Our professor tasked us to create a lotto program that will generate 6 random numbers ranging from 1-55 without us using the arrays and loops, we can only use "if else" statements. We also have to put scanner in which the user/better will input his 6 numbers also ranging from 1-55. The user's numbers should win as long as the 6 of the numbers match regardless of arrangements. For example
User: 1,2,3,4,5,6
Random Number:6,3,4,2,1,5
System: You Win!
I created a lotto program but my program requires every numbers to match with regards to their arrangement
User: 1,2,3,4,5,6
System: You Lose
I don't have any idea how to ignore the arrangements. I tried search for a lot of thing in the internet and they mostly use arrays and loops.
public class LottoGame {
public static void main(String... args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Input 6 numbers [1-55] separated with space: ");
NumberSet userNumberSet = new NumberSet();
userNumberSet.a = new AtomicInteger(scan.nextInt());
userNumberSet.b = new AtomicInteger(scan.nextInt());
userNumberSet.c = new AtomicInteger(scan.nextInt());
userNumberSet.d = new AtomicInteger(scan.nextInt());
userNumberSet.e = new AtomicInteger(scan.nextInt());
userNumberSet.f = new AtomicInteger(scan.nextInt());
System.out.format("User: %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", userNumberSet.a.get(), userNumberSet.b.get(),
userNumberSet.c.get(), userNumberSet.d.get(), userNumberSet.e.get(), userNumberSet.f.get());
NumberSet randomNumberSet = getRandomNumberSet();
System.out.format("Randome Number: %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", randomNumberSet.a.get(), randomNumberSet.b.get(),
randomNumberSet.c.get(), randomNumberSet.d.get(), randomNumberSet.e.get(),
boolean win = userNumberSet.a.get() == randomNumberSet.a.get();
win &= userNumberSet.b.get() == randomNumberSet.b.get();
win &= userNumberSet.c.get() == randomNumberSet.c.get();
win &= userNumberSet.d.get() == randomNumberSet.d.get();
win &= userNumberSet.e.get() == randomNumberSet.e.get();
win &= userNumberSet.f.get() == randomNumberSet.f.get();
System.out.println("System: " + (win ? "You Win!" : "You Lose"));
private static NumberSet getRandomNumberSet() {
Random random = new Random();
NumberSet numberSet = new NumberSet();
numberSet.a = new AtomicInteger(random.nextInt(55) + 1);
numberSet.b = new AtomicInteger(random.nextInt(55) + 1);
numberSet.c = new AtomicInteger(random.nextInt(55) + 1);
numberSet.d = new AtomicInteger(random.nextInt(55) + 1);
numberSet.e = new AtomicInteger(random.nextInt(55) + 1);
numberSet.f = new AtomicInteger(random.nextInt(55) + 1);
return numberSet;
private static final class NumberSet {
private AtomicInteger a;
private AtomicInteger b;
private AtomicInteger c;
private AtomicInteger d;
private AtomicInteger e;
private AtomicInteger f;
public void sort() {
sort(a, b);
sort(b, c);
sort(c, d);
sort(d, e);
sort(e, f);
private void sort(AtomicInteger one, AtomicInteger two) {
if (one.get() > two.get()) {
int tmp = one.get();
if (two == b) {
sort(one, c);
} else if (two == c) {
sort(one, d);
} else if (two == d) {
sort(one, e);
} else if (two == e) {
sort(one, f);
P.S. I think you are able to update a bit this snippte to check that NumberSet contains only unique numbers.
I'm new to Java, and i'm trying to create an automatic working shift schedule.
I want the code to mix four different employees to handle a morning shift and afternoon shift every work day.
I have made some code that just pick a random employee into a shift:
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
public class CreateNewShift {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int startWeek = 30; //Which week would start from?
int endWeek = 32; //which week will you end on?
