Enable Debug Logs for Couchbase SDK with spring boot - java

I am using Couchbase SDK along with Spring boot 2.6.x version. I am using the spring spring-data-couchbase:jar:4.4.0 which in turn has com.couchbase.client:java-client:jar:3.3.0 dependency. The issue, is when trying to execute cluster.query() methods, I need to see what query is getting executed. I need to enable debug logs. However, I have tried configuring it under properties for logging.level for the package com.couchbase.client to DEBUG level, nothing is showing up. I tried the similar config in log4j.xml as well and no luck either. Does couchbase uses any wierd property or is it not reading the properties specified from either log4j or spring's properties?
You may ask if raw query is passed then why log specifically, but this is required if using parameterised queries and to debug it.
How does one enable logging for couchbase if using plain sdk methods under spring's context ?

Can you enable couchbase specific properties of spring-data and not package within the application?
org.springframework.data.couchbase.repository.query: DEBUG
This should help ! It won't require any external dependency or logging solutions

For the cluster, add ServiceType.QUERY to captureTraffic...
env.ioConfig(it -> it.captureTraffic(ServiceType.QUERY))
and also set the log level for the com.couchbase category to TRACE


AutoInstrumentation of Quarkus Application(java)

I traversed too many articles but didn't find anything about auto-instrumentation of Quarkus application,
Manual Instrumentation for Quarkus application is given below.
adding this implementetion will automatically add all the required dependency for tracing to app.
implementation 'io.quarkus:quarkus-opentelemetry-exporter-otlp'
In application.properties after mentioning required configurations , we will be able to send traces to collector.
quarkus.opentelemetry.tracer.exporter.otlp.headers=Authorization=Bearer my_secret
Please answer me with any autoinstrumentation method where we can use agent to get traces from application without adding any dependency.
The recommended way to use OpenTelemetry on Quarkus is using the extension dependency you mention.
The OpenTelemetry Java Agent would provide some output but there are many context switching situations that will fail with the agent, leading to missing spans.

Enabling Hibernate query logging through Java code

I want to print a particular hibernate query in UAT environment. However, I do not want to enable hibernate logging for all the queries since it will start generating huge logs.
Is there a way I can enable hibernate query logging through java code just before the query I want to print and then disable it immediately? Please note that I am using Spring data Jpa repository.
It depends on the logging library that you use.
I think Spring uses SLF4J and logback so something like the following should work:
LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext)LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
and afterwards set
There is away to do customized logging with help of logback but not sure it will help to log the particular SQL logs.
Use this link -https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/howto.html#howto.logging

Logback file and access spring boot configuration

How can I put into spring boot app properties logback-file.xml and logback-access.xml at the same time? And if I can, logs will write in one file, or in different?
See the available Spring Boot properties.
You will find generic logging.* ones as well as server.tomcat.accesslog.* OR server.jetty.accesslog.* depending on your embedded servlet container.
Core logs will be printed based on logback-spring.xml, and access-logs (logs written whenever someone accesses any of your API's) will be printed based on logback-access.xml.
In application.properties, use logging.* for core/server logs and server.(yourserver).accesslog.* for access logs.

How to remove DEBUG logging from the Amazon EC2 client

I have the following simple code
AmazonEC2 ec2 = AmazonEC2ClientBuilder.standard().withRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1).build();
DescribeInstancesRequest request = new DescribeInstancesRequest();
DescribeInstancesResult response = ec2.describeInstances(request);
While running this code I see the multiline debug output. I show only the beginning below. How to remove this output?
14:03:29.877 [main] DEBUG com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceClient - Internal logging successfully configured to commons logger: true
14:03:38.129 [main] DEBUG com.amazonaws.metrics.AwsSdkMetrics - Admin mbean registered under com.amazonaws.management:type=AwsSdkMetrics
14:03:38.480 [main] DEBUG com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProviderChain - Unable to load credentials from EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider: Unable to load AWS credentials from environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID (or AWS_ACCESS_KEY) and AWS_SECRET_KEY (or AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY))
14:03:38.482 [main] DEBUG com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProviderChain - Unable to load credentials from SystemPropertiesCredentialsProvider: Unable to load AWS credentials from Java system properties (aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey)
14:03:38.580 [main] DEBUG com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProviderChain - Loading credentials from com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider#7fb9f71f
14:03:38.786 [main] DEBUG com.amazonaws.request - Sending Request: POST https://ec2.us-east-1.amazonaws.com / Parameters: ({"Action":["DescribeInstances"],"Version":["2016-11-15"]}Headers: (User-Agent: aws-sdk-java/1.11.135 Mac_OS_X/10.12.6 Java_HotSpot(TM)_64-Bit_Server_VM/25.144-b01/1.8.0_144, amz-sdk-invocation-id: 0a1303b3-16c0-b140-8d9b-b2e22dc685b1, )
14:03:40.160 [main] DEBUG com.amazonaws.auth.AWS4Signer - AWS4 Canonical Request: '"POST /
user-agent:aws-sdk-java/1.11.135 Mac_OS_X/10.12.6 Java_HotSpot(TM)_64-Bit_Server_VM/25.144-b01/1.8.0_144
Log4j Assumption
Under the assumption your application's logging system is configured via a property file like log4j.properties present at the base of your Java classpath, you can reduce verbosity of the loggers by including the line
WARN or ERROR will guarantee you get the least amount of logs for the loggers inside the AWS SDK.
Should you wish to keep a more granular level of logging for a specific component of the AWS SDK, you can always override the level on a restricted scope (i.e. a subpackage of the com.amazonaws), e.g.
Logging frameworks supported by AWS Java SDK
The AWS SDK documentation states "Supported logging systems include the Java Logging Framework and Apache Log4j, among others".
I refer you to Logging AWS SDK for Java Calls for further reference.
Checking which logging framework is used by the test
The Apache Commons logging library referenced from Gradle is an abstraction layer on top of logging libraries which provide actual implementations of loggers. It is not, in itself, the logging implementation used by your test. In the statement you provided, you are using the Java logging framework ( java.util.Logger a.k.a JUL). But is it really the logging implementation your test uses?
A quick check you could do to verify if log4j is on your test's classpath is to add the VM argument -Dlog4j.debug=true and launch your test. If log4j is on your classpath you will see some output from the library printed on the console.
You could also check the runtime classpath of your test, because there may be transitive dependencies (as opposed to direct) to logging libraries, which may not be visible from the list of compile-time dependencies.
One last resort possibility could be to put a breakpoint there and debug to see which logger is used from the SDK itself (this code is called in your test because it is shown in the logs you provided).
I have been using spring boot and use aws client to get some secrets before bootstrap spring boot environment, but all secrets go to debug messages then I tried a lot of methods but this is the one works for me:
LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext)

How do I debug RestTemplate using Logback in Spring Boot?

I've been trying to figure out what I'm missing with my RestTemplate setup (particularly OAuth2RestTemplate) so I want to see the logs for debugging. I found one possible solution for it, but nothing about the operation of the RestTemplate gets shown.
What I've done so far is to replace the default Logback logging mechanism in my Spring Boot app by following the configuration shown here. When I run my Spring Boot application after changing the logging dependencies, all I see on the console is the Spring logo (in ASCII) and nothing else. I've already defined a log4j-spring.properties in src/main/resources with the property defined in the previous link.
What else am I missing here? Do I need to run my Spring Boot app in debug mode? If so, how do I do that? Also, how do I set this up using the default Logback mechanism?
