Talend : SOAP fault error while calling a secure webservice in Talend - java

We are using Talend (Data Integration Platform)in our project.
We are facing an issue calling a secured SOAP webservice through a code routine in Talend.
Here is the error :
Client received SOAP Fault from server: The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error
We tried 2 approaches
Writing the SOAP web service client code directly in the code routine of Talend
Bundle the SOAP client code as an external jar in Talend
Both approaches are failing with above SOAP Fault error.
We have set up KeyStore and TrustStore(JKS) for authentication.
If we run the bundled jar standalone on the Linux machine that hosts Talend, it works fine.
But same jar when packaged inside Talend does not work
If you have any suggestions, Please let us know.


SSL exception when calling web service from server

I'm consuming a web service in a java class standalone and it works fine.
I deployed that class as a part of a web-app in tomcat apache and it works fine.
Then, I deployed it in a glassfish server and I get this error:
WSS1601: Transport binding configured in policy but incoming message was not SSL enabled
I have several weeks stuck here. Seems like some glassfish setting doesn't accepts that my web-app uses a web service that works through HTTP (this is, and has to be the case).
The webservice client was made with the web service client wizard tool of netbeans (it uses wsimport-JAX-WS). More details on the error trace from the server:
com.sun.xml.wss.impl.XWSSecurityRuntimeException: WSS1601: Transport binding configured in policy but incoming message was not SSL enabled
at com.sun.xml.wss.impl.policy.verifier.MessagePolicyVerifier.verifyPolicy(MessagePolicyVerifier.java:125)
Has anybody else faced this issue?
Any help or ideas appreciated.
EDIT: I tried generating the stubs using the axis2 tool and it works great, so i'm sensing some kind of error in jax-ws when used in glassfish.
I guess you are trying to access the service enables with SSL. Try invoking the service with https also you have to install the valid SSL certificate in the client JDK.
The following link explain how to obtain and install a signed certificate :
Good luck :)

WstxEOFException: Unexpected EOF in Prolog on JBoss only

The error I am getting are in a few forum posts, but all the scenarios seem slightly different than mine.
I am writing a JAX-WS web service client to communicate to a soap-based web service that uses basic authentication (http level only). I generated the client using wsimport on the wsdl.
There are two versions of the web service available to me for testing:
Port 8080 - no authentication
Port 80 - requires basic http level authentication
What the web service does:
This is just a simple web service that lets me send an base64 encoded xml payload into it.
I verified the following:
I can correctly send both web services (80/8080) using SOAPUI from my localhost
I can correctly send both web services using a test JAVA application from my localhost
What fails:
As soon as I try to deploy my web service client as a .war on jboss5.1... only the port 8080 web service works. When I try the web service on port 80, I get this error.
10:36:51,467 ERROR [CommonClient] Exception caught while (preparing for) performing the invocation:
javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxEOFException: Unexpected EOF in prolog
at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,0]
at org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.SOAPFaultHelperJAXWS.getSOAPFaultException(SOAPFaultHelperJAXWS.java:84)
at org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.binding.SOAP11BindingJAXWS.throwFaultException(SOAP11BindingJAXWS.java:107)
The Core Code for my test client:
Service service = Service.create(url, qname);
ImportLoan port = service.getPort(ImportLoan.class);
BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) port;
bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, properties.getProperty("username"));
bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, properties.getProperty("password"));
ImportLoanRequestType requestType = new ImportLoanRequestType();
ImportLoanResponseType responseType = port.importLoanApp(requestType);
What I'm Hoping For
I just need some ideas to triage here. I assume I am getting some invalid SOAP response back that cannot be parsed correctly. I just find it odd that it only happens when sending the service from JBoss (my app server), so it must be something on my end. SOAPUI works fine. The exact same code written in a standalone test.java file works fine as well.
Update... later in the evening
Of course I would find the answer the same day I ended up posting the question. I watched the http traffic and realized the HTTP500 error response (with the soap eof prolog error) came back after half the data was sent. Apparently JBoss chunks the data. That worked fine against the 8080 service, but the port 80 service didn't support chunking for some reason. I assumed it was an authentication error, but appears to be that the web service doesn't support chunking. I modified the standard-jaxws-client-config.xml (jbossws.deployer/META-INF folder) on my server. Set the chunksize from 2048 to 0, and voila... problem solved. Hope this helps somebody else out there someday.

WebService test from within Weblogic server (12c)

I have deployed a sample webservice application to remote weblogic server (12C) which has a datasource that accesses a remote database server.
The deployment was successful.
The data source was tested OK from within the Weblogic Server.
But when I am trying to test the webservice (which uses this datasource) I am getting the following error
inside weblogic
When I am testing the same webservice from standalone url (webservice test client - see image) I am getting the following error for the same method. The User name and passowrd for base authentication is correct. Though I am not very sure what/why the base authentication is required, since the data-source has it all. Please advise how to test a webservice that is acessing a remote database through a data source. Link to an example using remote weblogic server and remote database server will also be a great help.
! [In webservice test client]

Oracle WebLogic Server JAX-WS Error Codes

We are trying to consume a Java Web Service hosted on Oracle WebLogic Server (implemented following JAX-WS specifications) from a C# WCF 4.0 Client.
The error codes thrown on Server Side Trace is
Error codes: 3001 3201 4008 4208 6408 Error code:3001
We are unable to figure out what these means ? It seems these are not documented. (We might be wrong or looking at a wrong place).

Issue with Connecting to WCF Service using Metro - HTTP Works, HTTPS does not

I am connecting to a WCF web service with a Java client I am constructing. Someone else has already successfully built WCF clients to connect to this service. The WSDL available via HTTP provides Message Level Security. The WSDL available via HTTPS uses both TLS and Message Level Security. I understand that using TLS on top of Message Level Security is basically dual-encrypting, but that is a key requirement.
Since I can connect to the HTTP service correctly, I believe I have all the trust store and key store issues resolved.
I am connecting to the service using Metro 2.1.1. I have built the client in both Eclipse and Netbeans. I fetch the WSDL from the HTTP site, and using wsimport (with the -extensions flag) I build and execute the clients successfully.
When I fetch the WSDL using the HTTPS site I can again build both clients successfully. But when I execute them - I get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: An error occurred when verifying security for the message.
at com.sun.xml.ws.fault.SOAP12Fault.getProtocolException(SOAP12Fault.java:225)
at com.sun.xml.ws.fault.SOAPFaultBuilder.createException(SOAPFaultBuilder.java:122)
at com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.SyncMethodHandler.invoke(SyncMethodHandler.java:119)
at com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.SyncMethodHandler.invoke(SyncMethodHandler.java:89)
at com.sun.xml.ws.client.sei.SEIStub.invoke(SEIStub.java:140)
at $Proxy43.request(Unknown Source)
The only difference between the two WSDLs (the one fetched via HTTP and the other via HTTPS) is the reference in the WSDL to HTTPS:// vs. HTTP://.
I do not have easy access to the WCF service logs - normally there is a 3-6 hour delay between when I request a set of logs and when I can view them.
My question is has anyone encountered a similar circumstance - and is there something I am blatantly missing here? Is there something in a NetMon or Wireshark trace I can look for to see that the issue is? I have been struggling with this for days - any help would be most appreciated.
If you have access to the service configuration try disabling security context on the endpoint you're using:
<message establishSecurityContext="False" clientCredentialType="UserName"/>
You can read more about security context token (SCT):
Security Context Token
Message security knobs
Java client for WCF service with wsHttpBinding over SSL