generateShift(startWeek, endWeek);
private static void generateShift(int startWeek, int endWeek) {
String Employees[] = {"Employee1", "Employee2", "Employee3", "Employee4"};
String morningShift;
String afternoonShift;
for (int x = 0; x <= (endWeek - startWeek); x++) { //This is counting the number of weeks
System.out.println("\nWeek: " + (startWeek+x));
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { //this is finding the next working shift day
morningShift = p.chooseRandomEmployee(Employees);
afternoonShift = p.chooseRandomEmployee(Employees);
if (i == 1) {
System.out.println("Mon: " + morningShift + " + " + afternoonShift);
else if (i == 2) {
System.out.println("Tue: " + morningShift + " + " + afternoonShift);
else if (i == 3) {
System.out.println("Wed: " + morningShift + " + " + afternoonShift);
else if (i == 4) {
System.out.println("Thu: " + morningShift + " + " + afternoonShift);
else {
System.out.println("Fri: " + morningShift + " + " + afternoonShift);
public class Employee {
public String chooseRandomEmployee(String[] Employees) {
Random r = new Random();
int randomNumber = r.nextInt(Employees.length);
return Employees[randomNumber];
However, I now want the code to handle more restictions.
So i'm currently trying to add the option for the employees to choose some specific days that they dont want to have a shift. I have done this by adding this code to the Employee class:
public class Employee {
boolean monShift = true;
boolean tueShift = true;
boolean wedShift = true;
boolean thuShift = true;
boolean friShift = true;
public String chooseRandomEmployee(String[] Employees) {
Random r = new Random();
int randomNumber = r.nextInt(Employees.length);
return Employees[randomNumber];
And then i had tried to create new objects in my main class:
private static void generateShift(int startWeek, int endWeek) {
Employee Employee1 = new Employee("Employee1");
Employee Employee2 = new Employee("Employee2");
Employee Employee3 = new Employee("Employee3");
Employee Employee4 = new Employee("Employee4");
String Employees[] = {"Employee1", "Employee2", "Employee3", "Employee4"};
String morningShift;
String afternoonShift;
How can I improve my code in the Employee class to do a check if the random chosen employee have
monShift = true;
I have tried something like this, but i know it will not work, (and does not work either):
import java.util.Random;
public class Employee {
public String chooseRandomEmployee(String[] Employees) {
Random r = new Random();
int randomNumber = r.nextInt(Employees.length);
**if (("Employee" + randomNumber).monShift == false) {**
// Go back and try find a new random employee
else {
return Employees[randomNumber];
So i need a way to make my code dynamic to know which object (employee) it has to check if they are available that specific day or not.
Feel free to ask for a deepening if my question is not clear.
Since this i my first question on this forum, I also appriciate feedback if my question and thoughts are too long, or any other comments.
I dont think that putting the chooseRandomEmployee() function inside the Employee object is a good idea beacuse is not a part of the employee, is not an "action" of it. I think you shiudl put it outside but I want to respect your decision so shoudl check the do while loop.
import java.util.Random;
public class Employee {
public String chooseRandomEmployee(String[] Employees) {
int randomNumber;
do {
//Generate a new random number
Random r = new Random();
randomNumber = r.nextInt(Employees.length);
//The line under is the same that saying "If monSift == false return to
//the beginning and start again generating a new number"
} while ("Employee" + randomNumber).monShift == false);
return Employees[randomNumber];
We define balanced number as number which has the same number of even and odd dividers e.g (2 and 6 are balanced numbers). I tried to do task for polish SPOJ however I always exceed time.
The task is to find the smallest balance number bigger than given on input.
There is example input:
2 (amount of data set)
and output should be:
This is my code:
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
private static final BigDecimal TWO = new BigDecimal("2");
public static void main(String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception {
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
int numberOfAttempts = in.nextInt();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAttempts; i++) {
BigDecimal fromNumber = in.nextBigDecimal();
private static boolean isEven(BigDecimal number){
if(number.remainder(new BigDecimal("2")).compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0){
return false;
return true;
private static void findBalancedNumber(BigDecimal fromNumber) {
BigDecimal potentialBalancedNumber = fromNumber.add(BigDecimal.ONE);
while (true) {
int evenDivider = 0;
int oddDivider = 1; //to not start from 1 as divisor, it's always odd and divide potentialBalancedNumber so can start checking divisors from 2
if (isEven(potentialBalancedNumber)) {
evenDivider = 1;
} else {
for (BigDecimal divider = TWO; (divider.compareTo(potentialBalancedNumber.divide(TWO)) == -1 || divider.compareTo(potentialBalancedNumber.divide(TWO)) == 0); divider = divider.add(BigDecimal.ONE)) {
boolean isDivisor = potentialBalancedNumber.remainder(divider).compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0;
boolean isEven = divider.remainder(new BigDecimal("2")).compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0;
boolean isOdd = divider.remainder(new BigDecimal("2")).compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0;
if (isDivisor && isEven) {
} else if (isDivisor && isOdd) {
if (oddDivider == evenDivider) { //found balanced number
potentialBalancedNumber = potentialBalancedNumber.add(BigDecimal.ONE);
It seems to work fine but is too slow. Can you please help to find way to optimize it, am I missing something?
