start Logback SimpleSocketServer to centralize logging - java

I'm trying to use Logback to centralize the logging of 2 microservices.
Therefore reading the documention I understood I should setup a simpleLogServer to which send the logging events of my others 2 java microservices.
Assuming you are in the logback-examples/ directory, start SimpleSocketServer with the following command:
java 6000 src/main/java/chapters/appenders/socket/server1.xml
So I've clone the git hub repo and from inside the logback-examples/ directory I've run the command only to get:
Error: Could not find or load main class
I can't find an example of what I'm trying to achieve, and also I don't understand how can I start a SimpleSocketServer on my prod server only launching a java command and without installing anything.
Can someone clarify that for me? Thanks


Elastic Beanstalk fails creating

I finally reached the point where my Elastic Beanstalk Instance / Environment got launched. (Java Corretto 11 Platform) Now it fails starting up the provided .jar file.
In the eb-engine.log file, I am not able to find any more error than this:
2021/05/27 11:36:25.889735 [INFO] Executing instruction: StageJavaApplication
2021/05/27 11:36:25.889871 [ERROR] An error occurred during execution of command [app-deploy] - [StageJavaApplication]. Stop running the command. Error: staging java app failed due to invalid zip file
The jar file is a Spring Boot application built with mvn -B package.
Locally the whole thing starts, but crashes afterwards because of not given environment variables (Expected behaviour).
But it seems AWS is not even starting the application..
Any suggestions on this?
Spring Boot apps run nicely on Elastic Beanstalk. However, you do need to set some variables. For example, have you set server-port variable to 5000?
And as you stated, to successfully use a Service Client, you can set environment variables for your creds. Here is an end to end walkthrough that shows how to successfully put a Spring BOOT app that invokes several AWS Services on Elastic Beanstalk.
Creating your first AWS Java web application
PS - your log file mentions a ZIP file. Be sure to create the JAR properly as discussed in the above example.
Just in case someone arrive here looking for an answer about this guy:
Error: staging java app failed due to invalid zip file
I was renaming my service jar in Gradle, using:
tasks.withType<org.springframework.boot.gradle.tasks.bundling.BootJar> {
And ElasticBeanstalk was not happy about the renaming.
When I let it have the default name, then no zip issues and all worked like a charm.

service fabric java application deployment failed in local cluster

I am new to service fabric and trying to deploy java application to local service fabric cluster with 5 nodes. i am using Ubuntu VM and following below steps to build and deploy it in asf cluster. while deploying i am getting below error. i tried to deploy in asf remote cluster also and got the same issue. Can you please help me on this.
Link :Jav Application deploymen to ASF cluster
Error code:
Just tried this out and it worked for me so just going to ask some questions to make sure we didn't miss anything from the documents.
Under DhrumilSpringServiceFabric->DhrumilSpringGettingStartedPkg -> code, do you have two files?
The file should have the following contents:
BASEDIR=$(dirname $0)
java -jar gs-spring-boot-0.1.0.jar
Additionally, in the ServiceManifest.xml (located in DhrumilSpringServiceFabric->DhrumilSpringGettingStartedPkg), there should be the following snippet:
<CodePackage Name="code" Version="1.0.0">
The Program property value "" has to be identical including casing with what's in your "code" folder.
If the above all check out, then please respond and happy to dive deeper into this.
#Dhrumil Shah, I replicated the steps provided in the document and was able to achieve the desired results successfully.
Can you let me know if your java application is working fine without using service fabric and if you are using cli for your deployment?
Also, please check if java is installed properly on your VM. Check the below link for more information:
Java Webapp Deployment in Azure Service fabric explorer
I found the issue after spending some time in ASF logger. The issue was my YO generator was not working properly. i mean Yo json file was correpted. i run yo doctor and corrected it. its work

heroku nodejs app - events.js:167 Error Unhandled 'error' event : spawn java ENOENT

I'm having a node-js app on Heroku using the pdfMerge.js library.
following the documentation I'm using the stream event mechanism as a callback to identify the end of the process
then an exception is thrown :
events.js:167 Error: spawn java ENOENT.
I'm almost sure it's happening because I'm messing required java installation as described here:
pdfmerger combines multiple PDF-files into a single PDF-file. It is a node module that utilizes the Apache PDFBox Library, which the required functionality are distributed along with this module. The only requirement for this module to run, is having Java 6 or higher in the path.
I'm Not familiar enough with Heroku installation/configuration process in order to make it work.
thanks in advance
You can add Java to your app by adding the heroku/jvm buildpack like this:
$ heroku buildpacks:add -i 1 heroku/jvm
Then redeploy with git commit --allow-empty and git push heroku master.

