Java error compiler with multiple persistence-units - java

Netbeans 14 with java 8 or 17.
With a single persistent-unit using the and classes to access a single table Users, everything works fine.
When I configure a second persistence-unit to access another database,
I get this error (without adding code or creating tables; only add persistence-unit)
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile
(default-compile) on project management:
Fatal error compiling: java.lang.RuntimeException:
**Attempt to recreate a file for type**
-> [Help 1]
I need to connect to some databases at the same time. Do you have any suggestions to solve the problem?
The file persistence.xml is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<persistence-unit name="db_management" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:sqlserver://\SQLEXPRESS:1433;databaseName=CRM_LSC;encrypt=false"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="uuu"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value=""/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="uuu!"/>
<persistence-unit name="db_agen" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:sqlserver://\SQLEXPRESS:1433;databaseName=db_agen"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="uu"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value=""/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="uuu!"/>


Persistence provider password predicament

Plain old Java application, no web servers attached (not even JBoss), is using JPA to query a database.
The JDBC password is exposed in persistence.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<persistence-unit name="PU" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:postgresql:DATABASE"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="USERNAME"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="PASSWORD"/>
<property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class" value="org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider"/>
<property name="" value="validate"/>
It might be possible to instantiate a JNDI subcontext to set the password within the application's main method. This would possibly permit using a JTA data source:
<persistence xmlns=""
<persistence-unit name="PU" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="" value="create-drop"/>
How would you externalize the password such that it no longer exists inside persistence.xml?
Note: persistence.xml is stored in a public repository, so it would be nice if the password wasn't screaming 'please hack me'. Instead, the JDBC connection information should be in a file that doesn't get checked into the repository.
The password can be externalized by overriding the properties when instantiating the EntityManagerFactory:
private EntityManagerFactory getEntityManagerFactory() {
return Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory( getPersistenceUnitName(),
getProperties() );
private Map getProperties() {
Map result = new HashMap();
// Read the properties from a file instead of hard-coding it here.
// Or pass the password in from the command-line.
result.put( "javax.persistence.jdbc.password", "PASSWORD" );
return result;

Hibernate on Glassfish not an entity exception

I have the following problem:
The application is deployed successfully, but whenever i try to execute a query it ends up like this:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not an entity: class javaeetutorial.addressbook.entity.Contact
So here are my configs:
<persistence-unit name="address-bookPU" transaction-type="JTA">
<property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class, hbm"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action" value="drop-and-create"/>
<property name="hibernate.transaction.jta.platform" value="org.hibernate.service.jta.platform.internal.SunOneJtaPlatform" />
<property name="show_sql" value="true"/>
The entity class is annotated with #Entity of course.
Can anyone help me solve this issue?
I spent two days and found the following solution.
1. Use at least Hibernate 4.3.10:
2. Change persistence.xml as follows (schema 2.1, provider
<provider>org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider</provider>, two properties - a MUST):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<persistence-unit name="your_pu" transaction-type="JTA">
<property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class, hbm, jar"/>
<property name="hibernate.transaction.jta.platform" value="org.hibernate.service.jta.platform.internal.SunOneJtaPlatform"/>

Don't know exactly what jta-data-source should be

I tried to get Spring-MVC, Hibernate, JTA with a Postgres Server to work.
I got most of the stuff working (Read from Db through EntityManager without JTA), but I can't get the transactions to work with JTA.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<persistence-unit name="defaultPersistenceUnit" transaction-type="JTA">
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect" />
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="org.postgresql.Driver" />
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydb" />
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="postgres"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="validpw"/>
If I provide my datasource from my servlet I get an Exception like
DataSourceLookupFailureException: Failed to look up JNDI DataSource with name 'dataSource'
I also found resources saying the datasource should be defined in the application-server (but I am not sure about this one). If it is important I use a Tomcat-server.

apache derby + jpa

I have embedded derby database and i work with jpa. This is my persistence.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence-unit name="pers">
What should i change or add to get this working. When I run my code now I get the following:
Exception in thread "main" javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named pers
at javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(
at javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(
at test.Test.main(
Your persistence.xml is not correct. Look at a sample below:
<persistence-unit name="MyAppPU" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<!-- This is where you mention your JPA runtime provider e.g. it's EclipseLink here -->
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/my_schema"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="pass"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="user"/>
You also have to make sure that you put your JPA provider jar files (along with the derby-client jar) in the classpath.

Hibernate/JPA not validating against DB schema on startup

For some reason hibernate is not catching issues like mapping entities to tables that do not exist. My persistence.xml file looks like this...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<persistence xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.0">
<!-- A JPA Persistence Unit -->
<persistence-unit name="printLogixJpaUnit" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true"/>
<!--Begin Credentials -->
<property name="hibernate.connection.url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/realtorprint_dev?autoReconnect=true"/>
<property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="test"/>
<property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="test"/>
<!--End Credentials -->
<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect"/>
Try adding the property "" with value of "validate":
<property name="" value="validate"/>