As #MarkDickinson suggested, answer is:
private static void findBalancedNumberOptimized(BigDecimal fromNumber) { //2,6,10,14,18,22,26...
if(fromNumber.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0){
else {
BigDecimal result = fromNumber.divide(new BigDecimal("4")).setScale(0, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).add(BigDecimal.ONE);
result = (TWO.multiply(result).subtract(BigDecimal.ONE)).multiply(TWO); //2(2n-1)
and it's finally green, thanks Mark!
This is a probable answer of my question in stack overflow.Integer to word conversion
At first I have started with dictionary. Then I came to know it is obsolete. So now I use Map instead of dictionary. My code is work well for number till Millions. But the approach I take here is a naive approach. The main problem of this code is
First: Huge numbers of variable use
2nd: Redundant code block as per program requirement
3rd: Multiple if else statement
I am thinking about this problems
Solution for 2nd problem: using user define function or macros to eliminate redundant code block
Solution for 3rd problem: Using switch case
My code:
public class IntegerEnglish {
public static void main(String args[]){
Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter the integer");
int input_number=in.nextInt();
Map<Integer,String> numbers_converter = new HashMap<Integer,String>();
Map<Integer,String> number_place = new HashMap<Integer,String>();
Map<Integer,String> number_2nd = new HashMap<Integer,String>();
numbers_converter.put(14,"Fourteen ");
if(input_number== 0){
else if(input_number>0 && input_number<19){
else if(input_number>19 && input_number<100){
int rem=input_number%10;
else if(input_number==100){
else if(input_number>100 && input_number<1000){
int reminder=input_number%100;
int r1=reminder%10;
int q1=reminder/10;
int quot=input_number/100;
System.out.print(numbers_converter.get(quot) + "hundred");
if(reminder>0 && reminder<20){
System.out.println(number_2nd.get(q1) + numbers_converter.get(r1));
else if(input_number==1000){
else if(input_number>1000 && input_number<10000){
int rem=input_number%100;
int rem_two=rem%10;
int quotient =rem/10;
int thousand=input_number/10;
int hundred = input_number%10;
System.out.print(numbers_converter.get(thousand) + "thousand" + numbers_converter.get(hundred)+ " hundred");
if(rem >0 && rem<20){
else if(rem >19 && rem <100){
System.out.print(number_2nd.get(quotient) + numbers_converter.get(rem_two));
else if(input_number>10000 && input_number<1000000000){
//Say number 418,229,356
int third_part=input_number%1000;//hold 356
input_number=input_number/1000;//hold 418,229
int sec_part=input_number%1000;//hold 229
input_number=input_number/1000;// hold 418
int rem_m=third_part%100;//hold 56
int rem_m1=rem_m%10;//hold 6
int rem_q=rem_m/10;// hold 5
int q_m=third_part/100;// hold 3
int sec_part_rem=sec_part%100;// hold 29
int sec_part_rem1=sec_part_rem%10;//9
int sec_part_q=sec_part_rem/10;//hold 2
int sec_q=sec_part/100;// hold 2
int input_q=input_number/100;// hold 4
int input_rem=input_number%100;//hold 18
int input_q_q=input_rem/10;//hold 1
int input_rem1=input_rem%10;// hold 8
System.out.print(numbers_converter.get(input_q) + " hundred ");
if(input_rem>0 && input_rem<20){
System.out.print(numbers_converter.get(input_rem)+ " Million ");
System.out.print(number_2nd.get(input_q_q) + " " + numbers_converter.get(input_rem1) + " Million ");
System.out.print(numbers_converter.get(sec_q) + " hundred ");
if(sec_part_rem >0 && sec_part_rem<20){
System.out.println(numbers_converter.get(sec_part_rem) + " thousand ");
System.out.print(number_2nd.get(sec_part_q) + " " + numbers_converter.get(sec_part_rem1) + " thousand ");
System.out.print(numbers_converter.get(q_m) + " hundred ");
if(rem_m>0 && rem_m<20){
System.out.print(number_2nd.get(rem_q) + " " + numbers_converter.get(rem_m1));
Redundant Code Blocks
int rem=input_number%100;
int rem_two=rem%10;
int quotient =rem/10;
int thousand=input_number/10;
int hundred = input_number%10;
This type of code block used almost every where. Taking a number divide it with 100 or 1000 to find out the hundred position then then divide it with 10 to find out the tenth position of the number. Finally using %(modular division) to find out the ones position.