Hadoop log4j cannot find KafkaLog4JAppender.class

I added KafkaLog4JAppender functionality to my MR job.
locally the job is running and sending the formatted logs into my Kafka cluster.
when I try to run it from the yarn server, using:
jar [jar-name].jar [DriverClass].class [job-params] -Dlog4j.configuration=log4j.xml -libjars
I get the following expception:
log4j:ERROR Could not create an Appender. Reported error follows.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kafka.producer.KafkaLog4jAppender
the KafkaLog4JAppender class is in the path.
jar tvf [my-jar].jar | grep KafkaLog4J
finds the class
I'm kinda lost and would appreciate any helpfull input
thanks in advance!
If it works in local mode and not working in Yarn/distributed mode, then it could be problem of jar not being distributed properly. YOu might want to check Using third part jars and files in your MapReduce application(Distributed cache) for details on how to distribute your jar containing KafkaLog4jAppender.class

Apache storm can not find main class of storm starter

I am setting up an Apache Storm system but am having problems getting the program to run consistently. I have set up storm on three servers but it only works consistently on one. I think the issue lies somewhere in the path of the command.
I have been using storm-starter to set up the program and have tested it locally with RollingTopWords. When I run the following command $ storm jar storm-starter-*.jar storm.starter.RollingTopWords the computer stalls a second then i get the following error:
Could not find or load main class storm.starter.RollingTopWords
The jar is stored in the directory /apache/storm/examples/storm-starter/target . Let me know if there is any other information I can provide that would be of help because I'm feeling a little desperate at this point.
The following is the entire output for the program that doesn't work.
Running: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -client -Dstorm.options= -Dstorm.home=/home/scix3/apache/storm -Dstorm.log.dir=/home/scix3/apache/storm/logs -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib:/opt/local/lib:/usr/lib -Dstorm.conf.file= -cp /home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/kryo-2.21.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/core.incubator-0.1.0.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/ring-servlet-0.3.11.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/clj-stacktrace-0.2.2.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/jline-2.11.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/disruptor-2.10.1.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/log4j-over-slf4j-1.6.6.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/clojure-1.5.1.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/commons-exec-1.1.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/logback-core-1.0.13.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/jetty-util-6.1.26.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/carbonite-1.4.0.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/compojure-1.1.3.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/minlog-1.2.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/commons-lang-2.5.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/tools.macro-0.1.0.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/reflectasm-1.07-shaded.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/tools.cli-0.2.4.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/math.numeric-tower-0.0.1.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/logback-classic-1.0.13.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/tools.logging-0.2.3.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/asm-4.0.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/jetty-6.1.26.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/snakeyaml-1.11.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/hiccup-0.3.6.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/clj-time-0.4.1.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/jgrapht-core-0.9.0.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/clout-1.0.1.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/chill-java-0.3.5.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/commons-io-2.4.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/joda-time-2.0.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/storm-core-0.9.4.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/objenesis-1.2.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/commons-logging-1.1.3.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/ring-core-1.1.5.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/ring-jetty-adapter-0.3.11.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/commons-codec-1.6.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/json-simple-1.1.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/lib/ring-devel-0.3.11.jar:storm-starter-.jar:/home/scix3/apache/storm/conf:/home/scix3/apache/storm/bin -Dstorm.jar=storm-starter-.jar storm.starter.RollingTopWords
Error: Could not find or load main class storm.starter.RollingTopWords
The main issue for the error
Could not find or load main class storm.starter.RollingTopWords cloud be.
Check the launch configuration while building the jar.
you must be very careful while building the jar ,it asks you to choose destination folder and launch configuration(launch configuration should be of same project)
You might have missed the main class in your project.
Before using Stormsubmitter in Remote cluster, check once weather it works properly localcluster
To check if the problem is with storm unable to find the jar, you can try issuing
storm jar /fullpath/my-storm-jar.jar Classname
Few other things you can make sure
The jar is compiled properly/jar contains the RollingTopWords class
storm.yaml points to the correct nimubs (This seems less probable, as the the connection is being made and there is an attempt to load the topology)
