How to magnify display working with pixels[] in Processing (Java)? - java

I love experimenting with operating on images pixel by pixel using pixels[]. However, I’d like to work on a matrix of 100x100 pixels but have the display be several times larger than 100x100 on my screen.
Is there an efficient and straightforward way to zoom, magnify, scale, resize, or etc… to allow me to work with pixels[] just… bigger?
I was disappointed to see that scale() doesn’t work with pixel arrays.
My first idea to scale by a factor of S is by iterating through my pixel array and drawing a board of SxS rects with the fill of each pixel’s color val. However, this is computationally intensive, and I can’t get my frameRate above 5 or so.

Ah great idea #sorifiend. Since I was calling loadPixels() immediately after setting the window size() and leaving it blank (rather than loading pixels from a image and putting it in the window,) I hadn't thought of that. I found you can use createImage() to make an empty image, which resizes crisply with noSmooth(); on! Thanks for the start.
Here's my code for posterity:
void setup() {
i = createImage(100, 100, RGB);
size(800, 800);
void draw() {
for (int x = 0; x < i.width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < i.height; y++) {
if (random(0,max(i.width,i.height)) < y) {
i.pixels[x + y*i.height] = color(255);
} else {
i.pixels[x + y*i.height] = color(0);


morph images effect in Processing

I would like to build a kind of image morphing tool in Processing. Similar to what you can see in this link:
My first step to achieve this was to build a two-dimensional grid of pixels. The pixels are filled with colour. The fill colour is created by reading colour from an image (PImage img1;) with the get(); function. This is how I recreated an image with my pixels. In the second step, I thought I would use the lerp(); function to give the respective pixels the colour of a second image (PImage img2;) - I thought this would create the desired morph effect. But I was wrong! The whole thing works - but the effect is only that a fade-in takes place between the two images. And no morphing. What exactly happens to pixels while this morph effect? How could I recreate it in Processing?
float pixel;
float pixelsize;
PImage img1;
PImage img2;
float counter;
void setup() {
size(1080, 1080);
pixel = 100;
pixelsize = width/pixel;
img1 = loadImage("0.jpg");
img2 = loadImage("1.jpg");
counter = 0;
void draw() {
for (int y = 0; y < pixel; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < pixel; x++) {
color c1 = img1.get(int(pixelsize*x), int(pixelsize*y));
color c2 = img2.get(int(pixelsize*x), int(pixelsize*y));
color from = c1;
color to = c2;
color interA = lerpColor(from, to, counter);
translate(pixelsize*x, pixelsize*y);
rect(0, 0, pixelsize, pixelsize);
counter= counter + 0.01;
Indeed it is not a straight forward task.
You're approach is not a bad start: it would result in a nice crossfade between the two images.
Bare in mind get() can be costly on the CPU.
You can however use the pixels[]:
PImage img1;
PImage img2;
// transition image
PImage imgT;
void setup() {
size(1080, 1080);
img1 = loadImage("0.jpg");
img2 = loadImage("1.jpg");
// copy the 1st image (copies width/height as well)
imgT = img1.get();
void draw() {
// map transition amount to mouse X position
float t = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0.0, 1.0);
// make all pixels readable
// lerp each pixel
for(int i = 0 ; i < imgT.pixels.length; i++){
imgT.pixels[i] = lerpColor(img1.pixels[i], img2.pixels[i], t);
// update all pixels in one go
// display result
image(imgT, 0, 0);
Implementing a full morph image is non-trivial.
I can recomend two options to make use of existing algorithms, however these options are also not beginner friendly:
ImageMagick implements shepards distortion and there is a java library that interfaces with imagemagick: im4java. Note that you'd need to download the precompiled java library and drop the .jar file on top of your sketch and processing the output might take time: probably not feasible for realtime (however it should be possible to save individual frames to disk and assemble them as a gif/movie/etc.)
Using OpenCV: there's an OpenCV Face Morph tutorial with source code in c++ or Python and there is a Processing OpenCV library. It would be a matter of porting the c++/Python OpenCV calls to the Java OpenCV API.