How could I include user define function and switch case to minimize the code block.
Instead of storing the results in variables, use a method call:
int remainder100(int aNumber) {
return aNumber % 100;
int remainder10(int aNumber) {
return aNumber % 10;
About 3rd problem: I wouldn't use switch ... case, too many cases.
Instead, take advantage that numbering repeats itself every 3 digits. That means the pattern for thousands and millions is the same (and billions, trillions, etc).
To do that, use a loop like this:
ArrayList<String> partialResult = new ArrayList<String>();
int powersOf1000 = 0;
for (int kiloCounter = input_number; kiloCounter > 0; kiloCounter /= 1000) {
partialResult.add(convertThreeDigits(kiloCounter % 1000));
Then you can print out the contents of partialResult in reverse order to get the final number.
I'd suggest you break your single main method down into a couple of classes. And if you haven't already create a few unit tests to allow you to easily test / refactor things. You'll find it quicker than starting the app and reading from stdin.
You'll find it easier to deal with the number as a string. Rather than dividing by 10 all the time you just take the last character of the string. You could have a class that does that bit for you, and a separate one that does the convert.
Here's what I came up with, but I'm sure it can be improved. It has a PoppableNumber class which allows the last character of the initial number to be easily retrieved. And the NumberToString class which has a static convert method to perform the conversion.
An example of a test would be
public void Convert102356Test() {
assertEquals("one hundred and two thousand three hundred and fifty six", NumberToString.convert(102356));
And here's the NumberToString class :
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class NumberToString {
// billion is enough for an int, obviously need more for long
private static String[] power3 = new String[] {"", "thousand", "million", "billion"};
private static Map<String,String> numbers_below_twenty = new HashMap<String,String>();
private static Map<String,String> number_tens = new HashMap<String,String>();
static {
numbers_below_twenty.put("14","fourteen ");
public static String convert(int value) {
if (value == 0) {
return "zero";
PoppableNumber number = new PoppableNumber(value);
String result = "";
int power3Count = 0;
while (number.hasMore()) {
String nextPart = convertUnitTenHundred(number.pop(), number.pop(), number.pop());
nextPart = join(nextPart, " ", power3[power3Count++], true);
result = join(nextPart, " ", result);
if (number.isNegative()) {
result = join("minus", " ", result);
return result;
public static String convertUnitTenHundred(String units, String tens, String hundreds) {
String tens_and_units_part = "";
if (numbers_below_twenty.containsKey(tens+units)) {
tens_and_units_part = numbers_below_twenty.get(tens+units);
else {
tens_and_units_part = join(number_tens.get(tens), " ", numbers_below_twenty.get(units));
String hundred_part = join(numbers_below_twenty.get(hundreds), " ", "hundred", true);
return join(hundred_part, " and ", tens_and_units_part);
public static String join(String part1, String sep, String part2) {
return join(part1, sep, part2, false);
public static String join(String part1, String sep, String part2, boolean part1Required) {
if (part1 == null || part1.length() == 0) {
return (part1Required) ? "" : part2;
if (part2.length() == 0) {
return part1;
return part1 + sep + part2;
* Convert an int to a string, and allow the last character to be taken off the string using pop() method.
* e.g.
* 1432
* Will give 2, then 3, then 4, and finally 1 on subsequent calls to pop().
* If there is nothing left, pop() will just return an empty string.
static class PoppableNumber {
private int original;
private String number;
private int start;
private int next;
PoppableNumber(int value) {
this.original = value;
this.number = String.valueOf(value);
this.next = number.length();
this.start = (value < 0) ? 1 : 0; // allow for minus sign.
boolean isNegative() {
return (original < 0);
boolean hasMore() {
return (next > start);
String pop() {
return hasMore() ? number.substring(--next, next+1) : "";
I am creating a program in Java to simulate evolution. The way I have it set up, each generation is composed of an array of Organism objects. Each of these arrays is an element in the ArrayList orgGenerations. Each generation, of which there could be any amount before all animals die, can have any amount of Organism objects.
