I am having trouble extending JComboBox. Mainly, I want to add a method that returns the selected Item into String. But since I might want to add more methods later on, I decided it would be better to create a child class.
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
public class ComboBox extends JComboBox{
public ComboBox(Integer[] items) {
public ComboBox(String[] items) {
public String getSelectedItemInString() {
return super.getSelectedItem().toString();
Above is my attempt but it wouldn't work this way. It would only create ComboBoxes that look like this, and I am not able to see the items even if I click on the drop down button result
I want to be able to create ComboBox that could take in both String[] or Integer[] in different instances.. just like how JComboBox allows to do this:
String [] groups = {null, "Zombies","Instigators","Fantastic Beasts","Stranger Things"};
JComboBox<String> groupSelector = new JComboBox<String>(groups);
totalNum = new JComboBox<Integer>();
totalNum.addItem(0); totalNum.addItem(1);
totalNum.addItem(2); totalNum.addItem(3);
The array that you are passing into the constructor of your ComboBox-class needs to be passed on to the constructor of the JComboBox.
public ComboBox(E[] items) {
The reason your code is not throwing an error is because JComboBox also has another constructor which does not require any parameters (you are currently calling the constructor https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/javax/swing/JComboBox.html#JComboBox() but want to call https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/javax/swing/JComboBox.html#JComboBox(E[])). However, you want to call the constructor which takes an Array as the parameter. That's why you have to pass the parameter on to the super()-methid you're calling.
I have some method which looks awful(especially number of parameters). I wonder how can I make this code cleaner.
The method works with JLists and setting a new model(DefaultListModel). So it just swaps items between two JLists and deletes swapped item in list where was the item taken.
Сriticism and advice are welcome.
Call the method example:
moveToOtherJList(newOrdersModel, newOrdersJList, inProcessOrdersModel, inProcessOrdersJList);
The method:
private void moveToOtherJList(DefaultListModel firstModel, JList firstJList, DefaultListModel secondModel, JList secondJList)
int selectedIndex = firstJList.getSelectedIndex();
I have some method which looks awful(especially number of parameters).
Well there is no need to pass either ListModel, since you can get the ListModel from the JList.
So I would define the method as:
public void moveToOtherJList(JList fromJList, JList toJList)
int selectedIndex = fromJList.getSelectedIndex();
DefaultListModel fromModel = (DefaultListModel)fromJList.getModel();
DefaultListModel toModel = (DefaultListModel)toJList.getModel();
I have created a class which extends JavaFX's MenuBar that creates a menu bar for my application.
By default I won't specialized operations, like opening/saving a file and running a simulation, to be disabled (and they are). When a user runs the app they can select an item in the menu File>New>, and based on which component they select it will toggle on the appropriate menu options.
I was planning on doing this by having each component give a list of which items it toggles on, and then activating the appropriate items when the component is created.
However, I cannot access the list of menus from within in a function (am trying to do it with this.getMenus() but from within the function the only function that is recognized it this.getClass()).
Does anyone know why I cannot call getMenus() and how I could get access to it?
Alternatively, if you have a better idea for how I can toggle these menu items, I'd love to hear. I don't think this is a good way to do it, but it is the best idea we have come up with.
private void fileNew()
Menu fileNew = new Menu("New");
for(String k: CLHM.keySet())
CComponent comp = CLHM.get(k);
if(comp.supportedFeatures().contains((new SupportsNew())))
MenuItem i = new MenuItem(comp.getName());
i.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()
public void handle(ActionEvent event)
CComponent ctemp = CLHM.get(i.getText());
ArrayList<String> menuItems = (ArrayList) ctemp.getMenuItems();
for (String s : menuItems)
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(s).useDelimiter("\\s>\\s");
String menu = scanner.next();
//Menu temp = this.getMenus();
Here the program will parse the string of the
Menu path (e.g. File>Open) and activate the
relevant item, if it exists.
borderPane.setCenter((Node) ctemp);
When you use this inside an anonymous class, it actually refers to the anonymous class instance. So in your case, this is an instance of EventHandler, which is why there are so little methods that you can call (because it is an interface type).
What you are looking for is YourExtendedMenuBar.this.getMenus(). This will tell the compiler that you are looking for the enclosing instance. Alternatively, you can simply drop the this keyword (i.e. getMenus()). Doing so will allow you to use/call any accessible members of the anonymous class and its enclosing class.
On the side note, if you replaced that anonymous class with a lambda expression, then this would have meant YourExtendedMenuBar. It is not possible to access any members of the class that the lambda expression represents, at least not directly.
P.S. I have no idea what your toggling is all about, so I can't answer until I figured out what you mean.