2D Dynamic Lighting in Java

I am making a game that has campfire objects. What I want to do is to brighten all pixels in a circle around each campfire. However, looping through every pixel and changing those within the radius is not all that efficient and makes the game run at ~7 fps. Ideas on how to either make this process efficient or simulate light differently?
I haven't written the code for the fires but this is the basic loop to check each pixel/change its brightness based on a number:
public static BufferedImage updateLightLevels(BufferedImage img, float light)
BufferedImage brightnessBuffer = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR);
brightnessBuffer.getGraphics().drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);
for(int i = 0; i < brightnessBuffer.getWidth(); i++)
for(int a = 0; a < brightnessBuffer.getHeight(); a++)
//get the color at the pixel
int rgb = brightnessBuffer.getRGB(i, a);
//check to see if it is transparent
int alpha = (rgb >> 24) & 0x000000FF;
if(alpha != 0)
//make a new color
Color rgbColor = new Color(rgb);
//turn it into an hsb color
float[] hsbCol = Color.RGBtoHSB(rgbColor.getRed(), rgbColor.getGreen(), rgbColor.getBlue(), null);
//lower it by the certain amount
//if the pixel is already darker then push it all the way to black
if(hsbCol[2] <= light)
hsbCol[2] -= (hsbCol[2]) - .01f;
hsbCol[2] -= light;
//turn the hsb color into a rgb color
int rgbNew = Color.HSBtoRGB(hsbCol[0], hsbCol[1], hsbCol[2]);
//set the pixel to the new color
brightnessBuffer.setRGB(i, a, rgbNew);
return brightnessBuffer;
I apologize if my code is not clean, I'm self taught.
I can give you lots of approaches.
You're currently rendering on the CPU, and you're checking every single pixel. That's hardcore brute force, and brute force isn't what the CPU is best at. It works, but as you've seen, the performance is abysmal.
I'd point you in two directions that would massively improve your performance:
Method 1 - Culling. Does every single pixel really need to have its lighting calculated? If you could instead calculate a general "ambient light", then you could paint most of the pixels in that ambient light, and then only calculate the really proper lighting for pixels closest to lights; so lights throw a "spot" effect which fades into the ambient. That way you're only ever performing checks on a few of the pixels of the screen at a time (the circle area around each light). The code you posted just looks like it paints every pixel, I'm not seeing where the "circle" dropoff is even applied.
Instead, sweep through the lights, and just loop through local offsets of the light position.
for(Light l : Lights){
for(int x = l.getX() -LIGHT_DISTANCE, x< l.getX() + LIGHT_DISTANCE, y++){
for(int y = l.getY() - LIGHT_DISTANCE, y < l.getY() + LIGHT_DISTANCE, y++){
//calculate light
int rgb = brightnessBuffer.getRGB(x, y);
//do stuff
You may want to add a check with that method so overlapping lights don't cause a bunch of rechecks, unless you DO want that behavior (ideally those pixels would be twice as bright)
Method 2 - Offhand calculation to the GPU. There's a reason we have graphics cards; they're specifically built to be able to number crunch those situations where you really need brute force. If you can offload this process to the GPU as a shader, then it'll run licketysplit, even if you run it on every pixel several times over. This will require you to learn graphics APIs however, but if you're working in java, LibGDX makes it very painless to render using the GPU and pass off a couple shaders to the GPU.
I am uncertain about the way in which you are going about calculating light values, but I do know that using the BufferedImage.getRGB() and BufferedImage.setRGB() methods is very slow.
I would suggest accessing the pixels of the BufferedImage directly from an array (much faster IMO)
to do this:
BufferedImage lightImage = new BufferedImage(width,height,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Raster r = lightImage.getRaster();
int[] lightPixels = ((DataBufferInt)r.getDataBuffer()).getData();
Now, changing any pixel in this array will show on your image. Note that the values used in this array are color values in the format of whatever format you defined your image with.
In this case it is TYPE_INT_ARGB meaning you will have to include the alpha value in the number when setting the coloar (RRGGBB*AA*)
Since this array is a 1D array, it is more difficult to access pixels using x and y co-ordinates. The following method is an implementation of accessing pixels from the lightPixels array more easily.
public void setLight(int x, int y,int[] array,int width, int value){
array[width*y+x] = value;
*note: width is the width of your level, or the width of the 2D array your level might exist as, if it was a 2D array.
You can also get pixels from the lightPixels array with a similar method, just excluding the value and returning the array[width*y+x].
It is up to you how you use the setLight() and getLight() methods but in the cases that I have encountered, using this method is much faster than using getRGB and setRGB.
Hope this helps

