I'd like to update my JavaFX+Swing desktop application's build process to cross-compile installer-free native binaries for Linux, MacOS, Windows, and JVM targets. The project uses Warp-Packer and BellSoft's FULL version of Liberica OpenJDK 19 to generate a self-extracting, self-running executable for Windows and Linux. In effect, end users can start using the application as follows:
Download the binary.
Run the binary.
I'd like to switch from Warp-Packer to GraalVM for various technical reasons.
I've tried creating a binary using BellSoft's Native Image Kit, Oracle's GraalVM, and Gluon's GraalVM without success.
The build environment:
$ java -version
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.0.1+11, mixed mode, sharing)
$ gradle --version
Gradle 7.6-rc-1
$ uname -a
Linux hostname 6.0.1-arch2-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 13 Oct 2022 18:58:49 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Links to the exact versions of OpenJDK and Gradle being used:
The GraalVMs:
BellSoft's Native Image Kit:
Oracle's GraalVM:
Gluon's GraalVM:
Note that the application's build.gradle file targets JDK 17:
java {
sourceCompatibility = VERSION_17
targetCompatibility = VERSION_17
Further, the application targets JavaFX 19, which could be a problem:
javafx {
version = '19'
modules = ['javafx.controls', 'javafx.swing']
configuration = 'compileOnly'
This section provides the complete steps to reproduce the problems I've encountered with each GraalVM implementation.
Native Image Kit
NIK fails due to a bug:
cd /tmp
mkdir nik
cd nik
tar xf ../bell*gz
grep -n InteropFactoryN graal/substratevm/src/
This shows:
243: "com.sun.javafx.embed.swing.newimpl.InteropFactoryN",
In full context:
static void registerSwing(DuringAnalysisAccess access) {
If any reflected class doesn't exist, NIK terminates with an error. For example:
Fatal error: org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError:$HostedError: class com.sun.javafx.embed.swing.newimpl.InteropFactoryN not found
The InteropFactoryN class was removed sometime between javafx-swing 11.0.2 and 12.0.2:
Verified using:
$ jar -tvf javafx-swing-12.0.2-sources.jar | grep FactoryN
$ jar -tvf javafx-swing-17.0.2-sources.jar | grep FactoryN
$ jar -tvf javafx-swing-11.0.2-sources.jar | grep FactoryN
2166 Wed Jan 16 10:19:04 PST 2019 com/sun/javafx/embed/swing/newimpl/
NIK is built upon OpenJDK 17, and the above confirms that the class was removed and not re-instated. Complete instructions to replicate the bug (Java and Gradle must be installed and available via the PATH):
cd /tmp
git clone
cd keenwrite
gradle jar
mkdir -p src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image
wget ""
tar xf *gz
rm *gz
mv bell* nik
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(pwd)/nik/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
# Run the app and use many options.
java \
-agentlib:native-image-agent=config-output-dir=src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image \
--add-opens=javafx.controls/javafx.scene.control=ALL-UNNAMED \
--add-opens=javafx.controls/ \ \ \ \
--add-exports=javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.event=ALL-UNNAMED \ \ \ \ \ \ \
-jar build/libs/keenwrite.jar $#
# Exit the app when most of the features have been exercised.
# Fails due to missing reflective class, InteropFactoryN.
./nik/bin/native-image \
--add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.swing \
--verbose \
-H:+ReportExceptionStackTraces \
--no-fallback \
--report-unsupported-elements-at-runtime \
-Djava.awt.headless=false \
-cp src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image \
-jar build/libs/keenwrite.jar
Gluon fails because the JavaFX modules cannot be found. Here are the build instructions:
cd /tmp
git clone
cd keenwrite
gradle clean jar
mkdir -p src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image
wget ""
tar xf *gz
rm *gz
mv graalvm* graalvm
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(pwd)/graalvm/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
java \
-agentlib:native-image-agent=config-output-dir=src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image \
--add-opens=javafx.controls/javafx.scene.control=ALL-UNNAMED \
--add-opens=javafx.controls/ \ \ \ \
--add-exports=javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.event=ALL-UNNAMED \ \ \ \ \ \ \
-jar build/libs/keenwrite.jar $#
./graalvm/bin/native-image \
--verbose \
-H:+ReportExceptionStackTraces \
--no-fallback \
--report-unsupported-elements-at-runtime \
-Djava.awt.headless=false \
-cp src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image \
-jar build/libs/keenwrite.jar
This fails because GraalVM cannot find JavaFX and Swing. I tried a variety of ways to instruct native-image where to find the JavaFX modules, including:
--module-path /opt/jdk/jmods/ --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.swing
I've also downloaded both the JavaFX 19 SDK and the JavaFX 19 jmods and tried using them, such as:
--module-path $(pwd)/javafx-sdk-19 --add-modules=...
