Error when extending from abstract parent class - java

public Cat (String nm, int legs, String sd, String col)
For this constructor I got following compiler error:
constructor Animal in class Animal cannot be applied to given types;
required: String, int
found: no arguments
reason: actual and formal arguments lists differ in length
The parent class is right below the child class.
public class Cat extends Animal {
private String sound;
private String colour;
public Cat (String nm, int legs, String sd, String col) {
nm = super.getName();
legs = super.getNumOfLegs();
sound = sd;
colour = col;
public abstract class Animal {
protected String name;
protected int numOfLegs;
public Animal() {
public Animal(String nm, int legs) {
name = nm;
numOfLegs = legs;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getNumOfLegs() {
return numOfLegs;
public abstract String display();
Should the parent abstract class be placed in a separate file instead?
I've tried that initially but it returned way more errors than it did now, especially from the abstract method display().
What is causing the error?

There are a couple of things you should change.
First of all, it is the best way to put the super class into a separate file. If you want to keep in one file you need drag it out of the Cat class and remove the scope (not public or private). But this is not a good coding style for a super class.
The next thing is, with the name/nm and legs/numOfLegs. Either you call the super constructor and provide the two variables (see my example) or you use name = nm; and numOfLegs = legs;
You should also reconsider if the name and numOfLegs varialbes need to be protected or if is fine to provide the access only through the getter.
If the number of legs, the name, sound and color will not change you could also make them immutable (with the key word final, e.g. private final String sound). If not you can make them accessible with a setter.
Finally you need to implement the abstract method in the Cat class...
public class Cat extends Animal {
private String sound;
private String colour;
public Cat(String nm, int legs, String sd, String col) {
super(nm, legs);
sound = sd;
colour = col;
public String display() {
return null;
abstract class Animal {
protected String name;
protected int numOfLegs;
public Animal(String nm, int legs) {
name = nm;
numOfLegs = legs;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getNumOfLegs() {
return numOfLegs;
public abstract String display();


java - sending variables through nested classes

I have a class that has a variable of type Name.
public class Holder {
private Name name;
private int snumber;
The Name class has two strings called first and last that are assigned values by setter methods. I would like to send over the strings from the Name class to name in the Holder class, but I'm having trouble doing so. I think I've taken a step in the right direction by doing this
public class Holder {
private Name name;
private int snumber;
public void setName(){
name = new Name();
but I can't say that I really know what the correct approach is. I also tried name.setFirst(getFirst) but that doesn't work. Any ideas would be appreciated.
The same way you would if the class wasn't nested.
Your setName() method should take a parameter (maybe 2, first and last) and then invoke the name.setFirstName(), name.setLastName() methods.
Right now, your setName() method isn't doing anything.
public class Holder
private Name name;
private int snumber;
public Holder()
{ = new Name();
public void setName(String firstName, String lastName)
Here is a good article explaining the relationship between Java inner and outer classes:
class Outer_Demo {
// private variable of the outer class
private int num = 175;
// inner class
public class Inner_Demo {
public int getNum() {
System.out.println("This is the getnum method of the inner class");
return num;
public class My_class2 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Instantiating the outer class
Outer_Demo outer = new Outer_Demo();
// Instantiating the inner class
Outer_Demo.Inner_Demo inner = Inner_Demo();
Note that the example creates instances of both "Outer_Demo" AND "Inner_Demo ( Inner_Demo();).
Ok, so I figured something out that works.
public class Holder {
private int snumber;
private Name name;
public void setName(Name n){
public Name getName(){
return name;