Slick is getting very slow but only drawin rectangles

I am using slick for java since a few days and got a serious problem.
If i run a completely empty apllication (it just shows the fps) with a solution of 800x600 i get a fps count between 700 and 800.
If I now draw an array with 13300 entries as a grid of green and white rectangles, the fps drop to something around 70.
With more entries in the array it becomes really slow.
For example in a solution of 1024x768 and an array with 21760 entries the fps drop to 40.
How i draw a single entry:
public void draw(Graphics graphics){
graphics.setColor(new Color(getColor().getRed(), getColor().getGreen(), getColor().getBlue(), getColor().getAlpha()));
graphics.fillRect(getPosition().x, getPosition().y, getSize().x, getSize().y);
Color_ARGB white = new Color_ARGB(Color_ARGB.ColorNames.WHITE);
graphics.setColor(new Color(white.getRed(), white.getGreen(), white.getBlue(), white.getAlpha()));
And this is how I draw the complete array:
public void draw(Graphics graphics) {
for (int ix = 0; ix < getWidth(); ix++) {
for (int iy = 0; iy < getHeight(); iy++) {
getGameGridAt(ix, iy).draw(graphics);
In my opinion 21760 is not that much.
Is there anything wrong with my code or is slick just too slow to draw so much rectangles?
You only want to draw rectangles that are on the screen. If your screen bounds go from 0 to 1024 in the x direction and from 0 to 768 in the y direction, then you only want to loop through rectangles that are inside those bounds and then only draw those rectangles. I can't imagine you are trying to draw 21760 rectangles inside those bounds.
If you are, then try creating one static rectangle and then just try drawing that ONE in all of the different positions you need to draw it at rather than creating a new one every time. For example, in a game I am making, I might have 1000 tiles that are "grass" tiles, but all 1000 of those share the same static texture. So I only need to reference one image rather than each tile creating its own.
Each rectangle can still have a unique state. Just make your own rectangle class and have a static final Image that holds a 5*5 image. Each rectangle will use this image when it needs to be drawn. You can still have unique properties for each rectangle. For example, private Vector2f position, private boolean isAlive, etc
You're probably not going to be able to draw individual rectangles any faster than that.
Games that render millions of polygons per second do so using vertex buffer objects (VBO). For that, you'll probably need to code against the OpenGL API (LWJGL) itself, not a wrapper.
Not sure if Slick will allow it, but if this thing looks anything like a chessboard grid... you could draw just 4 rectangles, grab them and use the resulting image as a texture for your whole image. I'm not even a java programmer just trying to come up with a solution.
Since you're only repeatedly using just a few colors creating a new Color object for every single one is bound to be slow... use new only once for each different color used and store the re-usable colors somewhere in your class, than call the functions with those, constantly allocating and freeing memory is very slow.
And while this might not be as much a benefit as not using new each time but have you considered caching the results of all those function calls and rewriting code as
public void draw(Graphics graphics) {
int ixmax = getWidth();
int iymax = getHeight();
for (int ix = 0; ix < ixmax; ix++) {
for (int iy = 0; iy < iymax; iy++) {
getGameGridAt(ix, iy).draw(graphics);
Or if you'd prefer not to declare new variables
public void draw(Graphics graphics) {
for (int ix = getWidth() - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {
for (int iy = getHeight() - 1; iy >= 0; iy--) {
getGameGridAt(ix, iy).draw(graphics);
Just noticed in another answer you have an integral size grid (5x5) ... in this case the fastest way to go about this would seem to be to draw each item a single pixel (you can do this directly in memory using a 2-dimensional array) and scale it to 500% or use it as a texture and draw a single rectangle with it the final size you desire ... should be quite fast. Sorry for all the confusion caused by previous answers, you should have said what you're doing more clearly from the start.
If scaling and textures are not available you can still draw in memory using something like this (written in c++, please translate it to java yourself)
for( int x = 0; x < grid.width(); x++ ) {
for( int y = 0; y < grid.height(); y++ ) {
image[x*5][y*5] = grid.color[x][y];
image[x*5][y*5 + 1] = grid.color[x][y];
image[x*5][y*5 + 2] = grid.color[x][y];
image[x*5][y*5 + 3] = grid.color[x][y];
image[x*5][y*5 + 4] = grid.color[x][y];
memcpy(image[x*5+1], image[x*5], grid.height() * sizeof(image[0][0]) );
memcpy(image[x*5+2], image[x*5], grid.height() * sizeof(image[0][0]) );
memcpy(image[x*5+3], image[x*5], grid.height() * sizeof(image[0][0]) );
memcpy(image[x*5+4], image[x*5], grid.height() * sizeof(image[0][0]) );
I'm not sure, but perhaps for graphics the x and y might be represented in the reversed order than used here, so change the code accordingly if it that's the case (you'll figure that out as soon as a few iterations run), also your data is probably structured a bit differently but I think the idea should be clear.