--module-path $(pwd)/javafx-jmods-19 --add-modules=...
Neither of those approaches worked.
Using the regular GraalVM failed well before any JavaFX issues would be encountered:
cd /tmp
git clone
cd keenwrite
gradle jar
tar xf graalvm*
rm *gz
mv graalvm* graalvm
./graalvm/bin/gu install native-image
./graalvm/bin/native-image \
--verbose \
-H:+ReportExceptionStackTraces \
--no-fallback \
--report-unsupported-elements-at-runtime \
-Djava.awt.headless=false \
-jar build/libs/keenwrite.jar
This results in the following error:
Fatal error: java.lang.RuntimeException: There was an error linking the native image: Linker command exited with 1
I think the error is caused by:
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/keenwrite/graalvm/lib/static/linux-amd64/glibc/libawt.a(awt_LoadLibrary.o):(.bss.jvm+0x0): multiple definition of `jvm'; /tmp/keenwrite/graalvm/lib/static/linux-amd64/glibc/libawt_xawt.a(XlibWrapper.o):(.bss.jvm+0x0): first defined here
The full log is at:
Supplementary build process details are described on my blog.
How do you cross-compile a JavaFX+Swing application using GraalVM to create a native Linux executable on Linux? More specifically, what steps do I need to run to build a native binary for my application using GraalVM?
For some reason StackOverflow didn't update the bounty text. Here's the criteria for awarding:
The answer must provide the exact and complete set of commands to run that will produce a native executable on Linux. Further, the binary must be able to open and render an R Markdown file in the GUI as well as export the file to a PDF. That is, no functionality is lost. The resources and resource bundles don't have to work, but it'd be great if they did.
The dockerfile is:
FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:x86_64-alpine-jdk-11.0.6_10
RUN apk update && apk upgrade
# install base modules, python, node.js (java comes with)
RUN apk add --update-cache \
bash \
ttf-dejavu \
python3==3.7.7 \
build-base \
nodejs \
npm \
git \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
And this gives me en error:
ERROR: unable to select packages:
breaks: world[python3=3.7.7]
Any ideas?
It seems like the error is in defining the specific version of python3.
You can set specific versions like this:
# Both are equal
apk add package=1.2.3-suffix
apk add 'package<1.2.3-suffix'
See Alpine Linux most likely no longer has the package for 3.7.7 that you are asking for
I am trying to run jmeter through docker and I am getting a class not found exception.
The maven dependency is there and I am able to run it locally with command line.
Here is the exception I am getting:
2021-02-13 17:48:35,315 ERROR o.a.j.JMeter: Uncaught exception in thread Thread[Thread Group 1-2,5,main]
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain
at Utils.TestParameters.<init>( ~[Performance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at InitTest.InitTest( ~[Performance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at InitTest.runTest( ~[Performance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:?] at ~[ApacheJMeter_java.jar:5.4.1] at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.doSampling( ~[Performance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:?] at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.executeSamplePackage( ~[Performance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:?] at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.processSampler( ~[Performance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:?] at ~[Performance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at [?:1.8.0_282]
As I said, I am able to run this locally but for the sake of this ticket, I am including
the above dependency that is in the projects pom.xml:
My dockerfile includes the following command which copies my jar to the lib location (this jar includes the above dependency):
COPY Performance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /opt/apache-jmeter-5.4.1/lib/Performance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
I am new to docker so apologies if I am missing something basic here.
Here is my dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:latest
# setup jmeter version to use
ENV JMETER_HOME /opt/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}
# Install Everything.
sed -i -e 's/# \(.*multiverse$\)/\1/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y build-essential && \
apt-get install -y software-properties-common && \
apt-get install -y byobu openjdk-8-jre curl git htop man unzip vim wget python3-pip && \
mkdir -p /tmp/dependencies && \
curl -L --silent ${JMETER_DOWNLOAD_URL} > /tmp/dependencies/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}.tgz && \
mkdir -p /opt && \
tar -xzf /tmp/dependencies/apache-jmeter-${JMETER_VERSION}.tgz -C /opt && \
rm -rf /tmp/dependencies && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Install jmeter lib and dependency jars
RUN curl -L --silent ${JMETER_PLUGINS_DOWNLOAD_URL}/jmeter-plugins-manager/${JMETER_PLUGINS_MANAGER_VERSION}/jmeter-plugins-manager-${JMETER_PLUGINS_MANAGER_VERSION}.jar -o ${JMETER_PLUGINS_FOLDER}/jmeter-plugins-manager-${JMETER_PLUGINS_MANAGER_VERSION}.jar
RUN curl -L --silent ${JMETER_PLUGINS_DOWNLOAD_URL}/cmdrunner/${CMDRUNNER_VERSION}/cmdrunner-${CMDRUNNER_VERSION}.jar -o ${JMETER_HOME}/lib/cmdrunner-${CMDRUNNER_VERSION}.jar && \
java -cp ${JMETER_PLUGINS_FOLDER}/jmeter-plugins-manager-${JMETER_PLUGINS_MANAGER_VERSION}.jar org.jmeterplugins.repository.PluginManagerCMDInstaller && \ install jpgc-cmd=2.2,jpgc-dummy=0.4,jpgc-filterresults=2.2,jpgc-synthesis=2.2,jpgc-graphs-basic=2.0 \
&& jmeter --version \
&& status \
RUN ln -nsf /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip
RUN ln -nfs /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
RUN pip3 install awscli && pip3 install xmltodict
# sheel script has script to convert JTL to CSV
COPY performance.jmx /performance.jmx
COPY Performance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /opt/apache-jmeter-5.4.1/lib/Performance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