I need help creating constructors and returning boolean and strings

I need help fixing my code with the basic concepts listed above. To save from clutter, I took a screen shot of the directions here:
However, when I run my code it isn't working. I know there are a lot of errors but I'm having trouble fixing them even though I've spent the past few hours googling the correct way to do this.
When I create the first constructors I am not sure if I am assigning the name and legs correctly, I am having trouble returning "true", I get an error calling the parent class taking one argument, and I don't think I am overriding the abstract class correctly.
My code:
public class Animal1 {
private String animalName;
public int numberOfLegs;
public Animal1(String name){
name = animalName;
name = "John";
public Animal1(String name, int legs){
name = animalName;
legs = numberOfLegs;
name = "Jack";
legs = 4;
public String getName(){
return animalName;
public int getLegs(){
return numberOfLegs;
public void isAMammal(){
return true;
public void isCarnivorous(){
return true;
public abstract class getHello{
public class Cat1 extends Animal1{
public Cat1(String name){;
public abstract class getHello{
return "Meow";
public class Dog1 extends Animal1{
public Dog1(String name){;
public abstract class getHello{
return "Woof";
public abstract class Animal1 { // If you want to have an abstract method, declare the class as abstract
private final String animalName;
private final int numberOfLegs; // better of using private and make it final since it's not going to change.
public Animal1(final String name, final int legs){ //better making the input parameters final since they are not supposed to be changed
//name = animalName;
//legs = numberOfLegs;//it assigned the field to an input parameter. that will take no effect on the object created.
animalName = name;
numberOfLegs = legs;
public String getName(){
return animalName;
public int getLegs(){
return numberOfLegs;
public boolean isAnimal(){ //boolean function needs a return type too!!
return true;
public boolean isCarnivorous(){
return true;
public abstract String getHello(); // an abstract method has same requirement as a normal method besides the abstract modifier. it will need a return type. And it ends with a semicolon
public class Cat1 extends Animal1{
public Cat1(final String name){
super(name, 4); //use super to call parent constructor
public String getHello(){
return "Meow";
public class Dog1 extends Animal1{
public Dog1(final String name){
super(name, 4);
public String getHello(){
return "Woof";
First, it looks like a few of your methods are declared as classes. I assume you wanted to make them abstract methods. They need to be changed to:
public abstract String getHello();
Note that abstract methods can only be declared in an abstract class. So, you need to redefine Animal1 as abstract.
public abstract class Animal1
Next, when you implement the abstract method, you define it as
public String getHello()
If you are using an IDE like Eclipse it will automatically offer to generate this method.
Finally, when using your constructor in your child classes like Cat1, you are trying to set "name" as if it was a static variable and bypassing the constructor you already had set for Animal1. The best way to correct this is to change the constructor in Cat1 and Dog1 to call the super constructor.
public Cat1(String name){

Statically initialize variable from super class in each subclass

I'd like to create an abstract super class, called Unit and give it a number of protected static fields, such as name, health, attackPower etc.
public abstract class Unit {
protected static String name;
protected static int maxHealth;
protected static int atkPower;
public String getName() {
return name;
I'd then like to create several subclasses, such as Soldier, Wizard and Tank, and statically allocate the protected field in each of the classes, so that all Soldiers have the same field values, all Wizards have the same field values, and all Tanks have the same field values. I tried something like this:
public class Soldier extends Unit {
static {
name = "Soldier";
maxHealth = 80;
atkPower = 15;
public class Wizard extends Unit {
static {
name = "Wizard";
maxHealth = 60;
atkPower = 25;
If I create a Wizard object, wizard, and then call wizard.getName() I get "Wizard". However if I then create a Soldier object, soldier, calling wizard.getName() returns "Soldier" instead. The soldier object statically overwrote the values of the variables in the wizard and soldier classes.
Wizard wizard = new Wizard();
wizard.getName(); //Wizard
Soldier soldier = new Soldier();
wizard.getName(); //Soldier
Is there any way to do what I want to do, that is keep different static values for the same variable in each subclass?
The proper way is IMHO to make getName() (same for health etc) abstract:
public abstract class Unit {
public abstract String getName();
public class Wizard extends Unit {
private static final String NAME = "Wizard";
public String getName() {
return NAME;
Don't make the members static. Make abstract methods that subclasses have to override for each of these fields. This way you also restrict access to fields that shouldn't be set again, and are only accessed in a get context:
public abstract class Unit {
public void battleCry() {
System.out.println("RAWR! I am a " + name() +
"! Tremble at my " + atkPower() +
" attack points!");
public abstract String name();
public abstract int maxHealth();
public abstract int atkPower();
And then subclasses override these:
public class Wizard extends Unit {
protected final String name = "Wizard";
public String name() {
return name;
public int maxHealth() {
return 60;
public int atkPower() {
return 25;
This makes it easier for further subclasses to override these methods as well:
public class BossWizard extends Wizard {
public String name() {
return "Boss" +;
public int maxHealth() {
return super.maxHealth() * 2;
public int atkPower() {
return super.atkPower() * 2;
public void specialAtk() {
// Something special for the BossWizard
You can see now if you have an instance of Wizard and BossWizard respectively, the battlecry is different:
wizardInstance.battleCry(); // RAWR! I am a Wizard! Tremble at my 60 attack points!
bosswizardInstance.battleCry(); // RAWR! I am a BossWizard! Tremble at my 120 attack points!

