What library does contain basic jenkins workflow groovy functions? - java

I am writing a junit test for my Jenkins groovy scripts. My Jenkins script that I am testing contains a method call like this:
error "Foo"
When I try to run the test from my IDE (Intellij IDEA) I get an error like this:
No signature of method: static xxx.error() is applicable for argument types: (org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl) values [Foo]
So I suppose, I need to add some library into my classpath to make this error function known to Runtime. I tried this maven dependency
but it does't help.
So I am struggling to find what library contains these basic Jenkins workflow functions described in here: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/workflow-basic-steps
Any ideas?

The solution is to use Jenkins Pipeline Unit library that makes all those functions/methods like echo or error available and known to the pipeline context:
helper.registerAllowedMethod("echo", [String.class], null)
In this case every test should wrap-up the piece of code we are trying to test into a small jenkins script that will be executed by the JenkinsPipelineUnit engine.

The source is located here. So based on the pom I would say it's in the following dependency.
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow/workflow-basic-steps -->


How to execute mybatis-spring-boot-starter-test?

For mybatis-spring-boot-starter-test I see no main method and even no Java file. It has two dependencies of which mybatis-spring-boot-test-autoconfigure contains some test files and I can execute them while spring-boot-starter-test just has a pom file.
So how can I execute these test modules? It I can't, it's created for what?
This module is not for "execution". Take a look at their docs:
What is MyBatis-Spring-Boot-Starter-Test?
The MyBatis-Spring-Boot-Starter-Test help creating a test cases for MyBatis component using the MyBatis-Spring-Boot-Starter.
By using this module you will can be:
Can use the #MybatisTest that setup test components for testing pure MyBatis component
Can import dependency artifacts for performing tests for pure MyBatis component
So, this module provides you #MybatisTest from mybatis-spring-boot-test-autoconfigure. That's, basically, what "starters" are: a group of (possibly one, like in this case) dependencies that are intended to work together to provide some features.
Read more about using #MybatisTest.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/base/Joiner

I'm hitting this error when run my package jar:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/base/Joiner
I simply call: java -jar xxx.jar
I already added the dependency in my pom.xml:
I'm using IntelliJ editor. I have a unit test for the function which uses the Joiner class. It runs successfully from within IntelliJ.
I put my cursor on the Joiner and use "command + B" to search for the declaration of the Joiner class. It opens the Decompiled source code page, and on the heading it shows the path as: guava-18.0.jar/com/goog/common/base/Joiner
So everything looks correct.
Can anyone help me figure out why do I hit this error?
You could shade guava into your jar but it would result in a bigger jar file. But that way it would be included in your programm 100%. Read more about shading maven depencies into your jar file in the official maven-documentation: http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-shade-plugin/

ClassNotFoundException in com.amazonaws.demos.polly.PollyDemo

I'm new to Maven and the AWS SDK. So I installed both and updated my Java SDK. Double checked all required path and classpath settings.
The AWS Polly manual (page 119 in the pdf) presents a demo code example, to test Polly.
Being in this for the very first time, I tried this example (pom.xml and PollyDemo.java). Calling Maven as written in the manual, I receive the ClassNotFoundException for PollyDemo (classpath to com.amazonaws.demos.polly package has been set).
With over 10 years Java experience I feel like a newbie.
Please help
you need to add aws-java-sdk-polly dependency into your pom.xml
file and update the project, you can find dependency below:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.googlecode.soundlibs/jlayer -->
for more you can refer below link :
The example can be run if: AWS credentials are created and setted (1), a new project is started by creating an empty directory (e.g. 'my-app'),
opening a shell in 'my-app' and running the command 'mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.amazonaws.demos.polly -DartifactId=polly-java-demo -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false' (2), and finally replace both the existing 'pom.xml' and hello world java file with the ones in the example (3).

Suppressing findbugs warning Step by Step

I want to suppress a single Findbug warning ("passes a nonconstant String to an execute method on an SQL statement") by entering this line before the beginning of the method:
#edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = {"SQL_NONCONSTANT_STRING_PASSED_TO_EXECUTE", "SQL_PREPARED_STATEMENT_GENERATED_FROM_NONCONSTANT_STRING" }, justification = "just a test")
But Eclipse keeps saying that edu cannot be resolved to a type and The attribute justification is undefined for the annotation type SuppressWarnings.
In the findbugs documentation i read that I have to add the annotations.jar and jsr305.jar in Java Build Path (in Project Propertes). But in the findbugs folder I cant find any .jar file. Only findbugs.xml, findbugs-excludes.xml and so on.
What can I do to get this running? I Use Findbugs maven plugin 2.5.2.
Thank you very much!
Download it and add to your classpath:
Or use the official maven repository:
Link: http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/findbugs/findbugs/1.0.0
Or use this maven snippet:

Why do I get compilation error "org/codehaus/groovy/control/CompilationFailedException"?

I am trying to compile my JasperReports template using an Ant script and Java. I am getting this error:
jasper java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
There is nothing complex in the template, but I still can't compile.
You will have to set the language value in your template to Java. There are two ways you can do this:
If you are using iReport, select the root object in your Report Inspector (the one with the same name as your report). Then in the Properties window, select Java from the Languages drop-down.
If you are editing the raw mark-up in the JRXML file, remove language="groovy" from the file altogether.
Then try to recompile - you should be sorted. :)
If you are using Maven, you must add the groovy dependency in your pom.xml.
In another case, you must add the library groovy in your lib folder (WEB-INF/lib)
Another solution is to copy groovy-all-{version}.jar from the groovy binary distribution into the application's.
If you are using TIBCOJaspersoftStudio:
Download latest groovy 2.4.* jar from https://groovy.apache.org/download.html
Unpack and get this file ./groovy-2.4.10/embeddable/groovy-all-2.4.10.jar
Put the jar in ./TIBCOJaspersoftStudio-6.3.1.final/plugins
Delete the old jar: ./TIBCOJaspersoftStudio-6.3.1.final/plugins/groovy-all_2.4.5.jar
Change the languge to java in JRXML (ex:- language="java") or add groovy*.jar to your project’s classpath.
Your are missing the a important library groovy in path.
case 1 : if you are using Maven add this dependency with compatible version in pom.xml
Case 2 : Second way is add the compatible version of groovy jar in class path
Url to download groovy jar : http://groovy-lang.org/download.html
