trouble deploying to GCP Functions -GcfJarLauncher class not found - java

I am trying to deploy a simple Rest API to Google Cloud Functions. Per this documentation, I need the target to always be
However when I deploy it using the provided code, I get:
ERROR: (gcloud.alpha.functions.deploy) OperationError: code=3, message=Build failed:
build succeeded but did not produce the class ""
specified as the function target: Error: class not found:;
Error ID: d818fd83
Here is the code I am running in the Cloud CLI:
gcloud alpha functions deploy function-sample-gcp-http --entry-point --runtime java11 --trigger-http --source target/deploy --memory 512MB
Here my code repo but I will include some relevant bits below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Function testing for DIVR</description>
<!-- Build an executable JAR -->
package com.fkgcp;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
public class DivrFunctionApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
// this part I don't actually want to use, but it is present
// in every tutorial, so I included it to see if it would be
// triggered instead of my REST functions
public Function<String, String> uppercase() {
return value -> value.toUpperCase();
Also, I added a MANIFEST.MF, is it in the right location?
Main-Class: com.fkgcp.DivrFunctionApplication
What am I missing?

Reviewing your source code repository, I think the issue can be caused because you need to reference the spring-cloud-function-adapter-gcp library as a dependency of the spring-boot-maven-plugin in addition to include it as a dependency in your pom.xml file:
According to the Spring Cloud documentation:
Notice that we also reference spring-cloud-function-adapter-gcp as a
dependency of the spring-boot-maven-plugin. This is necessary because it
modifies the plugin to package your function in the correct JAR format for
deployment on Google Cloud Functions.
In addition, and although probably unrelated, consider remove your maven-jar-plugin configuration from your pom.xml: the spring-boot-maven-plugin already provides all the necessary functionality to generate the jar you need to deploy and the configuration provided by the maven-jar-plugin may be a cause of errors.
On the other hand, your MANIFEST.MF file looks fine to me and it is placed in the right location.


Vaadin 14 training "RouterAPI" is probably outdatedt, so mvn jetty:run raises an error. How do I need to change the POM file?

as stated I have trouble running mvn jetty:run with the existing vaadin exercise for routing in vs code. As the tutorial was already created under vaadin 10 the pom file is probably outdated, as the other trainigs worked perfectly fine with the mvn jetty:run command.
The exact error is:
No plugin found for prefix 'jetty' in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo] available from the repositories [local (C:\Users\Dukatz\.m2\repository), central (]
Sadly I'm pretty new do web application development, so I don't have the slightest idea, how to make it work. Hopefully you can help me.
The Tutorial: Vaadin Router Api Tutorial
the POM file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<name>Routing Exercises</name>
<!-- Dependencies -->
<!-- Plugins -->
<name>Vaadin Pre-releases</name>
<!-- Added to provide logging output as Flow uses -->
<!-- the unbound SLF4J no-operation (NOP) logger implementation -->
There is no Problem with the pom file. Because it's an older lesson, there was no pom file created for the whole project, but only in the specific paths (like \exercises or \solutions). So running mvn jetty:run couldn't work. There was no pom in the directory. I started it in VS-Code with the Maven-Explorer jetty plugin but
mvn jetty:run -f "c:\Users\Dukatz\Desktop\VadinTutorials\Vaadin14-RouterAPI\Exercises\pom.xml"
would do the job from the command line.
Thanks me! I won't delete the question because, one day there's maybe someone as dumb as me.

Spring boot maven build not including artifact version in final jar

On building my spring boot app using mvn clean package, the final artifact that is getting built, myapp.jar, is not having the version number included in the jar name.
What change should i do to get the artifact verion number to be part of jar.
The relevant part of pom.xml is as below -
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Spring boot -->
Note: I created a new spring boot project using spring starter (through sts), and for this new project the jar has artifact version included in the jar name by default. So wondering if this a default feature why is this not the case for my project (by the way, i am maintainer of this project not the creator but i have to add this feature of including version number to jar name.)
You are overwriting the default behaviour of generating project names. This is because you define the finalName tag.
From the docs:
finalName: This is the name of the bundled project when it is finally built (sans the file extension, for example: my-project-1.0.jar). It defaults to ${artifactId}-${version}.
In your case it is defined as <finalName>gitlab-finder</finalName> which does not contain the version of the project. You either add ${version} to it <finalName>gitlab-finder-${version}</finalName> or remove the finalName tag.

TeaVM and WebAssembly - build errors

I want to use Java code in the web. For this I want to convert Java to WASM and use this wasm-file in JavaScript. For converting Java to WebAssembly, I am using TeaVM.
First, I created an archetype with this command: mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.teavm.flavour -DarchetypeArtifactId=teavm-flavour-application -DarchetypeVersion=0.2.0
In addition, I added these two dependencies (according to
and added the following in the plugin section:
My Java file:
public class Client extends ApplicationTemplate {
private String userName = "ABC";
public static void main(String[] args) {
Client client = new Client();
#Export(name = "getUserName")
public String getUserName() {
return userName;
But when I am doing mvn clean package, I am getting to following error (but a wasm file is created):
my complete pom:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
How can I create a complete WASM without errors? Thank you in advance!
Wasm backend of TeaVM does not support JSO interop layer. It also supports subset of features available in JavaScript backend. So there's no way to make TeaVM Flavour work in Wasm, instead your should prefer JavaScript target. If you want to learn how to deal with Wasm BE, you can take a look at example.
Wasm has proven to be extremely inappropriate to run Java, so I recommend to use JavaScript BE of TeaVM. Also, please note that official site (htts:// lists links where you can get help (google groups, gitter, direct email). I don't follow StackOverflow questions about TeaVM and don't receive notifications from SO.

Replace the Method waitForCompltetion() in Job Class by another Method

I am currently using hadoop 2.7.2
I was wondering if there is another method from the class Job in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.job that can replace the method waitForCompletion(), because in my project, waitForCompletion() calls for another method called getProxy() that should be in the RPC class in the package org.apache.hadoop.ipc in hadoop-common-2.7.2, but it doesn't exist.
However there is a link that proves the existence of the getProxy() method in RPC:
If you want to have a detailed description of the source problem here is the link:
hadoop mapreduce java program exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you
Can you try adding the below dependency and run once.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>The Cascade SVM approach, implemented with MapReduce</description>
<!-- BIG DATA -->

limit jetty scanning in maven plugin

I'm having problems getting a webapp to start quickly in using the maven jetty plugin in eclipse. I'm using the jetty:run goal.
After turning on the logging the problem seems to be that jetty scans all the jars in my webapp for web app configuration. Just including a dependency to jersey-media-moxy causes jetty to add 48 seconds to its start up time.
How do I limit this scanning in the jetty-maven-plugin? I've found Jetty startup delay due to scanning but before I make some external jetty configuration and include this is the maven configuration, I want to make sure that there isn't a more straightforward option. looks promising, but I'm unsure how to proceed (as this doesn't mention the maven plugin either).
my pom.xml file is included below:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- artifactId>jersey-container-servlet-core</artifactId -->
<!-- use the following artifactId if you don't need servlet 2.x compatibility -->
<!-- uncomment this to get JSON support -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
This is what I use for my projects to speed up Jetty startup just from the maven pom.xml file (no external configuration is required):
<!-- no need to scan anything as we're using servlet 2.5 and moreover, we're not using ServletContainerInitializer(s) -->
<!-- for more relevant information regarding scanning of classes refer to -->
Use any regex of your choice (if you're using servlet initializers). Note that ^$ excludes everything.
