how to make a service in background that trigger a notification? (Android) - java

I want to create a background service on adroid studio, that listen to changes in the realtime database of firebase and trigger a notification in the app. I know that exist cloud messaging, but that solution can't use data of the RTDB to construct the information that goes in the notification. I know how to make a notification in android, but i dont know how to make a service that trigger that notification even when the application is killed. Can you help me?


Notification in Android Studio y Firebase Database when the app is closed [duplicate]

I am creating an Ionic 2 app with firebase and I need a way to listen to database changes (specifically on child_added) when the app is closed (I.e. in foreground,background and killed)
Basically, I want to use WebRTC to make calls within the app like whatsapp and I am following this post -
However, the only thing that puzzles me is how it will work when the app is closed. Can anyone please help me understand?
It's not possible to actively listen to database changes using the Firebase client SDK in exactly the same way that you can when your app's code is running.
If you want your app to receive information about changes to your database, you can instead use Firebase Cloud Messaging to send your app a notification with a small payload that contains information about the change. When your app receives the notification, it can then make a decision about what to do. There are some limitations with web support, so be sure to read about that.
Also look into Cloud Functions for Firebase to make it easier to write some server side code that can trigger in response to a database change and send a notification when those changes happen.

how to make real time notification in android using retrofit 2

I want to make real-time notification in my android app, but I don't know how to make it real-time and connected to the database
how to make my app can get/access data change from the database every time the database changing even when we didn't open the app
let's say every time admin sending notification, it will send data to database and it has column "read" and it will set to 0 and then user's app will immediately receive notification where the column "read" is 0, and when user opens the notification it will open an activity and change column "read" from database to 1.
You can use either firebase cloud messaging or user background notification service with web socket connection
There are many ways to achieve this type of real-time communication like,
MQTT Protocol.
Firebase Live Database.
Also, you can achieve this feature by sending notification from your admin panel to the user's mobile devices.
A common way is to implement Firebase(FCM) in your application and on your server. You can see how to implement FCM using this Offical documentation help Link

How to keep an activity work on background if I open another activity

I am using Google Voice in my android app, and I am connected the app to Bluetooth module, each time I call the Google Voice, the app try to connect to Bluetooth again, each time Google voice window Popped up, the connection lost, and once the window disappear, and the connection comes back again. So, Is there any way to keep them connected even I call the Google Voice window? Any ideas or help I will be appreciated.
You need to create background service for your problem. If you need persistent connection with your Bluetooth you can use intent service. If you are using android studio then it is very easy to create service. Just make sure you must have all necessary information about services and how to make then persistent in background.
Because of this your application will drain your device battery drastically. Make sure service is closed when application exit or all activities are finished.
See this link for more information
Place the Bluetooth related processing in a Service. Make the service foreground service.
Activity can connect/disconnect from service anytime.

Android WebView with notification on new message

I have messaging php based application where users login and send messages to each other.
I created an android app that is a WebView pointing to that website to give and in-app feeling to my users.
Now I'd like to add a notification feature to the app which will notify users every time they receive a message.
Is it possible to do so with a WebView based application ?
You could send a notification from the php using Google Cloud Messaging every time there is a new message for that user.
Take a look here

How to keep Listening for Push Notifications on Android in the background

I am working on Push Notifications in Android. Now the issue is that I want to keep running my Push Notifications on the back ground as soon as the app start because I have no idea when the server will push the data to the devices.
The main requirement is that our corporate app is having more than 10 activities and based on the notification received, I have to bring the related activity on the foreground so that user can preform action on that or do some silent action in the background regardless the activity is in foreground.
Can somebody suggest how can I implement this type of requirement. Do I need to do it in a Service.
An Android application on an Android device doesn't need to be running to receive messages. The system will wake up the Android application via Intent broadcast when the message arrives, as long as the application is set up with the proper broadcast receiver and permissions.
take look at this;
when message received from gcm server
onMessage(Context context, Intent intent): method of GCMIntentService gets fire,
so you write your code there
take sample example from here
What you're trying to do defeats the purpose of push notifications. In push notifications, the server sends the message through Google APIs. These APIs then send a broadcast message to your app, which you listen for. Continuously keeping the app open in the background and asking the server for new messages is called polling.
Read up on the GCM documentation. Whenever you receive a message, Android will ca the onMessage(); method of your GCMIntentService.
