How to sort sequential decimal values in java - java

Basically, I have a set of BigDecimal values for example
I want to sort them based on the values after the dot using java.
The expected output should be like [3.2,3.9,3.10,3.12,3.17].
how do I write a code for this can you please help?

It seems you actually want to process version numbers, so I strongly discourage from abusing BigDecimal for that purpose. It’s too easy to accidentally confuse your logic with BigDecimal’s original numeric semantics.
Create your own class reflecting the actual purpose, e.g.
public record Version(int major, int minor) implements Comparable<Version> {
public static Version parse(String s) {
int dot = s.indexOf('.');
return dot < 0? new Version(Integer.parseInt(s), 0):
new Version(Integer.parseInt(s, 0, dot, 10),
Integer.parseInt(s, dot + 1, s.length(), 10));
public int compareTo(Version v) {
return major != v.major?, v.major):, v.minor);
public String toString() {
return major + "." + minor;
With such a class, you’ll never run into the problem of contradicting semantics.
When you use it with ,e.g.
It will print

Create a method that returns the decimal part according to the scale of the given number
(e.g. calling it with 3.10 will return 10):
private static BigDecimal decimalPart(BigDecimal num) {
var dec = num.remainder(BigDecimal.ONE); // decimal part (e.g. 0.10)
var adj = dec.movePointRight(dec.scale());
return adj;
then use that to create a Comparator used for sorting:
var byDecimalPart = Comparator.comparing(SortedDecimal::decimalPart);
var sorted = input
.toList(); // or .collect(...) or .forEach(...)
probably not correct for negative numbers (missing specification)


For which double value is a comparison with itself the fastest?

Just to put my question in context: I have a class that sorts a list in its constructor, based on some calculated score per element. Now I want to extend my code to a version of the class that does not sort the list. The easiest (but obviously not clean, I'm fully aware, but time is pressing and I don't have time to refactor my code at the moment) solution would be to just use a score calculator that assigns the same score to every element.
Which double value should I pick? I was personally thinking +Infinity or -Infinity since I assume these have a special representation, meaning they can be compared fast. Is this a correct assumption? I do not know enough about the low level implementation of java to figure out if I am correct.
In general avoid 0.0, -0.0 and NaN. Any other number would be fine. You may look into implementation to see that they are handled specially:
if (d1 < d2)
return -1; // Neither val is NaN, thisVal is smaller
if (d1 > d2)
return 1; // Neither val is NaN, thisVal is larger
// Cannot use doubleToRawLongBits because of possibility of NaNs.
long thisBits = Double.doubleToLongBits(d1);
long anotherBits = Double.doubleToLongBits(d2);
return (thisBits == anotherBits ? 0 : // Values are equal
(thisBits < anotherBits ? -1 : // (-0.0, 0.0) or (!NaN, NaN)
1)); // (0.0, -0.0) or (NaN, !NaN)
However that depends on how your sorting comparator is implemented. If you don't use, then probably it doesn't matter.
Note that except these special cases with 0.0/-0.0/NaN double numbers comparison is wired inside the CPU and really fast, thus you are unlikely to get any significant comparison overhead compared to the other code you already have.
No sure how this would fit in but have you considered writing your own?
It just seems a little concerning that you are looking for an object with specific performance characteristics that are unlikely to consistently appear in a general implementation. Even if you find a perfect candidate by experiment or even from source code you could not guarantee the contract.
static class ConstDouble extends Number implements Comparable<Number> {
private final Double d;
private final int intValue;
private final long longValue;
private final float floatValue;
public ConstDouble(Double d) {
this.d = d;
this.intValue = d.intValue();
this.longValue = d.longValue();
this.floatValue = d.floatValue();
public ConstDouble(long i) {
this((double) i);
// Implement Number
public int intValue() {
return intValue;
public long longValue() {
return longValue;
public float floatValue() {
return floatValue;
public double doubleValue() {
return d;
// Implement Comparable<Number> fast.
public int compareTo(Number o) {
// Core requirement - comparing with myself will always be fastest.
if (o == this) {
return 0;
return, o.doubleValue());
// Special constant to use appropriately.
public static final ConstDouble ZERO = new ConstDouble(0);
public void test() {
// Will use ordinary compare.
int d1 = new ConstDouble(0).compareTo(new Double(0));
// Will use fast compare.
int d2 = ZERO.compareTo(new Double(0));
// Guaranteed to return 0 in the shortest time.
int d3 = ZERO.compareTo(ZERO);
Obviously you would need to use Comparable<Number> rather than Double in your collections but that may not be a bad thing. You could probably craft a mechanism to ensure that the fast-track compare is always used in preference (depends on your usage).