How to convert an object from class to superclass

I have to model breakwater that controls permissions in certain coast. My solution implements a class "Ship" and classes "OilShip", "FishingShip" and "CarriageShip", I used inheritance and made
public class OilShip extends Ship{
public class FishingShip extends Ship{
public class CarriageShip extends Ship{
In another class I have Ship ship=new Ship(...); and I'd like to somehow make an Oilship into Ship, i.e.
public Class Abcd{
Ship ship;
public Abcd(OilShip oship){
ship=oship; //*************
There seems to be a problem with the code, please tell me.
Make sure you call the superclass' constructor inside your subclasses' constructors.
This solution works fine for me:
public class Ship {
private String name;
private int weight;
public Ship(String name, int weight) { = name;
this.weight = weight;
class OilShip extends Ship {
private int oilCapacity;
public OilShip(int oilCapacity, String name, int weight) {
super(name, weight);
this.oilCapacity = oilCapacity;
class FishingShip extends Ship {
private int fisherMen;
public FishingShip(int fisherMen, String name, int weight) {
super(name, weight);
this.fisherMen = fisherMen;
class CarriageShip extends Ship {
private int containers;
public CarriageShip(int containers, String name, int weight) {
super(name, weight);
this.containers = containers;
As mentioned before, Java-classes should always be given a name, where the first character is in UPPERCASE and the same with each new word --> CamelCase
You don't need different constructors. The awesome thing behind using inheritance here, is, that no matter what subclass from the superclass "Ship" you put into your constructor in "abcd", it will be accepted:
public class Abcd {
private Ship ship;
public Abcd(Ship ship){
this.ship = ship;

Passing object as parameter for constructor

I have 3 classes. These classes are Class1, Parent and Child. I'm having some trouble to figure out how to write a constructor I need for my Child class.
public Class1
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
public Class1()
public Class1(String firstName, String lastName)
//Methods and stuff
public Parent
private Class1 class1;
private double number;
public Parent();
class1=new Class1();
public Parent(Class1 c, double n)
//Methods and stuff
public Child extends Parent
private String string;
private Boolean boolean;
public Child(Class1 class1, double n, String s, Boolean b)
//Don't know how to get the Class1 part to work
//Don't know how to get the double to work
//Methods and stuff
I don't know how to write the code so that I can get my constructor to take the arguments like this:
new Child(new Class1("String", "String"), 10, "String", true);
I hope this helps clarify what my problem is.
Create Child constructor as
public Child(Class1 objClass1, double number, string str, boolean bool){
Create Parent constructor as
public Parent(Class1 objClass1, double number){
and you can called the child constructor as
Child objChild=new Child(new Class1(str1,str2),number,str,bool);
I'm not going to give you the code, because you've not given us enough information, but let's assume you've got a class structure like..
public class Parent
private String field;
public Parent(String field) {
this.field = field;
public class Child extends Parent {
private String field;
public Child(String field)
this.field = field;
What you can do is specify a constructor in your Child class that passes the variables up the inheritance chain, to your Parent class:
public Child(String field, String parentField)
super(parentField); // Calls the parent class.
So what you've done there, is passed the parentField up to the Parent class, and you've called your existing constructor that accepts a single String parameter.
Apply this principle to your code and you'll get it in minutes.