For some reason, in my main loop when the generations are going by, I can have this code without errors, where allOrgs is the Organism array of the current generation and generationNumber is the number generations since the first.
printOrgs is a method to display an Organism array, where speed and strength are Organism Field variables:
public void printOrgs(Organism[] list)
for (int x=0; x<list.length; x++)
System.out.println ("For organism number: " + x + ", speed is: " + list[x].speed + ", and strength is " + list[x].strength + ".");
Later on, after this loop, when I am trying to retrieve the data to display, I call this very similar code:
This, and every other array in orgGenerations, return a null pointer exception on the print line of the for loop. Why are the Organism objects loosing their values?
Alright, here is all of the code from my main Simulation class. I admit, it might be sort of a mess. The parts that matter are the start and simulator methods. The battle ones are not really applicable to this problem. I think.
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Simulator {
//variables for general keeping track
static Organism[] allOrgs;
static ArrayList<Organism[]> orgGenerations = new ArrayList <Organism[]>();
ArrayList<Integer> battleList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int deathCount;
boolean done;
boolean runOnce;
done = false;
Scanner asker = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Input number of organisms for the simulation: ");
int numOfOrgs = asker.nextInt();
Organism[] orgArray = new Organism[numOfOrgs];
for (int i=0; i<numOfOrgs; i++)
orgArray[i] = new Organism();
allOrgs = orgArray;
public void graphOrgs() throws InterruptedException
JFrame f = new JFrame("Evolution");
Drawer bars = new Drawer();
for (int iterator=0;iterator<(orgGenerations.size()-1); iterator++)
//The 0 can be any number, no matter what I do it wont work
bars.data = orgGenerations.get(iterator);
//prints all Orgs and their statistics
public void printOrgs(Organism[] list)
System.out.println("Number Of Organisms: " + list.length);
for (int x=0; x<list.length; x++)
System.out.println ("For organism number: " + x + ", speed is: " + list[x].speed + ", and strength is " + list[x].strength + ".");
//general loop for the organisms lives
public void start(int reproductionTime) throws InterruptedException
int generationNumber = 0;
deathCount = 0;
for(int j=0; j<reproductionTime; j++)
for(int m=0; m<allOrgs.length; m++)
if (allOrgs[m].alive == true)
if (done == true)
//Checks if they have to fight this year
private void oneYearBattleCheck(int m)
Random chaos = new Random();
int speedMod = chaos.nextInt(((int)Math.ceil(allOrgs[m].speed/5.0))+1);
int speedSign = chaos.nextInt(2);
if (speedSign == 0)
speedMod *= speedSign;
int speed = speedMod + allOrgs[m].speed;
if (speed <= 0)
Random encounter = new Random();
boolean battle = false;
int try1 =(encounter.nextInt(speed));
int try2 =(encounter.nextInt(speed));
int try3 =(encounter.nextInt(speed));
int try4 =(encounter.nextInt(speed));
if (try1 == 0 || try2 == 0 || try3 == 0 || try4 == 0 )
battle = true;
if(battle == true)
//Creates the matches and runs the battle
private void battle()
Random rand = new Random();
if (battleList.size()%2 == 1)
int luckyDuck = rand.nextInt(battleList.size());
for(int k=0; k<(battleList.size()-1);)
int competitor1 = rand.nextInt(battleList.size());
int competitor2 = rand.nextInt(battleList.size());
//Competitor 1 strength
int strengthMod = rand.nextInt(((int)Math.ceil(allOrgs[competitor1].strength/5.0))+1);
int strengthSign = rand.nextInt(2);
if (strengthSign == 0)
strengthMod *= strengthSign;
int comp1Strength = strengthMod + allOrgs[competitor1].strength;
//Competitor 2 strength
strengthMod = rand.nextInt(((int)Math.ceil(allOrgs[competitor2].strength/5.0))+1);
strengthSign = rand.nextInt(2);
if (strengthSign == 0)
strengthMod *= strengthSign;
int comp2Strength = strengthMod + allOrgs[competitor2].strength;
if (comp1Strength>comp2Strength)