I am making a safe, compile-time String.format(...) equivalent. An issue still persist

Most people understand the innate benefits that enum brings into a program verses the use of int or String. See here and here if you don't know. Anyway, I came across a problem that I wanted to solve that kind of is on the same playing field as using int or String to represent a constant instead of using an enum. This deals specifically with String.format(...).
With String.format, there seems to be a large opening for programmatic error that isn't found at compile-time. This can make fixing errors more complex and / or take longer.
This was the issue for me that I set out to fix (or hack a solution). I came close, but I am not close enough. For this problem, this is more certainly over-engineered. I understand that, but I just want to find a good compile-time solution to this, that provides the least amount of boiler-plate code.
I was writing some non-production code just to write code with the following rules.
Abstraction was key.
Readability was very important
Yet the simplest way to the above was preferred.
I am running on...
Java 7 / JDK 1.7
Android Studio 0.8.2
These are unsatisfactory
Is there a typesafe alternative to String.format(...)
How to get string.format to complain at compile time
My Solution
My solution uses the same idea that enums do. You should use enum types any time you need to represent a fixed set of sets where you know all possible values at compile time( The first argument in String.format seems to fit that bill. You know the whole string beforehand, and you can split it up into several parts (or just one), so it can be represented as a fixed set of "constants".
By the way, my project is a simple calculator that you probably seen online already - 2 input numbers, 1 result, and 4 buttons (+, -, ×, and ÷). I also have a second duplicate calculator that has only 1 input number, but everything else is the same
Enum - &
public enum Expression implements IExpression {
Number1 ("%s"),
Operator (" %s "),
Number2 ("%s"),
Result (" = %s");
protected String defaultFormat;
protected String updatedString = "";
private Expression(String format) { this.defaultFormat = format; }
// I think implementing this in ever enum is a necessary evil. Could use a switch statement instead. But it would be nice to have a default update method that you could overload if needed. Just wish the variables could be hidden.
public <T> boolean update(T value) {
String replaceValue
= this.equals(Expression.Operator)
? value.toString()
: Number.parse(value.toString()).toString();
this.updatedString = this.defaultFormat.replace("%s", replaceValue);
return true;
public enum DogeExpression implements IExpression {
Total ("Wow. Such Calculation. %s");
// Same general code as public enum Expression
Current Issue - This is a HUGE issue. Without this fixed, my solution cannot work!!
public interface IExpression {
public <T> boolean update(T Value);
class Update { // I cannot have static methods in interfaces in Java 7. Workaround
public static String print() {
String replacedString = "";
// for (Expression expression : Expression.values()) { // ISSUE!! Switch to this for Expression
for (DogeExpression expression : DogeExpression.values()) {
replacedString += expression.updatedString;
return replacedString;
So Why Is This An Issues
With, this had to hacked to work with Java 7. I feel that Java 8 would have played a lot nicer with me. However, the issue I am having is paramount to getting my current implementation working The issue is that IExpression does not know which enum to iterate through. So I have to comment / uncomment code to get it to work now.
How can I fix the above issue??
How about something like this:
public enum Operator {
private final String expressed;
private Operator(String expressed) { this.expressed = expressed; }
public String expressedAs() { return this.expressed; }
public class ExpressionBuilder {
private Number n1;
private Number n2;
private Operator o1;
private Number r;
public void setN1(Number n1) { this.n1 = n1; }
public void setN2(Number n2) { this.n2 = n2; }
public void setO1(Operator o1) { this.o1 = o1; }
public void setR(Number r) { this.r = r; }
public String build() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" = ");
return sb.toString();
private String format(Number n) {
return n.toString(); // Could use java.text.NumberFormat

