receive the upload request:
context.request.uploadHandler { upload =>
myClient.putReadStream(objectName = upload.filename(), data = upload, objectSize = myFileSize)
The only catch with this implementation is that you need to know the file sizes in advance for the request.
However, this can easily be solved the way I did it, especially if you're using a web UI.
Before attempting to upload the files, send a request to the server containing a map of file name to file size.
That pre-request should generate a unique ID for the upload.
The server can save group of filename->filesize using the upload ID as an index. - Server sends the upload ID back to the client.
Client sends the multipart upload request using the upload ID
Server pulls the list of files and their sizes and uses it to call .putReadStream()
public S3PresignedURLServiceImpl() {
amazonS3Client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder
.withCredentials(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain())
[In local it is working but when lambda is deployed on the console getting
SignatureDoesNotMatch The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.
try {
// Set the pre-signed URL to expire after specified time.
java.util.Date expiration = new java.util.Date();
long expTimeMillis = expiration.getTime();
if(data.getExpiryTime() > 0) {
expTimeMillis += 1000 * 60 * data.getExpiryTime();
} else {
expTimeMillis += 100 * 60 * 60 * 6;
HttpMethod httpMethod = data.isUpload()?HttpMethod.PUT:HttpMethod.GET;
Logger.logInfo("Generating pre-signed URL.",REPORTER);
GeneratePresignedUrlRequest generatePresignedUrlRequest = new GeneratePresignedUrlRequest(data.getBucketName(), data.getFilePath())
else generatePresignedUrlRequest.withContentType(data.getContentType());
url = amazonS3Client.generatePresignedUrl(generatePresignedUrlRequest);
catch(Exception e) {
throw new S3PresignedURLException(e.getMessage(), e);
Please check version of library org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient, if it's 4.5.7 or 4.5.8, try to downgrade to 4.5.6, as there exist issues for AWS SDK S3. For more details, please take a look at Amazon S3 Signature Does Not Match - AWS SDK Java and org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.7 breaks fetching S3 objects.
The solution we received when we reported a ticket with AWS because all the approaches failed. The scenario is we have our custom AWS KMS encryption enabled for S3 bucket, but we were trying to send "kms key" along with our request when using GeneratePresignedUrlRequest api. AWS said, we don't have to send KMS key, instead send without encrypting from client. When I say unencrypted, it is not exactly that, it is already coming in encrypted form and when we were using "AWSS3V4SinerType" to sign, it was signing an already encrypted file. Hope this makes sense.
I'm trying to upload a large file to a server which uses a token and the token expires after 10 minutes, so if I upload a small file it will work therefore if the file is big than I will get some problems and will be trying to upload for ever while the access is denied
So I need refresh the token in the BasicAWSCredentials which is than used for the AWSStaticCredentialsProvider therefore I'm not sure how can i do it, please help =)
Worth to mention that we use a local server (not amazon cloud) with provides the token and for convenience we use amazon's code.
here is my code:
public void uploadMultipart(File file) throws Exception {
//this method will give you a initial token for a given user,
//than calculates when a new token is needed and will refresh it just when necessary
String token = getUsetToken();
String existingBucketName = myTenant.toLowerCase() + ".package.upload";
String endPoint = urlAPI + "s3/buckets/";
String strSize = FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(FileUtils.sizeOf(file));
System.out.println("File size: " + strSize);
AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration endpointConfiguration = new AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(endPoint, null);//note: Region has to be null
BasicAWSCredentials sessionCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(token, "NOT_USED");//secretKey should be set to NOT_USED
AmazonS3 s3 = AmazonS3ClientBuilder
.withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(sessionCredentials))
int maxUploadThreads = 5;
TransferManager tm = TransferManagerBuilder
.withMultipartUploadThreshold((long) (5 * 1024 * 1024))
.withExecutorFactory(() -> Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxUploadThreads))
PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest(existingBucketName, file.getName(), file);
//request.putCustomRequestHeader("Access-Token", token);
ProgressListener progressListener = progressEvent -> System.out.println("Transferred bytes: " + progressEvent.getBytesTransferred());
Upload upload = tm.upload(request);
LocalDateTime uploadStartedAt = LocalDateTime.now();
log.info("Starting upload at: " + uploadStartedAt);
try {
log.info("Upload completed. " + strSize);
} catch (Exception e) {//AmazonClientException
log.error("Error occurred while uploading file - " + strSize);
Solution found !
I found a way to get this working and for to be honest I quite happy about the result, I've done so many tests with big files (50gd.zip) and in every scenario worked very well
My solution is, remove the line: BasicAWSCredentials sessionCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(token, "NOT_USED");
AWSCredentials is a interface so we can override it with something dynamic, the the logic of when the token is expired and needs a new fresh token is held inside the getToken() method meaning you can call every time with no harm
AWSCredentials sessionCredentials = new AWSCredentials() {
public String getAWSAccessKeyId() {
try {
return getToken(); //getToken() method return a string
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public String getAWSSecretKey() {
return "NOT_USED";
When uploading a file (or parts of a multi-part file), the credentials that you use must last long enough for the upload to complete. You CANNOT refresh the credentials as there is no method to update AWS S3 that you are using new credentials for an already signed request.