allOrgs[competitor1].life ++;
allOrgs[competitor2].life --;
else if (comp2Strength>comp1Strength)
allOrgs[competitor2].life ++;
allOrgs[competitor1].life --;
if (allOrgs[competitor1].life == 0)
allOrgs[competitor1].alive = false;
if (allOrgs[competitor2].life == 0)
allOrgs[competitor2].alive = false;
deathCount ++ ;
//New organisms
private void reproduction()
//System.out.println("Number of deaths: " + deathCount + "\n");
if (deathCount>=(allOrgs.length-2))
done = true;
ArrayList<Organism> tempOrgs = new ArrayList<Organism>();
Random chooser = new Random();
int count = 0;
int partner1 = 0;
int partner2 = 0;
boolean partnerIsAlive = false;
boolean unluckyDuck = false;
//choose partner1
while (partnerIsAlive == false)
partner1 = chooser.nextInt(allOrgs.length);
if (allOrgs[partner1] != null)
if (allOrgs[partner1].alive == true)
partnerIsAlive = true;
//System.out.println("Count 2: " + count);
partnerIsAlive = false;
//choose partner2
while (partnerIsAlive == false)
if (count+deathCount == (allOrgs.length))
partner2 = chooser.nextInt(allOrgs.length);
if (allOrgs[partner2] != null)
if (allOrgs[partner2].alive == true)
partnerIsAlive = true;
if (unluckyDuck == false)
//System.out.println("count 2: " + count);
if (unluckyDuck == false)
int numOfChildren = (chooser.nextInt(4)+1);
for (int d=0; d<numOfChildren; d++)
tempOrgs.add(new Organism(allOrgs[partner1].speed, allOrgs[partner2].speed, allOrgs[partner1].strength, allOrgs[partner2].strength ));
allOrgs[partner1] = null;
allOrgs[partner2] = null;
if (count+deathCount == (allOrgs.length))
Arrays.fill(allOrgs, null);
allOrgs = tempOrgs.toArray(new Organism[tempOrgs.size()-1]);
Main method:
public class Runner {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
Simulator sim = new Simulator();
int lifeSpan = 20;
Organism class:
import java.util.Random;
public class Organism {
static Random traitGenerator = new Random();
int life;
int speed;
int strength;
boolean alive;
speed = (traitGenerator.nextInt(49)+1);
strength = (50-speed);
life = 5;
alive = true;
Organism(int strength1, int strength2, int speed1, int speed2)
Random gen = new Random();
int speedMod = gen.nextInt(((int)Math.ceil((speed1+speed2)/10.0))+1);
int speedSign = gen.nextInt(2);
if (speedSign == 0)
speedMod *= speedSign;
int strengthMod = gen.nextInt(((int)Math.ceil((strength1+strength2)/10.0))+1);
int strengthSign = gen.nextInt(2);
if (strengthSign == 0)
strengthMod *= strengthSign;
strength = (((int)((strength1+strength2)/2.0))+ strengthMod);
speed = (((int)((speed1+speed2)/2.0))+ speedMod);
alive = true;
life = 5;
The problem lies in the graphOrgs class when I try to print to check if it is working in preparation for graphing the results. This is when it returns the error. When I try placing the print code in other places in the Simulator class the same thing occurs, a null pointer error. This happens even if it is just after the for loop where the element has been established.
You have code that sets to null elements in your allOrgs array.
allOrgs[partner1] = null;
allOrgs[partner2] = null;
Your orgGenerations list contains the same allOrgs instance multiple times.
Therefore, when you write allOrgs[partner1] = null, the partner1'th element becomes null in all the list elements of orgGenerations, which is why the print method fails.
You should create a copy of the array (you can use Arrays.copy) each time you add a new generation to the list (and consider also creating copies of the Organism instances, if you want each generation to record the past state of the Organisms and not their final state).
I have a math program that shows random math problems, when you click to see the next answer the next answer appears.
I have added a method which uploads a file called upload.txt
I want my program to run the math problems in this file instead of running the random
math problems if the file exist. If not I want the program to run the current way which is running the random math problems.
My current method for adding the text file is not 100 percent accurate.