Java math DescriptiveStatistics remove value

I am new to Java and have been using it with Esper CEP engine. This question is however unrelated to Esper, its more of a Java question.
First, my class :-
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.agg.AggregationSupport;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.agg.AggregationValidationContext;
public class CustomPercentiles extends AggregationSupport {
private List<Double> numbers = new ArrayList<Double>();
public CustomPercentiles(){
public void clear() {
public void enter(Object arg0) {
Double value = (Double) (double) (Integer) arg0;
if (value > 0){
//Not interested in < 1
public void leave(Object arg0) {
Double value = (Double) (double) (Integer) arg0;
if (value > 0){
//Not interested in < 1
public Object getValue() {
DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics();
Map<String, Integer> result = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
for (Double number:numbers.subList(0, numbers.size())){
result.put("median", (int) stats.getPercentile(50));
result.put("pct90", (int) stats.getPercentile(90));
result.put("pct10", (int) stats.getPercentile(10));
result.put("mean", (int) stats.getMean());
result.put("std", (int) stats.getStandardDeviation());
return result ;
public Class getValueType() {
return Object.class;
public void validate(AggregationValidationContext arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Basically, Esper will call enter(value) and leave(value) whenever it wants based on logic irrelevant here. And it calls getValue() to get the results computed.
Since I want to calculate percentiles, I need all the numbers available to process this. To do this, I store it in a global list called numbers, and in getValue() I put all the numbers into a DescriptiveStatistics instance and then process the stats I need.
My presumption is that each time i put the list as a new DescriptiveStatistics object, it needs to do sorting. Is there some way i can maintain a DescriptiveStatistics-like object as my global object?
The only reason i use ArrayList vs DescriptiveStatistics as my global object is that DescriptiveStatistics does not have a remove method. I.e. i cannot remove an object by value.
In practice, there are hundreds of instances of this class running at any given time, and getValue() for each of them is called every 1 to 10 second. I don't have any performance issues at the moment, but am looking for some optimization help to avoid future problems.
Alternate explanation :-
What i am doing here is mantaining a list of numbers. Esper will call the enter() and leave() methods many times to tell me what numbers should remain in the list. This in my case is a time based aggregation. Ive told esper that I want to compute based on numbers from last 1 minute.
So on 00:00:00 esper calls enter(10)
my numbers becomes [10]
So on 00:00:05 esper calls enter(15)
my numbers becomes [10, 15]
So on 00:00:55 esper calls enter(10)
my numbers becomes [10, 15, 10]
So on 00:01:00 esper calls leave(10)
my numbers becomes [15, 10]
So on 00:01:05 esper calls leave(15)
my numbers becomes [15]
Now in this duration getValue() may have been called numerous times. Each time it is called, it is expected to return calculations based off the current contents of numbers.
getValue() calculates the 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles. In order to calculate percentiles, DescriptiveStatistics needs to sort the numbers. (10th percentile of 100 numbers would be the 10th number of the list after sorting it.).
So im looking for a way to be able to take out any arbitary number from DescriptiveStatistics instance. Or asking for recommendation for some other library that can give me medians and percentiles while having the ability to take out a number from the list while knowing the value.
DescriptiveStatistics has a removeMostRecentValue(), but thats not what I want to do.
To my understanding, you're asking for a way to use the DescriptiveStatistics-class as the list, instead of "numbers". Meaning, you want to dynamically add and remove numbers from the DescriptiveStatistics-variable.
As far as I can see, there's no better way to do this than what you're doing now.
Are you sure that you need the feature to remove a specific number from the list, before calculating the percentile again? Wouldn't it always be new numbers?
It sounds a bit like you would want to learn some more basics of Java.
Anyway, since I can't really give you a qualified answer to your question, I figured I would at least help you with correcting some of your code, to follow better practices:
public class CustomPercentiles extends AggregationSupport {
private List<Double> numbers = new ArrayList<Double>();
//Methods that are inherited from super-classes and interfaces
//should have the "#Override" annotation,
//both for the compiler to check if it really is inherited,
//but also to make it more clear which methods are new in this class.
public void clear() {
public void enter(Object value) {
double v = (double) value;
if (v > 0){
public void leave(Object value) {
double v = (double) value;
if (v > 0){
public Object getValues() {
DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics();
Map<String, Integer> result = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
//It is unnecessary to call number.subList(0, numbers.size())
//since it will just return the entire list.
for (Double number : numbers){
result.put("median", (int) stats.getPercentile(50));
result.put("pct90", (int) stats.getPercentile(90));
result.put("pct10", (int) stats.getPercentile(10));
result.put("mean", (int) stats.getMean());
result.put("std", (int) stats.getStandardDeviation());
return result ;
//Judgning from the API of AggregationSupport,
//I would say this method should return Double.class
//(it basically seems like a bad way of implementing generics).
//Are you sure it should return Object.class?
public Class getValueType() {
return Object.class;
public void validate(AggregationValidationContext arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