I'm having trouble figuring out why my render method isn't being called. Here is my custom cell that extends AbstractCell, broken down to its simplest form.
public class FormHistoryCell<T> extends AbstractCell<T> {
public void render(com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context context, T value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
System.out.println("Rendering customer cell...");
if (value == null) {
Here is the snipet in my code which creates an instance of "FormHistoryCell" and attempts to add it to a CellList.
CellList<FormHistoryCell> initList() {
FormHistoryCell formHistoryCell = new FormHistoryCell();
CellList historyList = new CellList<FormHistoryCell>(formHistoryCell);
return historyList;
I have tried different things like adding a constructor that takes a String argument, etc. The constructor is called, but the render method is not. Looking at that Abstract class it extends, it seems the render method is called within the "setValue" method, but didn't see where that is called in other custom cell extensions whose render methods seem to be getting called just fine. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here but can't figure out what. Please help.
Based on the code you provided, there is no reason for a browser to call the render method of your cell. You simply passed a reference to an object FormHistoryCell to your CellList. The render method is only needed when a browser has to display a cell and its content. This happens when you add data to your CellList, as #outellou suggested.
I have three jLists in my class frmMain. I have created a class called ListActions. The code below is working for one jList. It returns the value clicked for one jList.
How do I distinguish between the three other jList? Or do I need to create a seperate class for each listener?
I need to perform an action based on which jList was clicked. I attempted to see if I could access the variable name of the jList that was clicked, but couldn't find a way to do this...
class ListActions implements ListSelectionListener {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent evt) {
if (!evt.getValueIsAdjusting()) {
JList list = (JList) evt.getSource();
int iSelectedDatabase = list.getSelectedIndex();
Object objSelectedDatabase = list.getModel().getElementAt(iSelectedDatabase);
String sSelectedDatabase = objSelectedDatabase.toString();
JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, sSelectedDatabase);
- Jason
JList inherits from Component.
Therefore, you can use the getName() method to get the name of your Component and know which one has been called.
I've problem regarding GUI with one Menu and one Order Class.
I've created a variable to store how many items have been selected in the Menu Class.
private int totalSelected;
The var totalSelected is live updated. It can be changed anytime depending on actionPerformed() function.(Exp: totalSelected will add up all the selected items)
In the Order Class, how can I access to the live update variable totalSelected in order to retrieve the live update value? When I invoke getTotalSelected() function inside the Menu Class, I will only obtain a 0 value.
Thanks for your help ^^!
Please allow me to specify my question clearer.
public class MenuTab extends JPanel
private JLabel display;
private int totalSelected;
public MenuTab()
public getTotalSelected(){
return totalSelected;
private class SelectedListener implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed()
//Assume that totalSelected has been updated!
display = new JLabel("Total: " + totalSelected);
// OK to display totalSelected live value here.
// A new class is the confirmation of order
public class OrderConfirmedTab extends JPanel{
private JLabel displayTotal;
private MenuTab order = new MenuTab();
public OrderConfirmedTab()
int totalSelected = order.getTotalSelected();
displayTotal = new JLabel("Total: " + totalSelected);
// Problem to display totalSelected live value here.
// Will obtain 0;
// How can I obtain the live updated value from class MenuTab? Thanks!
If I read your code right, you need to make your variable be private static int totalSelected; You need to make it static so that it stays the same for all instances of the class.
I looks like your not updating the private int totalSelected; variable when a user makes a selection, so it is always 0.
Ya! I just realized that my JLabel
will not update the value
automatically. So how can I fix it?
Thanks! – Christine
If I understand you correctly you have two GUIs where changes in one (the MenuTab) will update the other (OrderConfirmedTab) in real time?
If so, you will need to increase the coupling between the two objects. If MenuTab has a reference back to OrderConfirmedTab then it can call methods to update the value as it changes.
For example, pass OrderConfirmedTab into MenuTabs constructor
MenuTab mt = new MenuTab(this); // from within OrderConfirmTabs costructor
Then when MenuTab has an actionPerformed event it can call back to OrderConfirmTab
orderConfirmTab.setTotalSelected(totalSelected); // you have to create this method in OrderConfirmTab
I hope this helps a little
You can use PropertyChangeListener and PropertyChangeSupport mechanisms to dispatch an event when the value is updated and to be notified when the variable has changed. Your JLabel is not going to update on its own; even if you were to use an object other than a primitive (note that primitives are merely values, while objects are actually implicit pointers); you will need to update your JLabel when the variable changes, since the JLabel simply stores a string, not a reference to the variables from which the string was constructed.
This is the concept of model-view-controller; your variable should be in some sort of class or classes that represent the model (the information) and which allow changes to be observed via property change events. Your view classes should simply provide display logic and no business or application-specific logic. It is the controller in which your application logic should reside; your controller should register for events on the model, and it should update the view whenever the model has changed, and it should likewise update the model when the view dispatches events that should result in the model being changed.