You could break the upload into smaller files that upload quicker. Then only upload X parts. Refresh your credentials and upload Y parts. Repeat until all parts are uploaded. Then you will need to finish by combining the parts (which is a separate command). This is not a perfect solution as transfer speeds cannot be accurately controlled AND this means that you will have to write your own upload code (which is not hard).
I am having trouble to upload image using presigned url . I am following amazon java code but it is not working.
My requirement is as follows
I have created bucket on Amazon XYZBucket and my bucket is empty.
I am acting as a server which gives presigned url to user and user will use this url to upload image.
Code to generate presigned url
AmazonS3 s3client = new AmazonS3Client(new ProfileCredentialsProvider());
URL url = null;
try {
java.util.Date expiration = new java.util.Date();
long milliSeconds = expiration.getTime();
milliSeconds += 1000 * 60 * 60 * 12; // Add 1 hour.
GeneratePresignedUrlRequest generatePresignedUrlRequest =
new GeneratePresignedUrlRequest(bucketName, objectKey);
url = s3client.generatePresignedUrl(generatePresignedUrlRequest);
} catch (AmazonServiceException exception) {
} catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
return url.toString();
I have also use put method
AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(new ProfileCredentialsProvider());
java.util.Date expiration = new java.util.Date();
long msec = expiration.getTime();
msec += 1000 * 60 * 60; // Add 1 hour.
GeneratePresignedUrlRequest generatePresignedUrlRequest = new GeneratePresignedUrlRequest(bucketName, objectKey);
URL url = s3Client.generatePresignedUrl(generatePresignedUrlRequest);
return url.toString()
My bucketName and objectkey is
XYZBucket and file1
When I hit the url in browser it gives me
Can anyone help me to upload file using presigned url to s3 bucket?
According to the AWS documentation, you should use the "PUT" method to create an "upload" URL. Then the user will make a "PUT" request on this URL to upload its files.
Hitting this URL within the browser will make a "GET" request, but the signature contains "PUT" so it throws a SignatureDoesNotMatch error.
According to the AWS S3 documentation Signing and Authenticating REST request, S3 is now using SignatureVersion4 by default.
But the AWS-SDK is using SignatureVersion2 by default.
So we have to explicitly specify SignatureVersion4 in request header
I am trying to upload files to Amazon S3, nothing special. I have managed to do the actual upload, and the file uploads successfully. The only issue that's left is that I cannot change the name of the file in S3. It seems that by default, the name of the file is being set the same as the secret key. It could be that I am sending the secret key as a parameter where I should send the name of the file instead. However, I tried changing the parameters around and errors prop up.
Below please find the code I am using:
Bucket bucket = client.createBucket("testBucket", Region.EU_Ireland);
List<PartETag> partTags = new ArrayList<>();
InitiateMultipartUploadRequest request = new InitiateMultipartUploadRequest(
bucket.getName(), secretAmazonKey);
InitiateMultipartUploadResult result = client
File file = new File(filePath);
long contentLength = file.length();
long partSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
try {
// Uploading the file, part by part.
long filePosition = 0;
for (int i = 1; filePosition < contentLength; i++) {
// Last part can be less than 8 MB therefore the partSize needs
// to be adjusted accordingly
partSize = Math.min(partSize, (contentLength - filePosition));
// Creating the request for a part upload
UploadPartRequest uploadRequest = new UploadPartRequest()
// Upload part and add response to the result list.
filePosition += partSize;
catch (Exception e) {
client.abortMultipartUpload(new AbortMultipartUploadRequest(bucket
.getName(), secretAmazonKey, result.getUploadId()));
CompleteMultipartUploadRequest compRequest = new CompleteMultipartUploadRequest(
bucket.getName(), secretAmazonKey, result.getUploadId(), partTags);
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks a lot :)
The key in your upload requests is actually your object (file) key (name), and not your AWS secret key. Whenever you instantiate your client instance, this is the time where you specify your AWS credentials.
Could you be more specific regarding the errors you are seeing when doing this?
Well, I used Amazon S3 for the first time recently and was able to upload a file as below:
public void saveMinutes(Minutes minutes, byte [] data)
AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials(amazonS3AccessKey, amazonS3SecretAccessKey));
ObjectMetadata metaData = new ObjectMetadata();
s3.putObject(new PutObjectRequest(amazonS3MinutesBucketName, minutes.getFileName(), new ByteArrayInputStream(data), metaData));