How to sort a String collection that contains numbers?

I have a String Vector that contains data like this :
5:34, 5:38, 17:21, 22:11, ...
If i try to merge this using Collections.sort( ... ); it will appear like this :
17:21, 22:11, 5:34, 5:38
Actually i want it to appear like this :
5:34, 5:38, 17:21, 22:11
So i want to sort the elements according to the number before the colon ":" then if some elements have the same number before ":" then sort them according to the number after the ":".
What is the simplest way to do this ?
The correct way to do this is to not store non-string values as strings.
The data in your collection has some structure and rules and can't be any arbitrary string. Therefore you should not use the String data type.
Let's define a type called TwoNumbers (because I don't know what the type should represent, even if I could guess):
class TwoNumbers implements Comparable<TwoNumbers> {
private final int num1;
private final int num2;
public TwoNumbers(int num1, int num2) {
if (num1 <= 0 || num2 <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Numbers must be positive!");
this.num1 = num1;
this.num2 = num2;
public static TwoNumbers parse(String s) {
String[] parts = s.split(":");
if (parts.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("String format must be '<num>:<num>'");
try {
return new TwoNumbers(Integer.parseInt(parts[0]), Integer.parseInt(parts[0]));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("parts must be numeric!", e);
public int getNum1() {
return num1;
public int getNum2() {
return num2;
public int compareTo(TwoNumbers o) {
if (o == null) {
return 1;
int diff =, this.num1);
if (diff == 0) {
diff =, this.num2);
return diff;
The compareTo method exists as the implementation of the Comparable interface: it defines how objects of this type are ordered.
I've used the final fields (and don't provide setters), because the class implements immutable objects.
This way you can directly sort your data without an additional Comparator and don't need to distribute all that "split and parse" code all over your program. Instead you have a single class that's responsible for handling that specific format and all the other pieces of code can just use that.
This is horribly inefficient, but it should do the job.
Collections.sort(data, new Comparator<String>(){
public int compare(String a, String b){
String[] as = a.split(":");
String[] bs = b.split(":");
int result = Integer.valueOf(as[0]).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(bs[0]));
result = Integer.valueOf(as[1]).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(bs[1]));
return result;
(Hint: if it were my code, I'd optimize it to use substrings instead of String.split(), but I'm too lazy)
You could either create a custom Comparator to split the String and parse it into two ints, or create a bespoke class to represent each String and store that in the Collection instead. I favour the latter approach as you only incur the overhead of splitting / parsing the String once; e.g.
public class Data implements Comparable<Data> {
private final int prefix;
private final int suffix;
public Data(String str) {
String[] arr = str.split(":");
if (arr.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.prefix = Integer.parseInt(arr[0]);
this.suffix = Integer.parseInt(arr[1]);
public int compareTo(Data data) {
// Should really avoid subtraction in case of overflow but done to keep code brief.
int ret = this.prefix - data.prefix;
if (ret == 0) {
ret = this.suffix - data.suffix;
return ret;
// TODO: Implement equals and hashCode (equals to be consistent with compareTo).
public String toString() { return String.format("%d:%d", prefix, suffix); }
Then it's simply a case of storing some Data objects in your Collection; e.g.
List<Data> l = new ArrayList<Data>();