Opacity in images with Processing

Very simple thing I'm trying to do here. I would like to have 2 images on top of one another. When i use my mouse event dragged and clicked on the top image, the area of the top level image selected will fade and make the lower image visible.
The way I see it, there are 2 ways I can do this:
I can make the top image Transparent over time (within the selected area)
I can delete the pixels individually in a spray can style fashion. Think the spray can tool from MS paint back in the day.
Heres some very basic code that i started which just lays the images on top of eachother
PImage sand;
PImage fossil;
void setup()
fossil = loadImage("foss.jpg");
sand = loadImage("sand.jpeg");
void draw()
image(fossil, 0, 0, width,height);
image(sand, 0, 0, width,height);
if (mousePressed) {
tint(255,127); //the opacity function
} else {
So has anyone any comments on these 2 ways of creating opacity or perhaps there an easier way I've overlooked?
Perhaps I wasn't clear in my Spec as the 2 comments below are asking for clarification.
In its simplest terms, I have 2 images on top of each other. I would like to be able to make some modification to the top level image which would make the bottom image visible. However I need to make this modification to only part of the top level image.
I would like to know which is the better option. To make part of the top image become transparent using tint() or to delete the pixels from the top layer.
Then I will proceed with that approach. Any indication as to how to do it is also appreciated.
I hope this clears up any confusion.
If you simply want to crossfade between images, it can be with tint() as you code suggest. You were in fact quite close:
PImage sand;
PImage fossil;
void setup()
size(400, 400);
fossil = loadImage("CellNoise.jpg");
sand = loadImage("CellVoronoi.jpg");
void draw()
//tint from 255 to 0 for the top image
image(fossil, 0, 0, width, height);
//tint from 0 to 255 for the bottom image - 'cross fade'
image(sand, 0, 0, width, height);
For the "spray can style " erosion you can simply copy pixels from a source image into the destination image. It's up to you how you loop through pixels (how many, what order, etc.) to get the "spray" like effect you want, but here's a basic example of how to use the copy() function:
PImage sand,fossil;
int side = 40;//size of square 'brush'
void setup()
size(400, 400);
fossil = loadImage("CellNoise.jpg");
sand = loadImage("CellVoronoi.jpg");
void draw()
image(fossil, 0, 0, 400, 400);
if(mousePressed) {
for(int y = 0 ; y < side ; y++){
for(int x = 0; x < side; x++){
//copy pixel from 'bottom' image to the top one
//map sketch dimensions to sand/fossil an dimensions to copy from/to right coords
int srcX = (int)map(mouseX+x,0,width+side,0,sand.width);
int srcY = (int)map(mouseY+y,0,height+side,0,sand.height);
int dstX = (int)map(mouseX+x,0,width+side,0,fossil.width);
int dstY = (int)map(mouseY+y,0,height+side,0,fossil.height);
fossil.set(dstX, dstY, sand.get(srcX,srcY));
Note what I am simply looping to copy a square (40x40 in my case), but you can find other fun ways to loop and get different effects.
Have fun!