# Set environment variables.
ENV HOME /root
# Final cleanup
RUN apt-get --purge autoremove
RUN ["chmod", "+x", "/"]
# Define working directory.
Here is how I start jmeter:
echo "START Running Jmeter on `date`"
JVM_ARGS="-Xms2048m -Xmx8192m" jmeter -n -t /performance.jmx -l /jmeter.jtl 2>&1
java -jar /opt/apache-jmeter-5.4.1/lib/cmdrunner-2.2.jar --tool Reporter --plugin-type AggregateReport --input-jtl /jmeter.jtl --generate-csv /results/results.csv 2>&1
cat /results/results.csv
echo "END Running Jmeter on `date`"
I haven't worked with Docker much, but my suspicion is that the Apache Commons Logging JAR is somehow missing or not on the classpath.
The error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class <SomeClassName> doesn't mean that the class SomeClassName couldn't be found. It means that the JVM found the class but encountered an error performing static initialization. Furthermore, this exception is only thrown if there has already been a previous failure to perform static initialization on this class. You may or may not see a different error earlier on in your logs.
Static initialization of the class DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain consists of creating an INSTANCE field using instances of various classes that appear to be in the same package. Of these, EC2ContainerCredentialsProviderWrapper uses an Apache Commons Logging logger, but all the rest seem to only use built-in Java classes or classes in packages under com.amazonaws.
Static initialization for the superclass AWSCredentialsProviderChain also needs to take place, and that also includes a logger from Apache Commons Logging.
Your "dependency" declaration doesn't necessarily mean that your Performance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar will contain aws-java-sdk-core-1.11.924.jar (as well as its dependencies)
So I would recommend checking your Performance-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (.jar files are normal .zip archives) and ensure that it contains all the dependencies of the AWS Java SDK your test needs and if it doesn't - you will need to amend your pom.xml to build it as a fat (uber) jar
Alternative option is using JMeter Maven Plugin inside your docker file, it will automatically download JMeter, plugins, dependencies, etc. so you won't have to do this manually.
As #luke-woodward suggested, the issue was eventually not with SomeClassName but with the JVM having an issue instantiating it. There was a version mismatch between different dependencies that had to be addressed. My suggestion to anyone who encounters this problem is to look for an underlying reason why SomeClassName cannot be instantiated.
I have a circleci build that uses python:3.6.6-stretch. most of my services uses python, but I also need java10 + maven.
Now it seems impossible to install java10 inside python3 docker.
What is the best approach to have a docker that will support python and java ?
Java 10 is not supported anymore and is removed from most of the PPAs. Do not use it if possible.
But if you still need specifically Java 10 you can take a look how it is installed on top of an Ubuntu image by AdoptOpenJDK project.
Your Dockerfile might look somewhat like this:
FROM python:3.6.6-stretch
RUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends curl \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN set -eux; \
curl -Lso /tmp/openjdk.tar.gz; \
mkdir -p /opt/java/openjdk; \
cd /opt/java/openjdk; \
tar -xf /tmp/openjdk.tar.gz; \
jdir=$(dirname $(dirname $(find /opt/java/openjdk -name javac))); \
mv ${jdir}/* /opt/java/openjdk; \
rm -rf ${jdir} /tmp/openjdk.tar.gz;
ENV JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/openjdk \
Note: I dropped some SHA sum checks in favor of making the command shorter.
So I did some research into public PPAs, and I couldn't find one that has a compilation of open-jdk10 for Debian-stretch. There is one for multiple versions of Ubuntu.
If you want maven + python 3 + java 10 installed I think you have a couple of options.
Find an image with maven + java 10 then install python 3 yourself.
Download and install the JDK by hand and setup the correct variables to add it to your PATH. See
Use an Ubuntu based image like this (, so that you can use this PPA which has distributions of openjdk for 10.