l.add(new Data("13:56"));
l.add(new Data("100:16"));
l.add(new Data("9:1"));
One more thing - You mention you're using a Vector. You should try to avoid using Vector / Hashtable as these have been superseded by List / Map, which were introduced as part of the Collections Framework in JDK 1.2.
Create a java.util.Comparator and provide it to the sort method.
Implement your own Comparator class that compares two values and call Collections.sort(List list, Comparator c).
Implement your own Comparator and give it as second argument to the Colelctions.sort method.
Generally, objects in Java (including Collections) are compared with their default hashCode() and equals() method. For the built in objects and data types (like String, Integet etc.,) the hashCode() is computed internally and hence they are used as guaranteed by the JLS (Java Language Specification).
As we can't always be dependent upon the default/built in objects and we need to deal with our own custom objects (like Employee, Customer etc.,), we should have to override hashCode() and equals() method, so that we can provide the true/false according to the "BEST" equality of the objects of our custom classes.
Similary, sort() involves a comparison act that indeed needs a Comparator (which is a class implementing the Comparator interface with an overridden method of compare method). You should also override the compare method that takes two Objects to be compared and returns a result (0 for equal, 1 for the 1st object being greater than the second, 2 for the reverse of case 1).
Now, you data should be dealt in a different way which is quite away from the normal comparsion. You need to split the data into two parts (using a split method you can do) and then you can do the individual comparison on the two parats (first part before the colon, second part after the colon).
Finally, you should provide an instance of this custom comparator to the sort method, that will eventually do the custom sorting for your custom data :)
I think this is pretty simple:
public class NumericalStringSort {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> input = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"17:21", "22:11", "5:34", "5:38"});
Collections.sort(input, new NumericalStringComparator());
public static class NumericalStringComparator implements Comparator<String> {
public int compare(String object1, String object2) {
return pad(object1).compareTo(pad(object2));
private String pad(String input) {
return input.indexOf(":") == 1 ? "0" + input : input;
Just found this (quite old) post and the answers didn't quite solve the problem I have. I needed a more generic solution, as the values were user inputs and something like "abc 1 a 12" and "abc 1 a 1" should be sorted in order of the contained number(s). So I wrote the following Comparator:
new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
String[] s1=splitNumeric(o1);
String[] s2=splitNumeric(o2);
for (int x=0;x<s1.length&&x<s2.length;x++){
if (!s1[x].equals(s2[x])){
if (s1[x].charAt(0)=='N' && s2[x].charAt(0)=='N'){
long l1=Long.parseLong(s1[x].substring(1));
long l2=Long.parseLong(s2[x].substring(1));
return (int)Math.signum(l1-l2);
return o1.compareTo(o2);
While the function splitNumeric is defined as follows:
private String[] splitNumeric(String s){
final String numbers="0123456789";
LinkedList<String> out=new LinkedList<String>();
int state=-1;
for (int x=0;x<s.length();x++){
if (numbers.contains(s.charAt(x)+"")){
if (state==1)
if (state==0)
return out.toArray(new String[0]);
The code will sort Strings
"X 124 B"
"X 1 Y"
"X 111 Z"
"X 12 Y"
as follows:
"X 1 Y"
"X 12 Y"
"X 111 Z"
"X 124 B"
Enjoy :)

Is there a Java data structure that is effectively an ArrayList with double indicies and built-in interpolation?

