Issue with selecting date from calendar in Selenium - java

I'm trying to select current date from the calendar on this website "".
Using these 2 lines of code:
To open the calendar and to select date:
The first one is working fine as it opens up the calendar but cssSelector is not responding. I've tried various variations but still it remains unresponsive.

Try this xpath strategy:
//div[#class='DayPicker-Day DayPicker-Day--today']
Now, i write in python, so you may translate my code to Java, since most of it remains same.
time.sleep (Thread.sleep in Java) here is optional Ideally you should use WebdriverWait instead of Thread.sleep. But just to show you, I used it.
driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//label[#for='departure']").click()
dx = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//div[#class='DayPicker-Day DayPicker-Day--today']")
Here is the output:
17 is the date and the other value is currency.
₹ 9,418
Process finished with exit code 0


Java: String equals not working for innerHTML text

I am using Selenium in java for testing a search wizard where I need to click on a current date. I am trying to traverse through all the dates in the calendar and if matches the current date, I click it.
The problem here is that the dates are hidden so I have to get the innerHTML attribute, then extract the date number using substring and then comparing it with Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) but my condition is failing every time. Have tried str.trim() and also tried to remove all the unicode characters but nothing worked. Below is the code:
WebElement day_of_month = AutoUtils.findElementByTagName(day, "span");
String innerHtml = day_of_month.getAttribute("innerHTML");
// innerHtml is "23<span class="buzz-message">Great price</span><i></i>"
// where 23 is the date i need
String exact_date = innerHtml.substring(0,innerHtml.indexOf("<span"));
exact_date = exact_date.replaceAll("\\P{Print}", ""); // have also tried exact_date.trim();
} else{
System.out.Println("not found"); //gets printed every time
Can somebody help?
You have to convert the int value (day of month) to String:
if (exact_date.equals(String.valueOf(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)))) {
try using innerText instead of innerHTML . innerText only gives you what is visible to the user . innerHTML gives even html and javascripts inside it.
You should be able to get "23" only and do a easy comparison.
Also, if you can show the html , it might be easy for us to help you .

Fullcalendar showing 1 hour events as 2 hours

I have the following JSON data:
2015-02-22T04:00:00-05:00 which clearly shows 4am to 5am which is a one hour slot, but in the week agenda view in fullcalendar it is showing as 4am to 6am, as are all 1 hour slots. any ideas why this is happening?
Use the latest version (2.2.6) of the fullcalendar. For some reason this version works fine.
Please refer to this example: Click Here
And here's a sample code that works properly and might help you as well:
var events_array = [
title: 'Test1',
start: moment('2015-02-03T05:00:00'),
end : moment('2015-02-03T12'),
tip: 'Test1'},
events: events_array,
timezone : 'local',
eventRender: function(event, element) {
element.attr('title', event.tip);
Mikesmithdev answered this one for me, I didn't have an end specified, I thought you could do it with just one string of data.

How to change date in datepicker using Appium

I'm trying to change the date in a datepicker element using appium. I can't use the findElement("id"); since I'm running in version 4.2.2(API 17) and as far as i know is not supported in this version. Using selendroid i can change the date like this:
In my code in appium I try to access it by the default date. For example im trying to change the month like this:
It seems that although it finds the name Dec it can't send the keys Jan.
Here is the error from the Failure Trace:
org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters. (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
Any ides on how i can change it and generally if i can use somehow the findElement("id"); in this API version?
Instead of using the i used By.className in order to change the month the day and the year. Here is my code:
List<WebElement> date = driver.findElements(By.className("android.widget.NumberPicker"));

Comparing Date type in Oracle PACKAGE does not work

I made a Oracle Package like below.
And I will pass parameter String like '2014-11-05'.
--SEARCH 2014 11 04
FUNCTION SEARCHMYPAGE(v_created_after IN DATE, v_created_before IN DATE)
return CURSORTYPE is rtn_cursor CURSORTYPE;
rtn_cursor FOR
news_title, news_desc,
created, news_cd
AND (created BETWEEN decode(v_created_after, '', to_date('2000-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), to_date(v_created_after, 'YYYY-MM-DD'))
AND (decode(v_created_before, '', sysdate, to_date(v_created_before, 'YYYY-MM-DD')) + 0.999999));
return rtn_cursor ;
I confirmed my parameter in Eclipse console Message, since I am working on Eclipse IDE.
I got contents, which are made in 2014-10-29 ~ 2014-10-31.
when I pass '2014-11-01' as created_after, It returns 0 records.(But I expected all contents, since every contents are made between 10-29 and 10-31)
Would you find anything wrong with my Function?
Thanks :D
create function search_my_page(p_created_after in date, p_created_before in date)
return cursortype
is rtn_cursor cursortype;
open rtn_cursor for
select news_id
from news
where created between
nvl(v_created_after, date '1234-01-01')
nvl(v_created_before, sysdate) + interval '1' day - interval '1' second;
return rtn_cursor;
end search_my_page;
Re-wrote predicates - there was a misplaced parentheses changing the meaning.
Replaced to_date with date literals and variables. Since you're already using ANSI date format, might as well use literals. And date variables do not need to be cast to dates.
Replace DECODE with simpler NVL.
Removed extra parentheses.
Renamed v_ to p_. It's typical to use p_ to mean "parameter" and v for "(local) variable".
Removed extra inline view. Normally inline views are underused, in this case it doesn't seem to help much.
Removed unnecessary 1=1.
Replaced 0.99999 with date intervals, to make the math clearer.
Changed to lower case (this ain't COBOL), added underscores to function name.
Changed 2000-01-01 to 1234-01-01. If you use a magic value it should look unusual - don't try to hide it.

Not able to input date using sendKeys in Selenium WebDriver

The date field is like a calendar and I'm not able to input the date using sendKeys of Selenium WebDriver.
But "type" in the date field was working fine before with Selenium RC.
I tried using "clear()" before "sendKeys()" but this gave the error:
Caught Exception: Element is read-only and so may not be used for actions
Command duration or timeout: 10.11 seconds
sendKeys() is working fine for other text input fields.
I tried isDisplayed() to check for the element and it comes as true. Even in the browser, when running the test, the cursor goes to the date fields but doesnt type any text into them.
Use Following Code for this...
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript ("document.getElementById('dateofbirth').removeAttribute('readonly',0);");
WebElement BirthDate= driver.findElement("dateofbirth"));
BirthDate.sendKeys("20-Aug-1985"); //Enter this date details with valid date format
I also faced the same issue.This is what the solution I found.This worked fine for me.
Just remove the read only attribute of the input field and then do just as other input fields.
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("document.getElementsByName('date'[0].removeAttribute('readonly');");
WebElement dateFld = driver.findElement("date_completed"));
dateFld.sendKeys("date Completed");
For future readers of this thread, the solution posted by #Flaburgan for issue
was found to work with Firefox 63 on Win7-64
"For the record, it looks like send_keys with a correctly formatted ISO date (yyyy-mm-dd) works. So for your example, can you please try to call send_keys with (like) 2012-11-02?"
If You are using a jQuery date picker object, the field should be read-only and date have to be selected from calendar object. In that case You can use 'Select' class methods of Selenium Web Driver to choose a date.
Select date = new Select(driver.findElement(By.linkText("the date want to select")));;
I have done this and works great. Take care of the format. By this you can even get the value from the control.
var dob = element('dateOfBirth'))
Hope it helps.