Attempting to install liquibase on Heroku so that we can update our database as part of our NodeJs deployments but running into (I'm guessing) classpath errors.
app structure
- install
- update
Heroku can run a postinstall script where we run the liquibase install
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "./liquibase/install && ./liquibase/update && ./node_modules/bower/bin/bower install && ./node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt bundle --force",
liquibase install script. Downloads the postgresql.jar and the liquibase executable and puts them in the liquibase folder.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
mkdir -p ~/liquibase
tar -zx -C ~/liquibase -f liquibase-3.5.3-bin.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/lib
mv postgresql-42.1.1.jar ~/lib/postgresql.jar
After the install, we attempt to run the liquibase update (./liquibase/update)
liquibase \
--logLevel="info" \
--driver="org.postgresql.Driver" \
--classpath="$~/lib/postgresql.jar" \
--changeLogFile="liquibase.xml" \
--url="jdbc:postgresql://$HOST:$PORT/$DATABASE" \
--username="$USERNAME" \
--password="$PASSWORD" \
But I get the error
liquibase: command not found
That makes me think liquibase isn't on the path
So I do this
export PATH=${PATH}:~/liquibase
Which gives me this error
Error: Could not find or load main class null
Yay for Java :( So no Java or classpath isn't set?
java -v
java version "1.7.0_151"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.6.11) (7u151-2.6.11-0ubuntu1.14.04.1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.151-b01, mixed mode)
echo $JAVA_HOMENothing
which java/usr/bin/java
Maybe I should set $JAVA_HOME=/usr/bin/java
Again, nothing.
At this point, I've got no clue on how to proceed. Any help would be appreciated.
Adding the buildpack helped. Also needed to modify the update script
java -jar $HOME/liquibase/liquibase.jar \
--logLevel="info" \
--driver="org.postgresql.Driver" \
--classpath="$HOME/lib/postgresql.jar" \
--changeLogFile="liquibase.xml" \
--url="jdbc:postgresql://$HOST:$PORT/$DATABASE" \
--username="$USERNAME" \
--password="$PASSWORD" \
and then the postinstall script
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "cd liquibase && ./install && ./update && cd .. && ./node_modules/bower/bin/bower install && ./node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt bundle --force"
First, you'll want to add the JVM buildpack to your app:
$ heroku buildpacks:add -i 1 heroku/jvm
This will install JDK 8 (instead of the default JDK 7), set JAVA_HOME correctly, and even set JDBC_DATABASE_URL (which you can use directly in your --url option).
The message "Error: Could not find or load main class null" suggests that the java command created by the liquibase script (the one you are running) is either malformed, or incomplete. I think this may be due to the option --classpath="$~/lib/postgresql.jar", which looks odd. Or the location of the liquibase.jar relative to the script.
I think you want your classpath option to look like:
If you still have trouble, I would try running the liquibase.jar directly instead of using the script, like:
java -jar liquibase.jar \
--logLevel="info" \
--driver="org.postgresql.Driver" \
--classpath="/app/path/to/classes:/app/lib/postgresql.jar" \
--changeLogFile="liquibase.xml" \
I'm trying to build the java google cloud debugger on Ubuntu 15.10 Server (guest) running on Virtual Box 5.0.14 on Mac OS X El Capitan (host).
I'm following the build instructions from cloud-debug-java
After installing cmake, build-essential, oracle java 8, maven3 etc., I also had to make the following changes to src/agent/Makefile before running ./
Changed the /path/to/java/ to /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/
Added this include: -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/include/linux
So, my INCLUDES declaration looks like this:
-I/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/include \
-I/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/include/linux \
-I. \
-I../codegen \
-Iantlrgen \
After that, the build runs fine but eventually fails when trying to build expression_util.o
g++ -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/include -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/include/linux -I/home/ubuntu-java/Development/google-cloud-debugger/cloud-debug-java/third_party/install/include -I../../third_party/antlr/lib/cpp/v2_7_2/ -I. -I../codegen -Iantlrgen -m64 -std=c++11 -fPIC -Werror -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-deprecated -Wno-ignored-qualifiers -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-array-bounds -g0 -DSTANDALONE_BUILD -DGCP_HUB_CLIENT -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-strict-aliasing -O3 -D NDEBUG -c -o expression_util.o
In file included from
antlrgen/JavaExpressionLexer.hpp:4:54: fatal error: third_party/antlr/lib/cpp/antlr/config.hpp: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Makefile:190: recipe for target 'expression_util.o' failed
make: *** [expression_util.o] Error 1
In the generated JavaExpressionLexer.hpp file, it's trying to #include third_party/antlr/lib/cpp/antlr/config.hpp and fails to find it.
In the project, I do see a config.hpp, but it's under <project-root>/third_party/antlr/lib/cpp/v2_7_2/antlr/.
I'm not sure how to resolve this error.
Are you using script? It should take care of ANTLR and other third party dependencies.
Specifically the build needs to set THIRD_PARTY_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable similarly to