I am looking for a pre-built Java data structure with the following characteristics:
It should look something like an ArrayList but should allow indexing via double-precision rather than integers. Note that this means that it's likely that you'll see indicies that don't line up with the original data points (i.e., asking for the value that corresponds to key "1.5"). EDIT: For clarity, based on the comments, I'm not looking to change the ArrayList implementation. I'm looking for a similar interface and developer experience.
As a consequence, the value returned will likely be interpolated. For example, if the key is 1.5, the value returned could be the average of the value at key 1.0 and the value at key 2.0.
The keys will be sorted but the values are not ensured to be monotonically increasing. In fact, there's no assurance that the first derivative of the values will be continuous (making it a poor fit for certain types of splines).
Freely available code only, please.
For clarity, I know how to write such a thing. In fact, we already have an implementation of this and some related data structures in legacy code that I want to replace due to some performance and coding issues.
What I'm trying to avoid is spending a lot of time rolling my own solution when there might already be such a thing in the JDK, Apache Commons or another standard library. Frankly, that's exactly the approach that got this legacy code into the situation that it's in right now....
Is there such a thing out there in a freely available library?
Allowing double values as indices is a pretty large change from what ArrayList does.
The reason for this is that an array or list with double as indices would almost by definition be a sparse array, which means it has no value (or depending on your definition: a fixed, known value) for almost all possible indices and only a finite number of indices have an explicit value set.
There is no prebuilt class in Java SE that supports all that.
Personally I'd implement such a data structure as a skip-list (or similar fast-searching data structure) of (index, value) tuples with appropriate interpolation.
Edit: Actually there's a pretty good match for the back-end storage (i.e. everything except for the interpolation): Simply use a NavigableMap such as a TreeMap to store the mapping from index to value.
With that you can easily use ceilingEntry() and (if necessary) higherEntry() to get the closest value(s) to the index you need and then interpolate from those.
If your current implementation has complexity O(log N) for interpolating a value, the implementation I just made up may be for you:
package so2675929;
import java.util.Arrays;
public abstract class AbstractInterpolator {
private double[] keys;
private double[] values;
private int size;
public AbstractInterpolator(int initialCapacity) {
keys = new double[initialCapacity];
values = new double[initialCapacity];
public final void put(double key, double value) {
int index = indexOf(key);
if (index >= 0) {
values[index] = value;
} else {
if (size == keys.length) {
keys = Arrays.copyOf(keys, size + 32);
values = Arrays.copyOf(values, size + 32);
int insertionPoint = insertionPointFromIndex(index);
System.arraycopy(keys, insertionPoint, keys, insertionPoint + 1, size - insertionPoint);
System.arraycopy(values, insertionPoint, values, insertionPoint + 1, size - insertionPoint);
keys[insertionPoint] = key;
values[insertionPoint] = value;
public final boolean containsKey(double key) {
int index = indexOf(key);
return index >= 0;
protected final int indexOf(double key) {
return Arrays.binarySearch(keys, 0, size, key);
public final int size() {
return size;
protected void ensureValidIndex(int index) {
if (!(0 <= index && index < size))
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index=" + index + ", size=" + size);
protected final double getKeyAt(int index) {
return keys[index];
protected final double getValueAt(int index) {
return values[index];
public abstract double get(double key);
protected static int insertionPointFromIndex(int index) {
return -(1 + index);
The concrete interpolators will only have to implement the get(double) function.
For example:
package so2675929;
public class LinearInterpolator extends AbstractInterpolator {
public LinearInterpolator(int initialCapacity) {
public double get(double key) {
final double minKey = getKeyAt(0);
final double maxKey = getKeyAt(size() - 1);
if (!(minKey <= key && key <= maxKey))
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("key=" + key + ", min=" + minKey + ", max=" + maxKey);
int index = indexOf(key);
if (index >= 0)
return getValueAt(index);