I wont to just take the problems written in the file to be added. I got it working just uploading numbers to the command prompt by using code from another thread on StackOverflow.
random math problems class
import java.util.Random;
public class MathProblems {
private static final int MAX_NUMBER = 1000;
private static final Random random = new Random();
private double expected = 0;
private String question = "";
public void run() {
final int a = random.nextInt(MAX_NUMBER);
final int b = random.nextInt(MAX_NUMBER);
final int type = random.nextInt(4);
switch (type) {
case 0:
add(a, b);
case 1:
subtract(a, b);
case 2:
multiply(a, b);
case 3:
divide(a, b);
private void add(final int a, final int b) {
expected = a + b;
askQuestion(a + " + " + b + " = ");
private void subtract(final int a, final int b) {
expected = a - b;
askQuestion(a + " - " + b + " = ");
private void multiply(final int a, final int b) {
expected = a * b;
askQuestion(a + " * " + b + " = ");
private void divide(final int a, final int b) {
expected = (double)a / b;
askQuestion(a + " / " + b + " = ");
private void askQuestion(final String question) {
this.question = question;
public String getQuestion() {
return question;
public String toString(){
return Double.toString(expected);
Driver Class
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Driver extends MathProblems {
MathProblems problems = new MathProblems();
Scanner textfile;
String s = "Welcome Students!";
String b = "Start!";
private JFrame f;
private JPanel p;
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
JButton b1 = new JButton(b);
JLabel jl = new JLabel(s);
int i;
private int clicked;
public Driver() {
public void gui() {
f = new JFrame("Flash Card Program");
p = new JPanel();
f.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));
p.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));
// pack the frame for better cross platform support
// Make it visible
f.setSize(500, 400); // default size is 0,0
b1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (b1.getText().equals("Click For Answer")) {
b = "Next Question";
} else {
b = "Click For Answer";
b1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (clicked++ == 10) {
Object[] options = { "No, thanks", "Yes, please" };
int response = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(frame,
"Would you like more math questions? ",
"Math Questions", JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION,
JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options,
if (response == 1)
clicked = 0; // reset
static void filereader(Scanner textfile) {
int i = 0;
int sum = 0;
while(i <= 19)
int nextInt = textfile.nextInt();
sum = sum + nextInt;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new Driver();
Scanner textfile = null;
try {
textfile = new Scanner(new File("upload.txt"));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
.txt file
1 + 1
2 + 2
3 + 3
4 + 4
5 + 5
6 + 6
7 + 7
8 + 8
9 + 9
10 + 10
You need to define a global vector of question values for each of a and b. A nicer way to do this is to define a class called "OneProblem" which has members for a, b, and op. You create a single 'Vector<OneProblem>' and as you read the file you create a OneProblem object for each line of the source. Then, at run time you either pick a random math problem, or loop through all the OneProblem objects, or you generate a completely random OneProblem from the random number generator. Something like:
class OneProblem {
public int a = 0;
public int b = 0;
public int op = 0;
public OneProblem(int _a, int _op, int _b) {
a =_a;
b = _b;
op = _op;
class MathProblems {
Vector<OneProblem> problems = new Vector<OneProblem>();
//...lot of your other code here as well....
workQuestion(OneProblem problem) {
switch (problem.op) {
case 0:
add(problem.a, problem.b);
case 1:
subtract(problem.a, problem.b);
case 2:
multiply(problem.a, problem.b);
case 3:
divide(problem.a, problem.b);
You file reader needs to read each line and parse the first and second values out of the line, as well as (I presume) the operand between them. Read the line, and search for the operand, and separate the integer before and the integer after. Then as you read each line, construct an instance of OneProblem to match each line. Now you are set to run.
When presenting the math questions, you loop through the values from i=0 to i<problems.size(). If there was no file read, those vectors will have no entries and so it will fall through. After you finish the vectors, or if the vectors are empty, present math questions with random values.
if (problems.size()>0) {
for (int i=0; i<problems.size(); i++) {
OneProblem selProblem = problems.get(i);
else {
workQuestion(new OneProblem({{random a}}, {{random op}}, {{random b}}));
Fill in the appropriate method for 'askQuestion'. This is represented above as a loop, but maybe you want to pick a random one of the test values for presentation? Then pick a reasonable random value for i in that range, and get the problem out of the vectors.
In your filereader method, you have this line, in a loop:
int nextInt = textfile.nextInt();
But the sample text that you show contains '+' characters between your numbers, and I see no code present to take that into account.
To fix, you can either define '+' as a delimiter on your Scanner object, or make sure your loop reads it as a string.