I have a springboot application with H2 and have tried out some simple api(s) that does CRUD. Now I am trying to move the db to MySQL running in a docker instance.
I have flyway configured with init script under /resources/db.migration package. I am able to connect to database from my intellij. I am able to build and start the application.
However, upon sending a REST request to save a resource, the app throws an exception. And I see java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'task-db.customer' doesn't exist in the application log. But after building the project, I could see the customer table created via Flyway. So the table does exist before starting the application.
I tried rebuilding/invalidating cache and restarting intellij but did not help.The only fly configuration I have used is -flyway:locations: classpath:db/migration. Below is the DDL in the flyway init script.
How can I resolve it? Where should I be looking at? Am I missing something?
Updated the tables to lowercase in the flyway script and entities and that worked.
I am trying to create a simple SpringDataJPA application. I am using H2 database. After annotating the model class with #entity annotation the table is successfully created in H2 DB and the same can be viewed through the h2-console. however to initialise the table i am trying to insert the values from data.sql but while starting the application the error indicates that the table is not being found . Why is the table not being found when I am able to view the ?
Model Class
Console output
Spring Boot 2.5.0 changed the way schema.sql and data.sql are handled.
You have to set
to make your example work.
Please read https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#howto.data-initialization.using-basic-sql-scripts
I'm trying to run a simple H2 Spring project. I've used starter.spring.io to initialize a project with the web, JDBC, JPA, andH2` dependencies. I'm following along with in28minutes Spring Mastercourse.
All I'm trying to do is initialize one table on startup. I do the following in my data.sql:
id integer not null,
name varchar(255) not null,
location varchar(255),
birth_date timestamp,
primary key(id)
My application.properties looks like this:
I haven't touched a single other file in the entire project. Just loaded a project, added those lines, and tried running it. For some reason, my table isn't being created. I've gone through the steps in the tutorial probably 15 times by this point and can't find what I'm doing wrong, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: My JDBC URL is correct, as well as my driver class. I've checked those each time I tried re-running the steps
With your exact dependency setup, and with your schema, I can see the data in the web console.
The predefined Generic H2 (embedded) settings should provide the right values, but you should input the following :
Driver Class : org.h2.Driver
JDBC URL : jdbc:h2:mem:testdb
User Name : sa
Password : <empty>
on the web console login page, as those are the defaults for an embedded h2 database.
If you don't see any issue in the startup log, this is most likely it.
Take note that H2 will not error out if you try to connect to a non-existent database.
e.g. : jdbc:h2:mem:db, jdbc:h2:mem:foobar will not produce any errors and connect to empty databases.
I'm using Dropwizard (1.0.0) and Liquibase to create a database if it's not existing.
Problem here is that I'm using a different Postgres schema (not public). It seems like Liquibase is not able to create this schema before is it? I was expecting Liquibase to generate this schema, but it always throws a "Schema with name xx not found" if I try to build the database.
Even though Liquibase does not have CREATE SCHEMA in its bundled changes/refactorings (and therefore doesn't generate one during a dropwizard db dump), you could still include this as a changeset in your migrations changelog using the sql tag, as follows:
<changeSet author="christian" id="1">
<sql dbms="postgresql" endDelimiter=";">
Note that Liquibase will create it's own tables in the PUBLIC schema, regardless - before applying any changesets:
If you run db migrate --dry-run in dropwizard, you'll see that Liquibase would first execute
before running
Not directly in answer to the question, but posting it for anyone who ran into the error I did, with creating tables in multiple schemas. I was getting an error executing this from maven with the defaultSchemaName configuration.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.liquibase:liquibase-maven-plugin:3.6.2:update (default-cli) on project demo: Error setting up or running Liquibase: ERROR: relation "databasechangelog" already exists [Failed SQL: CREATE TABLE databasechangelog (ID VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, AUTHOR VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, FILENAME VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, DATEEXECUTED TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL, ORDEREXECUTED INTEGER NOT NULL, EXECTYPE VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, MD5SUM VARCHAR(35), DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(255), COMMENTS VARCHAR(255), TAG VARCHAR(255), LIQUIBASE VARCHAR(20), CONTEXTS VARCHAR(255), LABELS VARCHAR(255), DEPLOYMENT_ID VARCHAR(10))] -> [Help 1]
I tried to fix it by adding the following configurations to pom.xml, but that was only a partial solution:
Finally, I got this fixed by adding foo to the end of my connection string also, like this
Liquibase does not have CREATE SCHEMA, you need to manage create schema function by running SQL query.
<changeSet author="liquibase_user" id="1">
Apart from the fact that you are using Dropwizard then the Spring Boot Pre-Liquibase module does what you are asking.
There's a chicken-and-egg problem with Liquibase in the sense that it cannot be used to configure its own prerequisite, for example a schema. This is the problem which Pre-Liquibase solves. It executes some SQL prior to Liquibase itself.
Sometimes you'll want to host multiple instances of an application on the same database host. Then you'll want to separate them by schema. This is but one possible use-case for Pre-Liquibase.
Pre-Liquibase is meant for Spring so it will not work out-of-the-box for your Dropwizard scenario. But feel free to steal ideas.
(full disclosure: I'm the author of Pre-Libuibase)
I'm trying to integrate Amazon RDS with webapp developed in Spring MVC. I'm using Flyway as db migration tool. I'm able to connect to the RDS but the thing is whenever flyway starts the migration, it tries to create schema_version table without firing use database_name query.
And that's where RDS throws error saying "No Database Selected".
I tried setting schema for flyway, flyway.setSchemas("koomi");, but no help, its still giving same error.
So is there any way by which we can make flyway to execute use database_name query before it fires query for schema_version?
Put the database name in the url and you should be ok
When trying unit tests with Spring Security & Hibernate, none of the security entities "user" or "authorities" are being autocreated. What I have done so far is to write an "user" bo that triggers generation of the appropiate table. However, I am stuck with the authorities:
(as advised by http://java.dzone.com/articles/getting-started-spring for postgresql)
CREATE TABLE authorities
username character varying(50) NOT NULL,
authority character varying(50) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT fk_authorities_users FOREIGN KEY (username)
Question: With Hibernate/JPA2, what is the appropiate syntax in order to create a BO representing this query?
Question: Actually, I do not want to create the entry using my own BO. Any better way to make Spring Security or Hibernate create all required tables during test run?
Set the hibernate property hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto to update, for example. This should let hibernate automatically create (and update) the tables in needs.
<property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="update" />
Actually, I do not want to create the entry using my own BO. Any better way to make Spring Security or Hibernate create all required tables during test run?
If you don't plan to use Hibernate to interact with these tables, it makes indeed little sense to have Entities for them.
My suggestion would thus be to place the Spring Security tables creation script in an import.sql file and to put this file on the root of the class path and Hibernate will automatically execute it after schema export. See Spring/Hibernate testing: Inserting test data after DDL creation for details (just put your DDL statements on a single line).
Thanks, Pascal, this is just what I have been looking for, however, it does not work. I use maven and put import.sql into the resources dir root (content: CREATE TABLE justatest (aaa character varying(50) NOT NULL );). I also set . Running mvn test copies import.sql to target dir... but nothing happens. logback[debug] does not mention import.sql at all. Any idea where I am going wrong? (Hibernate V 3.5.1-Final)
I'm using this feature with Maven and I cannot reproduce your problem. I have hbm2ddl.auto set to create, my import.sql file is in src/test/resources and it gets executed as expected at the end of the schema export when running tests. Here is the log entry I get (using logback):
20:44:37.949 [main] INFO o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport - Executing import script: /import.sql