index = insertionPointFromIndex(index);
double lowerKey = getKeyAt(index - 1);
double lowerValue = getValueAt(index - 1);
double higherKey = getKeyAt(index);
double higherValue = getValueAt(index);
double rate = (higherValue - lowerValue) / (higherKey - lowerKey);
return lowerValue + (key - lowerKey) * rate;
And, finally, a unit test:
package so2675929;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Test;
public class LinearInterpolatorTest {
public void simple() {
LinearInterpolator interp = new LinearInterpolator(2);
interp.put(0.0, 0.0);
interp.put(1.0, 1.0);
assertEquals(0.0, interp.getValueAt(0), 0.0);
assertEquals(1.0, interp.getValueAt(1), 0.0);
assertEquals(0.0, interp.get(0.0), 0.0);
assertEquals(0.1, interp.get(0.1), 0.0);
assertEquals(0.5, interp.get(0.5), 0.0);
assertEquals(0.9, interp.get(0.9), 0.0);
assertEquals(1.0, interp.get(1.0), 0.0);
interp.put(0.5, 0.0);
assertEquals(0.0, interp.getValueAt(0), 0.0);
assertEquals(0.0, interp.getValueAt(1), 0.0);
assertEquals(1.0, interp.getValueAt(2), 0.0);
assertEquals(0.0, interp.get(0.0), 0.0);
assertEquals(0.0, interp.get(0.1), 0.0);
assertEquals(0.0, interp.get(0.5), 0.0);
assertEquals(0.75, interp.get(0.875), 0.0);
assertEquals(1.0, interp.get(1.0), 0.0);
public void largeKeys() {
LinearInterpolator interp = new LinearInterpolator(10);
interp.put(100.0, 30.0);
interp.put(200.0, 40.0);
assertEquals(30.0, interp.get(100.0), 0.0);
assertEquals(35.0, interp.get(150.0), 0.0);
assertEquals(40.0, interp.get(200.0), 0.0);
try {
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
assertEquals("key=99.0, min=100.0, max=200.0", e.getMessage());
try {
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
assertEquals("key=201.0, min=100.0, max=200.0", e.getMessage());
private static final int N = 10 * 1000 * 1000;
private double measure(int size) {
LinearInterpolator interp = new LinearInterpolator(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
interp.put(i, i);
double max = interp.size() - 1;
double sum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
sum += interp.get(max * i / N);
return sum;
public void speed10() {
assertTrue(measure(10) > 0.0);
public void speed10000() {
assertTrue(measure(10000) > 0.0);
public void speed1000000() {
assertTrue(measure(1000000) > 0.0);
So the functionality seems to work. I only measured speed in some simple cases, and these suggest that scaling will be better than linear.
Update (2010-10-17T23:45+0200): I made some stupid mistakes in checking the key argument in the LinearInterpolator, and my unit tests didn't catch them. Now I extended the tests and fixed the code accordingly.
In the Apache commons-math library, if you implement the UnivariateRealInterpolator and the return value of its interpolate method which is typed UnivariateRealFunction you'll be most of the way there.
The interpolator interface takes two arrays, x[] and y[]. The returned function has a method, value() that takes an x' and returns the interpolated y'.
Where it fails to provide an ArrayList-like experience is in the ability to add more values to the range and domain as if the List is growing.
Additionally, they look to be in need of some additional interpolation functions. There are only 4 implementations in the library for the stable release. As a commenter pointed out, it seems to be missing 'linear' or something even simpler like nearest neighbor. Maybe that's not really interpolation...
That's a huge change from ArrayList.
Same as Joachim's response above, but I'd probably implement this as a binary tree, and when I didn't find something I was looking for, average the value of the next smallest and largest values, which should be quick to traverse to.
Your description that it should be "like an ArrayList" is misleading, since what you've described is a one dimensional interpolator and has essentially nothing in common with an ArrayList. This is why you're getting suggestions for other data structures which IMO are sending you down the wrong path.
I don't know of any available in Java (and couldn't easily find one one google), but I think you should have a look at GSL - GNU Scientific Library which includes a spline interpolator. It may be a bit heavy for what you're looking for since it's a two dimensional interpolator, but it seems like you should be looking for something like this rather than something like an ArrayList.
If you'd like it to "look like an ArrayList" you can always wrap it in a Java class which has access methods similar to the List interface. You won't be able to actually implement the interface though, since the methods are declared to take integer indices.