Invert bitmap colors

I have the following problem. I have a charting program, and it's design is black, but the charts (that I get from the server as images) are light (it actually uses only 5 colors: red, green, white, black and gray).
To fit with the design inversion does a good job, the only problem is that red and green are inverted also (green -> pink, red -> green).
Is there a way to invert everything except those 2 colors, or a way to repaint those colors after inversion?
And how costly are those operations (since I get the chart updates pretty often)?
Thanks in advance :)
I tried replacing colors with setPixel method in a loop
for(int x = 0 ;x < chart.getWidth();x++) {
for(int y = 0;y < chart.getHeight();y++) {
final int replacement = getColorReplacement(chart.getPixel(x, y));
if(replacement != 0) {
chart.setPixel(x, y, replacement);
Unfortunetely, the method takes too long (~650ms), is there a faster way to do it, and will setPixels() method work faster?
Manipulating a bitmap is much faster if you copy the image data into an int array by calling getPixels only once, and don't call any function inside the loop. Just manipulate the array, then call setPixels at the end.
Something like that:
int length = bitmap.getWidth()*bitmap.getHeight();
int[] array = new int[length];
for (int i=0;i<length;i++){
// If the bitmap is in ARGB_8888 format
if (array[i] == 0xff000000){
array[i] = 0xffffffff;
} else if ...
If you have it available as BufferedImage, you can access its raster and edit it as you please.
WritableRaster raster = my_image.getRaster();
// Edit all the pixels you wanna change in the raster (green -> red, pink -> green)
// for (x,y) in ...
// raster.setPixel(x, y, ...)
OK seen that you're really only using 5 colors it's quite easy.
Regarding performances, I don't know about Android but I can tell you that in Java using setRGB is amazingly slower than getting back the data buffer and writing directly in the int[].
When I write "amazingly slower", to give you an idea, on OS X 10.4 the following code:
for ( int x = 0; x < width; x++ ) {
for ( int y = 0; y < height; y++ ) {
can be 100 times (!) slower than:
for ( int x = 0; x < width; x++ ) {
for ( int y = 0; y < height; y++ ) {
array[y*width+x] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
You read correctly: one hundred time. Measured on a Core 2 Duo / Mac Mini / OS X 10.4.
(of course you need to first get access to the underlying int[] array but hopefully this shouldn't be difficult)
I cannot stress enough that the problem ain't the two for loops: in both cases it's the same unoptimized for loops. So it's really setRGB that is the issue here.
I don't know it works on Android, but you probably should get rid of setRGB if you want something that performs well.
A quick way would be to use AvoidXfermode to repaint just those colors you want changed - you could then switch between any colors you want. You just need to do something like this:
// will change red to green
Paint change1 = new Paint();
change1.setXfermode(new AvoidXfermode(Color.RED, 245, AvoidXfermode.Mode.TARGET));
Canvas c = new Canvas();
c.drawRect(0, 0, width, height, change1);
// rinse, repeat for other colors
You may need to play with the tolerance for the AvoidXfermode, but that should do what you want a lot faster than a per-pixel calculation. Also, make sure your chart image is in ARGB8888 mode. By default, Android tends to work with images in RGB565 mode, which tends to mess up color calculations like you want to use - to be sure, you can make sure your image is both in ARGB8888 mode and mutable by calling Bitmap chart = chartFromServer.copy(Config.ARGB_8888, true); before you setup the Xfermode.
Clarification: to change other colors, you wouldn't have to re-load the images all over again, you would just have to create other Paints with the appropriate colors you want changed like so:
// changes green to red
Paint change1 = new Paint();
change1.setXfermode(new AvoidXfermode(Color.RED, 245, AvoidXfermode.Mode.TARGET));
// changes white to blue
Paint change2 = new Paint();
change2.setXfermode(new AvoidXfermode(Color.WHITE, 245, AvoidXfermode.Mode.TARGET));
// ... other Paints with other changes you want to apply to this image
Canvas c = new Canvas();
c.drawRect(0, 0, width, height, change1);
c.drawRect(0, 0, width, height, change2);
c.drawRect(0, 0, width, height, changeN);
